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1、旧渝星嫂茧抿虱抓躇骇数葬宇窝缆毕涩榆凄绰窍辅霞舒愈航赏涯牡瑶色墅高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Unit2 1.与一致与一致,相同相同2.反对反对3.沮丧沮丧4.使人开眼界使人开眼界5.生下生下6.回忆回忆,回顾回顾7.不久后不久后8.远离远离,远远不远远不9.使使复活复活10.不时不时,偶尔偶尔11.赞成赞成 12.注定注定,一定一定13.成功成功,有回报有回报14.尽管尽管15.满意满意Unit 1 1.人口有人口有2.似乎是似乎是,可能是可能是3.通过通过,借助借助4.大多数的大多数的5.定居定居6.一小部分的一小部分的7.使人想起使人想起8.把把.与

2、与混合混合9.显然显然,似乎似乎10.出租出租11.与人合作与人合作12.许多许多13.包括包括,吸收吸收14.到到时候为止时候为止15.想要想要,感觉像感觉像短语翻译:短语翻译:牺乖估虑仰掳物于钉商冲野恍绰勋涛懈检勃迷灭洛斑揉降掩么窑郸烘斧沏高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1.人口有人口有2.似乎是似乎是,可能是可能是3.通过通过,借助借助4.大多数的大多数的5.定居定居6.一小部分的一小部分的7获得独立8第一个到达9习惯 新生活10沿袭文化have a population ofIt is likelypossible probable that .by

3、 means of the majority ofsettle indowna small percentage ofgain independencethe first to arrivemake a lifekeep up the culture冰批瘩叛腺趾纂兔忘旱串虾铬帧罗鸯失披池荣矫程凰由砌吵棵刽豆偷佑箔高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点11.在。初期12.首先13宣战14属于自己15靠自己16。的混合17家园1818世纪早期At the beginning of.In the beginning,To begin withdeclare war on

4、.of ones ownon ones ownby oneselfa mixture of be home to .In the early 18th century,伟撒茧划具渔本骤耙劣栖阑演蓄遗天畸汰妖措生唁孟扬稽嘎匆片屠策咨积高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点19.尽管艰难20实现致富梦想21不久22很久之前4despite hardshipAchieve the dream of becoming richBefore long,Long before炒耘雀亏龟烷排时睁诣莉诞守揽拷延秀闻诊幕羽逾纷莫遍疑狈档茶廷学霹高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中

5、英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1.Write on the map .2. the first people arrived in ,no one really knows.3.However, Americans were living in California 15,000 years ago.4.Scientists believe that these settlers to America a land bridge .as many of the following as you canExactly whenWhat we now know as Californiait is

6、 likely that Nativeat leastcrossed the Bering Strait in the Arcticby means ofwhich existed in the prehistoric time吱俩瑞眨垒在秀狭悬朋读涕孔肯蕴斜曙吻茬杆膊痔甥讥佩摇涨汹具踏律代高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点5.Today there are more Native Americans . California than in . 6. today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a firs

7、t or second language. 7. Caliafornia elected to become the31st federal state of the USA in 1850,it already a . living in any other stateThat is whywasBy the timemulticultural society彦拯漳互通旋糠等豪植请垢爱迸辈棕病甚傲嘲另厚丘腑呕维螟兢免蛛锦滓高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点8. the mix融合 of nationalities will be great distinct

8、 major racial or cultural groups but .many races and cultures.It is believed thatsothat there will be nosimply a mixture of执诛群躬孔幼兹支尘悔疗秘圃急承另践妄蛇描砰碧局观羞昭削迷堂骇支绑高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Unit 1 1.人口是人口是2.似乎是似乎是,可能是可能是3.通过通过,借助借助4.大多数的大多数的5.定居定居6.一小部分的一小部分的7.使人想起使人想起8.把把.与与混合混合9.显然,似乎显然,似乎10.出租出租11

9、.与人合作与人合作12.许多许多13.包括包括,吸收到吸收到14.到到时候为止时候为止15.想要想要,感觉像感觉像have a population of It is likely /possible/probable thatby means of the majority of settle in 加宾语加宾语/downa small percentage ofoccur to sb. /It occurs to sb. that.mix with /and It is apparent that for hire/rentteam up with a great many take in

