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1、Noticeyou will have a day off this weekThatThatis impossible!is impossible!If it were possible, what would you do?1(虚拟语气) The Subjunctive Mood( (虚拟语气虚拟语气) )to state a condition or situation that is not real or imaginary2(虚拟语气)Explain the sentences1. I wish I could solve my problems.2. I wish I could

2、 forget the terrible scene.3. I wish our class had got the first prize . 4. I wish the performance would go well. 3(虚拟语气)I wishI wishI were a bird and could fly in the sky and view the whole city.4(虚拟语气)She would be my girl friend.She is so nice-looking. I wish.5(虚拟语气)I wish.I I had studied harder.

3、I had passed the exam.6(虚拟语气)一一.I wishHow I wish二二.If only可惜可惜,要是,要是就好了,就好了,悔不该悔不该, 但愿但愿 1.I wish it _.(整年四季如春)(整年四季如春)2.How I wish you _ (go )with us next time.3.If only we arrived there two hours earlier. _4.-You havent been to Beijing, have you? - _. How I wish to go there! (NMET99)A. Yes, I have

4、. B. Yes, I havent. C. No, I have. D.No, I havent.现在现在 did were将来将来 couldwouldshould do过去过去 had donewere spring all the year roundcould gohad7(虚拟语气)If I had a lot of money, I would .8(虚拟语气)If he_more carefully,He_ the car accident yesterday. would not have had had driven 9(虚拟语气)If it were to rain to

5、morrow, the sports meeting _ put off.would be 10(虚拟语气)二二. if条件状语从句条件状语从句 if 从句从句 主句主句现在现在过去过去将来将来didshould+动原动原 were to+动原动原 did/ were would/should /could/might+动原动原would/should /could/might+动原动原had donewould/should /could/might + have done11(虚拟语气)1.要是我哥哥在这儿,一切都没有问题了。要是我哥哥在这儿,一切都没有问题了。2.昨晚如果有时间,我就会来

6、看你的。昨晚如果有时间,我就会来看你的。If my brother were here, everything would be all right.If I had had time last night, I would have come to see you.Translation:3. It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love , at the age of 17, with her in my hometown.A.wouldnt have fallen B. hadnt fall

7、enC. should fall D. were to fall12(虚拟语气)IfIf条件句的注意点条件句的注意点: 1.1.当条件状语从句表示的行为与主句所发生的时间不一致当条件状语从句表示的行为与主句所发生的时间不一致时,时,被称为被称为“错综时间条件句错综时间条件句”。注意主从句的时态。注意主从句的时态 1. 如果他早点出发,他现在已到家了。如果他早点出发,他现在已到家了。If he_earlier, he _home now.2. You would be much better now if you had taken my advice. 2.If从句中若含有从句中若含有shou

8、ld, had 或者或者were,那么就,那么就省略省略if,用用“Were/Had/Should+主语主语+”。 If I were you (Were I you) , I would work harder. Had you been here earlier, you would have seen him.had set outwould be 假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好得多。假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好得多。13(虚拟语气) 3.3.有有时时用用but but for(for(要要不不是是)without )without otherwiseorotherwiseor

9、等等代代替替ifif虚虚拟拟条条件件状状语语从从句句( (含含蓄蓄条条件件句句),这这时时候候主主句句要要用用虚虚拟拟 3) We _( finish )the work ahead of time but for your help.2) What would our life be like if there were no air or water? What would our life be like _ air or water ? 1)He informed me of your birthday, or I would have forgotten it .If _, I wo

10、uld have forgotten it .he hadnt informed me of your birthdaywithoutcouldnt have finished14(虚拟语气)He talks about Rome as though heHe talks about Rome as though he_there himself._there himself.他谈论起罗马就好像他亲自他谈论起罗马就好像他亲自去过那儿一样。去过那儿一样。had been15(虚拟语气)三三. 虚拟语气在虚拟语气在as if (as though), even if (even though)等引

11、导的从句中等引导的从句中.1.She stared at her husband as if he _. (他是一个陌生人)他是一个陌生人)2.He talks as if he _ the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it. A. had done B. did C. would do D. would have done3.Even if he _(be)here, he could not solve the problem.were a strangerwere16(虚拟语气)Complete the followin

12、g sentences with as if/ even if.1. 1. She lookedShe looked as ifas if she _made of ice.she _made of ice. 她看起来似乎是冰做的。她看起来似乎是冰做的。2. 2. He lookedHe looked as if as if he he _ _ (sleep) for (sleep) for two days.two days.3. I remember the whole thing _3. I remember the whole thing _ (yesterday)_ (yesterd

