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1、第一章第一章 航空公司运行概述航空公司运行概述Airlines operation overview第一章第一章 航空公司运行概述航空公司运行概述1 航空公司运行政策与体系航空公司运行政策与体系Airlines operating policy and system2 民航法规、航空公司手册与运行控制民航法规、航空公司手册与运行控制 Civil aviation regulations、airlines manual and operation control1 航空公司运行政策与体系航空公司运行政策与体系航空公司运行总政策Airlines operating general policy航空

2、公司运行机构Airlines operating structure运行体系Operation system主要运行管理人员及部门职责Main operating management personnel and departments responsibility1 航空公司运行政策与体系航空公司运行政策与体系 Airlines operating policy and system公司质量管理体系Quality management system公司安全管理体系Safety management system公司应急管理体系Emergency management system生产运行各主

3、要岗位的岗位职责 Production operation and the duty of main post 1航空公司运行总政策航空公司运行总政策 Airlines operating general policy运行原则 Operation principle *安全原则 safety principle 安全、正常、效率 (safe、normal、efficient) *基本依据Basic basis 规章、政策、运行手册(regulation 、policy、operation manual)1航空公司运行总政策航空公司运行总政策 Airlines operating general

4、 policy*管理要求 Management requirements标准化、程序化、规范化(standard、Programmed、 normalized )*运行资格 operation qualification持续培训、监督检查Continuous training 、supervision and inspection1航空公司运行总政策航空公司运行总政策 Airlines operating general policy1.2 运行控制协调原则Operation control coordination principle基本原则:统一指挥,协作配合Basic rules: un

5、ified command,cooperation 1航空公司运行总政策航空公司运行总政策 Airlines operating general policy利益服从 Interest obedience 局部业务利益服从公司整体利益 Interests of the part submit to the overall interests of the company公司外部单位的协作 The company external unit collaboration友好协商、维护公司利益Friendly consultation and protect company interests1.2

6、 运行控制协调原则Operation control coordination principle*签派员 dispatcher 主动组织协调 Active organization and coordination. 当运行保障工作不协调时及时解决,必要时应报公司值班领导处理。 When running security work does not coordinate solves promptly, when necessary, shall be submitted to the company duty leadership processing.1.2 运行控制协调原则Operat

7、ion control coordination principle*其他部门 Other departments当遇到影响航班正常的情况时,立即上报签派室,并由签派室报告公司值班领导协调解决。When meeting the influence of flight when normal, reported immediately to the dispatch room, and by dispatch room report to the leadership to coordinate and solve.1.2 运行控制协调原则Operation control coordinati

8、on principle*签派室 dispatch room 组织指挥飞行与运行保障,协调、监督各运行保 障部门之间的协作配合。Organizing and commanding flight and running security, coordinating, supervising the cooperation between departments each operational.1.2 运行控制协调原则Operation control coordination principle*紧急情况 Emergency 报告公司值班领导或空中交通管制部门、机场当局处理。也可可边处理边报告

9、。Report company duty leadership or air traffic control departments, airport authority processing. Also can do report and process at the same time。1.2 运行控制协调原则Operation control coordination principle*外站运行 operation outside签订代理协议,遵守手册规定 Sign the agency agreement and abide by the manual regulations2 航空

10、公司运行机构3运行体系运行体系Operation structure 为保证公司实现安全、高效、规范的运行,有的航空公司建立与公司运行环境相适应的高效、务实的行政体系,并在此基础上形成了完整、严密的运行体系。 To ensure the realization of safe, efficient, standard operation, some airlines establish efficient and pragmatic administrative system to adapt to the companys operation conditions , and based o

11、n this shaped a complete, strict operation system.某公司运行体系示例某公司运行体系示例 example生产组织模式生产组织模式Production organization pattern公司实行以运行控制部为中心的生产组织模式。各生产部门应当围绕本部门组织调度单位开展相应的工作,并参与管理队伍。The company is executed with the department for operation control center production organization modes. The production departm

12、ent should revolves the department organization scheduling units in the corresponding working, and participate in management team.生产组织模式生产组织模式Production organization pattern*运行控制部 Operation control department 运行控制部就公司生产运行工作进行决策、组织和监督管理,领导各部门开展工作。Operation control department is to make decisions, org