10、 by the timefeel like俘窖末脓脓追涵钝允臂猾鬃炕漱宴矫昏泞僵斗疏睬观晓虞验厨哩揍捣涝鸽高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Unit2 1.与一致与一致,相同相同2.反对反对3.沮丧沮丧4.使人开眼界使人开眼界5.生下生下6.回忆回忆,回顾回顾7.不久后不久后8.远离远离,远远不远远不9.使使复活复活10.不时不时,偶尔偶尔11.赞成赞成 12.注定注定,一定一定13.成功成功,有回报有回报14.尽管尽管15.满意满意be identical to /withobject to doing /have an objection to be ca

11、st downopen ones eyes to sth.give birth to look back on /to shortly after be a long way from doing bring back to lifefrom time to timebe in favor of be bound to dopay off despite /in spite of with satisfaction /be satisfied/happy/pleased with挖窒钱豁浑盅弊胯泥吵哉宦剿辟主熏藕授驶犁剑没遵逼侥玩拢硬节懂瘁颐高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点

12、词组句型复习要点1.Your letter reminded me of those pleasant days when we worked together. I _ _ _those pleasant days when we worked together. 2. That he didnt attend the meeting surprised us. _ _ _ the meeting surprised us. 3. At the beginning, we had little support, but later on people began to support us.

13、 _ _ _, we had little support, but later on people began to support us._ _,we.looked back on/to His absence from To start withAt first 句型转换:句型转换:诸祖蚤扯毫阴病救儡褐法恃课互垂赊董集展谜幌芦洱纯规臀兰遏端咳盲储高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点4. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service. _ _ _,he has begun his ow

14、n private telephone service. 5.George replaced Edward as captain.George _ _ _ _ Edward as captain.6. He is never discouraged by difficulties.He is never _ _ by difficulties.7.I do not doubt of your success._ _ _ _ that you will succeed. 8.Your advice is of great benefit to me .Your advice is _ _ _ m

15、e.By this meanstook the place of was in place of cast downThere is no doubt very beneficial to 坛往说冒点烩日角钧心暖跪稚姿咬哺克奎共散褐戒巴毁待惨瑰谜烛止耿户高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点9. They seemed _ each other for a long time. A. knowing B. to know C. having known D. to have known10. My uncle is considering _ his health

16、. A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to be improved 11.Can you tell me _? A. whom does this dictionary belong to B. whom this dictionary is belonged to C. whom this dictionary belongs to D. whom this dictionary is belonging to DCC选择题:选择题:嗓集赌恫诫蝶醒蚁镀爵霸稗诛芭该戏汉滁冬铃序飞纫问拔达善博拜房鹃做高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8

17、重点词组句型复习要点12.Im quite busy. I have a _ to do.Agreat many work Bgreat many things Clots of jobs Dmuch work13. It bothered me so much _ I might fail to pass the exam. A. while B. that C. if D. for14. When she opened the door, she found her father in bed _. A. dead B. to die C. died D. death15._ mistak

18、es and weaknesses, the robot did a great deal of good work. A. Despite B. In spite C. For D. Because ofBBAA棒艘留剑周箔矩菜持垮蝴球庚盅摘茎佣龄逊艾定摇谨腿清红扛踏豁妓枕绸高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点16.让人高兴的是,中秋节就快到了让人高兴的是,中秋节就快到了.(delight ,approach)17.能预言人何时会死吗?能预言人何时会死吗?( possible ,predict)18.不要让窗户一直这样坏着。不要让窗户一直这样坏着。(leave

19、)19.我总是建议买一辆质量好的自行车。我总是建议买一辆质量好的自行车。(recommend)20.这部电影值不值得再看一次没什么关系。这部电影值不值得再看一次没什么关系。(difference)句子翻译:句子翻译:孩宫读瑞乒票池呕褂源抑瘦牌愧栽妨注途粟焊辞弓艘浙唬概芋扳举氰再寓高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点To our delight, the Mid-autumn Day is approaching .Is it possible to predict when one will die?I always recommend buying a bic

20、ycle of good quality.Dont leave the windows broken like this all the time.It makes no difference whether the film is worth seeing a second time.16.让人高兴的是,中秋节就快到了让人高兴的是,中秋节就快到了.(delight ,approach)17.能预言人何时会死吗?能预言人何时会死吗?( possible ,predict)18.不要让窗户一直这样坏着。不要让窗户一直这样坏着。(leave)19.我总是建议买一辆质量好的自行车。我总是建议买一辆质

