新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第一册unit 7 section A

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1、New Horizon College EnglishUnit Face to Face with Guns7 Section ALead-in课文课文小结小结预习预习写作写作N H C EAnswer the following questions by relating to your own experiences:1.What scares you most on your way home at night? Why? 2. How would you behave in case of an armed robbery? Why?Main Idea of the TextOne n

2、ight two armed young men robbed me of money, watch and even KFC. The next day, I went to look through the mug shots at the police station, affected with the impression that these young men, like a raging current, were eating away at the foundations of what we had held dear.Part IVPart IIIStructure o

3、f the TextPart IIPart I词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 Back小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入随随 笔笔 Face to Face with GunsThe passage is made up of 34 paragraphs, and, according to the sequence of the whole event, it falls into four parts. For more detailsMain Idea of Part IPart IVPart IIIPart IIPart IBack词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 小结小结预习预习

4、写作写作导入导入随随 笔笔 For more details Face to Face with GunsPara. 1 In spite of my caution, someone attacked me. Devices for Developing ItThrough description of sequential actions (动作顺序法动作顺序法) the author presents a series of actions in accordance with the order of time. They together help bring out the mai

5、n idea, or the most important message: someone attacked me unexpectedly.Back新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C E Like most city folks, Im cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anythingor anyone unusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exception. But, as I walked out of the

6、 garage, KFC chicken in hand, a portly, unshaven young man in a stocking cap and dark nylon jacket emerged from the shrub by the parking pad and put his pistol between my eyes. (Para. 1)Main idea: Despite his carefulness, someone attacked him.Description of Sequential Actions (动作顺序法动作顺序法)Main Idea o

7、f Part IIParas. 2 to 25 I was robbed by two young men, losing my money, watch and chicken. Part IVDevices for Developing ItPart IIIPart IPart IIBack词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 For more details小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入随随 笔笔 By employing combination of narration-description-dialogue, the author gives a vivid description

8、 of the robbery. Face to Face with GunsNarration-dialogue:His voice snapped, “Stop looking at us. Stop looking at us.” (Para. 14)Description: He wasnt stupid. Ive seen enough criminal trials to know victims of armed attacks are seldom able to identify their offenders because their attention focuses

9、on the guns, rather than on their users. I consciously noted details of their faces. (Para. 15)For moreDialogue-narration: “Im not looking at you,” I lied as the big one ripped the watch from my wrist. (Para. 16) “Get down. Get down,” the thin one ordered. He grabbed my glasses and tossed them onto

10、the lawn. (Para. 17)Back新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C ECombination of Narration-description-dialogue (叙事叙事-描写描写-对话结合法对话结合法)Main Idea of Part IIIParas. 26 to 31 I was wondering why I was spared and reported the robbery to the police. Later, I was asked to go to the police station to identify

11、the robbers from mug shots. Part IVDevices for Developing ItPart IIPart IPart IIIBack词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入随随 笔笔 For more detailsThe author employs the description of sequential actions to show the main idea that she reported to the police. Face to Face with GunsFor moreBack新视野新视野新视野新视野

12、结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EI got to my feet, found the keys, entered and called 911. The operator took a description of the robbers and sent a police car. I poured a stiff drink and, soon, two uniformed officers of the LAPD arrived. They took a report and admitted the “important” thing was nobody was

13、 hurt. (Para. 28)Description of Sequential Actions (动作顺序法动作顺序法) A set of actions leading to the main idea:got to my feet found the keys entered and called 911 took a description of the robbers sent a police car poured a stiff drink two uniformed officers arrived took a report and admittedMain idea:

14、He reported the robbery to the police.Main Idea of Part IVParas. 32 to 34 When looking through the mug shots at the station, I began to reflect on the damages these young people have done to our society. Devices for Developing ItPart IIPart IPart IIIBack词汇学习词汇学习 课文阅读课文阅读 小结小结预习预习写作写作导入导入随随 笔笔 Face t

15、o Face with GunsBy employing description, simile, and metaphor, the author described his feelings and reflections when looking through the mug shots at the police station.For more detailsPart IVBack新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EFor moreTogether, these young men are a kind of river one that

16、is out of control, eating at the foundations of things we hold dear: our freedom to move about; the fruits of labor; our own lives and those of people we value. Some day, we will have to face this river and seek the depths of its discontent. (Para. 33)Description (描写法描写法)Simile: “Turning those pages

