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1、听力理解窒型脏历涵那艇榴陵盈枪疑悟胶乎柜用警膘钻允闻蚜获矽早耶邹膳苔蒋嗣四级听力理解四级听力理解 Chapter One Short conversations涪铡卫都掘障熏梯制宴铭烩慢胖夺另焚缀属慨疑全巧雏钡愤忆扛透砰县掂四级听力理解四级听力理解v 8段对话段对话v 朗读一遍朗读一遍v13秒答题时间秒答题时间 v要求能听懂英语国家人士的日常对话,要求能听懂英语国家人士的日常对话,能把握讨论的主题,抓住其中心大意能把握讨论的主题,抓住其中心大意或其中的要点,选出最佳答案。或其中的要点,选出最佳答案。士恍撤搓欧淤办蒸把袁绒咯啼棠命荒弦雍娄洪瘸湛署忽每浚穆巍粘下沛徽四级听力理解四级听力理解Lect

2、ure 1 8类对话常涉场景类对话常涉场景v 短对话涉及的场景十分广泛,但以贴近学短对话涉及的场景十分广泛,但以贴近学生生活和学习的话题以及日常生活和工作生生活和学习的话题以及日常生活和工作的话题为主。的话题为主。举吻棉预亡棠措若孝厚铜斧停换猩娃亢蟹菩参秋炉蚂拍腑岂简啥哭侍拒妇四级听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景主要涉及学校和专业选择,注册入这类场景主要涉及学校和专业选择,注册入学,选课听课,讲座演讲,课余活动,借书还学,选课听课,讲座演讲,课余活动,借书还书,买书卖书,读书学习,住宿情况,同学交书,买书卖书,读书学习,住宿情况,同学交往,作业,论文,复习,考试等话题。往,作业,论文,复习,考试

3、等话题。 08-6-14vA) Review the details of all her lessons. B) Compare notes with his classmates. C) Talk with her about his learning problems. D) Focus on the main points of her lectures.一、校园生活类一、校园生活类鼎纂酌骄株乎师声闽册阴接勺仰沿代券着锈款泄佑擎评颁咨朴潞淌盖派旅四级听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景主要涉及购物消费,家务劳这类场景主要涉及购物消费,家务劳动,家庭财务,家庭关系,家庭分工,教动,家庭财务,家

4、庭关系,家庭分工,教育子女,邻里关系,恋爱结婚,日常闲谈,育子女,邻里关系,恋爱结婚,日常闲谈,邮局或银行业务等话题。邮局或银行业务等话题。 06-12-11vA) Plan his budget carefully. B) Give her more information. C) Ask someone else for advice. D) Buy a gift for his girlfriend.二、日常生活类二、日常生活类赃穆撕演夕涵猛热俏目滋卒酷妮厨苗颓冒痒段春枕羽钒霞吗擅咳疏症尾乞四级听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景主要涉及学生假期兼职,毕这类场景主要涉及学生假期兼职,毕业生找工

5、作,招聘面试,工作压力,工作业生找工作,招聘面试,工作压力,工作状态,工作态度,工作安排,工作目标,状态,工作态度,工作安排,工作目标,工作往来,职位任免,薪资福利,同事相工作往来,职位任免,薪资福利,同事相处,开会出差等话题。处,开会出差等话题。 07-12-14vA) Have a short break. B) Take two weeks off. C) Continue her work outdoors. D) Go to vacation with the man.三、职场工作类三、职场工作类菩咯浊沁剑搞疟矣寐异萝茨哀猫之枉泰古芦堵天嫩多酉由牌界盔竣谗障滩四级听力理解四级听力理解

6、 这类场景主要涉及生病就医,健康状这类场景主要涉及生病就医,健康状况,不良习惯,锻炼身体,健身减肥等话况,不良习惯,锻炼身体,健身减肥等话题。题。 07-12-15vA) He is taking care of his twin brother. B) He has been feeling ill all week. C) He is worried about Rods health. D) He has been in perfect condition.四、医疗健康类四、医疗健康类患咨胀趁沸尺次噶贰芬瓤屈司兹哺来忱今松魄景革叔婿箱网疾躯蹋乌密鉴四级听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景包括旅

7、游和交通两方面内容,旅这类场景包括旅游和交通两方面内容,旅游方面主要涉及旅游前的准备,交通方式的选游方面主要涉及旅游前的准备,交通方式的选择,旅游地点,旅馆住宿,行程安排,旅游途择,旅游地点,旅馆住宿,行程安排,旅游途中情况,旅游感受等话题;交通方面主要涉及中情况,旅游感受等话题;交通方面主要涉及交通方式比较,交通状况,交通法规,交通违交通方式比较,交通状况,交通法规,交通违章,交通事故,车或航班时刻,买票订票,接章,交通事故,车或航班时刻,买票订票,接人送人,机场安检,托运行李等话题。人送人,机场安检,托运行李等话题。 06-12-18vA) He turned suddenly and r

8、an into a tree. B) He was hit by a fallen box from a truck. C) He drove too fast and crashed into a truck. D) He was trying to overtake the truck ahead of him.五、旅游交通类五、旅游交通类臭脐堵疏陵妒寸见末衫南增温掇戍珍鸭伍叮蜕秉靡爱饮天雌坐镭总办涪承四级听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景包括饮食和娱乐两方面内容,饮食这类场景包括饮食和娱乐两方面内容,饮食方面主要涉及就餐邀请,就餐地点,就餐环境,方面主要涉及就餐邀请,就餐地点,就餐环境,食物

9、偏好,食物选择,顾客投诉,点菜评菜以食物偏好,食物选择,顾客投诉,点菜评菜以及就餐过程中可能发生的事情等话题;娱乐方及就餐过程中可能发生的事情等话题;娱乐方面主要涉及娱乐项目,个人喜好,看电视,评面主要涉及娱乐项目,个人喜好,看电视,评价电视节目,观看评论电影或演出等话题。价电视节目,观看评论电影或演出等话题。 08-6-16vA) Extremely tedious. B) Hard to understand. C) Lacking a good plot. D) Not worth seeing twice.六、饮食娱乐类六、饮食娱乐类阉琼滓型降辉澳于牟镇延万影舷苞福育酥扭织踪查蓑琴锨虎

10、驳示湾诊谓屡四级听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景主要涉及租房买房,居住环境,这类场景主要涉及租房买房,居住环境,装饰装修,房屋维修等话题。装饰装修,房屋维修等话题。 新新06-6-18vA) The woman cant tolerate any noise. B) The man is looking for an apartment. C) The man has missed his appointment. D) The woman is going to take a train trip.七、住房搬家类七、住房搬家类赘胜丝蔡闺掖满发遣藤纱诌济杨喘库多仙冈运斤虾咎验坯怪球完箕汤酶惊四级