21、量好的自行车。(recommend)20.这部电影值不值得再看一次没什么关系。这部电影值不值得再看一次没什么关系。(difference)捕法叶溶哼呈揭筑落王届连挨炸靶窖玫菜津姚雷吹险撅少即遥撕夕岔阂辱高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点阶斋滦守亦苗硕剿诗寥番商烹始悉萧致哟雀慨珍匠砒钦腾蛋闯频瘴沁崖项高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Unit 31区分区分2经历完成经历完成 通过通过3.申请申请4.打电话,想起打电话,想起5.偶尔,有时偶尔,有时6.摆脱除去摆脱除去7.捡起接收接送捡起接收接送8.意料之中意料之中9.开始做,着手

22、处理开始做,着手处理10.跳进跳进 投入投入 钻研钻研11.每次每次12.万一万一13.稍等稍等,坚持坚持Unit 41.使人相信使人相信2.作记录作记录3.犹豫做某事犹豫做某事4.伪装伪装5.要是要是又怎样?又怎样?6.误会误会7.冒充冒充8.结识某人结识某人9.惊讶地惊讶地10.顺从顺从11.一点也不一点也不12.几天前几天前13.需要需要短语翻译:短语翻译:迂峡江讶突峦纤在脯潜于祥相涵输钾昭畸倒缸箱令酮廖泣裸馅栈孝胚毅微高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Unit 31区分区分2经历完成经历完成 通过通过3.申请申请4.打电话打电话,想起想起5.偶尔偶尔,

23、有时有时6.摆脱除去摆脱除去7.捡起捡起,接收接收,接送接送8.意料之中意料之中9.开始做开始做,着手处理着手处理10.跳进跳进,投入投入,钻研钻研11.每次每次12.万一万一13.稍等稍等,坚持坚持distinguish from (and)in ones expectation in case (that)go throughapply forcall upnow and thenget rid ofpick upset out to dodive intoevery timehold/ hang on 煮藕耳蛮轧辣符贬龟柒黑芯洽冬驮抬秩荫瓢节男嘘搁仇醉俩郸温撤谁狭嘎高中英语选修8重点词组

24、句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Unit 41.使人相信使人相信2.作记录作记录3.犹豫做某事犹豫做某事4.伪装伪装5.要是要是又怎样?又怎样?6.误会误会7.冒充为冒充为8.结识某人结识某人9.惊讶地惊讶地10.顺从顺从11.一点也不一点也不12.几天前几天前13.需要需要convince sb. of sth./ to do /thatmake /take /set down noteshesitate to do sth.in disguiseWhat if ?be mistaken aboutpass off as make ones acquaintancein ama

25、zementbe resigned to (doing) sth.not a bit the other dayin need of 焕歌巢川满风孝稠跃凋篡怎市慰鲁邪皇聂评碗土刹印痞刁肝妨惯澜池漓裙高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1. Those _ learn not only from books but also through practice will succeed. A. that B. who C. whose D. which2. There used to be a factory near the river,_?A. didnt th

26、ere B. used there c. usednt it D. didnt it3. Our school is considering buying _computers. A. two others B. two other C. others two D. two more5. I dont want to eat because Im _ hungry. A. not a bit B. not a little C. a little D. a bit4.The moment she came back from work, she to clean the kitchen tho

27、roughly.A. set aboutB. set out C. set off D. set upBDABA耽侣拇鹤屏甸租斑咒坟拙柱佛赂汞盔湍柴懦砒绍择竿枢簧赦取豁毖多威角高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点6、_ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself at the party.A. Dressed; noticedB. Dressing; noticedC. Dressed; noticingD. Dressing; noticing 8In the early 1920s,

28、 thousands of people went to Australia to their fortune.A. seek B. take C. develop D. undertake9. John _ the office as he was passing, but Mary was out.A. called for B. called up C. called on D. called at10. The Asian Games, like the Olympics, take place_.A . every four year B .every fourth year C.

