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1、DAY 41一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.担子担子;负担负担 _2.锁锁 _3.孤独的孤独的;偏僻的偏僻的 _ 4.宽松的宽松的;不精确不精确 _5.很可能的很可能的;有希望的有希望的 _6.好运的好运的;侥幸的侥幸的 _7.当地的当地的;地方的地方的 _8.执照执照;许可证许可证 _loadlocklonelylooselikelyluckylocallicense9.(总称总称)行李行李 _10.遗矢;亏损遗矢;亏损(n.) _11.限制;减少限制;减少 _12.午饭午饭 _13.文学文学 _14.躺;位于躺;位于 _ 15.休息厅休息厅;休息室休

2、息室 _16.(乱扔的乱扔的)垃圾垃圾;乱丢乱丢(杂物杂物) _litterluggagelosslimitlunchliteraturelielounge二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)lively (b) lovely (c) litre/liter (d) lid (b)(e) lip (f) lightning (g) light (h) liquid (i)list (j) lung (k) link (l) lorry (ii)(m) literary (n) loaf (o) low (p) loud( )1.肺肺

3、 ( )2.液体液体(的的)( )3.运货汽车运货汽车 ( )4.条形面包条形面包( )5.文学的文学的 ( )6.列举列举;编编表表( )7.低调地低调地;低声地低声地 ( )8.连接连接; 联系联系( )9.引人注目的引人注目的 ( )10.盖子盖子 ( )11.可爱的可爱的 ( )12.活泼的活泼的( )13.嘴唇嘴唇 ( )14.闪电闪电( )15. 公升公升 ( )16.点点(火火);点燃点燃 jhlnmiokpdbaefcg三、填空三、填空1.The company is closing down two of its factories, leading to 430 job_

4、(lose).2.Whenever she told _ lie, she felt guilty afterwards.3.Lucy was only half listening _ their conversation.lossesato4.There were lots _ people at the office Christmas party.5.They have to live _ a Social Security check of $500 a month.6.I look _ him as a good friend.7.If youre looking _ a barg

5、ain, try the local market.ofononfor8.Our neighbours are looking _ our pet dog while we are away.9.He had worked hard and was looking forward _ his retirement.10.Mr Garcia looks down _ anyone who hasnt had a college education.on/uponaftertoDAY 42一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.重要的;主修重要的;主修 _2.主要的

6、主要的 _3.成熟的;理智的成熟的;理智的 _4.最大量;最大量; 最大值最大值 _5.有魔力的;绝妙的有魔力的;绝妙的 _6.管理;控制;应付管理;控制;应付 _7.材料;原料材料;原料 _ 8.数学数学 _mathematics/maths majormainmaturemaximummagicmanagematerial9.团;块;大量团;块;大量 _10.态度;风度;举止态度;风度;举止 _11.精通;掌握精通;掌握 _12.杂志杂志 _13.面罩面罩(具具) _14.痕迹;分数痕迹;分数 _15.男男(性性)的;雄的的;雄的 _16.婚礼;婚姻婚礼;婚姻 _massmannermas

7、termagazinemaskmarkmalemarriage二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)machine (b) marble (c) maid (b)(d) madam (e) majority (f) match (c)(g) matter (h) marathon (i) market (j) marry (k) mankind (l) mat (m) make (n) maple (o) march (p) March( )1.事情事情;问题问题 ( )2.嫁或娶嫁或娶(某人某人) ( )3.市场市场;集市集市 (

8、)4.马拉松赛跑马拉松赛跑 ( )5.品牌品牌;牌子牌子 ( )6.三月三月 ( )7.地垫地垫;杯垫杯垫 ( )8.人类人类 ( )9.行进行进;游行游行 ( )10.枫树枫树 ( )11.夫人夫人;女士女士 ( )12.机器机器 ( )13.比赛比赛;竞赛竞赛 ( )14.大理石大理石( )15.大多数大多数;过半数过半数 ( )16.侍女侍女gjihmplkondafbec三、填空三、填空1.He has been promoted to business development _ (manage).2.The _ (major) of the teachers are women.3

9、.I was rushing around _ (mad) tidying up the flat before they arrived.managermajoritymadly4.I didnt come _ (main) because I didnt feel very well.5.She acts very _ (mature) for her age.6.No doubt she had many _ tale to tell of the old days.7.Theyve lived here for _ good many years.mainlymaturelyaa8.M

10、any of them have relatives _ the mainland.9.He pretends to understand, but as _ matter of fact he doesnt.10.You may take a horse to the water, but you cant make him _ (drink).drinkonaDAY 43一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.手段手段;大众传播媒介大众传播媒介 _2.消息;音信消息;音信 _3.方式;手段方式;手段 _4.意图;意指意图;意指 _5.仁慈;宽恕仁慈;宽恕 _