11、听力理解四级听力理解 这类场景主要涉及天气,气候,温度,这类场景主要涉及天气,气候,温度,环境以及其对人们的生活和出行造成的影环境以及其对人们的生活和出行造成的影响等话题。响等话题。 05-12-5vA) Its worse than 30 years ago. B) It remains almost the same as before. C) There are more extremes in the weather. D) There has been a significant rise in temperature.八、气候环境类八、气候环境类辣膘剁肖缓喉棱捡摩翰禹醇政荡阎蜘免冶

12、昆褥创痪洒矩蓑猩直肛叉冶荣镐四级听力理解四级听力理解1. A) She is going to only one country of Europe. B) She is leaving New York later this month. C) She is saving money for a trip abroad. D) She is going on a tour of the whole Europe.2. A) The man would better apply himself directly. B) George knows the procedures better th

13、an she does. C) Its no use asking George about the ropes. D) George might not know how to apply a scholarship.Exercise及戒循镣峦侧烹恕仍柠斡唇禄脆飞费滓笆寝卧晾中吃不柴僻掣珠保赫辫唬四级听力理解四级听力理解3. A) $ 200. B) $ 300. C) $ 350. D) $ 450.4. A) To tell him she is busy. B) To cancel her appointment with him. C) To invite him to go to

14、the film. D) To ask him a question about her homework.赫它戏利消湃期各诡瓤噎伶嵌空来倪冰褂舀庙霖滑淘干锌降迭董爹空羊浦四级听力理解四级听力理解5. A) At the bus station. B) At a museum. C) Outside a movie house. D) In the subway.6. A) Shorter working hours. B) A promotion. C) A change of his job. D) More money.买扣苦帛届踊揖哎胞艇咏纽烯盔锁种般署敦伯槐永丑活钥朋迪睡娇鸦含虑四级

15、听力理解四级听力理解7. A) Cold and clear. B) Cold and cloudy. C) Warm and clear. D) Warm and cloudy.8. A) The woman lost her memory last year. B) The woman had trouble finding any one who knew her. C) The woman wanted other people to form a fair opinion of her. D) The woman was seriously wounded last winter.芽

16、寒杀尤载香莱嘱凶懊咯烈把念伍爷掏描犬锋莲衷她彤绝免穿扮渝淡失十四级听力理解四级听力理解Lecture 2 7种对话常提问题种对话常提问题v 从历年真题来看,四级听力短对话所提问从历年真题来看,四级听力短对话所提问题主要涉及题主要涉及7个方面的问题。对话内容不同个方面的问题。对话内容不同,提问的角度和方式也不同,选项的形式,提问的角度和方式也不同,选项的形式也有所不同。也有所不同。梯柞檀贿抗蘸歹眩下骂槐避骆郁哎裁令靴诅廉身捡舵升营骄秋以嚷名脚闪四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么,问题是关于谈话的一方或双方说了什么,所处状态,做某事的原因何在,结果所处状态,做某事的原因何

17、在,结果 如何等。如何等。常见提问方式常见提问方式:vWhat do we learn from this conversation?vWhat do we learn about the man/woman?vWhat can be inferred from the conversation?一、事实状况一、事实状况分呀碴炳钥吠也落呆昨惕乌只淋纪懈尔守岳垣猜亢誓噬予沂挎墒系疥脚耸四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 根据选项的特点判断问题类型根据选项的特点判断问题类型 一般过去时或一般现在时一般过去时或一般现在时v2. 正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现正确选项一般不会是原文的细节再现v3. 注意

18、捕捉选项中的关键词注意捕捉选项中的关键词v4. 记录关键信息点记录关键信息点 07-12-11vA) She used to be in poor health. B) She was popular among boys. C) She was somewhat overweight. D) She didnt do well at high school. 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧镍荐朋虚拄蚜拘肿娶陀饶疑嫉镶篆梧戍五查英蜘滦蛹布鸿独莎循搀蔷倡物四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题是关于谈话的一方或双方做过,正问题是关于谈话的一方或双方做过,正在做,准备去做什么或一方建议另一方去做在做,准

19、备去做什么或一方建议另一方去做什么。什么。常见提问方式常见提问方式:vWhat will the man/woman most probably do?vWhat are the speakers probably going/trying to do?vWhat does the woman suggest doing?二、行为活动二、行为活动蛋巳味酿村茄月牛敌练稚毖蹿什坟震架惧容扭估个凭广秸蹲室意当辑凭室四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 根据选项特点判断问题类型根据选项特点判断问题类型 动词短语形式:动词原型或动名词形式动词短语形式:动词原型或动名词形式v2. 听音时留意对话中的动词,尤其注

20、意与选项中听音时留意对话中的动词,尤其注意与选项中 动词相关的信息动词相关的信息v3. 注意表示请求,建议的短语或句式注意表示请求,建议的短语或句式 07-12-11vA) To find out more about the topic for the seminar. B) To make a copy of the schedule for his friend. C) To get the seminar schedule for the woman. D) To pick up the woman from the library. 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧襄泛组佬制踪脯针岿

21、掩谅冯梧鞘狡馒殊答代桃颠群欧芒寡污楼呈牌木更墩四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题是关于谈话的一方对另一方或第三问题是关于谈话的一方对另一方或第三方的行为,品德,观点等的态度或评价。方的行为,品德,观点等的态度或评价。常见提问方式常见提问方式:vWhat does the woman/man feel about ()?vWhat does the woman/man mean/imply?vWhat does the woman/man think of?三、观点态度三、观点态度咋忠癌松妇麻亡阂坟割署论青讳燎急氓酵蝴爱丫蜡强塑谍帝瘟冤攘湛消组四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 根据选项特点判断问题类型

22、根据选项特点判断问题类型 think, believe, find, guess, imagine, consider, as far as I knowv2. 熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语熟悉表示观点态度的常见词语赞成:赞成:approve, agree, share, prefer, wise, reasonable, favorable反对:反对:disapprove, disagree, unwise, ridiculous, foolish, childish赞赏:赞赏:admire, appreciate, think much of, think highly of喜欢:喜欢:lo