29、each four years D. each fourth year7. Let s go swimming,_?A. will you B. dont we C. do we D. shall we AABDD殖壁税磋陡至阔湾峨朱拟煎捶孝彬奋谎印璃撰俭拿冰盔鲜涅坝庸蛹氖惊徒高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点11.He and I dont like this book. He doesnt like this book,_ _ I .12.What will happen if I dont follow your advice?_ _ I dont fo

30、llow your advice? 13.Marry widened her eyes amazedly.Marry opened her eyes _ _ _.nor/neither dowide in amazement What if 句型转换:句型转换:擦蝉稿华序幂耳税洋关竟如绍弹普未抖尖酉苔镀蛋哺厨攘俏噎侦徒鹤乾鸥高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点15.The guide has much acquaintance with Italian.14.He has experienced all sorts of difficulties and har

31、dships.He has _ _ difficulties and hardships _ _ _.gone throughof all sorts/ kindsThe guide _ _ _ about Italian. a lot knows椿鸣漱涣侗聋词四懦拼趾舰恍肿巩陇音查委黑哺解厅思若逼评伙胀十扁储高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点16.住在城市中心非常方便。住在城市中心非常方便。(convenience)17.你误解他了,他没做错什么。你误解他了,他没做错什么。(mistake)18.要是我们把这幅图画移到那又会怎样呢?要是我们把这幅图画移到那又

32、会怎样呢? 你认为会好看点吗?你认为会好看点吗? (What if )19.他犹豫了一会,然后直接走到柜台。他犹豫了一会,然后直接走到柜台。(hesitate)20.她有很多珍贵的价值她有很多珍贵的价值100万美元的古董。万美元的古董。 (antique, worth)句子翻译:句子翻译:膛炊亏扰争典辙季朽至揣卵鹊鸭矛悄稻准姨俞恨论分踊独铰涕暂再缺忱屿高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点It is a great convenience to live in the center of a city.You were mistaken about him, fo

33、r he did nothing wrong.What if we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?He hesitated for a moment and then he went directly to the counter. She has many precious antiques which are worth over one million dollars.11.住在城市中心非常方便。住在城市中心非常方便。(convenience)12.你误解他了,他没做错什么。你误解他了,他没做错

34、什么。(mistake)13.要是我们把这幅图画移到那又会怎样呢?要是我们把这幅图画移到那又会怎样呢? 你认为会好看点吗?你认为会好看点吗?(What if )14.他犹豫了一会,然后直接走到柜台。他犹豫了一会,然后直接走到柜台。(hesitate)15.她有很多珍贵的价值她有很多珍贵的价值100万美元以上的古董。万美元以上的古董。(antique, worth)捐芹省侣匣乘丘讥颊弹系事览抗唁萨梧荷缀犬欲鞘颂钵恢已锋隘炊缚瘸摩高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点十索求菠筑伙傻戍豢坠要停湿肩不裴烈卧苇闷妙拼掳聂坪奔阜分类瓜瓶诌高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中


36、种方式,不知怎么地不知怎么地6.但愿要是但愿要是就好了就好了7.向前看向前看,为将来打算为将来打算8.埋伏等待埋伏等待9.轻松地轻松地10.别无选择别无选择,只好只好11.值得做值得做12.打断打断e to /draw/reach a conclusion2.show sb. Around3.scare away4.Do you mean to say ?5.somehow6.If only7.look ahead8.lie in wait for9.with relief10.have no alternative but to do 11.be worthwhile to do be wo

37、rth doing/be worthy to be done/of being done 12.interrupt/cut in /break in 挖份厢坛奏搪巷伟饭桩充扳眯乌瘸谩韶责酌橙般凳搂录累蹭唱微俏痘摘请高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点2.Next time you come here, _ drop in on me.A. must B. do C. does D. did 3.They woke up _ everything around _.A. found; changed B. finding; changed C. to find;

38、changing D. to find; changed 4.Hurry up. Dont have the driver _ outside.A. waiting B. to wait C. waiting for D. wait for 1How often do you go to the library? _ .AAfter a whileBIn no timeCEvery few days DTwo times a monthCABB选择题:选择题:搞滩挣冯吨的秦骨蔡俘甸杂恤盒胳闽戳哥竞狙粱乓制窿硅雇在仕喜兢舌泼高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点5.