13、anize and supervise management according to production operation of company,and lead each department work.生产运行组织架构示例生产运行组织架构示例 4主要运行管理人员及部门职责主要运行管理人员及部门职责Main operating management personnel and departments responsibility4.1 总经理 General manager主要职责 Main responsibilities 经营与管理 Operation and management

14、 指挥协调Coordinate and command 监督、指导Supervision and guidance4.1 总经理总经理General manager主要工作内容 Main job content1.加强安全管理工作 Strengthening the safety management2.审查手册的制定与重大修改 Formulation and major revisions of inspection manual4.1 总经理总经理General manager3.制定决策 decision-making4.管理重要岗位人员Management of important p

15、osts5.监督、指导、协调 supervision、guidance、coordination4.2 运行副总经理运行副总经理Operation deputy general manager主要职责 Main responsibilities1.分管公司运行管理、航空安全和技术培训工作In charge of the company operation management, aviation security and technical training work2.承担航空安全、运行管理与控制的直接领导责任 Undertake the direct leadership of respo

16、nsibility about air safety, operation management and control4.2 运行副总经理运行副总经理Operation deputy general manager主要工作内容 Main job content1.建立、健全安全管理体系 Establish and improve the safety management system2.制定决策与批准 Making decisions and approval3.管理与控制,监督、指导运行部门和单位负责人Management and control, supervision and gui

17、dance operation department or unit principal4.2 运行副总经理运行副总经理Operation deputy general manager4.编写、修订、审核和颁发公司运行手册和运行规范Compile, revise, audit and award the company operation manual and operation specification5.不安全事件的调查、处理 Unsafe incident investigation, processing6.协助总经理 assist general manager4.2 运行副总经理

18、运行副总经理Operation deputy general manager7.组织规划机构设置和人员配备Organize and plan the departments and personnel8.制定发展规划;Establish the development plan;9.制定技术培训规划;make the technical training plan10.组织研讨、解决业务问题;Group discussion, solving business problems4.2 运行副总经理运行副总经理Operation deputy general manager11.督促落实管理标准

19、与要求;Supervise implement management standards and requirements12.强化和完善基础管理工作;Strengthen and perfect basic management work13.审议干部任免和奖惩 deliberate Removal and rewards and punishments of cadres4.3 维修副总经理维修副总经理Maintenance deputy general manager主要职责:Main responsibility1.主管维修与工程系统 responsible for maintenan

20、ce and engineering system2.确保持续适航和提供运力 Ensure continous airworthiness and provide capacity4.4 总飞行师总飞行师Chief pilot主要职责(Major responsibility)1.组织实施飞行训练和技术管理工作Organize flight training and work for skill management2.组织领导飞行技术评审工作Organize and evaluate flight skills4.5 总工程师总工程师Chief engineer主要职责(major resp

21、onsibility)1.负责维修质量管理和技术工作Be responsible for quality of maintenance and technique2.承担维修管理和维修质量监督责任Be responsible for supervising of maintenance management and quality4.6 飞行部职责飞行部职责Responsibility for flight department 贯彻安全工作的方针政策;Carry out policies and guidelines of safety 组织安全教育、整顿、检查,Organize safet

22、y education ,reorganize , check 督促落实运行手册规定;Supervise and carry out regulation of manual operation 提高飞行人员的业务技术素质,Improve the flight skills of pilot4.6 飞行部职责飞行部职责Responsibility for flight department 落实培训计划carry out training plan 承办执照和技术档案管理;Be responsibility for license and skill words management4.6 飞

23、行部职责飞行部职责Responsibility for flight department 承担并组织完成运输生产及加班、包机任务; Be responsibility for transportation-production , extra flight and charter flight 新航线和新机型投入航线飞行的准备和实施The preparation for using new plane and new air-line4.7 机务工程部职责机务工程部职责Responsibility of maintenance department 全面负责机务工程部的各项工作;Take c

24、harge all maintenance work of the department 保证航班正常guarantee flight normal.4.7 机务工程部职责机务工程部职责Responsibility of maintenance department 贯彻落实国家、局方和公司的方针、政策;Carry out policies and guidelines of national , civil aviation administration and company. 组织制定并实施中、长期规划;Organize and carry out middle or long-term