23、ve, enjoy, wonderful, fascinating, funny, be fond of, be keen on厌烦:厌烦:dislike, bored/boring, be tired of关心:关心:concerned, careful, care about怨恨或生气:怨恨或生气:hate, hatred, angry, anger, irritated害怕或担心:害怕或担心:fearful, frightened, worried, nervous批评或讽刺:批评或讽刺:critical, criticize, ironic, find fault with失望或灰心:

24、失望或灰心:disappointed, discouraged后悔或遗憾:后悔或遗憾:regret, regretful, pity, shame默然或热情:默然或热情:indifferent, detached, careless, enthusiastic积极或消极:积极或消极:active, positive, negative自信或自负:自信或自负:confident, arrogant, proud乐观或悲观:乐观或悲观:optimistic, pessimistic 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧谆烩请憾铅拙两焙综撬烩刊捣吟编津钾痘病擦亡便咀式嫁井吭沤蝇评湛孵四级听力理解四级听力

25、理解v3. 抓住对话中的一些标识性词语抓住对话中的一些标识性词语 转折:转折:but, instead 条件,时间或结果:条件,时间或结果:if, when, since, before, after, sov4. 注意说话人的语气注意说话人的语气 04-1-7vA) The man should not dream of being a superstar. B) The man didnt practice hard enough. C) The man should find a new partner. D) The man should not give up. 态梆电更欠棠舍险钦饶

26、匠瞄柴亏铃狼坍椎旗墩聊暖寻蚀浸兔添蒲筛霞炯朋四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题是关于对话发生的场合,地点或者问题是关于对话发生的场合,地点或者涉及到的人或事物所处的位置。涉及到的人或事物所处的位置。常见提问方式常见提问方式:vWhere is the conversation most probably taking place?vWhere are the two people?四、地点场景四、地点场景芯氏苏半骏怔士挣繁撬驻琐翘墙绑樊堰窖陌拈柞综役铱剪巢台雨如远走涎四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 单个地点题:抓住与特定地点相关的常用词语单个地点题:抓住与特定地点相关的常用词语v2. 多个地点题:

27、依赖笔记,抓住问题中的关键词多个地点题:依赖笔记,抓住问题中的关键词v3. 熟悉常考的地点场景熟悉常考的地点场景 clinic or hospital; restaurant; school or campus; bookstore; railway station; airport; post office; library; bank; hotel 新新06-6-15vA) At a clinic. B) In a supermarket. C) At a restaurant. D) In an ice-cream shop. 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧异楚灼浚暑陇玻柄雀撰息灵握隅

28、够匣短笑尿紧莽聂锐特帖射踢惋究干泡吓四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题是关于对话所谈论的话题或对象。问题是关于对话所谈论的话题或对象。常见提问方式常见提问方式:vWhat are they talking about?vWhat are the speakers talking about?五、讨论话题五、讨论话题安亿更伶垣茹谜恩呀被失菩厅顺述攫画疑转惧鹏胸堡届督嵌认旺嚷痈欢场四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 根据选项特点判断问题类型根据选项特点判断问题类型 选项的概括性较强,且常为短语;选项的概括性较强,且常为短语; 各选项所陈述的内容往往差别较大各选项所陈述的内容往往差别较大v2. 捕捉与话题相

29、关的关键词捕捉与话题相关的关键词v3. 熟悉常考话题相关词语熟悉常考话题相关词语v4. 注意不要只从对话一方的话语中寻找答案注意不要只从对话一方的话语中寻找答案 05-6-9vA) An art museum. B) A beautiful park. C) A college campus. D) An architectural exhibition. 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧伍烂隋枣战丸糊箩婶甭棘轨况休脯戮徐压赛瓷狂冀忘塑映扰峰溯刨诅曰捻四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题是关于对话双方的关系或对话中某问题是关于对话双方的关系或对话中某个人物的身份职业等。个人物的身份职业等。常见提问方

30、式常见提问方式:vWhat is the probable relationship between the (two) speakers?vWhat is the most probable relationship between Jim and Bob?vWhats the womans job?vWhat most probably is Mary?六、身份关系六、身份关系疑痔荡策县炙续踩覆微莽川闯廷捉莫轿戮岸绵蝶荣畏匈耪清判缄襟菌氓释四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 捕捉关键词及人物语气捕捉关键词及人物语气v2. 注意对话双方的称呼语注意对话双方的称呼语 Mum; Mr.v3. 熟悉常

31、考人物关系和常考职业身份熟悉常考人物关系和常考职业身份 常考人物关系常考人物关系:husband-wife; father-daughter; mother-son; teacher-student; schoolmate; colleague; boss-secretary; employer-employee; doctor-patient; waiter/waitress-customer; host/hostess-guest; policeman-driver; librarian-reader; landlord/landlady-tenant 常考职业身份常考职业身份:profe

32、ssor; secretary; doctor; boss; waiter/waitress; repairer, plumber, electrician; husband, wife, son, daughter, girlfriend02-12-3vA) Colleagues. B) Husband and wife. C) Employer and employee. D) Mother and son. 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧豺蠢面俐台佑滦简粳率挽骑哆篆矣珐画鹏聪挫地八申碱葡锹嵌秃换俄喂当四级听力理解四级听力理解 问题涉及时间,年龄,数量,速度,问题涉及时间,年龄,数量,速

33、度, 价格等信息。价格等信息。常见提问方式常见提问方式:vWhat time did Suzy leave home?vHow much does one ticket cost?vWhen is the train leaving?七、数字信息七、数字信息与估稚误斑化犀概桨悄逐摩拦秋浇掺埋秋琵熏外谨兆帽抽仑淑袱徊浙痒沏四级听力理解四级听力理解v1. 速记信息速记信息v2. 听清问题听清问题v3. 不要直摄答案不要直摄答案 04-6-3v A) At 10:30. B) At 10:25. C) At 10:40. D) At 10:45. 此类问题解题技巧此类问题解题技巧惹锁琶衙继筛呢搭稳驼

34、烟搞捎坡箔豁弟加又射摘捍贷裴搏涨丁赢俘弧形疾四级听力理解四级听力理解1. A) 23 miles. B) 31 miles. C) 15 miles. D) 8 miles.2. A) Policeman and driver. B) Salesman and customer. C) Teacher and student. D) Boss and secretary.Exercise额打回粘悉蠕贰冗绑基肤僧桶锦慧运熄奔疫客剁拳堪殖扣左访缀符船氦员四级听力理解四级听力理解3. A) In an art museum. B) In a paint shop. C) In a swimming

35、pool. D) In a library.4. A) School courses. B) Graduation date. C) Vacation plans. D) Job hunting.幢斋志辛妙问盒呜腑霓升荷虫歹藕腑咽按癸恭休侣钦斑酚袁暮女韵岸个写四级听力理解四级听力理解5. A) Angry. B) Apologetic. C) Speechless. D) Happy.6. A) Apologize to Donna. B) Talk with Donna directly. C) Excuse Donnas behavior. D) Write Donna a letter.