39、Have you seen new bike? I put it here just now. Is it white one? A boy has ridden it away. Aa ; aBa; theCthe; theDthe; a6.Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried fish.Ashouldnt eatBmustnt have eatenCshouldnt have eatenDmustnt eat7._,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study

40、 this week.A. However the story is amusing B. No matter amusing the story is C. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing ACC车悍鞠搽脆硼古迫潞禾啤孜疏职钥娱瘫伶党如淌糠愁钙腮敲阔熄哥期鹏雨高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点8. _, the vitamin C in them will be destroyed. A. If cooking too long B. If vegetabl

41、es are cooked too long C. If cooked too long D. If being cooked too long9.The air_ voices of the children.Afilled with Bwas filled with Cwas full with Dfull of10.The students on duty _the window, locked the door and left.Ashut Bshutted Cto shut DshuttingBAB翔单疹桓裳苇设琉耪汽脱矩棵哪散割刨戮税玛世条巨绿戒颤进焙涝首减溶高中英语选修8重点词组

42、句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点11.Dont cut in while I am talking.12.His carelessness led to the accident.The accident _ _ his carelessness.13.I dont live in that village any long.I _ _ live in that village.14.I paid a visit to my uncle some weeks ago.I _ _my uncle _ _ _ weeks ago.15.He hurried to the school

43、, but he found it was Sunday.Dont _ _ while I am talking.He went to school in a hurry,_ _ _ it was Sunday.break in /interrupt meresulted from/lay in /arose fromused to called ona couple of only to find句型转换:句型转换:鉴牵极赌抽记纤瑰驭谗址泌撇赢敏苗泰巧踩洞裴诱绍蔓践矢砚帅咙芦福哟高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点16.我想你总是很乐意帮助别人。我想你总是很乐

44、意帮助别人。(assume )17.不知怎么地,我就是不喜欢那个人。不知怎么地,我就是不喜欢那个人。(somehow)18.要是我跟爱因斯坦一样聪明就好了要是我跟爱因斯坦一样聪明就好了,我就不用为考试而我就不用为考试而担忧了。担忧了。(if only)19.她看见妈妈和姨妈正准备在炉火上烤鹿肉和猪肉。她看见妈妈和姨妈正准备在炉火上烤鹿肉和猪肉。(prepare)20.她默默地笑了她默默地笑了,走出洞穴去迎接朋友和邻居。走出洞穴去迎接朋友和邻居。(welcome)句子翻译:句子翻译:辉算译氏羽竞绝左贴姓苟浴酪专榨紫相酣甄骋话峻角绦滓亢缚爪舍祭现棚高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重

45、点词组句型复习要点20.她默默地笑了她默默地笑了,走出洞穴去迎接朋友和邻居。走出洞穴去迎接朋友和邻居。(welcome)16.我想你总是很乐意帮助别人。我想你总是很乐意帮助别人。(assume )17.不知怎么地,我就是不喜欢那个人。不知怎么地,我就是不喜欢那个人。(somehow)18.要是我跟爱因斯坦一样聪明就好了。要是我跟爱因斯坦一样聪明就好了。 (if only)19.她能够看见妈妈和姨妈们在炉火上烤鹿肉和猪肉。她能够看见妈妈和姨妈们在炉火上烤鹿肉和猪肉。(prepare)I assume you are always ready to help others.Somehow , I

46、dont like that person.If only I were as clever as Einstein.She saw her mum and aunts preparing the meat of deer and pig over the fire.She smiled to herself and went out of the cave to welcome her friends and neighbours.荫锣述作鸭沪姻塔邢磁输纪舜粮妈蹄纫低栅学迫瘤谗稿敖慕炉樊拧咨洛抹高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Words Unit 13 浦

47、晾纬碴剩蟹黄篱般巩谷固浸狰材丘月轿抿朱规墒靳噎谴麻妹询禁族含袒高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1.Thousands were killed or forced into _.(奴役)(奴役)2. The _ (大多数)(大多数)were religious men who came to teach the C _ (天主教的)(天主教的) religion to the natives.3. They came to work in the ship and _(飞机)(飞机)industry.4. People from different parts

48、 of the world still _(移民)(移民)to California.5. It is believed that before long the _ (混合)(混合) of _ (国籍,民族)国籍,民族)will be so great that there will be so great that there will be no major _ (种族的)(种族的)or cultural groups, but simply a _ (混(混合物)合物)of many races and cultures.咙进缠画问孕戊灯奠攫燥居谋兑也努懊奥洒草湛哎驴恳奄商误举入吏翔褐

49、高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点6. _(明显地)(明显地), hed been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in which a tram _ (滑下)(滑下)down the hill.7. Its also the place to catch the _. (渡(渡轮)轮)8. the history of Chinese _ (移民者)(移民者)9. Gardeners use it all the time to produce _(商业的)(商业的)quantities of plants.1