11、6.方法;办法方法;办法 _7.奖牌;纪念章奖牌;纪念章 _8.精神的;脑力的精神的;脑力的 _ mediamessagemeansmeanmercymethodmedalmental9.成员;会员成员;会员 _10.仅仅;只不过仅仅;只不过 _11.此时;同时此时;同时 _12.提到;说到提到;说到 _13.测量;估量测量;估量 _14.医术;医学医术;医学 _15.回忆;记忆回忆;记忆(n.) _16.纪念物;纪念物; 纪念碑纪念碑 _membermerelymeanwhilementionmeasuremedicinememorymemorial二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方

12、框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)metal (b) meal (c) merciful (b)(d) mess (e) May (f) maybe (c)(g) melon (h) meat (i) medium (d)(j) microscope (k) microwave (e)(l) merchant (m) mend (f)(n) medical (o) menu (p) metre/meter( )1.修理;修补修理;修补 ( )2.微波;微波炉微波;微波炉( )3.显微镜显微镜 ( )4.商业的商业的 ( )5.(食用食用)肉肉 ( )6.公尺公尺( )7.

13、菜单菜单 ( )8.医学的医学的;医疗的医疗的 ( )9.五月五月 ( )10.金属金属( )11.瓜瓜 ( )12.可能可能;大概大概( )13.一餐一餐(饭饭) ( )14.凌乱凌乱;困境困境( )15.仁慈的仁慈的 ( )16.形式形式;媒介媒介mkjlhponeagfbdci三、填空三、填空1.The word flight has two different _ (mean): a plane journey, and the act of running away.2.Were having a _ (meet) next week to discuss the matter.3.

14、Mrs.Smith showed mercy to the poor little boy. She is a _ (mercy) lady.meaningsmeetingmerciful4.His grandpas illness was _ (mercy) brief.5.He only cleans up his room when it gets really _ (mess).6.He wished to join the army, but was rejected as _ (medical) unfit.mercifullymessymedically7.Its going t

15、o be a tough competition but Im _ (mental) prepared for it.8.Theres a great film on TV _ midnight.9.She tried to explain _ means of sign language.10.There was a dog sitting in _ middle of the road.thementallyatbyDAY 44一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.时髦的;最新的时髦的;最新的 _2.模型模型; 模范模范;模特模特 _3.班长班长 _4.瞬

16、间;时机瞬间;时机 _5.谦虚的;适度的谦虚的;适度的 _6.温和的;淡的温和的;淡的 _7.最小;最低的最小;最低的 _ 8.少数少数 _modernmodelmonitormomentmodestmildminimumminority9.星期一星期一 _10.分钟分钟 _11.钱;货币钱;货币 _12.交往;搅拌交往;搅拌 _13.可移动的可移动的 _14.弄错;误解弄错;误解 _15.误会;不理解误会;不理解 _16.错过;缺;想念错过;缺;想念 _Mondayminutemoneymixmobilemistakemisunderstandmiss二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将

17、方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)minister (b) ministry (c) minus (b)(d) millionaire (e) mineral (f) mine (c)(g) mile (h) modem (i) monkey (d)(j) mirror (k) mind (l) mixture (e)(m) mistaken (n) mist (o) missile (f)(p) mm/millimeter/millimetre( )1.薄雾薄雾;雾气雾气 ( )2.调制解调器调制解调器( )3.抛掷物抛掷物;导弹导弹 ( )4.悟性悟性;智力智力(

18、)5.混合物混合物 ( )6.猴子;猿猴子;猿 ( )7.镜子镜子 ( )8.错误的错误的 ( )9.毫米毫米 ( )10.(政府的政府的)部部( )11.部长部长;牧师牧师 ( )12.(数字数字)负的负的( )13.英里英里 ( )14.百万富翁百万富翁( )15.开采开采(矿物矿物) ( )16.矿物质矿物质,矿物矿物nhoklijmpbacgdfe三、填空三、填空1.She is very much _ (mistake) in thinking that they will agree to her suggestion.2.She _ (mistaken) believed tha

19、t she could get away with not paying her taxes.3.She felt a strange _ (mix) of excitement and fear.mistakenmistakenlymixture4.She has had a _ (modest) successful career.5.He said hed phone you _ moment he got home.6.Grandpa must have taken my keys _ mistake.7.Ive got a lot _ my mind at the moment.mo