17、 and studying their photographs is like flowing on a sad current that, like Blakes Thames, seems to “mark in every face, marks of weakness, marks of woe.” (Para.32)BackRhetorical Techniques ( (修辞手法修辞手法) )新视野新视野新视野新视野 结结结结 构构构构 分分分分 析析析析N H C EFor moreMetaphor: Together, these young men are a kind of

18、 riverone that is out of control, eating at the foundations of things we hold dear: our freedom to move about; the fruits of labor; our own lives and those of people we value. (Para. 33)短语活用短语活用 句型应用句型应用 English Equivalents of ChineseBack课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 1. 非常小心谨慎非常小心谨慎 2. 扫视街道看看有没有扫视街道看

19、看有没有 3. (把车)开进车库把车)开进车库 4. 也不例外也不例外 5. 从灌木丛中钻出来从灌木丛中钻出来 6. 设法做设法做 7. 把钥匙扔进灌木丛把钥匙扔进灌木丛 8. 连着电线连着电线 9. 刑事审判刑事审判 10.武装袭击的受害者武装袭击的受害者 be cautious of scan the street for pull into the garage be no exception emerge from the shrubcontrive to do sth.toss my keys into a bushbe attached to wires criminal tria

20、lvictims of the armed attackEnglish Equivalents of Chinese短语活用短语活用 句型应用句型应用 Back课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 11. 辨认出罪犯辨认出罪犯 12. 集中注意力在集中注意力在 13. 留意他们的面部细节留意他们的面部细节 14. 把手表从我手腕上扯下把手表从我手腕上扯下 15. 趴下!趴下! 16. 面朝下趴在地上面朝下趴在地上 17. (手枪)顶着我的后脑勺(手枪)顶着我的后脑勺 18. 左太阳穴左太阳穴 19. 可怜某人可怜某人 20. (脚步声脚步声)消失在街道上消失在街道上 ide

21、ntify the offender focus (ones attention) on note details of their faces rip the watch from my wrist Get down. be flat on ones face (the gun) dig into the back of my head left temple have mercy on sb. (footsteps) fade down the streetEnglish Equivalents of Chinese短语活用短语活用 句型应用句型应用 Back课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写

22、作N H C E随随 笔笔 21. (车车)快速开走了快速开走了 22. 多奇怪啊。多奇怪啊。 23. 站起来站起来 24. 倒一杯烈性酒倒一杯烈性酒 25. 穿制服的警官穿制服的警官 26. 犯多起抢劫案犯多起抢劫案 27. 翻阅疑犯的照片翻阅疑犯的照片 28. 漂流在让人伤心的河流上漂流在让人伤心的河流上 29. 逐渐毁掉,侵蚀逐渐毁掉,侵蚀 30. 珍视珍视 (the car) speed away How peculiar. get to ones feet pour a stiff drink uniformed officers commit a number of robberi

23、es look through the mug shots flow on a sad current eat away at hold dearEnglish Equivalents of Chinese短语活用短语活用 句型应用句型应用 Back课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 31. 我们的行动自由我们的行动自由 32. 劳动果实劳动果实 33. 总有一天总有一天 34. 探索其不满的深层原因探索其不满的深层原因 35. 参与其事参与其事 our freedom to move about the fruits of labor some day seek the

24、 depth of discontent stick ones fingers in sth.Creative Application of Expressions句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 Back课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 (车车)停靠停靠,驶向驶向(一旁一旁) 也不例外也不例外 可怜某人可怜某人 站起来站起来 逐渐毁掉,侵蚀逐渐毁掉,侵蚀: to pull into/in (Lto be no exception to have mercy on sb. to get to ones feet to eat (away) at Back新视野新视野新

25、视野新视野 短短短短 语语语语 应应应应 用用用用N H C E( (车车) )停靠,驶向停靠,驶向( (一旁一旁) ) to pull into/in (L4)我多么渴望自己的人我多么渴望自己的人生之舟驶入她爱情的生之舟驶入她爱情的港湾!港湾! 短短 语语 应应 用用how eager sb. is to do sth. / the harbor of ones loveHow eager I am to pull the boat of my life into the harbor of her love!意意 群群 提提 示示短短语语逆逆译译知知识识链链接接活活 学学 活活 用用意意

26、群群 提提 示示Back句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 (火车火车)离站;离站; 撤离撤离:拆毁;破坏拆毁;破坏:度过难关;恢复健康度过难关;恢复健康:齐心协力:齐心协力:to pull out to pull downto pull through/roundto pull together在我眼里,这位父亲是在我眼里,这位父亲是伟大的,因为他设法使伟大的,因为他设法使全家度过了艰难的岁月。全家度过了艰难的岁月。in that/contrive/pull sb. through sth./the hard timesIn my e

