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1、Unit3 ComputersVocabulary1. common adj.共同的,普遍的;常见的共同的,普遍的;常见的 The common man in every country is anxious for world peace.每个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。每个国家的老百姓都渴望世界和平。 Snow is common in cold countries.在寒冷的国家雪是常在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。见的。常用结构:常用结构:in common共有,公用(在句中多作状语)共有,公用(在句中多作状语)have nothing/little/a lot/something in com

2、mon (with).与与没有没有/很少很少/许多许多/有些共同之处有些共同之处in common with和和一样一样 common sense常识常识【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子我和简毫无共同之处。我和简毫无共同之处。 她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。 , she applied for a training place. I have nothing in common with Jane. In common with many others2. arise vi. 出现;发生;起身,起床出现;发生;起身,起床 How did the argumen

3、t arise?这场争论是怎样发生的这场争论是怎样发生的? She arose from her seat.她从座位上站起来。她从座位上站起来。用法点拨:用法点拨: arise 是不及物动词,是不及物动词,没有被动语态没有被动语态。作。作“出现,发生出现,发生”讲时,主语多为抽象名词,如讲时,主语多为抽象名词,如argument/quarrel/movement等。等。 arise from 由由而引起,由而引起,由而产生。而产生。原形原形过去式过去式过去分词过去分词v.-ingarise vi.出现,出现,发生,起因于发生,起因于arosearisenarisingarouse vt.唤醒,

4、唤醒,激起激起arousedarousedarousingrise vi. 升起,增升起,增长,上升长,上升roserisenrisingraise vt.举起,举起,唤起;提高,饲唤起;提高,饲养养raisedraisedraising【易混辨析易混辨析】Eg. New questions will arise from such situation. His strange behaviour aroused our surprise. The price of garlic has risen /has been raised since 2010.重点词汇:重点词汇:1. Anyhow

5、 , my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. anyhow adv. 无论如何,不管怎样,无论如何,不管怎样,反正;尽管如此反正;尽管如此 ,(anyway) Anyhow I dont believe it can be done. 无论如何我也不相信这事能办成。无论如何我也不相信这事能办成。Anyhow, Ill see you tonight. 无论如何,今天晚上我要见你。无论如何,今天晚上我要见你。I couldnt think of the name of that man anyhow. 我怎么也想不出那人

6、的名字来了。我怎么也想不出那人的名字来了。 goal (n) cHe has achieved his goal. That last goal was a beauty. Thats the twentieth goal hes kicked this season. 目标,目的目标,目的进球进球 (进球)得分(进球)得分Provide means supply . Provide sb _ sth Provide sth _ sb 1) This hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service _ guests.2)A project designed to

7、provide young people _ work.withforforwithprovide (vt) 提供提供Learn through use (即学即用即学即用) Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? Sorry, Im a stranger here. . A. Thanks anyway B. It doesnt matter C. Never mind D. No problem解析解析 A.不管怎样,还是要谢谢你。不管怎样,还是要谢谢你。 B.没关系。没关系。 C.不要紧;不用担心。不要紧;不

8、用担心。D.没问题。没问题。句意为:句意为:打扰了,你能告诉我去大英博物馆的路吗?打扰了,你能告诉我去大英博物馆的路吗? 抱歉,我在这儿是个陌生人。抱歉,我在这儿是个陌生人。 不管怎样,还是要谢谢你。不管怎样,还是要谢谢你。2)I might fail, but I insist on doing it, I dont mind. A. howeverB. anyhow C. yetD. meanwhile3) Im not sure what time Ill arrive, maybe half past seven or a quarter to eight. _, Ill be the

9、re as early as possible.A. Anyhow B.However C. Thus D.Therefore3. calculate vt. 计算,估计The loss has not been calculated accurately, but its believed to be beyond a hundred million dollars. Its impossible to calculate the effects that he had on her life.calculating 斤斤计较的,自私的be calculated to do sth. 打算、

10、计划干某事4. fromon 从时起From now on you can work on you own.She never spoke to him from that day on.From then on she knew she would win.from then on 从那以后 (与目前无关,句子用一般过去时)since then 自从直到现在 (与目前有关,句子一般用现在完成时或现在完成进行时)5. in a way 在某种程度上(表示对情况的态度)在某种程度上(表示对情况的态度)In a way, I like his style of writing.从某种程度上讲,我喜

11、欢他写作的风格。从某种程度上讲,我喜欢他写作的风格。In a way it was one of our biggest mistakes. 从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之从某种意义上来说,这是我们所犯的最大错误之一。一。【联想拓展联想拓展】No way!没门没门!in some ways在某些方面在某些方面in no way 决不,无论如何不(位于句首要用倒装)决不,无论如何不(位于句首要用倒装)on ones way to 在去在去的路上的路上 by the way 顺便说顺便说 in the way=in ones way 挡住去路;碍事挡住去路;碍事【即学即练即学即练】单项

12、填空单项填空I cant see the word on the blackboard. Your head is _. A. on the wayB. in a way C. by the wayD. in the way解析:选解析:选D。in the way和和in ones way,均表示,均表示“挡住去路;碍事挡住去路;碍事”之意。由句意可知,之意。由句意可知,D项符合。项符合。7. make up 化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party. 她

13、在聚会前化妆用了一个小时。她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时。Stop making things up!不要胡编了不要胡编了!【联想拓展联想拓展】make up for 补偿补偿be made up of = consist of 由由组成组成make it 及时赶到;取得成功及时赶到;取得成功1. personal adj. This novel is written from personal experience. Those are my personal letters.you have no right to read them The host gives us a warm pers

