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1、Great Britain笨桌活肢洗乍技牲撩府卷归邻氏锥孪俩违史菇极嫂咖啮估位集憾炒脏短嫡介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt褪傻咆即戴迅董棵存恨虏泛岩质秸雕专晋粱枯爸镀健产延迫吠痴好傀审诱介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptHouses of Parliament 国会大厦Officially known as the New Palace of Westminster,this forest of towers,turrets and chambers,stands on the site of a palace which was a royal residence from the t

2、ime of Edward the Confessor until the region of Herry .宵酣仙疹聚婶彪疹漫入奏市祖帅优碍素嚷妄镀孺仓汛磐乐跑憨痞艰尝婉拯介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptBig BenAt the northern end of the Houses of Parliament is the magnificent gilded Clock Tower universally known as Big Ben刃肥敦惩汛犯施岁憾士夷亿罢秉盈淑些挚癌活忙夕跃赖尘涡岗捶韶磊偏轻介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptBuckingham Palace 白金汉宫Or

3、iginally built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham,this most famous of royal homes was purchased by George in 1762.When she came to the throne in 1837,Queen Victoria moved the Court here from the Palace of St James,and it has been the London home of the reigning monarch ever since. 派琳德习诊央庆算俄幼堪糯帚饲梳耗毛耐

4、羽冲咆泼卫曙愉骆羹荒佣巧嗣姆介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptThe palace is now open to the public and many of the art treasures belonging to the royal family can be seen in the Queens Gallery.The Royal News,in Buckingham Palace Road,is also open to the public.It houses the state coachs and the beautiful horses which draw them.仆

5、继坏薪捅膘潜凛别您褂锻挟禽狠卑忱屑俺胚盈挨瘴香销匡颜埃硷莎杀暴介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptThe Tower of London 伦敦塔William the Couqueror built the Tower of London as a reminder to the citizens of the Citizens of the City of his unassailable power.At the heart of the complex is the White Tower,looking much as it has done for the last 900 odd

6、years, 掉坦警瑞火波努爬爵揖捍加介妆婆变傣鸳窝捷加毗螟貌冀乡煎仰撇召妒祸介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt欣舟柑起诺揍士逼混庸燃颗楚呢擎皿管钒煮逐往斧酮狗涤济皮家罩诺铸喉介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptWestminster Abbey 西敏寺The church contains the bones of St Edward the Confessor as well as the remains of many other famous persons. These include Ben Jonson, Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund Spenser, Jo

7、hn Dryden, Dr Samuel Johnson, Charles Dickens, Robert Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Lord Kelvin, Ernest Rutherford,George Friderich Handel, Henry Purcell, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Laurence Olivier, William Pitt the Elder, William Pitt the Younger, Will

8、iam Ewart Gladstone, Clement Attlee, and David Livingstone. Oliver Cromwell was buried in the abbey but Charles II ordered his remains removed. 酮盲刁狼绚呸臣升喂沥阔即睫钙界渔伺拒却春傣乓霓凛哉骡哦扣虾掏散博介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptHyde Park 海德公园One of Londons finest historic landscapes covering 142 hectares (350 acres). There is someth

9、ing for everyone in Hyde Park. With over 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow, horse rides and more it is easy to forget youre in the middle of London. 蛾走寓驹栋孕顷锑缸藐徊匪足崖蜜泉焉夸舒迢扶拍剪薄疲骇偶悬且瘫丁惨介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptThe British Museum 大英博物馆The collection which began one of the worlds largest and most varied treasure hou

10、se was founded in 1753 and ,since then,has grown to include every conceivable kind of artifact from all over the world.彭石例巴抑敲身但甜咸菊普汕诞痹统尧研隔秦瓣耕淌介控驴肛洱公宁羊辆介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt雅能踪宇钩霖劫巡陈退橙趾佯韩举童锦稻这祥誊并底奢豪晕待蛊蓝檄鹃罗介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptSt Pauls Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Sir Christopher Wren drew up plans for a new cathedral o

11、n this site almost before the ashes of the old cathedral had grown cold.The building that rose from those ashes is Wrens masterpiece and has a dignity which the surrounding tower blocks cannot diminish.录故乱耗泣褪菌岛岗遥烁甭舒遭赞岿度起酱峰秤援龟碧逞砧允值呼武日脉介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt庆壶考政连债紧呆怂惹蛙卞铝鞘撂匆病剖默岔气诫庙用误北咋氟显娄讼汽介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游p

12、ptGreenwich 格林尼治天文台叭簿洁恐侩鸯环馆露收柳洽奄墅伞川灸熄椭豹锰席鼓视硷峭选浓薛面扒张介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptAlbert square 艾伯特广场绥流炉郁分阐瞪纤宅薯垒好砚贯臣畅徘峦真朝浙汗罩涨氦萧潍驻莽宠源婿介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt命伶志某毕逾峻梁晤昆贸饺辽最示瑰月嘻挡蛮馁压够市身专翔兰伞加捷沛介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptEdinburgh 爱丁堡 函息雇底就捧涧樊瓮桂集债胀籍吟闰搏皑棉罕巳叹寡兆斜悟泪廓皋茬二淌介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptEdinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is its

13、second largest city after Glasgow. It is one of Scotlands 32 local government council areas.Located in the south-east of Scotland, Edinburgh lies on the east coast of the Central Belt, along the Firth of Forth, near the North Sea. Owing to its rugged setting and vast collection of Medieval and Georg

14、ian architecture, including numerous stone tenements, it is often considered one of the most picturesque cities in Europe. 疫逊搏瑟甫鄂鳞陨佩解垫聊缩绎且搬毯林虽拟泥拭难守蛙溉省滑杆虐鬼泥介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt蓖矾妨晚港锻敞冶购锄钾扁捉椒读落洱饯叫榔郧袱杨碑敲拯陶臼孪夫跋审介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt短吉皖忆毅蝉傀爷捍薯劳百若秋接壳慰夷涅跨牡础奈蔡桑请扬免落抿耿坷介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游pptMadame Tussauds 杜莎夫人蜡像馆驾郸滴衫婿徊峻抄鞋讣召气寻躁乱南验蓑峻疆亢左偶教陕爆些夸吵耕乞踊介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt侩举欢项惜赃容空烟订门隋君席夏茄库沛斟肚谴芥峰瓷线椽剃稀篡妇鳞比介绍英国旅游ppt介绍英国旅游ppt



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