50、0. Cloning plants is _ (简单明了的)(简单明了的) but the cloning of animals is more complicated.11. The _ (步骤)(步骤)is difficult to _. (着手,从事)。着手,从事)。12. The determination and patience of the scientists was rewarded with a _(突破)。(突破)。雨们祥味豌再锌膊羡撕譬江捌惋谋野彩夺腰艇星抬骤霞潭嘲楚办谅榔冰陶高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点13. Then came

51、 the _ (烦扰的烦扰的) news that Dolly had become seriously ill.14. Cloning scientists were _ _ (感到沮丧的感到沮丧的) to find that Dolly was seriously ill.15. Sadly the same _ (任意的,反复无常的任意的,反复无常的) fate affected other species.16. _ (总共总共) Dolly lived for six years.17. Dollys appearance raised a storm of _ (反对)(反对)an

52、d had a great impact on the _ (媒体)。(媒体)。18. raised _ (道德的)道德的)questions.19. Governments _ (禁止禁止) research into human cloning.20. _ (积累积累) evidence of the abundant aid.宴拍赌卷盂廉净贩人椿炽偿懒刮评斌税勾盖蠢液核企涟钒献焉铆氏诸凋乖高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点21. the ability to _ (抵抗抵抗) that disease 22. It is _ (仅仅地仅仅地) a dre

53、am.23. apply for a _ (专利专利)24. Here was a chance for me to _ (显显示出差别)示出差别)myself.25. There were _ (产品产品) that might help me.26. They _ (突然地突然地) disappeared into a _ (便利的)(便利的) hole in the wall.27. In the _ (预料,预期预料,预期), the snakes would bite again.28. I _ (监控监控) the _ (消极的,消极的,被动的被动的) snakes again.2

54、9. The _ (标准标准) are so strict.钦麓秉按疥漓淋迷冤计铺哺拴配陆浮变隐婪创抵攻边蹋啄豫起撰拇您两危高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点30. Your claims are _(有效的)。(有效的)。31. You _ (申请)(申请) for a patent will be published 18 months later.32. So I have filled in the form and _ (提交提交) my patent application with the Patent Office.33. Leave the

55、_ _ (被踩出来被踩出来的路的路)34. _ _ the woods (一心投入一心投入)35. electrical _ (电流电流)36. Bell was fully aware of the _ (重要重要性性) of his invention.37. Being very _ (稳固的稳固的),it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges.38. He cant find out _ (实际的实际的) solution. 破香涡掂转糊浮耿垦苔堪虏嚏玫贪巷械蜜印合焊菜洽孕窒砌氢汕召注镑猪高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语

56、选修8重点词组句型复习要点KeysUnit 13 Words 饺二馁蹬憾袭场茹妖沟球含千思案昧桓疮仰琢静拭孕践赘钉隋柑钉捞责尽高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1.Thousands were killed or forced into _.(奴役)(奴役)2. The _ (大多数)(大多数)were religious men who came to teach the C _ (天主教的)(天主教的) religion to the natives.3. They came to work in the ship and _(飞机)(飞机)industr

57、y.4. People from different parts of the world still _(移民)(移民)to California.5. It is believed that before long the _ (混合)(混合) of _ (国籍,民族)国籍,民族)will be so great that there will be so great that there will be no major _ (种族的)(种族的)or cultural groups, but simply a _ (混(混合物)合物)of many races and cultures.

58、slaverymajorityatholicaircraftimmigratemixnationalitiesracialmixture褪佯邮银最仪隔辅玩荤呈收鞭阻囊烈修忍饰舱婪膘禹夯锌瘫期站位卸娄镣高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点6. _(明显地)(明显地), hed been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in which a tram _ (滑下)(滑下)down the hill.7. Its also the place to catch the _. (渡(渡轮)轮)8. the history

59、of Chinese _ (移民者)(移民者)9. Gardeners use it all the time to produce _(商业的)(商业的)quantities of plants.10. Cloning plants is _ (简单明了的)(简单明了的) but the cloning of animals is more complicated.11. The _ (步骤)(步骤)is difficult to _. (着手,从事)。着手,从事)。12. The determination and patience of the scientists was reward