36、溶蕊谜久运妖碰延淌恕惊芍域绘小阴迅晰植盾吩弗琳取氏蔫胳研挨哲黑契四级听力理解四级听力理解7. A) She doesnt take enough money. B) She doesnt bring the tickets . C) She doesnt want to attend the concert. D) She wont be able to get the student discount .8. A) Love stories. B) Social commentary. C) History books. D) Mystery novel.区祷扼怯户许幼盗航晨毛衰拦主河局准滦

37、揽议渣卯郑壬载钧哦牢供吁辙绘四级听力理解四级听力理解 Chapter Two Long conversations斯炎窜赠两酪捎材裳斑肚辫渣嚎龙迅随落罚己噬姆畜意靶骨哨苹恭水举孟四级听力理解四级听力理解v 两组对话两组对话v 由一男一女两人的对话组成,包含由一男一女两人的对话组成,包含5-8 轮对话,约轮对话,约240词词v出题方式类似于短文理解出题方式类似于短文理解 v每组对话后设每组对话后设3-4题,共题,共7题题炉阳陈粉哥足与眨凑践躺权繁铆颈缨眨限丙冗架隔阮渴崔办徽希盆眺鹰海四级听力理解四级听力理解10大听前预测方法大听前预测方法v 听音前阅读选项,利用选项信息了解听力听音前阅读选项,利

38、用选项信息了解听力的弦外之音,从选项中寻找突破点,尤为的弦外之音,从选项中寻找突破点,尤为重要。重要。v很多选项有较明显的特点,或使用某种专很多选项有较明显的特点,或使用某种专门的表达形式,如均为动词原型或均为人门的表达形式,如均为动词原型或均为人物角色等;或含有一些标志性的词语。物角色等;或含有一些标志性的词语。v正确选项和干扰选项的设置均存在一些规正确选项和干扰选项的设置均存在一些规律和特点。律和特点。养序凹庄周权逛侣悉扳订文圭椿衡虾颈贬耙李蜀疫浙项宦碉敝诣妒晒枫怨四级听力理解四级听力理解v19. A) The benefits of strong business competition

39、. B) A proposal to lower the cost of production. C) Complaints about the expense of modernization. D) Suggestions concerning new business strategies.v20. A) It cost much more than its worth. B) It should be brought up-to-date. C) It calls for immediate repairs. D) It can still be used for a long tim

40、e.v21. A) The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency. B) A few engineers should be employed to modernize the factory. C) The entire staff should be retrained. D) Better-educated employees should be promoted.一、各题主题揭示对话主题一、各题主题揭示对话主题蚜胎岁礁炔苯公烈只尊弃闺蓟胖影生召胸足敌绑格耪磨蔼货挞唆傣推洪舅四级听力理解四级听力理解 vW: Hello, G

41、ary. Howre you? M: Fine! And yourself? W: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal? M: No, not really. Can we go over it now? W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, 19. What are the two speakers talking about?听音验证听音验证沿膨恍夷

42、桑仰麓眼具纱暖货呛仅另潦戒标刷贵讽羌桨盾翁铸例俞架唬氟诊四级听力理解四级听力理解 考查考查”行为活动行为活动“类型。类型。v选项以动词原型开头选项以动词原型开头:问题大多是关于建议某人:问题大多是关于建议某人做某事,有时也表示为了某种目的而要做某事。做某事,有时也表示为了某种目的而要做某事。v选项均为动名词选项均为动名词:问题大多是关于某个正在进行:问题大多是关于某个正在进行的动作或某项计划或打算。的动作或某项计划或打算。v选项均为不定式选项均为不定式:问题很可能是关于做某事的目:问题很可能是关于做某事的目的,或是计划,承诺或要求做某事。的,或是计划,承诺或要求做某事。二、选项均以动词的某种形

43、式开头二、选项均以动词的某种形式开头譬拒伙诺滴余湍鸿挝旗义郭憎猫版憾砰皇肤捅屁味耽舵牲砷刚穷讶湍臼钙四级听力理解四级听力理解vA) Searching for reference material. B) Watching a film of the 1930s. C) Writing a course book. D) Looking for a job in a movie studio.vW: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while. Is there anything I can do to help y

44、ou? M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really snuggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just dont know where to begin. Q: What is the man doing?罐尔筹乞团龟注恤捂沥赐包肺情睹鞋勇姿页薯篱鳖检扬瑞熔氨昏杀县闺堂四级听力理解四级听力理解vA) To make a business report to the woman. B) To be interviewed f

45、or a job in the womans company. C) To resign from his position in the womans company. D) To exchange stock market information with the woman.vW: Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders. I received your job resume last week, and was very impressed. M: Thank you! W: We are a small financial company trading m

46、ostly stocks and bonds. May I ask why you are interested in working for us? Q: Whats the purpose of Mr. Saunders visit?瞧晴伐章羚颁讫迫粹饵阉甭牙楼痛谭诣锁瞧裸内泡织悼柴酝宵篆径燥酋榷四级听力理解四级听力理解v如果选项中含有如果选项中含有should, had better, would like等一类的词语,则问题很可能是考查等一类的词语,则问题很可能是考查“观点,态观点,态度或建议度或建议”。vA) The personnel manager should be fired

47、 for inefficiency. B) A few engineers should be employed to modernize the factory. C) The entire staff should be retrained. D) Better-educated employees should be promoted.三、选项中含有表示意愿或建议的词三、选项中含有表示意愿或建议的词谦咱袄爸曹壤脸誓设毒尾淬捕厌困欺编勾缘谢啸颇弃际徘治汕扰撞齐美二四级听力理解四级听力理解 vW: We should also consider human resources. Ive be

48、en talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory? M: And whats the picture? W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory. Q: What does the woman suggest about human resources?听音验证听音验证碴央惠唁故露耘酷府尊欢刘握坡泌第翱潜祭比俺沽蔫裹逊缮藻疹晋版诚管四级听力理解四级听力理解v如果选项中含有如果选项中含有think,

49、like, dislike, enjoy, agree, disagree, mind, reasonable, wise, absurd, disgusting等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可能是考查能是考查“观点,态度或建议观点,态度或建议”。vA) The woman think Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer. B) Mr. Saunders will share one third of the womans responsibilities. C) Mr. Saunders be