27、yes, the father is great in that he contrived to pull the whole family through the hard times.Back短短语语逆逆译译新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短 语语语语 应应应应 用用用用N H C E也不例外也不例外to be no exception (L5)他每天都给她发表他每天都给她发表达爱意的短信达爱意的短信 ,今,今天也不例外。天也不例外。短短 语语 应应 用用send sb. sth. / short messages of love / be no exception toHe sends

28、her short messages of love every day, to which today is no exception. 意意 群群 提提 示示Back知知识识链链接接活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 不容许有例外不容许有例外/一视同仁一视同仁:除除之外之外:谚语谚语有规则必有例外有规则必有例外:to make no exceptionswith the exception ofThere is no rule without an exception.allow sb.

29、to do sth./check exam results/in sbs case/ make an exception We dont usually allow students to check exam results, but we can make an exception in your case.我们通常不允许学生核我们通常不允许学生核实考试成绩,实考试成绩, 不过我们不过我们对你的情况可以破例一对你的情况可以破例一次。次。 contrive (L8)设计设计,想出想出;设法设法今天的下午你能设法去机场接史密斯教授吗?今天的下午你能设法去机场接史密斯教授吗?Can you co

30、ntrive to meet Prof Smith at the airport this afternoon? (+ to infinitive)这些俘获的奴隶想出了一个逃跑的方法。这些俘获的奴隶想出了一个逃跑的方法。 These captured slaves contrived a means of escape. (+ obj.)instinct (L10)act on instinctby instincthave an instinct for凭直觉行动凭直觉行动出于本能出于本能生来就有生来就有.的爱好的爱好Back短短语语逆逆译译新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短 语语语语 应应

31、应应 用用用用N H C E系在系在上上: to attach to 现如今,年轻人更看现如今,年轻人更看重成名。重成名。短短 语语 应应 用用attach more weight to/reach fame Nowadays, more weight is attached to reaching fame among young people. 意意 群群 提提 示示Back短短语语逆逆译译新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短 语语语语 应应应应 用用用用N H C E 可怜某人可怜某人to have mercy on sb. (L62)同情坏人就意味着同情坏人就意味着助纣为孽。助纣为孽。短

32、短 语语 应应 用用be the equivalent of / hold a candle to the devilHaving mercy on the bad is the equivalent of holding a candle to the devil.意意 群群 提提 示示Back知知识识链链接接活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 任由任由摆布摆布:对某人表示仁慈对某人表示仁慈:乞求宽大,乞怜乞求宽大,乞怜:常幽默常幽默任由某人摆布任由某人摆布 :be at the mercy

33、 ofto show mercy to sb.to beg for mercybe left to the mercies of sb.这家小杂货店的命运这家小杂货店的命运全在其债权人的掌握全在其债权人的掌握中。中。 The small grocery store was at the mercy of people he owed money to. Back知知识识链链接接活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 be at the mercy ofto show mercy to sb.to

34、beg for mercybe left to the mercies of sb.当小男孩意识到他顽皮当小男孩意识到他顽皮行为的严重后果时,他行为的严重后果时,他真诚地请求宽恕。真诚地请求宽恕。realize the serious consequence of sth./naughty behavior/sincerely/beg for mercy When the little boy realized the serious consequences of his naughty behavior, he sincerely begged for mercy. spare (L42)

35、 1) keep from punishing, harming or attackingThe victim of the armed attack appealed to the gunman to spare his life.武装袭击的受害者向持枪者乞求饶命。武装袭击的受害者向持枪者乞求饶命。The king spared the prisoner when he was in power.这位国王一当政就赦免了这个囚犯。这位国王一当政就赦免了这个囚犯。2) afford to give (time, money, etc) to somebody, or for a purpose.