20、destlythebyon8.I want you back by 9 oclock _ Monday night.9.Ill be ready in just _ moment.10.Mr Gregson will be with you in _ minute.onaaDAY 45一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1. 嘴;进出口嘴;进出口 _2.月;月份月;月份 _3.羊肉羊肉 _4.蘑菇蘑菇 _5.纪念碑;历史遗迹纪念碑;历史遗迹 _6.有道德的有道德的; 道义上的道义上的 _7.哀悼;惋惜哀悼;惋惜 _ 8.谋杀谋杀 _mouthmonthmutto

21、nmushroommonumentmoralmournmurder9.泥泥;泥浆泥浆 _10.博物馆博物馆;博物院博物院 _11.山山;大量大量 _12.座右铭座右铭;箴言箴言 _13.动机动机;动力动力 _14.我自己我自己 _15.音乐家音乐家;乐师乐师 _16.音乐片音乐片;音乐舞台剧音乐舞台剧 _mudmuseummountainmottomotivationmyselfmusicianmusical二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)mistress/Mrs (b) Ms. (c) mop (b)(d) moustache

22、 (e) mustard (f) multiply (c)(g) Moslem (h) mosquito (i) muddy (d)(j) mouse (k) mountainous (l) movie (e)(m) motherland (n) motorcycle (f)(o) motor (p) movement( )1.伊斯兰教徒伊斯兰教徒 ( )2.鼠鼠;鼠标鼠标 ( )3.蚊子蚊子 ( )4.泥泞的泥泞的 ( )5.多山的多山的 ( )6.电影电影 ( )7.祖国祖国 ( )8.马达马达( )9.摩托车摩托车 ( )10.运动运动;活动活动 ( )11.拖布拖布;拖把拖把 ( )1

23、2.芥末芥末( )13.夫人夫人;太太太太 ( )14.乘乘;使相乘使相乘( )15.女士女士 ( )16.小胡子小胡子gjhiklmonpceafbd三、填空三、填空1.He is a talented young _ (music).2.When he began his _ (music) career, King played only for black audiences.3.Its a school for _ (musical) gifted children.musicianmusicalmusically4.A _ (mountain) country is one in

24、which there are many mountains.5.The young man made a _ (move) towards the door.6.Both Steven and Jack got a bit _ (mud) and wet.7.For a teacher to hit a child is not just _ (moral) wrong but also illegal.mountainousmovementmuddymorally8.I moved the old table to the back room all _ myself.9.It gets

25、more and _ difficult to understand what is going on.10.When you got lost in the forest you _ have been very frightened.mustbymoreDAY 46一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.侄子;外甥侄子;外甥 _2.侄女;甥女侄女;甥女 _3.国籍国籍 _4.民族;国家民族;国家 _5.全国性的全国性的 _6.必需的;必要的必需的;必要的 _7.整洁整洁 _8.出生地的出生地的 _nephewniecenationalitynationnat

26、ionwidenecessaryneatnative9.狭窄的狭窄的 _10.紧张不安的紧张不安的 _11.大自然;本性大自然;本性 _12.颈;脖子颈;脖子 _13.网络网络 _14.邻居邻居 _15.谈判;商定谈判;商定 _16.一条消息一条消息(phr.) _narrownervousnaturenecknetworka piece of newsneighbour/neighbornegotiate二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)neighbourhood (b) nest (c) needle (b)(d) nail

27、(e) navy (f) necklace (c)(g) national (h) natural (i) nearby (d)(j) net (k) name (l) nice (e)(m) next (n) never (f)(o) neither (p) need( )1.国家的;民族的国家的;民族的 ( )2.网网 ( )3.天生的;天然的天生的;天然的 ( )4.决不决不;从未从未( )5.命名;指定命名;指定 ( )6.随后随后;下一步下一步( )7.友好的;好的友好的;好的( )8.(两者两者)都不都不( )9.需要;需求需要;需求 ( )10.巢;窝巢;窝 ( )11.针针 (

28、 )12.四邻四邻;邻近地区邻近地区( )13.指甲;钉子指甲;钉子 ( )14.附近的附近的 ( )15.海军海军 ( )16.项链项链gjhnkmlopbcadief三、填空三、填空1.The children were wearing traditional _ (nation) dress.2.The professor is a _ (national) known scientist.3.He wrote his name _ (neat) at the bottom of the page.nationalnationallyneatly4.He looked _ (nervou

29、s) over his shoulder, making sure no one else was listening.5.All the children are settling in _ (nice) at school.6.A _ (new) married couple has moved in next door.nervouslynicelynewly7.Its_ (nature) that you should feel anxious when you first leave home.8.The good news _ (be) that tomorrow will be