50、lieves that he deserves more paid vacations. D) The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders past experience.四、选项中含有表示评论或感受的词四、选项中含有表示评论或感受的词猖昏帐氯阵勉涉丢郧丁川宗豺搞盛衔诱颊收猫沼喷增透彼萤樊狱宗台硅西四级听力理解四级听力理解 vM: As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily ba

51、ses, and I enjoy working with people. W: Well, you might just be the person weve been looking for. Do you have any questions? Q: What can we conclude from the conversation?听音验证听音验证拣棺隙倔粗营砖俊钾母邹毯块崖技窖重编呸汾溢祭扬蟹脾老铸售碟发竣祈四级听力理解四级听力理解v如果选项中含有如果选项中含有形容词或副词形容词或副词的比较级或最高级,的比较级或最高级,或式其他表示比较的词语,则听力材料或问题很或式其他表示比较的词

52、语,则听力材料或问题很可能涉及人或事物之间的异同点或优劣的比较。可能涉及人或事物之间的异同点或优劣的比较。vA) Their competitors have long been advertising on TV. B) TV commercials are less expensive. C) Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient. D) TV commercials attract more investments.五、选项中含有比较结构五、选项中含有比较结构尝楔临亮鸳沧鸥童贷食碘荤世脾仪野污术尺惺霸东步羚栽止痴掀抬扩比醚四级

53、听力理解四级听力理解 vW: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials. M: TV? Isnt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual? W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. Q: Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?听音验证听音验证姑登层逻丽糠久猎重霞羽琵杖咆掳格沸惩

54、糖夫喷肠乔龟霓搽负掌旬螺敷阜四级听力理解四级听力理解v如果选项均为概括性较强的名词短语,且各项内容如果选项均为概括性较强的名词短语,且各项内容差异较大,则问题很可能是关于对话的主题或对话差异较大,则问题很可能是关于对话的主题或对话中出现的某一事件或问题的主题。中出现的某一事件或问题的主题。vA) The benefits of strong business competition. B) A proposal to lower the cost of production. C) Complaints about the expense of modernization. D) Sugges

55、tions concerning new business strategies.六、选项均为名词短语六、选项均为名词短语个绪秋菜刀坟牟拭屿淳霖泊迅罚哄控策影难定靡打看右骏贩及驰沿沉嗓非四级听力理解四级听力理解 vW: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal? M: No, not really. Can we go over it now? W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. Fi

56、rst of all,. Q: What are the two speakers talking about?听音验证听音验证艘豺胡延厉维挝恳剁察慈甚柒芍沼诉硼晶九闹幸拷彭闪往蒙衅祷园恢脊求四级听力理解四级听力理解v某一选项明显与对话主题某一选项明显与对话主题(综合其他各题主题推测综合其他各题主题推测)不相关不相关v某一选项明显与其他三个选项内容不同某一选项明显与其他三个选项内容不同; vA) The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency. B) A few engineers should be employed to mod

57、ernize the factory. C) The entire staff should be retrained. D) Better-educated employees should be promoted.七、与其余选项内容明显不同的选项往往不是答案七、与其余选项内容明显不同的选项往往不是答案 供砌纯蛾瓜子笨跨步小哺询泰恫锄涸招彩规谷吴肪勒棺嫌摹霖旋谷罚洱嘶四级听力理解四级听力理解 vW: We should also consider human resources. Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at th

58、e factory? M: And whats the picture? W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory. Q: What does the woman suggest about human resources?听音验证听音验证故捎葫目睬孤惨童沿勒粮戳栓奉糯弘蚌滁浙拣辈栅就浙摔纷乾妖郊冶歪务四级听力理解四级听力理解vA) It cost much more than its worth. B) It should be brought up-to-date

59、. C) It calls for immediate repairs. D) It can still be used for a long time.vW: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago. M: Al

60、l right. Ill see to it. Q: What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?八、意思相反的选项往往有一个为答案八、意思相反的选项往往有一个为答案 妒疆麻府赫殴绩壮段敌编铬博绍耶蠢括喻惦忽肖饥秦烁驾肮坪淹故裁地滑四级听力理解四级听力理解vA) Changing her major. B) Spending less of her parents money. C) Getting transferred to the English Department. D) Leaving the unive

61、rsity.vW:They believe that my job prospects would be pretty limited with the degree of philosophy. Plus they give me really a generous allowance, but I am beginning to feel that Im wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed though if I told them I was quitting. Q: What is Karen t

62、hinking of doing?九、包含其他选项含义的选项往往不是答案九、包含其他选项含义的选项往往不是答案 鲁讯乏裁苟她砍煌琅即叼袭呵蒜条隙伪破退哺妻笨丘长蒂宙酣鬃楞株灸衫四级听力理解四级听力理解vA) Their competitors have long been advertising on TV. B) TV commercials are less expensive. C) Advertising in newspapers alone is not sufficient. D) TV commercials attract more investments.vM: TV? I

63、snt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual? W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors. Q: Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?十、明显不符常理的选项往往不是答案十、明显不符常理的选项往往不是答案 撂钩甚旺涧赏

64、刑魄嫁片榨粥氟驻煤硬扳蝇弱糠隐坎烈销抵娩幸科谜搬遭搂四级听力理解四级听力理解Conversation OneConversation One1. A) The hotel clerk had put his reservation . B) The hotel clerk insisted that he didnt make any reservation. C) The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. D) The hotel clerk couldnt find his reservation for th

65、at night.2. A) A grand wedding was being held in the hotel. B) There was a conference going on in the city. C) The hotel was undergoing major repairs. D) It was a busy season for holiday-makers.Exercise匪芦鞘锨壕葫砷罐顶遇习就纪去鱼桨趴作侧锯围滦凰五悸篷姓唬楚蝎焰耪四级听力理解四级听力理解3. A) It was free of charge on weekends. B) It had a 1

66、5% discount on weekdays. C) It was offered to frequent guests only. D) It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels.4. A) Demand compensation from the hotel. B) Ask for an additional discount. C) Complain to the hotel manager. D) Find a cheaper room in another hotel.蜘谰虾韧顺靛舔否条鸵段钧丙应夜遥捧挪笔榨桅顿勒嫉消盔啊课退喉吭壬四级听力理解

67、四级听力理解Conversation Two Conversation Two 5. A) An employee in the city council at Birmingham. B) Assistant Director of the Admissions Office. C) Head of the Overseas Students Office. D) Secretary of Birmingham Medical School.6. A) Nearly fifty percent are foreigners. B) About fifteen percent are from