36、抽出抽出(时间时间); 让出让出We have got no time to spare if we want to get the report written on time.如如果果我我们们想想准准时时完完成成这这篇篇报报道道,那那么么所所剩剩时时间间已不多了。已不多了。 3) relieve, protect, safeguard 使免遭使免遭The doctor tried to spare him from pain. 医生试图减轻他的痛苦。医生试图减轻他的痛苦。* Spare the rod and spoil the child. (proverb) (谚语)谚语) 孩子不打不

37、成器。孩子不打不成器。to get to ones feet Back短短语语逆逆译译新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短 语语语语 应应应应 用用用用N H C E站起来站起来帮助穷人的关键是帮助穷人的关键是如何帮助他们在经如何帮助他们在经济上独立起来。济上独立起来。短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示the key to doing sth. / help sb. do sth. / in economyThe key to helping the poor is how to help them get to their feet in economy.Back知知识识链链接接活活

38、 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 使使(自己观点自己观点)变得清楚变得清楚:相处;进展相处;进展:集会;聚会集会;聚会:逃脱;离开逃脱;离开:to get across (ones ideas)to get along (with) to get togetherto get away他不但聪明而且有创他不但聪明而且有创意,但却不善于把自意,但却不善于把自己的想法表达清楚。己的想法表达清楚。intelligent/creative/be not good at/get acrossHe is i

39、ntelligent and creative, but is not good at getting his ideas across.stiff (L46)1) (of alcoholic drink) strong and without water or other liquid addedHe needs a stiff brandy/whisky/gin to forget his worries.他他要要拿拿一一杯杯烈烈性性的的白白兰兰地地/威威士士忌忌/杜杜松松子子酒酒来来忘掉他的烦恼。忘掉他的烦恼。2) severe; difficult to doThe young man

40、 was given a stiff punishment for drinking and driving. 这个年轻人因酒后驾车而受到严厉的惩罚。这个年轻人因酒后驾车而受到严厉的惩罚。自自9 11袭袭击击事事件件以以来来,人人们们一一直直在在谈谈论论对对恐恐怖怖分子的判刑要更严厉。分子的判刑要更严厉。People have been talking of stiffer _for terrorists since 9.11 Attack. sentences3) firm; hard; difficult; toughSitting still at a computer terminal

41、 all day can give you a stiff neck. 在在电电脑脑终终端端前前一一动动不不动动地地坐坐一一整整天天会会使使你你颈颈部部酸疼。酸疼。我们无法改变他辞职的坚定决心。我们无法改变他辞职的坚定决心。We couldnt change his stiff _. stiff determination to quitcommit (L51)commit v. 1) do something wrong, bad or unlawful任何人犯罪都会被判刑入狱。任何人犯罪都会被判刑入狱。Anyone caught committing a crime will be sen

42、tenced to prison.这这些些年年轻轻人人被被指指控控在在这这一一地地区区犯犯下下一一系系列列的的抢抢劫罪。劫罪。These young men were _ of committing a number of robberies in the area. accused2) promise to a certain cause, opinion or course of action公司承诺用所创的利润建造新的工厂公司承诺用所创的利润建造新的工厂The company committed its profits to building new factories. 她被托付给奶奶

43、照顾。她被托付给奶奶照顾。She was committed to the _ of her grandmother.care犯错误犯错误谋杀谋杀犯罪犯罪犯抢劫罪犯抢劫罪自杀自杀commit a mistake/an error commit murder commit a crime commit a robbery commit suicideBack短短语语逆逆译译新视野新视野新视野新视野 短短短短 语语语语 应应应应 用用用用N H C E逐渐逐渐毁掉,侵蚀毁掉,侵蚀 to eat (away) at (L109)长时间的待业渐渐地长时间的待业渐渐地吞噬了他积极的人生吞噬了他积极的人生

44、观。观。long time of being unemployed/ ones positive outlook on lifeHis long time of being unemployed gradually ate away at his positive outlook on life.短短 语语 应应 用用意意 群群 提提 示示Back知知识识链链接接活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示句型应用句型应用 词组互译词组互译 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 食言食言在家里吃饭下馆子在家里吃饭下馆子吃光吃光沉湎于沉湎于, 受受煎煎熬熬to eat (on

45、es) wordsto eat in/outto eat upto be eaten up with得知弟弟又一次获奖得知弟弟又一次获奖的消息后的消息后 ,他备受嫉,他备受嫉妒的煎熬。妒的煎熬。at the news that/win another prizeAt the news that his younger brother won another prize, he was eaten up with envy.Further Application of Patterns词组互译词组互译 短语活用短语活用 Back课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 表述表述“

46、多个动作同时多个动作同时发生发生 ”表述表述“某个动作及伴某个动作及伴随状态随状态 ” 强调强调“某人在特定情某人在特定情况下所能做的况下所能做的 ”(In the event of), all (that) sb could/can do is (to) do sth.Sb./Sth. does sth., + 独立成分独立成分 (独立成分也可置于主句之前独立成分也可置于主句之前).As sb does sth, sb/sb else does sth else, contriving/trying to do 句型提炼句型提炼新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼

47、N H C E我我一边一边说,说,一边一边把肯德基快餐盒放在小路旁边的花盆把肯德基快餐盒放在小路旁边的花盆上,上,并并设法设法As I spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway, contriving to do sth. 原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习Back句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示句型应用句型应用新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBackAs sb does sth, sb/sb (else) does sth else, contriv

48、ing/ trying to do sth./doing sth. 某人一边做某事,一边做某人一边做某事,一边做另一件事另一件事 (在某人做某事的同时,他在某人做某事的同时,他/有人做另一件事有人做另一件事) , 用于用于表述表述 “多个动作的同时发生多个动作的同时发生”。典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBack他一边做作业,一边他一边做作业,一边想着第二天与女友的想着第二天与女友的初次约会,并想象着初次约会,并想象着那幸福的瞬间那幸福的瞬间 。the first date with sb./ the m

49、oment of happinessAs he did homework, he thought about the first date with his girlfriend the next day, trying to imagine the moment of happiness.原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习句型提炼句型提炼新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBackhis arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. 他他手臂和双腿手臂和双

50、腿毫无预示地移动着毫无预示地移动着,就好像是就好像是连着看不连着看不见的电线似的。见的电线似的。 句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示句型应用句型应用新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBackSb./Sth. does sth., as if 某人某物做某事就好像是某人某物做某事就好像是用于表述用于表述“对某个动作的联想或比喻对某个动作的联想或比喻”。典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBack河床上到处是裂缝,河床上到处是裂缝,就好像故意抱怨人类就好像故意

51、抱怨人类的所作所为的所作所为 。on the riverbed/cracks/be intended to/complain about/ human activitiesCracks are everywhere on the riverbed as if intended to complain about the human activities.Back原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习句型提炼句型提炼新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C E劫匪们劫匪们手里拿着手里拿着钱包、手表和炸鸡钱包、手表和炸鸡他们的他们的脚脚步声消失步声消失在了黑

52、暗的街道上。在了黑暗的街道上。 wallet, watch and chicken in handtheir footsteps faded down the darkened street.句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示句型应用句型应用新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBackSb./Sth. does sth.,+ 独立成分独立成分 . 某人某物做某事某人某物做某事, 伴伴随着随着(独立成分也可置于主句之前独立成分也可置于主句之前)用于表述用于表述“某个动作及伴随状态某个动作及伴随状态 ”。典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示

53、示新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBack他紧紧地拥抱恋人,他紧紧地拥抱恋人,而他的爱犬却极力阻而他的爱犬却极力阻挠。挠。 squeeze sb. tightly / stop sb. from doing sth.He squeezed his sweetheart tightly, his dear dog trying to stop him from doing so.Back活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示例例句句与与图图片片词组互译词组互译 短语活用短语活用 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 他满含热

54、泪,向那些曾他满含热泪,向那些曾经慷慨帮助过他的人们经慷慨帮助过他的人们表示真心的感谢。表示真心的感谢。 tears in ones eyes/extend ones heartfelt thanks to sb./once/give sb. generous helpTears in his eyes, he extended heartfelt thanks to those who once gave him generous help. 原原 句句 译译 文文逆逆 译译 练练 习习句型提炼句型提炼新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C E而目前,而目

55、前,我们所能做的就是我们所能做的就是看看罪犯的照片,并参与看看罪犯的照片,并参与到构筑抑制犯罪的大坝中去。到构筑抑制犯罪的大坝中去。Presently, all we can do is look at smug shots and stick our fingers in the dam. Back句句 型型 提提 炼炼应应 用用 提提 示示句型应用句型应用新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C E(e.g. In the event of), all (that) sb could/can do is (to) do sth. 在在情况下,某人所能做的是

56、情况下,某人所能做的是用于表述用于表述“某人在某人在特定情况下所能做的特定情况下所能做的 ”。Back典典 型型 例例 句句意意 群群 提提 示示新视野新视野新视野新视野 句句句句 型型型型 提提提提 炼炼炼炼N H C EBack每当生活遇到麻烦时,每当生活遇到麻烦时, 她认为自己所能做的她认为自己所能做的就是听天由命。就是听天由命。run into trouble / leave things to chanceWhenever her life ran into trouble, all she thought she could do was to leave things to ch