30、fine and sunny.9.I saw an interesting article _ yesterdays newspaper.10.Rons neither as young _ as fit as the other members of the team.naturalisinnorDAY 47一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.托儿所托儿所 _2.护士;保育员护士;保育员 _ 3.麻木的麻木的 _4.当今;如今当今;如今 _5.坚果;果仁坚果;果仁 _6.十一月十一月 _7.点头;打盹点头;打盹 _8.预告;通告预告;通告 _nursery

31、nursenumbnowadaysnutNovembernodnotice9.面条面条 _10.常态;正常常态;正常 _11.西北西北(部部) _12.噪声;喧闹声噪声;喧闹声 _13.鼻鼻 _14.笔记簿笔记簿 _15.小说小说 _16.高尚的;显贵的高尚的;显贵的 _noodlenormalnorthwestnoisenosenotebooknovelnoble二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)nuclear (b) nutrition (c) noisy (b)(d) novelist (e) nor (f) none (c

32、)(g) north (h) northern (i) No. (d)(j) note (k) nothing (l) nobody (e)(m) northeast (n) nowhere (f)(o) just now (p) a number of( )1.北方的北方的 ( )2.向(在)北方向(在)北方( )3.渺小人物渺小人物 ( )4.无足轻重的人或物无足轻重的人或物 ( )5.刚才;刚刚刚才;刚刚 ( )6.一些一些 ( )7.纸币;便条纸币;便条 ( )8.任何地方都不任何地方都不( )9.东北东北(部部) ( )10.营养营养;营养学营养学 ( )11.第第号号 ( )12.

33、原子核的原子核的 ( )13.无一个无一个 ( )14.嘈杂的嘈杂的 ( )15.也不也不: 也没也没 ( )16.小说家小说家hglkopjnmbiafced三、填空三、填空1.He blew his nose_ (noisy).2._ (normal) it takes about six days to arrange a visit.3.The U.K. consists of Great Britain and _(north) Ireland.noisilyNormallynorthern4.Mr White turned his nose up _ my small donati

34、on.5.The story was nothing _ lies.6.They stole the car from _ the very noses of the police.7. _ large number of books have been stolen from the library.butunderatA8.Shes enjoying the job _ that shes got more responsibility.9.Strangely, neither Carlo _ Juan saw what had happened. 10.Only a few came t

35、o the meeting _ the night of Thursday 7 November, 2013.onnownorDAY 48一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.反对;抵制反对;抵制 _2.相反的;对面的相反的;对面的 _3.运转运转;操作操作;做手术做手术 _4.服从;听从服从;听从 _5.获得;得到获得;得到 _6.注意到;遵守注意到;遵守 _7.发生;突然想到发生;突然想到 _8.占用;占据占用;占据 _opposeoppositeoperateobeyobtainobserveoccuroccupy9.(主动主动)提供;给予提供;给予 _

36、10.看法;见解看法;见解 _11.目标;物体目标;物体 _12.一旦一旦 _13. 点钟点钟 _14.明白的明白的;显而易见的显而易见的 _ 15.官方的官方的;政府的政府的 _16.十月十月 _Octoberofferopinionobjectonceoclockobviousofficial二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)Oceania (b) ocean (c) offence (b)(d) onion (e) occupation (f) operator (g) oilfield (h) offshore (i) o

37、ff (j) opera (k) operation (l) opening (m) office (n) officer (o) onto (p) Olympic( )1.歌剧歌剧 ( )2.近海的近海的( )3.油田油田 ( )4.手术手术 ( )5.办公室办公室 ( )6.开口开口;开幕式开幕式( )7.到到的上面的上面 ( )8.官员官员;军官军官 ( )9.罪行;过错罪行;过错 ( )10.大洋洲大洋洲( )11.奥林匹克的奥林匹克的 ( )12.海洋海洋 ( )13.洋葱洋葱 ( )14.接线员接线员;操作员操作员( )15.职业职业 ( )16.中断中断jhgkmloncapbd

38、fei三、填空三、填空1.His cousin is a computer _ (operate).2.The computer performs this _ (operate) many times every day.3.English is the countrys _ (office) language.operatoroperationofficial4.Alison squeezed through a narrow _ (open) in the fence.5.He gave up his _ (occupy) as a bank clerk and became a tea

39、cher.6.He gave the child a lecture _ the importance of regular exercise.openingoccupationon7.Most days the bus is _ time but today it was 10 minutes.8.The film will be shown _ the open air tonight.9.Shes opposed _ religious education in schools.10. _ in this house do I feel safe and secure.Onlyonint