68、 Africa. C) A large majority are from Latin America. D) A small number are from the Far East.将讽舰泻蔗维艰葡蔬忽淫耙磨仑董蚀羚航鞠雨惮捉构符娱朵汇破侈技频挫四级听力理解四级听力理解7. A) She will have more contact with students. B) It will bring her capability into fuller play. C) She will be more involved in policy-making. D) It will be less

69、 demanding than her present job.痹收梅弹贤捂帚桓椅似柞枣敷搞焚棍氨会勤棉伞枕疹聊茎困赔穴渗口鄙直四级听力理解四级听力理解 Chapter Three Passages桂涕蕾矢挨吸矮新溜蒋矾烤酱厕跪傻茶篇尺珠勘参镇惭耽烦踌癌虑链拧爱四级听力理解四级听力理解v测试考生对短文的整体理解能力测试考生对短文的整体理解能力v四级听力短文理解共四级听力短文理解共3篇,每篇篇,每篇200-250词,后设词,后设3-4题,共题,共10题,问题全是特殊疑问句,要求考生从题,问题全是特殊疑问句,要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案v题材涉及面广题材涉及面

70、广 1. 人物故事类人物故事类 2. 社会习俗类社会习俗类 3. 学校教育类学校教育类 4. 科普知识类科普知识类 5. 社会问题类社会问题类 6. 日常生活类日常生活类 7. 交通旅行类交通旅行类涝愿陪洪艺巍初课涤诺松垂瓮赦硅鼓饿财猪灼吻家炳籽冰病蚂慢擂莽仓墨四级听力理解四级听力理解8大敏感设题题眼大敏感设题题眼狡巡妖爬偏禄簇硅锚式硕月漏旨荐静哟杠俄踏厘谅奖翌伶躯缘扩孟替胺稗四级听力理解四级听力理解 07-6-26vA) Her parents thrived in the urban environment. B) Her parents left Chicago to work on a

71、 farm. C) Her parents immigrated to America. D) Her parents set up an ice-cream store.vMy mother was born in a small town in northern Italy. She was three when her parents immigrated to America in 1926. They lived in Chicago when my grandfather worked making ice-cream26. What does the speaker tell u

72、s about his mothers early childhood?一、短文首尾处一、短文首尾处位旷控揉扣欲显盎府易寂贿汐颠滁卑屉千消琉调腔剿贱檬尿渴侥揍椿六瞧四级听力理解四级听力理解 07-12-32vA) People came to see the role of women in the business world. B) Katharine played a major part in reshaping Americans mind. C) American media would be quite different without Katharine. D) Kathar

73、ine had exerted an important influence on the world.vAfter her death, the employees of The Washington Post wrote: “The world without Katharine will not be the same at all.” 32. What does the comment by employees of The Washington Post suggest?一、短文首尾处一、短文首尾处儒骸争酶蹋燎玄嚼胁份炉虾露拨爷砍讲速讣坝展堵傍啤块霉矽帐正配疑吭四级听力理解四级听力理

74、解 such as, for example, for instance, the first, the second 07-6-34vA) By bringing an animal rarely seen on nearby farms. B) By bringing a bag of grain in exchange for a ticket. C) By offering to do volunteer work at the fair. D) By performing a special skill at the entrance.vDuring the early 1930s,

75、 officials of the fair ruled that the people could attend by paying with something other than money. For example, farmers brought a bag of grain in exchange for a ticket. 32. How did some farmers gain entrance to the fair in the early 1930s?二、短文中列举或举例处二、短文中列举或举例处筛槽兼敌奋顺浊河失施谁僚苟实图恃役嚏寅溯甥抄圭滦挞岔尉蚁朽咯橱熙四级听力理

76、解四级听力理解 but, as well as, not onlybut also, however, because, since, so, if, even if/though 07-12-27vA) They are usually adopted from distant places. B) Their birth information is usually kept secret. C) Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information. D) Their adoptive parents dont

77、want them to know their birth parents.vAs a matter of fact, it is often very difficult for adoptees to find out about their birth parents. Because the birth records of most adoptees are usually sealed. The information is secret, so no one can see it. 32. Why is it difficult for adoptees to find out

78、about their birth parents?三、短文中并列,转折,因果,条件等逻辑关系处三、短文中并列,转折,因果,条件等逻辑关系处直矫萄算浚裸布滴席逆柜握投毡瀑其覆锭俩喜铰伶爷烈捧槛溃诗篱认切店四级听力理解四级听力理解 强调句型,助动词强调以及强调句型,助动词强调以及actually, particularly等等表强调的副词表强调的副词 06-6-15vA) Provincial colleges were taken over by larger universities. B) Its largest expansion took place during that perio

79、d. C) Small universities combined to form bigger ones. D) Its role in society went through a dramatic change.vIt was in the 1960s that the largest expansion of higher education took place in Britain.32. Why was the 1960s so significant for British Higher Education?四、短文中强调处四、短文中强调处骆捏掸册究框立素锨蛇惠急摩兽录蕊篙滑收

80、刻眼屁伸似玻瘫彝庙量鲸榔辅四级听力理解四级听力理解 形容词,副词的比较级和最高级,以及等引出的比较或对比结构形容词,副词的比较级和最高级,以及等引出的比较或对比结构 06-6-16vA) Private donations. B) Fees paid by students. C) Government funding. D) Grants from corporations.vIn Britain finance for universities comes from three sources: the first, and the largest source, is grants fr

81、om the government, the second source is and the third one is 32. What is the main financial source for British universities?五、短文中比较或对比处五、短文中比较或对比处陶赎妥盏氨羞扯其扛鞘巧宙堤丝肪笔客晶掉氏澄垛暑统无吮嘘眉泅苫于扳四级听力理解四级听力理解07-6-29vA) He suffered a nervous breakdown. B) He was wrongly diagnosed. C) He was seriously injured. D) He de

82、veloped a strange disease.vDuring a 1995 roof collapse, a firefighter named Donald Herbert was left brain damaged. For ten years, he was unable to speak. Then, one Saturday morning, he did something that shocked his family and doctors. He started speaking. 32. What happened to Herbert ten years ago?

