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1、Welcome to My Class! 中考复习pop musicHow cool they are!classical musicfolk music What sweet music it is!rock musicHow excited they are!How cool they are!What sweet music it is!How excited they are !一、感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。例句:What a clever boy he is!What wonderful ideas (we have)!What cold w

2、eather it is!How clever a boy he is!How lovely the baby is!1.what修饰名词What + a +形容词+名词+陈述语序! What+ 形容词+复数名词+陈述语序! What+ 形容词+不可数名词+陈述语序2.how 修饰形容词、副词 How +形容词+ a +名词+陈述语序!How+形容词或副词+陈述语序!My discovery 我的发现陈述句如何转换成感叹句:一断, 二加, 三换位1一断: He is a good boy. (从动词is 后断开)二加: He is a good boy. (中心词是名词所以加What)三换位:

3、 What a good boy he is !2一断: The boy is good. (从动词is 后断开)二加: The boy good. (中心词形容词所以加How)三换位: How good the boy!把下列句子变成感叹句.They look cool! _The film is interesting! _She is a clever girl._二、陈述句变感叹句的口诀:一断, 二加, 三换位。所谓“一断”就是在动词后断开;所谓“二加”就是看动词后部分的中心词是名词还是形容词, 副词。 如果是名词名词则加What, 是形形容词、副副词则加How;所谓“三换位”就是前后

4、两部分整体位移, 然后加上感叹号。中考链接1.(2013 河北,32)( )_ great picture! Who painted it?A. How B. What C. How a D. What a2(2013 湖南长沙26)( )_clever the boy is !A. How B. What C. What a AD总结:感叹句(选择题)中考答题技巧一,先去掉主语和谓语。二,判断句子的末尾是名词还是形容词或副词。(也可以采用翻译法判断)三,如果是名词,注意该名词是可数名词还是不可数名词。例题: ( 2012 河南,33)( )_ good advice you have giv

5、en to me! Ill take it.A. How B. What a C. What D. How a一,删掉you have given to me! Ill take it.二,判断advice是名词,用 what三,advice 是不可数名词,所以不能用a C3.(2013江苏苏州, 11 ) ( )_ a beautiful car ! Ive never seen it before.A.What B. Which C. How D. WhetherA4.(2013 上东青岛 ,2 )( )_ it is today ! Yes. Shall we go hiking?A.H

6、ow fine weather B.What fine weatherC.What a fine weather D. How fine the weatherB5.( 2011 山西 )( ) _ delicious Linwu duck is ! Id like some more.A. How B. What C. What a A6. ( 2013 河北唐山,44 )( )_ exciting news it is ! Ive passed the entrance exam to the famous university !A. What B. What a C. How D. How aA7. ( 2012 河南,34)( )_ pretty your dress is ! Where did you get it?A. How B. How a C. What D. What aA8. ( 2009 广东,41 )( )_terrible weather we had last Sunday! A. How B. What a C. What C



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