25、 planning ;4.7 机务工程部职责机务工程部职责Responsibility of maintenance department 组织质量策划;组织制定质量方针和质量目标。Organize quality scheme , guidelines of quality and quality target 建立、完善工程部质量体系;Establish and perfect engineering quality system;4.7 机务工程部职责机务工程部职责Responsibility of maintenance department 组织工程部质量体系文件的编写和修订;Com

26、pile and revise the words of engineering quality system 对适航性放行人员的授权批准;Authorize to license person 4.7 机务工程部职责机务工程部职责Responsibility of maintenance department 对较大安全质量问题的调查和处理;Investigate and check problems of safety quality 抓好安全教育与生存工作;Do a good job of survive and safety education4.7 机务工程部职责机务工程部职责Res

27、ponsibility of maintenance department 负责科教培训工作;Be responsible for training of technology 负责航材、设备的计划、采购和管理Be responsible for managing and purchasing of materials and facilities4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC编写和制定标准、规范及程序;Compile and establish procedure of standard计划、组织、指挥、控制、协调;Plan , organi

28、zation , conducting , controlling and cooperation资源的优化配置;Optimum distribution of resources4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC组织制定公司运行控制方面的规划与政策;Organize the policies and plans of operation controlling指导与管理运行控制工作;Guide and manage operation controlling负责飞行签派、航行情报、性能管理的培训以及执照申办工作;Be responsible fo

29、r training of flight dispatch , flight information and performance management and applying for license4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC签派放行、飞行监控;Dispatch release and flight monitor运行动态管理;Operation dynamic management新航线开辟Opened up new routes协商相关单位机构,签订航务代理协议;Cooperate with relevant authorities

30、 and sign treaty of FOC agent 4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC 检查、督促有关部门工作的落实情况;Check and supervise relevant authority situation; 检查落实公司进出港航班保障情况;Check the flight landing/departure information ; 协调有关问题;Cooperation relevant problems; 参与事故的调查,报告飞行运行中的重要事件Join accidents investigating and report

31、 the important events of flight operation;4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC 负责航行情报资料的订购、发放、管理工作;Be responsible for ordering ,providing and managing the flight information 安排运行熟悉(航线实习);Arrange operation familiar (airline study) 监控航班计划与运行条件;Monitor flight plan and operation condition4.8 航务部工作职责

32、航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC 负责控制最大起飞着陆重量和最大业载,掌握实际起飞重量数据;Be responsible for the maximum weight of landing/departure and business , get the real data of departure weight 负责公司3日航班计划、飞机运力、飞行机组的集中统一控制与优化配置;Be responsible for flight plan .airline capacity and flight crew to integrate control and optimu

33、m distribution of resources4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC统一监控、发布航班动态信息,统一调整航班、运力;Integrate monitor , release flight information and cooperation flight and capacity;负责运行记录的保存;Be responsible for storing operation notes;4.8 航务部工作职责航务部工作职责responsibility for FOC现场协调current cooperation;制定、完善工作职责

34、、流程和规范;Make and perfect the responsibility , flow and standard 运行品质分析analysis quality of operation;4.9 公司值班领导职责公司值班领导职责The responsibility of leader on duty组织完成当日航班生产、飞行训练及其他飞行任务与运行保障工作;Organize and make sure flight-production ,flight training and other missions监督检察运行各单位值班领导在位情况;Superise every units

35、leader on duty审批当日飞行计划的临时调整和次日飞行计划;Examine and approve current flight plan and the following flight plan4.9 公司值班领导职责公司值班领导职责The responsibility of leader on duty 制定决策Make plan; 特情的处置Deal with special situation; 协调调整航班计划Cooperation flight plan; 保障特殊或重要飞行任务Make sure special or important flight plan4.9

36、公司值班领导职责公司值班领导职责The responsibility of leader on duty 记录运行中的问题(Take notes of problems in operation); 填写值班记录,作好交接班工作(Make notes on duty and make great on handing over) 5 公司质量管理体系公司质量管理体系Management of quality system 5.1 质量体系的目的(purpose of MQS) 监控公司各类运行手册、维修工程管理手册及公司和局方规定的任何其它标准的遵守情况,以确保安全运行和飞机适航性。Monit

37、oring Manual Operation、Maintenance management manual and the stand of company and administration to ensure operation safety and plane worthiness .5.2 质量体系管理机构质量体系管理机构Management of quality system A.公司安全质量管理部具体负责质量保证体系的建立和维护。Management of quality system takes charge of establish and maintenance of qua