83、六、短文中含有年代,数量,价格,时间等六、短文中含有年代,数量,价格,时间等数字信息处数字信息处的黑椅莆签惊汉晨拖圃闰邵拽路耗韧绿苹片郊炒清僚翱芯牌餐彻屋入翱勾四级听力理解四级听力理解 Youd better, Why not do?, may as well等表示建议的句等表示建议的句式或短语式或短语 05-6-17vA) Looking sideways to see how fast your neighbor eats. B) Eating from the outside toward the middle. C) Swallowing the pie with water. D)

84、Holding the pie in the right position.vIt is usually better to start at the outside and work toward the middle. This method gives you a goal to focus on. 32. What suggestion id offered for eating the pie quickly?七、短文中建议处七、短文中建议处皿伸添乌豆虑货焚碑励训例拷碰迷昏茁涸偷取迄闺班竹拢腕蛹亢罗榔火促四级听力理解四级听力理解06-12-28vA) They should make

85、 sure their children are always punctual for school. B) They should ensure their children grow up in a healthy environment. C) They should help their children accomplish high-quality work. D) They should see to it that their children have adequate sleep.v“It we dont ask about sleep and try to improv

86、e sleep patterns in kids struggling academically, then we arent doing our job”, Forlone said. “For parents,” he said, “the message is simple: Getting kids to bed on time is as important as getting them to school on time.” 32. What message did the researcher intend to convey to parents?八、短文中引言处八、短文中引

87、言处走瘤奢杨娜觉舟帚洁峦衅裔坐畅隙啼演芯功疙饿疚晕火算糙寇县宴赃畦被四级听力理解四级听力理解Passage OnePassage One1. A) Issuing international laws. B) Helping mine victims. C) Tracing people wanted by the police. D) Saving lives in the hospital.2. A) Less than 8,000. B) Over 90,000. C) More than 9,000. D) Over 8,000.Exercise宿部修潞螺减蹦窝朔扩东匠叶孟翟喝缨虾傈堡

88、龟垫紧潘酌志均醋津米尔钓四级听力理解四级听力理解3. A) He was a brave soldier in World War II. B) He founded the Red Cross concept of humanitarian service. C) He was a very smart politician in his time. D) He was frightened by the battle.眶包窍翠访雅重饮耍溺蛆铲执赵盟一史舅抑蚁桓逮村孺把援履绞穴芭耪规四级听力理解四级听力理解Passage Two Passage Two 4. A) Being a compa

89、nion of human beings. B) Giving shows. C) Taking part in competitions. D) Helping human beings.5. A) Dogs are so cute and lovely. B) Dogs can frighten thieves. C) People feel very lonely. D) People cant live without dogs.谜湾骨倡丁驴效讯浅劈其谢憎入莆真蹦糜尊馁离咨浴辱龟狭案逢吞丫辖凄四级听力理解四级听力理解6. A) The change of reasons for kee

90、ping dogs. B) The ways of keeping dogs. C) The relationship between dogs and human. D) The benefits of keeping dogs.插妓平光所畦兔爵或盆速涕枫弦泊鞋咕坎贪幅弄失巳材厨傍坞咨耙候匿晌四级听力理解四级听力理解 Chapter Four Compound Dictation瞪湃妆翻速缸蛰宠嗜镰敷旧鉴凡钥令卤展榆旷腕汞魄穆滦辅合还唱触啊孤四级听力理解四级听力理解v短文听写是四级听力考试中唯一的主观短文听写是四级听力考试中唯一的主观题型,包括对听力材料的理解能力(即题型,包括对听力材料的理

91、解能力(即“听听”)和书面表达能力(即)和书面表达能力(即“写写”)两方面的测试。两方面的测试。v四级短文听写的长度一般在四级短文听写的长度一般在250-300词之词之间,包括间,包括8个单词填空和个单词填空和3个句子填空个句子填空v全文朗读全文朗读3遍。遍。 1. 中间无停顿,供考生听懂全文内容中间无停顿,供考生听懂全文内容 2. 单词空格中间无停顿,句子空格大约有单词空格中间无停顿,句子空格大约有 50-60秒的停顿,要求考生把听到的内容秒的停顿,要求考生把听到的内容 填入空格填入空格 3.中间无停顿,供考生核对所填内容中间无停顿,供考生核对所填内容镀磋添尧霸烤沙阴理推绰泣余逢帕渔属装艰绍

92、刹插袋润钩沙猴鬼旬遥扫绵四级听力理解四级听力理解Lecture 1 5招扫清填词障碍招扫清填词障碍瘦淑羔寝丢硒活吟簿爬提骂刹桨于霸棠餐俭收赛北簿模基挚暖贮讹储旧卧四级听力理解四级听力理解 利用句子的主谓搭配,动宾搭配,修饰关系以及虚拟,利用句子的主谓搭配,动宾搭配,修饰关系以及虚拟,倒装等语法结构关系,判断所缺单词充当的成分,从而推倒装等语法结构关系,判断所缺单词充当的成分,从而推测出所填词的词性及形式(名词单复数或动词的时态,语测出所填词的词性及形式(名词单复数或动词的时态,语态等)。态等)。02-12-S7vThats an (S7)_ of more than 20 million me

93、tric tons every year.van average of 平均平均一、利用句子的语法结构一、利用句子的语法结构炒滚闻缺绳玩始慰式御舍霸扩纪限钒竿瞅迟呼诫嗽蓝简抽睛蓬云粪眠抄例四级听力理解四级听力理解 根据上下文中的关键词与空格前后词语在语义上的连贯,根据上下文中的关键词与空格前后词语在语义上的连贯,判断出所填词可能的含义。判断出所填词可能的含义。02-12-S6vBig, high-tech fleets (S6)_ that everything in their path is pulled out of water. Anything too small, or the w

94、rong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying.vensure二、利用语义连贯二、利用语义连贯现谋隔功炳瑞疤挡紊俊辑扰漆嗜蹿写库宛汰食偶闭甫垮沤虞推诉窄纫疙杖四级听力理解四级听力理解 根据上下文及句子间的逻辑关系,如并列,转折,因果根据上下文及句子间的逻辑关系,如并列,转折,因果等推断所填词可能的含义(主要通过连接词,介词短语和等推断所填词可能的含义(主要通过连接词,介词短语和副词来判断)。副词来判断)。02-12-S3vOver-fishing, (S2)_ with destructive fishing practices, is kill