13、ay)4. I wouldnt buy a house at present even if 4. I wouldnt buy a house at present even if I _(I _(我手头有足够的钱我手头有足够的钱) )werewerehadnhadnt sleptt slept as if itas if it had happened yesterday. had happened yesterday.had enough moneyhad enough money17(虚拟语气)四四. Its ( high about ) time (that )sb. did sth

14、. would rather (that) sb. did sth (表示与表示与现在现在将来的事实相反将来的事实相反be 用用were) had done sth( 表示与表示与过去的事实相反过去的事实相反)Its time we go home .I would rather you will come tomorrow .I would rather you hadnt seen the film last night .camewentFFT18(虚拟语气)Summary 一一.从句用过去时从句用过去时Its(high/about) time that sb did sth二二.根据所

15、表示的事实的根据所表示的事实的 时间来判断时间来判断1.did sth (与现在与现在将来的事实相反)将来的事实相反) had done sth (与过去的事实相反)(与过去的事实相反)2.did/were 现在现在had done 过去过去would/could/should+do (与将来的事实相反)与将来的事实相反)3.省省if倒装倒装/错综条件句错综条件句/用用but for等词替代等词替代A. would rather 从句从句B.I wish/if onlyC. as if / even if从句从句D.if 条件句条件句19(虚拟语气)英语是一门全世界广泛应用的语言。英语是一门全

16、世界广泛应用的语言。掌握好英语是很有必要的。掌握好英语是很有必要的。我真希望英语能学得像母语一样好。我真希望英语能学得像母语一样好。我本来可以学好英语的。我本来可以学好英语的。我记得你曾建议我每天背单词,我记得你曾建议我每天背单词,背背范文范文(possible version),重视语法等等,重视语法等等,可是我没听。可是我没听。但现在是我后悔的时候了。但现在是我后悔的时候了。我想我要是当初听了这些建议的话,我想我要是当初听了这些建议的话,现在我的英语一定是很不错了。现在我的英语一定是很不错了。要是没有英语该多好啊!要是没有英语该多好啊!那样,我每天会更快乐!那样,我每天会更快乐!20(虚拟

17、语气) English is widely used in the world. It is necessary to master it well. I wish English was learnt as well as our mother tongue. I could have learnt English well. I remember,you suggested that I recite words and possible versions, pay more attention to grammar and so on. But now its time that I r

18、egretted it. I think if I had followed these suggestions, my English would be very wonderful now. If only there were no English! Without English,I would be happier every day!Possible version:21(虚拟语气)HomeworkHomework Make some sentences with Make some sentences with the subjunctive mood according the

19、 subjunctive mood according to the summaryto the summary22(虚拟语气)23(虚拟语气)If the staff If the staff more more careful,careful, the mall the mall on fire nowon fire now.had beenhad beenwould not bewould not be24(虚拟语气)3. If you _him yesterday, 3. If you _him yesterday, you _what to do now. you _what to

20、do now. 如果昨天你问他的话,他现在就知道如果昨天你问他的话,他现在就知道 该怎么做了该怎么做了.2. 2. If he _my advice, he If he _my advice, he _it much better like this. _it much better like this. 如果他不听取我的建议,他就不会干如果他不听取我的建议,他就不会干 得这样好。得这样好。 had not takenhad not takenwouldnwouldnt dot dohad askedhad askedwouldwould knowknow25(虚拟语气)1. If my br

21、other were here, everything would be all right.2. If I had had time last night, I would have come to see you.Were my brother here, everything would be all right.Had I had time last night, I would have come to see you.Rewriting26(虚拟语气) She was a middle-aged woman. One who had borne six children and b

22、uried three.She was a tall woman, standing a head higher than her fiery little husband.She would have been a strikingly beautiful woman had there been any glow in her eyes, any warmth in her smile or any spontaneity (自然)in her voice that fell with gentle melody (音律)on the ears of her family and her

23、servants. She spoke in the soft voice of the coastal Georgian, with few marks of French accent. (Taken from Gone With the Wind) Which of the following statements about the woman is not true.A.She was taller than her husband.B.She was a beautiful woman with a glow of happiness in her eyes.C.She spoke in a soft voice hardly with a French accent.D.Three of her sons died very early.Reading:?27(虚拟语气)



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