(闽教版(三年级起点))小学英语六年级下册 Unit 4单元测试01

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1、Unit 4 Mothers Day 单元测试单元测试听力部分(听力部分(30分)分)一、听录音,选出你听到的短语。听两遍。(一、听录音,选出你听到的短语。听两遍。(5分)分)()1.A.May 8thB.May 18thC.March 8th()2.A.Fathers DayB.Mothers DayC.Teachers Day()3.A.in the bedroomB.in the dining roomC.in the classroom()4.A.the second SaturdayB.the third SaturdayC.the second Sunday()5.A.give h

2、er a cardB.give her a kissC.give him a kiss二、听录音,判断下列句子与录音内容是否相符,相符的写“二、听录音,判断下列句子与录音内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“”,不相符的写“F”。听两遍。(”。听两遍。(5分)分)()1.Lets give her a surprise.()2.Happy Fathers Day!()3.I love you,Mom()4.What will you do for Mom?()5.My kids can do housework now.三、听录音,给下列图片排序。听两遍。(三、听录音,给下列图片排序。听两

3、遍。(10分)分)()()()()()四、听录音,选择正确的选项。听两遍。(四、听录音,选择正确的选项。听两遍。(10分)分)()1.Whats the date tomorrow?A.Its May 11th.B.Its May 12th.C.Its May 13th.()2.What will John do for his mother?A.Say“I love you”B.Give her a kissC.Take some photos for her.()3.What will Bettys mother get?A.A card.B.Some flowers.C.A and B.

4、()4.What will John and Betty do this evening?A.Go to the cinema.B.Go shopping.C.Go to the park.()5.Does Johns mother like flowers?A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesnt.C.We dont know.笔试部分(笔试部分(70分)分)五、补全单词并在括号里写出正确的中文意思。(五、补全单词并在括号里写出正确的中文意思。(8分)分)1.k_ss()2.1o_e()3.k_nd()4.s_rpr_se()六、选择适当的动词组成短语,并在括号里写出短语

5、的中文意思。(每词限用一次)(六、选择适当的动词组成短语,并在括号里写出短语的中文意思。(每词限用一次)(12分)分)Make give take do1._ her some flowers2._ a card3._housework4._photos七、单项选择。(七、单项选择。(10分)分)()1.Ill make a nice dinner for _.A.sheB.herC.his()2.Mothers Day is on _ Sunday of May.A.twoB.secondC.the second()3.What _ surprise?A.kindB.kind ofC.a k

6、ind of()4.We _ up early and _ the cleaning.A.Get,didB.got,doC.got,did()5._ easy game!A.What anB.What aC.What八、从方框中选择与图意相符的句子。(八、从方框中选择与图意相符的句子。(10分)分)A.Its March 3rd.B.Today is Sunday.C.Well give her a kiss.D.What a beautiful park!E.This is our dining room.九、选词填空,完成句子。(九、选词填空,完成句子。(10分)分)

7、is for surprise see What1._ a nice dog!2.Well have a _ party.3.Sallys room _ so clean.4.Come and _ our bedrooms.5.What will he do _ his mother?十、选择正确的选项完成对话。(十、选择正确的选项完成对话。(10分)分)A:Where is Mom?B:Shes in the living room.A:1._B:OK.Lets go!A:2._B:Here is a present for you,Mom.C:Thank you.3._B:Open it

8、and see.C:Wow!4._ Who makes it?A:I draw the picture and Tommy writes the words.C:Youre so great!5._A&B:I love you,too!A.I love you!B.Whats it?C.What a nice card!D.Happy Mothers Day,Mom!E.Lets go to give her a surprise.十一、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。(十一、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。(10分)分)David and his brother Paul are in their be

9、droom.They want to give their mother a surprise.Their mother Linda is in the dining room now.“David,Paul,lunch is ready!”Linda says.“Were coming,Mom!”David says.David and Paul come to the dining room.They say“Happy Mothers Day!”to their mother and give her a present.“What a beautiful picture!Thank y

10、ou,my boys!”Linda says.After lunch,David and Paul will do the housework.Linda will go to the cinema with Jack.Who is Jack?Hes David and Pauls father.What a happy family!()1.Where is Linda now?A.In the bedroom.B.In the kitchen.C.In the dining room.()2.Its _ time.A.breakfastB.lunchC.dinner()3.What do

11、the children do for Mom?A.They cook for her.B.They go to the cinema with her.C.They give her a beautiful picture.()4.Who will do the housework?A.David and Paul.B.Linda and lack.C.Linda and Paul.()5.How many people are there in the family?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.Unit 4 Mothers Day 单元测试单元测试答案答案听力材料一、1.M

12、ay 8th2.Mothers Day3.in the dining room4.the second Sunday5.give her a kiss二、1.What a surprise!2.Happy Mothers Day!3.I love you,Mom!4.What will you do for Mom?5.My kids can do housework now.三、1.Ill make a card for Mom.2.Ill give Mom some flowers.3.Ill take a photo for her.4.What an interesting book!

13、5.What a beautiful park!四、W:Whats the date today,John?M:Its May 1lth.W:Tomorrow is Mothers Day.What will you do for your mother?M:Well go to the park and Ill take some photos for her.What about you,Betty?W:I will make a card for my mother.I will also go to buy some flowers for her this evening.M:Can

14、 I go with you?My mother likes flowers,too.W:Sure.一、【答案】1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B二、【答案】1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T三、【答案】2 1 3 5 4四、【答案】1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A五、【答案】1.i 亲吻 2.v 爱 3.i 种;类 4.u i 惊讶六、【答案】1.give 2.make 3.do 4.take七、【答案】1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A八、【答案】1.C 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.A九、【答案】1.What 2.surprise 3.is 4.see 5.for十、【答案】1.E 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A十一、【答案】1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B



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