14、onal welcome.归纳:归纳:personal adj. personally adv. Personally, I am against his plan. The host welcomed his guests personally. 归纳:归纳:personally 个人的私人的亲自的就个人而言亲自地.Language learning2. personal adj. This novel is written from personal experience. Those are my personal letters.you have no right to read th

15、em The host gives us a warm personal welcome.归纳:归纳:personal adj. personally adv. Personally, I am against his plan. The host welcomed his guests personally. 归纳:归纳:personally 13. sothat观察探究观察探究 The book is so difficult that nobody can understand it. He left so quickly that we didnt have time to say g

16、ood-bye.He is so funny a boy that we all like him.There are so many cars on the street that I couldt get through. We have so little money that we cant buy a car. Students have so much homework to do that they spend little time playing.归纳 :sothat意思是 , 用来引导 从句,有以下结构:so+ / +that从句 so+ +a/an +that从句so+

17、/ / / +名词+that从句如此以致于结果状语形容词副词形容词单数名词manymuchlittlefewso that : 1) 以致于,结果是;以致于,结果是; 2) 以便,为的是以便,为的是(in order that) 他起床晚了,他起床晚了,以致于以致于不能按时到校不能按时到校He got up late, so that he didnt get to school on time.我们早点离开我们早点离开为的是为的是赶上第一班车。赶上第一班车。We left early so that we could catch the first bus. 运用运用请用sothat表述图片

18、内容Picture 1. The boy has so much homework to do that he cant get enough sleep.Picture 2. He was so crazy about computer games that he broke the law12因为太痴迷于电脑游戏才犯了法13.The new story is written in easy English even beginners can understand it. A.such;thatB.so;that C.such;asD.too;that区分: sothat , so tha

19、t, suchthatsothat so后面接形容词、副词后面接形容词、副词;或接可数;或接可数名词单数,前面有形容词修饰,名词单数,前面有形容词修饰,a/an放于形容词放于形容词后后, that 后面是结果状语从句。如:后面是结果状语从句。如:She is so beautiful a girl that all children love her. suchthat such 后面接名词后面接名词,名词前面可有形容词修饰,that 后是结果状语从句。She is such a beautiful girl that all children love her.【即学即练即学即练】单项填空单

20、项填空What a beautiful day! Yes, its _ that Id like to take a walk. A. such nice weatherB. so a nice weather C. too nice weather D. nice weather so解析解析:选选A。因为此处。因为此处weather是中心词,且为不可数名词,所以不是中心词,且为不可数名词,所以不能加冠词。能加冠词。He knows _ to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesnt know _ to do. A. what; how

21、 B. what; what C. how; what D. how; how解析解析:选选C。作。作“对待,处理对待,处理”解时,解时,do with 和和deal with同义,同义,deal with与与how搭配,搭配,do with与与what搭配。后一句中搭配。后一句中what作作do的宾语。的宾语。故选故选C。Phrases as a result as a result of result from result in 结果结果由于由于的结果的结果因因而起而起导致导致( lead to)2, As a result , I totally changed my shape.Pr

22、actice:由于大雨的原因,他们到晚了:由于大雨的原因,他们到晚了._the heavy rain, they arrived late .It was raining,_, they arrived late.The heavy rain _their late arrival.Their late arrival _the heavy rain.As a result ofas a resultresulted inresulted from【即学即练即学即练】完成句子完成句子 他考试不及格是粗心造成的。他考试不及格是粗心造成的。 His failure in the exam _ _

23、his carelessness. 这场意外事故导致熊猫这场意外事故导致熊猫“龙龙龙龙”的死亡。的死亡。 The accident_ _ the death of panda “LongLong”. resulted fromresulted in单项填空单项填空He fell _ the bike and broke his leg as _ . A. down;resultB. off;a result C. onto;a result of D. to;a result of 解析:选解析:选B。考查固定搭配。考查固定搭配。fall off意思是意思是“从从上掉下来上掉下来”;as a

24、result的意思是的意思是“因而;结因而;结果是果是”。B. 翻译句子。 就我个人而言,我能解决这个难题。因此我没有向老师求助。Personally, I could solve the problem. As a result I didnt ask the teacher for help/turn to the teacher for help.C. 请用as a result表 述图片内容。He spent too much time in surfing the Internet. As a result, he fell asleep in class.上网时间太长,只好睡觉在课

25、堂5. after all 毕竟毕竟; 到底到底; 终究终究So you made it after all! 你毕竟成功了!After all, what does it matter? 归根结底, 那又有什么关系呢She should have offered to pay shes a millionaire, after all 她应该主动提出付她应该主动提出付款款 别忘了别忘了, 她是个百万富翁她是个百万富翁above all 首先首先; 最重要的是最重要的是at all 根本根本 (用于加强语气用于加强语气) 用于否用于否定句定句, 疑问句和表示条件的从句疑问句和表示条件的从句fi

26、rst of all 首先首先in all 总共总共; 总计总计compare with/ to与相比(在句中做状语)compared with other girls, she is tall.做“与比较”时,既可以用with也可以用to但做“把比作”只能用toHe compared his camera with/ to mine.Books can be compared to friends.19 explore vt探究,探索Before you discover , you must explore.Exploration n 探索探索Space exploration8 tota

27、lly total =completely完全地,全部地,整个地形/名,全部的,总额1 他们来自完全不同的文化2 那个镇子在地震中完全被毁了They come from totally different culturesThe town was totally destroyed in the earthquake3 The room was in _darkness (total/totally)total4 The repairs came to over $500_in total5. His income was $100000_last yearA in case B in total C. In common D in particular



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