38、lity system 5.2 质量体系管理机构质量体系管理机构Management of quality systemB.各运行部门建立部门内部质量保证程序,设置二级质量机构,确保部门运行职责的履行及工作品质的持续改进。Every operation department have their own program to ensure sustained inprovment质量体系管理机构见下图所示。 Charter of MQS5.3 公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式Mode of company quality system management (MQSM) 安全质量管理部

39、是公司质量管理部门MQSM is a department of management 各运行部门下设二级质量机构;Every operation department have second quality department 5.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)运行手册Operations manual运行手册描述了公司为实施运行合格证批准的运行所确立的的组织机构、职责和程序,手册内容符合局方规章的要求。 Describes the company as operation manual operation certificate approved the esta

40、blishment of the operation organization, duties and procedures , manual content conform to the requirements rules .*维修工程管理手册:Maintenance and engineering management manual: 描述了公司为实施运行合格证批准的运行所确立的的维修组织机构和维修程序,手册内容符合CCAR-121部的要求。Describes the company approved by the operation certificate for the establ

41、ishment of the operation maintenance organizations and maintenance program, manual content conform to the requirements of CCAR - 1215.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)*维修管理手册Maintenance management manual 描述了公司为满足CCAR145部所确立的组织机构和程序,手册内容符合CCAR145部的要求。 Describes the company to meet CCAR145 department and es

42、tablished organization and procedures, manual content conform to the requirements of CCAR145 department5.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)*记录 record 记录任务完成情况,证明程序已被执行 record task completion situation, proof program has been executed5.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)非正常情况 abnormal condition* 非正常情况的处理 abnormal s

43、ituations 立即作出反应,并进行分析 make an immediate reaction, and analyzed*非正常情况跟踪 abnormal situation tracking a.跟踪纠正措施及其有效性 tracking corrective measures and effectiveness b.通报安全质量管理部。bulletin safety quality management.5.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)*质量事件调查:quality accident investigation: 安全质量管理组织开展调查或指定各二级质量机构调

44、查。Safety and quality management organization investigation or specify each secondary quality organization investigation.5.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)*质量事件调查原则:quality accident investigation principles: 属于中等级(含)以上事件或公司领导布置的事件由安全质量管理部组织调查;中等级以下事件由各部门质量机构开展调查,完成调查报告。 Belong to Medium level (including)

45、above event or company decorated by the events leading safe quality management organization survey; The following events in the class by various departments carry out investigation, the quality of agency to complete the investigation report5.3公司质量体系管理模式公司质量体系管理模式(MQSM)事件等级分类事件等级分类 Event level classi

46、fication 严重级:serious level(1)人员死亡、重伤或重大财产损失; deaths, injuries or major property loss(2)需要立即采取安全对策; need to immediately take safety countermeasures(3)对安全运行构成重大的威胁; on the threat of a significant safety operation(4)可能会引起媒体、舆论的极大关注。 may cause media, public opinion enormous attention中等级:Medium level(1)造

47、成人员重伤或较大财产损失;Caused the personnel injury or major property losses(2)需要采取安全对策;Need to take security measures(3)影响安全运行。Affect security operation(4)可能会引起媒体、舆论的关注或重大投诉的。May cause the attention of the media, public opinion or great complaints事件等级分类事件等级分类 Event level classification 轻度级:Mild level(1)造成人员轻度

48、受伤或较小财产损失;Caused the personnel mild injury or minor property damage(2)人为原因及运行保障质量原因导致的影响公司正常运行事件。Artificial reason and operation guarantee quality of causes influence company normal operation events(3)不会引起媒体关注。 Do not cause media attention事件等级分类事件等级分类 Event level classification 6 公司安全管理体系公司安全管理体系Saf

49、ety management system of company6.1安全管理组织机构Safety management organization 由公司级安全委员会、职能安全委员会组成。 By the security council and the functional safety committee component6 公司安全管理体系公司安全管理体系Safety management system of company6.2安全组图示例: Security map sample:6.3 公司安全委员会公司安全委员会Company safety committee*机构组成 orga

50、nization主 任:The Lord appointed:总裁 President副主任:deputy director :维修副总裁、运行副总裁、飞行副总裁maintenance vice president 、operation vice president 、 flight vice president 委 员:committee :安全质量管理部总经理 safety and quality management6.3 公司安全委员会公司安全委员会Company safety committee 飞行部总经理flight department manager 维修工程部总经理main