40、oDAY 49一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.乐观的乐观的 _2.杰出的杰出的 _3.爱交际的;外向的爱交际的;外向的 _4.任选的任选的 _5.直率的直率的 _ 6.克服;解决克服;解决 _ 7.拥有拥有 _8.组织;筹备组织;筹备(v.) _optimisticoutstandingoutgoingoptionaloutspokenovercomeownorganise/organize9.郊游;远足郊游;远足 _10.提纲;概要提纲;概要 _11.结果;成果结果;成果 _12.定单;秩序;顺序定单;秩序;顺序 _13.普通的;平常的普通的;平常的

41、_14.口头上的口头上的 _15.要不然;否则要不然;否则 _16.应该;应当应该;应当 _ outingoutlineoutcomeorderordinaryoralotherwiseought to二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)oval (b) overlook (c) overhead (b)(d) organization (e) ownership (c)(f) overweight (g) overcoat (d)(h) oxygen (i) orange (j) ox (e)(k) orbit (l) organ

42、 (m) outdoors (f)(n) outer (o) output (p) outward(s)( )1.大衣大衣 ( )2.运行轨道运行轨道( )3.器官;机构器官;机构 ( )4.公牛公牛 ( )5.橙色的橙色的 ( )6.在户外在户外( )7.向外;往外向外;往外( )8.外部的外部的;外面的外面的 ( )9.产量产量 ( )10.在头顶上的在头顶上的( )11.椭圆形的椭圆形的 ( )12.组织组织;机构机构 ( )13.俯视俯视;原谅原谅 ( )14.所有权所有权( )15.过重的过重的 ( )16.氧气氧气 gkljimpnoccdbefh三、填空三、填空1.He was

43、now the proud _ (own) of a bright red sports car.2.The restaurant has changed _ (owner) several times.3.She is brilliant but her work lacks _ (organize).ownerownershiporganization4.She performed _ (outstanding) well in her examinations.5.The statement may be given _ (oral) or in writing.6._ (ordinar

44、y), he didnt like to go to the movies.7.Actually, we have problems _ our own.outstandinglyorallyOrdinarilyof8.The Smiths never dance _ sing.9.When will you get the results? Either tomorrow _ the day after.10.Some people came by car, _ came on foot.othersororDAY 50一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。1.

45、走廊;通道走廊;通道 _2.乘客;旅客乘客;旅客 _3.参加;参与参加;参与 _4.(使使)恐慌;恐慌;(使使)惊慌惊慌 _ 5.打包;捆扎打包;捆扎 _6.小包;小袋小包;小袋 _7.搭档;合作者搭档;合作者 _8.油漆;涂料油漆;涂料 _paintpassagepassengerparticipatepanicpackpacketpartner9.疼痛疼痛 _10.父或母父或母 _11.宫;宫殿宫;宫殿 _12.特殊的;苛求特殊的;苛求 _13.苍白的;暗淡的苍白的;暗淡的 _14.部分地部分地;一定程度上的一定程度上的 _15.油画;水彩画油画;水彩画 _16.煎饼煎饼 _pancake

46、painparentpalaceparticularpalepartlypainting二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。汉语意思前。(a)parcel (b) Pacific (c) passport (b)(d) pan (e) pace (f) paddle (c)(g) paragraph (h) passers-by (i)parallel (j) parrot (k) parking (ii)(l) panda (m) paperwork (iii)(n) passive (o) pardon (p) part-time( )1.相似处

47、;联系相似处;联系( )2.过路人过路人( )3.文书工作文书工作 ( )4.鹦鹉鹦鹉( )5.熊猫熊猫 ( )6.停车停车(处处)( )7.被动的;消极的被动的;消极的 ( )8.兼职的兼职的 ( )9.原谅;宽恕原谅;宽恕 ( )10.太平洋的太平洋的( )11.包;包裹包;包裹 ( )12.平底锅平底锅( )13.护照护照 ( )14.一步一步;节奏节奏( )15.(文章的文章的)段落段落 ( )16.船桨船桨ihmjlknpobadcegf三、填空三、填空1.He now works as a _ (paint) and decorator.2.The postman brought

48、me a large _ (pack) yesterday afternoon.3.He and his wife took the _ (pain) decision to switch off their sons life support machine.painterpackagepainful4.He couldnt find a _ (park) space near the hospital between 9 am and 6 pm.5.I didnt _ (particular) want to go, but I had to.6.We are only too _ (pa

49、inful) aware of the damage his actions have caused.7.All the students worked _ pairs for the role-play exercise.parkingparticularlypainfullyin8.Her picture appeared _ the front page of a local newspaper.9.Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively _ these discussions.10.They will be taking part _ the discussions, along with many other organizations.inonin



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