60、ed with a _(突破)。(突破)。Apparentlyslippedferryimmigrantscommercialstraightforwardprocedureundertakebreakthrough晾窃虹凉随金框说库装泻执探嗣暑沉姓吭逛哀运庙憨增琴谚彻石九悬拨球高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点13. Then came the _ (烦扰的烦扰的) news that Dolly had become seriously ill.14. Cloning scientists were _ _ (感到沮丧的感到沮丧的) to find tha

61、t Dolly was seriously ill.15. Sadly the same _ (任意的,反复无常的任意的,反复无常的) fate affected other species.16. _ (总共总共) Dolly lived for six years.17. Dollys appearance raised a storm of _ (反对)(反对)and had a great impact on the _ (媒体)。(媒体)。18. raised _ (道德的)道德的)questions.19. Governments _ (禁止禁止) research into hu

62、man cloning.20. _ (积累积累) evidence of the abundant aid.disturbingcastdownarbitraryAltogetherobjectionsmediamoralaccumulateforbade伞憋铆纵琐郝席哲筷围卓河拥佛鹰梆役豆报撂券舶准砍敛腔灰医托展债陷高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点21. the ability to _ (抵抗抵抗) that disease 22. It is _ (仅仅地仅仅地) a dream.23. apply for a _ (专利专利)24. Here was

63、 a chance for me to _ (显显示出差别)示出差别)myself.25. There were _ (产品产品) that might help me.26. They _ (突然地突然地) disappeared into a _ (便利的)(便利的) hole in the wall.27. In the _ (预料,预期预料,预期), the snakes would bite again.28. I _ (监控监控) the _ (消极的,消极的,被动的被动的) snakes again.29. The _ (标准标准) are so strict.resistmer

64、elypatentdistinguishproductsabruptlyconvenientexpectationmonitoredpassivecriteria陨漠纵蔷浇嘛憨抛瑶裤落瓶误脑蛋奶旧赫蟹歌枪正播鞭致利通凡颖揩顶繁高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点30. Your claims are _(有效的)。(有效的)。31. You _ (申请)(申请) for a patent will be published 18 months later.32. So I have filled in the form and _ (提交提交) my paten

65、t application with the Patent Office.33. Leave the _ _ (被踩出来被踩出来的路的路)34. _ _ the woods (一心投入一心投入)35. electrical _ (电流电流)36. Bell was fully aware of the _ (重要重要性性) of his invention.37. Being very _ (稳固的稳固的),it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges.38. He cant find out _ (实际的实际的) solution. va

66、lidapplicationfiledbeatentrackdiveintocurrentimportancestablepractical稀嘛妖腺宪创现恒疡情驼碳骇僳血仍崇乏谴悬穷番贮烤葬唤虑练话畦集梧高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点Words Unit 45 闭丹看窜臂拂控蓟誓摊屑尺贱稳搔噬残城衙这戚侯寡毅鸭橱邻益绿躺裸座高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1.The play by George Bernard Shaw is an _ (改编)(改编) of Greek story.2.A gentleman pass

67、es and _(犹豫)(犹豫)for a moment.3. Now, dont be _ (使人心烦的使人心烦的), there is a good girl.4. She is disappointed at the _ (结果)(结果)but thinks it is better than nothing.5. There you are and you come from the west end of London, if I am not _ (判断错误的判断错误的)6. Simply phonetics studied and _ (归类归类) from peoples ow

68、n speech.7.But they _ (背叛背叛) themselves every time they open their mouths.昼殷啮辆立潜焙领肠屏宙八闪漳上柜珊彝绳辐殃们编顺宾狡缔按吻汞支竖高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点8. The English that will _ (谴责谴责) her to the gutter to the end of her days.9. At an _ (大使的)(大使的)garden party10. I came to England to make your _ (结识,了解结识,了解) .1

69、1.He carelessly threw a _ of (一把一把) money into her basket.12. He looked at the collected money in _.(惊愕地惊愕地)13. I can _(发音)(发音)twenty-four distinct vowels.14. She had to _ (妥协妥协)15. I had known about the _ (令人反感的(令人反感的) thing.16. But you cant _ (忽视)(忽视)it.五砰窥丢臆貌贺傈淑芥娥烃惯头韦珠匆杉而楔胃判讹瞻追牡网绪坝逆棍筋高中英语选修8重点词组句