51、tenance department manager 运行控制部总经理operation department manager 客舱地服部总经理cabin serving department manager 市场营销部总经理marketing department manager 总飞行师flight chief 总工程师engineer chief 总签派师dispatch chief1. 协助总裁;Assist the President2. 制定相关安全政策;Formulate relevant safety policy3. 维护公司安全管理体系;Maintain the safet

52、y management system4. 审议议题,集体决议;Review issues, collective resolution安全委员会职责安全委员会职责Security council duties5. 审批、签署安全责任状,Examination and approval, signed safety Duty pledge. 6. 并监督安全考核指标的落实;And supervise the implementation of safety evaluation indexes7. 组织和监控安全活动;Organizations and monitoring safety ac

53、tivities安全委员会职责安全委员会职责Security council duties7公司应急管理体系公司应急管理体系The company emergency management system 7.1 应急管理的组织机构应急管理的组织机构Emergency management organizations示例example7.2 公司应急救援指挥中心公司应急救援指挥中心The company emergency rescue center* 机构设置organization structure : 现场救援组Site rescue group 事件调查组Event investiga

54、tion group 善后处理组Rehabilitation treatment group 新闻发布组News release group7.2 公司应急救援指挥中心公司应急救援指挥中心The company emergency rescue center*应急救援指挥中心:应急救援指挥中心:Emergency rescue center1.紧急事件应急处置;Emergency preparedness disposal2.制定应急处置预案。Formulate emergency disposal plan3.发布执行指令;Issued instructions executed4.与机场应

55、急救援指挥中心协调有关应急处置和营救事宜;And the airport emergency rescue center coordinate the emergency disposal and rescue matters5.接待新闻媒体的采访;Receive news media interviews6.组织应急处置模拟演练;Emergency response simulation exercises. 7.检查应急处置训练和物资保障情况;Check the emergency disposal training and material support7.2 公司应急救援指挥中心公司

56、应急救援指挥中心The company emergency rescue center*现场救援组现场救援组 Scene rescue and assistance party 1.成立救援队;Tenable rescue crew 2.协助抢救和处置伤亡人员; Assists to rescue and to handle the casualties 3.维持现场秩序,Maintains the scene order 4.协助事件调查组;Assistance event survey team 5.提供技术咨询。Provides the technical advisory work *

57、事件调查组:事件调查组:Event survey team 1.发布紧急事件;Issues the emergencies 2.提供机组成员情况;Provides the units situation 3.提供飞机机务维护工作情况; Provides the airplane machine matters maintenance work situation *事件调查组:事件调查组:Event survey team 4.参与事件的调查;Participation events investigation 5.收集、整理有关的决定、决议、指令等资料;Material and so on

58、collection, reorganization related decision, resolution, instruction; 6.撰写事件调查报告; Composition event report of investigation* 新闻发布组:新闻发布组:News issue group 1.收集和整理有关文件资料;Collection with reorganization related document material 2.准备商谈材料;Prepares to discuss the material 3.起草新闻稿件;Drafts the news manuscri

59、pt 4.接待媒体来访;Reception media visit 5.确定新闻发布会的召开场地、礼仪、着装以及参加人员。 The definite press conferences convention location, the etiquette, the clothing as well as participate in the personnel *善后处理组:善后处理组: Damage control treatment group :1.妥善解决风俗习惯问题;Adequate solution manners and customs question;2.列出赔偿清单;Lis

60、ts the compensation detailed list ; 3.参与诉讼、仲裁事宜; Participation lawsuit, arbitration matters concerned;*善后处理组:善后处理组: Damage control treatment group :4.走访有关单位表示慰问和感谢; Visits the unit concerned to express the sympathy and thanks 5.提交善后处置的书面报告。The submission damage control handles written report 8生产运行各主

61、要岗位的岗位职责生产运行各主要岗位的岗位职责 The production moves each key post responsibility 运行控制人员的核心人员为飞行签派员,还包括其技术支持人员性能工程师、航行情报员、配载员,公司统称为运行人员。 Operating control personnels core personals for flight dispatchers,includes its technical support staff performance engineer, sailing informants, stow member, company colle