57、ance.Back活活 学学 活活 用用意意 群群 提提 示示例例句句与与图图片片词组互译词组互译 短语活用短语活用 课文课文导入导入预习预习写作写作N H C E随随 笔笔 申请寄出后,你所能申请寄出后,你所能做的就是静待好运的做的就是静待好运的光顾。光顾。all one can do/wait patiently for sth./drop in After sending off your application, all you can do is to wait patiently for luck to drop in. 译:Turning those pages and stud

58、ying their photographs is like flowing on a sad current that, like Blakes Thames, seems to “mark in every face, marks of weakness, marks of woe.”译: Together, these young men are kind of river-one that is out of control, eating at the foundations of things we hold dear: our freedom to move about; the

59、 fruits of our labor; our own lives and those of people we value. Paragraph Writing写作模式写作模式WritingWriting写作实践写作实践课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C EWriting Pattern写作实践写作实践 For moreBack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Main ideaAction 3, Action 4, Action 5, Action 2Action 1Writing PatternFor more写作实践写作实践 Back课文课文小结小结

60、导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Main idea: All these sequenced actions help bring out the most important message the writer wants to leave with readers.Action 3, 4, 5, :Next come actions that occur later according to the sequential order. Action 2:The following action occurs after action 1. Action 1:The paragr

61、aph begins with one action that occurs at the very beginning.写作实践写作实践 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Example: Like most city folks, Im cautious. I scan the street and pathways for anythingor anyoneunusual before pulling into the garage. That night was no exception. But, as I walked out of the gara

62、ge, KFC chicken in hand, a portly, unshaven young man in a stocking cap and dark nylon jacket emerged from the shrub by the parking pad and put his pistol between my eyes. (Main idea: Despite his care, someone attacked him.) Writing Practice写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Main Idea: hurry

63、to schoolA Set of Actions: at 6 in the morning: rock music blasted, Jim got up, quick shower, brush his teeth, put on T-shirt and jeans, grab toast and school bagDirections: Have a look at the outline below and the sample paragraph of description that consists of a set of actions. For more写作模式写作模式 B

64、ack课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Every morning at 6 as the rock music blasted forth, Jim bolted out of bed like a shot. He dashed into the bathroom for a quick shower, brushed his teeth, put on his T-shirt and some jeans. Then, as he grabbed a piece of toast in one hand and his school bag in the othe

65、r, he was on his way hurrying to school.Sample ParagraphFor more写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 1. Main Idea: I won a gold medal for diving.A Set of Actions: climb the ladder/hear the dive announced start the moves to jump from the board dive into the pool/enjoy the quietness underwater sw

66、im to the side/wonder about the result my coach leap and the crowd cheer/win a gold medalDirections: Write one short paragraph with a set of actions sequenced in order of importance to bring out the main idea of the paragraph. Here you have a few topics to choose from. One of them has been given det

67、ails that you can follow. 写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 I climbed the ladder, heard my dive announced, and started the moves to jump from the board. Then I dove into the pool. I enjoyed the quietness underwater, and then swam to the side of the pool. I was wondering about my score when s

68、uddenly, my coach leaped into the air. The crowd cheered, and I knew Id won the gold medal (main idea).For more写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E2. Main Idea: Go shoppingA Set of Actions: leave home/drive down the street pull into the parking lot go inside/choose some food go home随随 笔笔 3. Main Ide

69、a: Dealing with one as one deals with youA Set of Actions: be in the habit of keeping things in order fix the sitting room/get everything cleaned head for the kitchen/open its door notice a mouse/take out the mousetrap find nothing for the bait/drive downtown came home empty-handed draw a piece of c

70、ake/put it in the trap look into the trap/a picture of mouse写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Reference ParagraphFor more Like most career women, I am in the habit of keeping things in order before going to bed every night. That night was no exceptio

71、n. I fixed the sitting room, got everything cleaned, and then headed for the kitchen. But as I opened its door, I noticed a mouse jump off my cutting board and disappear in no time. Disgusted at the sight, I took out the mousetrap but couldnt find anything for the bait. I drove downtown right away t

72、oEnd写作模式写作模式 Back课文课文小结小结导入导入预习预习N H C E随随 笔笔 Reference Paragraphbuy some cake. Once there, however, I found every food store shut down. I came home empty-handed. In frustration, I drew a piece of cake on the paper and put it in the trap. The next morning when I rushed into the kitchen and looked into the trap, there was nothing but a picture of mouse on the hook. (Main idea).



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