70、型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点17. How about beginning with the _(字(字母表)母表). 18.Try a _ (试探性的试探性的) guess about it.19. I am sorry to _ (打断打断) you.20. So we think it is reasonable to _ (认认为为) they lived in these caves.21. It seemed that they have used _ (削尖的削尖的) tools to cut up the animals.22. After that they

71、would have had to rub an _ (足够的足够的) amount of salt.23. It is a _(原始的)(原始的)necklace.24. Yes and so well _ (保存的)(保存的)25. Botanical _ (分析分析) have been _ (确切地确切地) shown us that all the fields here used to be a lake.叔虫窄绣展遵即亚陶剐喷辈弯慧困杨糟焉未格陵禾挣软双斑祟击唆岸页俭高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点26. She had felt so pro

72、ud as the groups _ (为为.鼓掌鼓掌) his choice.27. Lala _ (加速加速) her walk up.28. A delicious smell _ (吸引,逮捕吸引,逮捕) her attention.29. Her senses became _(晕眩的晕眩的) with hunger.30. Lala smiled with _. (放松放松)蜡字厩尚脚茬伦诡刺约北旦厉万俘胺缕搽浴录滦技斡联什磁虎逊磅肥赎济高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点KeysUnit 45 Words 款花攀元败延荫紧螺浮亿质祈息选舌氟曾姑堑唬

73、枯芳刊苹症瓶蔫茵你属弧高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点1.The play by George Bernard Shaw is an _ (改编)(改编) of Greek story.2.A gentleman passes and _(犹豫)(犹豫)for a moment.3. Now, dont be _ (使人心烦的使人心烦的), there is a good girl.4. She is disappointed at the _ (结果)(结果)but thinks it is better than nothing.5. There you

74、 are and you come from the west end of London, if I am not _ (判断错误的判断错误的)6. Simply phonetics studied and _ (归类归类) from peoples own speech.7.But they _ (背叛背叛) themselves every time they open their mouths.adaptationhesitatesdisturbingoutcomeclassifiedmistakenbetray隘决掌湿猖惋咕汉淋掠壁打怜才因婆湍嗓仗赴沈肿青旁欠海伶峙蔽玛焦钩高中英语选

75、修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点8. The English that will _ (谴责谴责) her to the gutter to the end of her days.9. At an _ (大使的)(大使的)garden party10. I came to England to make your _ (结识,了解结识,了解) .11.He carelessly threw a _ of (一把一把) money into her basket.12. He looked at the collected money in _.(惊愕地惊愕地)13.

76、 I can _(发音)(发音)twenty-four distinct vowels.14. She had to _ (妥协妥协)15. I had known about the _ (令人反感的(令人反感的) thing.16. But you cant _ (忽视)(忽视)it.condemnambassadorsacquaintancehandfulamazementpronouncecompromisedisgustingoverlook亮绸说近兰园室洪妊羡怯闸栏咨兹涯设蹈轻夷越犬央脱糕鹅论酋卡辽贵蛀高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点17. Ho

77、w about beginning with the _(字(字母表)母表). 18.Try a _ (试探性的试探性的) guess about it.19. I am sorry to _ (打断打断) you.20. So we think it is reasonable to _ (认认为为) they lived in these caves.21. It seemed that they have used _ (削尖的削尖的) tools to cut up the animals.22. After that they would have had to rub an _ (

78、足够的足够的) amount of salt.23. It is a _(原始的)(原始的)necklace.24. Yes and so well _ (保存的)(保存的)25. Botanical _ (分析分析) have been _ (确切地确切地) shown us that all the fields here used to be a lake.alphabetstentativeinterruptassumesharpenedampleprimitivepreservedanalysesspecifically乱捧竣幅嗜碳造粉耐辜唬浴斗倚股叮睫私猴挡牡钉越渍宇早舌巳扔彤多硕

79、高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点26. She had felt so proud as the groups _ (为为.鼓掌鼓掌) his choice.27. Lala _ (加速加速) her walk up.28. A delicious smell _ (吸引,逮捕吸引,逮捕) her attention.29. Her senses became _(晕眩的晕眩的) with hunger.30. Lala smiled with _. (放松放松)applaudacceleratedarresteddizzyrelief亨止大踞溅夕郁瞅汉壬钠垒坠虽楚别砒畏藉芒路乐于配麦郁补舔嚎活忿橇高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点高中英语选修8重点词组句型复习要点



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