62、ctively referred to as operation personnel .8.1 运行人员运行人员 Operation personnel *飞行签派员 Flight dispatchers 签派放行 Dispatch release 飞行监控 Flight monitor 运行协调 Operation coordination * 配载员 Stow member 制定配载计划 Formulate the stowage plan 实施装载控制 Implementation load control*性能工程师性能工程师 Performance engineer 1.新开航线、机

63、场的性能分析;New open routes, airport performance analysis 2.监控飞机性能 Surveillance aircraft performance *航行情报员航行情报员 Sailing agent 1.新开航线的拟订The draft a new routes 2.数据库的管理 Database management 3.航行通告的处理NOTAMS processing 4.飞行资料包的管理 Flight data packets of management 8.2 飞行机组及计划飞行机组及计划/调度人员调度人员Flying unit and pl

64、an/dispatch personnel*飞行机组 Flight crew 确保飞行安全实施 To ensure flight safety implementation*机组计划/调度人员 Unit plan/dispatch personnel 编制机组计划;Compilation unit plan 检查机组资格。 Inspection unit qualification 8. 3维修人员维修人员 Maintenance personnel 1.编排飞机航班计划 Layout flight plan 2.确保适航性 Ensure airworthiness 8. 4 其他人员其他人员

65、 Other researchers *现场指挥员:On-the-spot commanders 现场保障;指挥、协调 On-site security; Command, coordination *适航资料员:Airworthiness librarians 确保适航手册的完整、有效 Ensure the integrity and effective airworthiness manual *场站代表:Stations representative 监督、协调、保障 Supervision and coordination, safeguard 2 民航法规、航空公司手册与运行控民航法

66、规、航空公司手册与运行控 Civil aviation regulations, airlines manuals and operational control 我国飞行签派员执照考试要求Our flight dispatchers license examination requirements 民航法规体系Civil aviation regulations system 航空公司运行合格审定 Airlines run qualified authorized 2 民航法规、航空公司手册与运行控民航法规、航空公司手册与运行控 Civil aviation regulations, air

67、lines manuals and operational control 运行手册与运行规范Operation manual and standardized operation 飞行签派手册Flight manual dispatch 不同运行种类下运行控制的任务、责任和授权 Different operation run under control task types, responsibility and authorized 1 我国飞行签派员执照考试要求我国飞行签派员执照考试要求 Our flight dispatchers license examination require

68、ments 1.1 理论考试中对规章的要求On the rules of the theory test requirements * 规章要求Regulatory requirements :CCAR65、25、71、61、67、91、91FS-II 、97、121、135等。1 我国飞行签派员执照考试要求我国飞行签派员执照考试要求 Our flight dispatchers license examination requirements 1.2 实践考试中对规章的要求Practice exams to rules requirements 实践考试中关于规章和手册的运用要求见下表所示P

69、ractice examination of the use of about rules and manual asking to see the table below shows 1.3 手册的制定和保存手册的制定和保存 The formulation and preserved manual * 合格证持有人应当具有为实施其各种运行人员制定并供其使用和指导手册,制定、分发、修订、补充手册。Certificate holder shall possess for implementing the various operation personnel formulate and prov

70、ided for use and instruction manual ,Formulate, distribution, revision, supplementary manual *手册要求:手册要求:Manual for : 必需的指令和信息;一致性和有效性;易于修订;符合运行合格证与运行规范;符合所适用的外国规章。 The necessary instructions and information; Consistency and efficiency; Easy to revise; Accord with operation certificate and standardiz

71、ed operation; Meet the applicable foreign regulations.*合格证持有人在其主运营基地至少要保存一套完整的手册。 Certificate holder in its main operating base at least to save a complete set of manual. 2 民航法规体系民航法规体系 Civil aviation regulations system 2.1 国际民用航空组织、公约及其附件 International Civil Aviation Organization, conventions and i

72、ts accessories *国际民航组织:ICAO: 2 民航法规体系民航法规体系 Civil aviation regulations system 组织机构:Organization:大会、理事会、空中航行委员会、航空运输委员会、联合支持委员会、法律委员会、防止非法干扰委员会、秘书处。congress and a council, air navigation committee, aviation transportation committee, joint support committee, law committee, prevent unlawful interferenc

73、e committee, the secretariat. 目标:Goal:安全、公平合理、尊重主权 Safety, Fair and Reasonable, Respect for Sovereignty *国际民航公约国际民航公约International civil aviation convention 1944年12月7日52国政府于芝加哥缔结本公约,共分四部分二十二章。On 7 December 1944, 52 countries concluded this convention in Chicago, is divided into four parts of 22 chap