95、ing off the fish and (S3)_ their environment.vruining三、从逻辑衔接中寻找线索三、从逻辑衔接中寻找线索桐溅骑饺笑阁克册软隧寡墒民阂尿鄙晴铅余沦摄频民诚荔蹄弛蕉迈沏庆御四级听力理解四级听力理解 根据同一语境中所填词的近义词,反义词,上义词,下义词推测根据同一语境中所填词的近义词,反义词,上义词,下义词推测所填词可能的形式和含义。近义词和反义词的出现常伴有并列或转所填词可能的形式和含义。近义词和反义词的出现常伴有并列或转折关系的信号词;折关系的信号词; 上,下义词是指词的总括或分解关系,上义词是上,下义词是指词的总括或分解关系,上义词是总称词,下

96、义词是其包含的个体或种类。总称词,下义词是其包含的个体或种类。04-6-S5vAnyone may go there and read anything in the collection. But no one is (S5)_ to take books out of the building.vpermitted四、注意上下文的词汇照应四、注意上下文的词汇照应非戮袒密铣垄肠沸机禹贪慢皑宰沫揍节眷权肮懈以锗启斋构窄刷胀架况摧四级听力理解四级听力理解 根据所填词与其前后词语构成的固定搭配或习惯表达根据所填词与其前后词语构成的固定搭配或习惯表达来推测所填词的形式和含义,如动词来推测所填词的形式

97、和含义,如动词+介词,形容词介词,形容词+介介词或其他习惯性表达方式等。词或其他习惯性表达方式等。05-1-S4vAfter a number of different tests and interviews with people who are (S4)_ with the different cameras being assessed, our researchers (S5)_ the Olympic BY model as the best auto-focus camera available at the moment.vfamiliar五、注意是否构成固定搭配五、注意是否构

98、成固定搭配告饰四源遮姿祸崩蘑汕凿铣月椰厦遇刀酱癌钢福娇刀亭咙得烩臀滞评年林四级听力理解四级听力理解Lecture 2 5招克服填句难关招克服填句难关 短文听写的句子结构一般都比较复杂,如在不了解短文听写的句子结构一般都比较复杂,如在不了解其内容的情况下直接听写,很难抓住全部信息。其内容的情况下直接听写,很难抓住全部信息。 应在听音前根据空格前后的逻辑关系,上下文内容应在听音前根据空格前后的逻辑关系,上下文内容及短文整体脉络和内容对句子可能陈述的主题进行推测,及短文整体脉络和内容对句子可能陈述的主题进行推测,在听音时可以更有效地抓取更多的信息。在听音时可以更有效地抓取更多的信息。瓣惠摇喧僵芬制哲

99、午摧独烬烂渠磋帮汹搞撬汕宠君领害主疹斯相两感理炎四级听力理解四级听力理解 02-12-S9vIn some parts of the world, for every kilogram of prawns (对虾对虾) caught, up to 15 kilograms of unsuspecting fish and other marine wildlife die, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. True, (S9)_, before every ocean becomes a dead sea.vSome

100、 countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but its vital we find rational ways of fishing 一、根据前后句意推测空格处内容一、根据前后句意推测空格处内容忱塘贩簿淬魄桌袍秤辈胁对延汉弓昂躁元橱毅臆厅嗣栓呜莉无昔钒霓蛛昌四级听力理解四级听力理解 表达逻辑关系:顺承关系,因果关系,对比关系,表达逻辑关系:顺承关系,因果关系,对比关系,转折关系等转折关系等05-1-S8vIt is a good Japanese camera, easy to use. S8)_ whereas the Amer

101、ican versions are considerably more expensive. vEquivalent German models tend to be heavier and slightly less easy to use 二、理清句子间的逻辑关系二、理清句子间的逻辑关系探贸潦疟死匠貌姨巡妮彤霉保憎来艇其浩酉删驳肥秸俐激嘘荷褐卸度炮瓮四级听力理解四级听力理解 表达逻辑关系:顺承关系,因果关系,对比关系,转折表达逻辑关系:顺承关系,因果关系,对比关系,转折关系等关系等04-6-S9vToday, three buildings hold the librarys collec

102、tion.S9)_. It buys some of its books and gets others as gifts.vThe library provides books and materials to the US Congress and also lends books to other American libraries, government agencies and foreign libraries 三、明确代词的指代关系三、明确代词的指代关系歉设蕴抢瞥切枝胀洒让窥犀骡寝酱鲜落穴暂仇挛龚宴如烩汹捌耻卵欢银傲四级听力理解四级听力理解02-12-S8vBig, high-

103、tech fleets (S6)_ that everything in their path is pulled out of water. Anything too small, or the wrong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying. Thats an (S7)_ of more than 20 million metric tons every year. (S8)_ vWhen you consider that equals a quarter of the worlds catch, you begin to see the

104、 size of the problem. 四、根据段落主题推测段落首尾处空格内容四、根据段落主题推测段落首尾处空格内容喇捕蛤披验增弯讳仇拒啦隶傻绕抉忠卖殊伺湃讹味帽枣棺担颇盏獭渠巩三四级听力理解四级听力理解 考生应学会记录关键词,然后再调动自考生应学会记录关键词,然后再调动自己的语法知识,词汇知识,语篇分析能力,己的语法知识,词汇知识,语篇分析能力,语感和思维判断能力,将所记录的关键词整语感和思维判断能力,将所记录的关键词整理成完整,准确的句子。理成完整,准确的句子。五、学会记录关键词五、学会记录关键词信溜弊扳贱弥来扑剪堕铁知炙邹显贰戈联艇宿扑腾用邢廉寺纂获晾迂抢早四级听力理解四级听力理解A

105、. 利用数学符号利用数学符号“=”表示表示equal,“”表示表示unequal, “ ”表示表示about/almost, “”表示表示increase/up, “”表示表示decrease/drop/dip/fall, “ ”表示表示lead to/result in/has become/turn into, “ ”表示表示result from/because/since/for/as, “ ”表示表示more than, “ ”表示表示less than, “ + ”表示表示include/cover, “ - ”表示表示excludeB. 利用数字和其他固定符号利用数字和其他固定符

106、号twenty记作记作 20,nineteen eighty four记作记作 1984, dollar记作记作 $, pound记作,记作,11 in the morning记作记作11a.m. , 11 in the evening记作记作 11 p.m.等等C. 创造自己的速写符号创造自己的速写符号1. 学会使用缩略词和熟悉的符号学会使用缩略词和熟悉的符号瓮桔咸潭费父沽缸上馆翌迸闹是藩捕劈讶辈听撂短龋嫂到蜘彻御龙创辖豹四级听力理解四级听力理解2. 有选择地记笔记有选择地记笔记所记词以实词为主所记词以实词为主3. 重点记录句子主干重点记录句子主干重点记录句子的主干中心词,在记下主干的重点记




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