74、ter *国际民航公约附件国际民航公约附件International civil aviation convention accessories 18个附件18 accessories 2.2 中国民航法律体系 Chinese civil aviation law system 三个层次 Three levels *第一层次 The first level全国人大 The National Peoples Congress *第二层次The second level 国务院The state council *第三层次The third level 民航局各司局Civil aeronautic

75、s administration each department bureau people 民用航空规章Civil aviation regulations 15编,1400部15 plait, 1-400 运行手册的地位:The status of operation manual : 公司的运行手册体系是公司的“法”,与飞行运行有关的人员必须按手册执行。The companys operation manual system is the companys “law”, and people who related with the flight operation must imple

76、mentation base on manual.运行手册的分类:The classification of operation manual :运行总手册、运行人员使用和指导的手册。total operation manual, Use and instruction manual for operation personnel 运行控制手册:运行控制手册:Operation control manual 标准程序类手册、飞行运行技术支持类手册。Standard procedures class manuals, Flight operation technical support manu

77、al 标准程序类手册:标准程序类手册:Standard procedures class manuals飞行签派手册、飞行签派员训练大纲。Flight dispatch manual, Flight dispatchers training program *飞行运行技术支持类手册飞行运行技术支持类手册(1)Flight operation technical support manual飞机飞行手册The aircraft flight manual;飞行机组使用手册The flight crew use manua快速检查单quick checklistsMEL/CDLMEL/CDL;飞行

78、计划与性能手册The flight plan and performance manual ;*飞行运行技术支持类手册飞行运行技术支持类手册(2)Flight operation technical support manual航线分析手册The airline analysis manual;机场分析手册 The airport analysis manual;航线手册The airline manual ;机场细则The airport detailed rules;航行资料汇编AIPThe navigational data assembly AIP; JEPPESEN手册 JEPPES

79、EN manual。3 航空公司运行合格审定航空公司运行合格审定Airline operations certification3.1 CCAR121 用于指导公司运行以及运行审定和持续监督检查的重要依据性文件。Used to guide the company running and Operation examination and Continuous supervision and inspection Important basis file CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 content第一部分:A章 总 则 B章 运行合格审定的一般规定 C章 管理运行合格证持有人的一

80、般规定 ;The first part: A chapter general, B chapter The general rule of qualification examination, C chapter Management operation certificate holders general provisions; 第二部分:E章 国内、国际定期载客运行的航路的批准 F 章 补充运行的区域和航路批准 ;The second Part : E chapter Domestic and international regular passenger running air rou

81、te for approval ,F chapter The regional and route supplement operation approval .CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 content第三部分:The third Part : G章 手册的要求 ; G chapter handbook requirement; 第四部分:The fourth Part : H章 飞机的要求 I章 飞机性能使用限制;H chapter aircraft requirements ,I chapter Aircraft performance use restrictions;

82、 CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 content第五部分:The fifth Part : J 章 特殊适航要求 J chapter Special regulatory requirements, K章 仪表和设备要求 K chapter Instrument and equipment requirements ,L 章 飞机维修;L chapter Aircraft maintenance .CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 content第六部分:The 6th Part : M章 机组成员和其他航空人员的要求 M chapter crew members and

83、 other airline personnel requirements N章 训练大纲 N chapter Training syllabusO章 机组成员的合格要求O chapter of the crew members qualified requirements , CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 contentP章 机组成员值勤期限制、飞行时间限制 和休息要求P chapter crew members on duty limits, flight time period of limitation and rest requirements Q章 飞行签派员的合格要

84、求和值勤时间限制 Q chapter flight dispatchers qualification requirements and duty time limit R 章 高级训练大纲R chapter advanced training outline;CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 content第七部分:The 7th part: T章 飞行运作 U章 签派和飞行放行 V章 记录和报告;T chapter flight operations ,U chapter Dispatch and flight release, V chapter Record and repo

85、rt; 第八部分:The 8th part: W 章 延程运行与极地运行;W chapter process operation and polar operation delayed; CCAR121内容:内容: CCAR121 content第九部分:The 9th Part : X 章 应急医疗设备和训练;X chapter Emergency medical equipment and training;第十部分:The tenth part: Y章 罚则 Z章 附 则 。Y chapter Penalty ,Z chapter Additional rules .CCAR121内容:

86、内容: CCAR121 content3.2 适用范围适用范围Scope1.使用最大起飞全重超过5,700千克的多发飞机实施的定期载客运输飞行;Use the full weight off more than 5 700 kg of an airplane in the implementation of the regular transport of passengers flying ;3.2 适用范围适用范围Scope2.使用旅客座位数超过 30 座或者最大商载超过 3,400 千克的多发飞机实施的不定期载客运输飞行;passenger seat number is used mor

87、e than 30 seats or largest passengers more than 3, 400 kilograms of an airplane in the implementation of the regular transport of passengers flying 3.使用最大商载超过 3,400千克的多发飞机实施的全货物运输飞行。use of the greatest passengers more than 3, 400 kilograms of an airplane in the implementation of the whole cargo.3.2

88、适用范围适用范围Scope3.3 121部标准的划分部标准的划分The standard of 1211.运行范围:Run extent :国内、国际、补充运行;Domestic and international, the supplementary run ;2.运行机型:涡喷、螺旋桨发动机;Operation model, engine : whirlpool the propeller ;3.运行性质:客运、货运;Operation model, engine : whirlpool the propeller ;4.运行频率:定期、非定期。Operating frequency :

89、regular, regularly.3.4 投入运行后新增运行项目的审定投入运行后新增运行项目的审定After running in the new project approved * 新增项目New project 新辟航线;Raw course ;新增机型;new models ;新的运行种类;new types of performance 4运行手册与运行规范运行手册与运行规范operation manuals and operation specifications 4.1运行规范Operation specifications 运行规范是航空承运人的授权和限制。其内容如下表所示

90、。 Standardized operation is the air carrier. the authority and its contents as shown in the following table.4.2 运行手册运行手册Operation manual *提供运行人员的职责和程序Provides responsibilities and procedures *内容结构Content 控制与管理Control and management;政策和安全方针policies and security policy;组织机构与管理职责organization and manage

91、ment responsibility ;资格和要求competence and requires;飞机和机坪运作aircraft and apron operation;4.2 运行手册运行手册Operation manual 签派dispatcher;飞行运行flight;天气标准the weather of the standard rules ;飞行高度规则altitude;通信communications;安全与保障safety and security;紧急情况应急程序emergency response procedures;5 飞行签派手册飞行签派手册Flight dispat

92、ch manual 飞行签派手册依据中华人民共和国民用航空法、中国民用航空规章、中国民用航空总局和飞行运行相关的政策、法规以及国际民航组织的相关文件、附件等规章,并结合公司运行实际情况编写而成,见下表。Flight Dispatch Manualbasis of the PRC Law on Civil Aviation, China Civil Aviation Regulations, Civil Aviation Administration of China, and flight operations related policies, regulations and ICAO do

93、cuments, accessories and other regulations, combined with the company running Written in the actual situation, the table below.飞行签派手册适用于公司签派业务的实施与管理以及规范外站航务代理人履行职责。The flight dispatch manual applies to the company send the business and management and implementation of the stations sail agent duties6

94、 不同运行种类下运行控制的任务、责任和授权不同运行种类下运行控制的任务、责任和授权 复习思考题复习思考题 QUESTION1 简述航空公司的运行原则。 Briefly describe the airlines operating principles2 简述航空公司签派室的工作职责。 Airlines account dipatch the responsibilities assigned3 简述航空公司的运行管理体系。 Briefly describe the airline operations management system4 简述航空公司航务部的运行职责。 Paragraphs

95、 airlines sail department of the duties复习思考题复习思考题 QUESTION5 建立航空公司质量管理体系的目的是什么?Paragraphs airlines airline department of the duties6 简述飞行签派员的岗位职责。 Account flight dispatcher to send their duty.7 简述中国民航法律体系结构。 Briefly describe CAAC law architecture.8 简述航空公司运行控制手册的组成。 Briefly describe the airlines operating manual control of what.9 简述CCAR121部的组成结构和内容。 Ccar121 briefly describe the structure and content.复习思考题复习思考题 QUESTION10列举飞行签派员常用手册。 Listed dispatcher general sent flying.11 简述运行手册与运行规范的内容。 talk about the standardized operation manual describe the content of what



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