高考英语 Unit 4 Wildlife protection课件 新人教版必修2

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1、 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 【诵读【诵读积累积累】 (2012福建高考福建高考)假定你是某中学假定你是某中学生英语报的小记者生英语报的小记者, 右边漫画内容是右边漫画内容是你的所见所闻你的所见所闻, 请根据要求写一篇英请根据要求写一篇英语短文投稿。语短文投稿。 内容要求内容要求: 1. 描述漫画内容描述漫画内容; 2. 发表个人感想。发表个人感想。 参考词汇参考词汇: 告示牌告示牌 signMind Your Behavior in Public Places Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in th

2、e Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of freshness and beauty of spring, with the sun shining and birds singing. When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught my eye. A young couple in a boat were eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in t

3、he world. Whats worse, they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, totally ignoring the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What a shame! Such behavior left me deep in thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the couple did, the lake will be severely polluted and soon turned into

4、 a huge dustbin. I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings. 【尝试运用【尝试运用】词汇翻译词汇翻译清新清新 _ 吸引某人的注意力吸引某人的注意力 _引起某人深思引起某人深思 _freshnesscatch ones eyeleave sb. deep in thought句式仿写句式仿写(1)随着环境的进一步恶化随着环境的进一步恶化, 许多物种正在

5、灭绝。许多物种正在灭绝。(根据句式根据句式)_(2)那位老人感觉自己似乎回到了那位老人感觉自己似乎回到了20年前。年前。(根据句式根据句式)_(3)只有用这种方式我们才能成功地建立一个节约型只有用这种方式我们才能成功地建立一个节约型(economized)社会。社会。(根据句式根据句式)_With the environment becoming from bad to worse, many species are dying out.The old man felt as if he had gone back to the time 20 years ago. Only in this

6、way can we successfully build an economized society. 单词盘点单词盘点核心速记核心速记1._ (vi. &vt. ) 减少;减少;(使使)变小;变小;(使使)变少变少2. _ (n. ) 损失;遗失;丧失损失;遗失;丧失3. _ (n. ) 保护区保护区4. _ (n. ) 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 decreaselossreservemercy5. _ (vt. ) 鉴赏;感激;意识到鉴赏;感激;意识到6. _ (adj. ) 安全的;可靠的安全的;可靠的7. _ (vt. &vi. ) 咬;叮;刺痛咬;叮;刺痛8. _ (vt.

7、 ) 检查;视察检查;视察9. _ (n. ) 事件;事变事件;事变10._ (adj. ) 凶猛的;猛烈的凶猛的;猛烈的appreciatesecurebiteinspectincident fierce联想串记联想串记11. _ (n. ) 保护保护 _ (vt. ) 保护保护12. _ (vt. &vi. ) 打猎;猎取;搜寻打猎;猎取;搜寻_(n. )猎人猎人13. _ (vi. ) 回答;响应;做出反应回答;响应;做出反应_ (n. )回答;回答;反应反应 14. _(adj. ) 远的;远处的远的;远处的_ (n. )距离;远方距离;远方15. _ (n. ) (痛苦或忧虑的痛苦或

8、忧虑的)减轻或解除减轻或解除; 减轻痛苦的事物减轻痛苦的事物_ (vt. ) 使减轻;缓解使减轻;缓解protectionprotecthunthunterrespondresponsedistantdistancereliefrelieve16. _ (vt. ) 包含;容纳;容忍包含;容纳;容忍_ (n. ) 容器容器17. _ (vt. ) 影响;感动;侵袭影响;感动;侵袭_ (n. ) 喜爱;感情喜爱;感情_ (n. ) 影响;效果;作用影响;效果;作用18. _ (vi. ) 成功成功; (vt. ) 接替;继任接替;继任_ (n. ) 成功成功_ (adj. )成功的成功的_ (a

9、dv. )成功地成功地19. _ (vt. ) 雇用;利用雇用;利用(时间、精力等时间、精力等)_ (n. )雇主雇主_ (n. ) 雇员;雇工雇员;雇工_t (n. ) 雇用;雇用;使用;就业使用;就业_ (n. ) (反义词反义词)失业;失业率失业;失业率20. _ (n. &vt. ) 损害;危害损害;危害_ (adj. ) 有害的有害的_ (adj. ) 无害的无害的containcontaineraffectaffectioneffectsucceedsuccesssuccessfulsuccessfullyemployemployeremployeeemploymenunemplo

10、ymentharmharmfulharmless. 短语互译短语互译1. 灭亡;逐渐消失灭亡;逐渐消失 _2. 和平地;和睦地;安详地和平地;和睦地;安详地 _3. 在危险中;垂危在危险中;垂危 _4. 如释重负;松了口气如释重负;松了口气 _5. 突然笑起来;大声笑了出来突然笑起来;大声笑了出来 _6. 保护保护不受不受(危害危害) _die outin peacein danger (of )in reliefburst into laughterprotect. . . from7. pay attention to _8. pick out _9. come into being _1

11、0. according to _11. so that _12. do harm to _注意注意挑选出挑选出形成;产生形成;产生按照;根据按照;根据所说所说以至于;结果以至于;结果损害;伤害;对损害;伤害;对有害有害. 句型透视句型透视1. as引导方式状语从句引导方式状语从句It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but Id like to help _(按照世界野生生物基金会的建议按照世界野生生物基金会的建议). 2. It is a pity that. . . _(很遗憾很遗憾)in the story nobody hel

12、ped the dodo. 3. There be (no). . . left. This is the only home of the red Colobus monkey but _(现在所剩无几了现在所剩无几了). as the WWF suggestsIt is a pity thatthere are very few left. 语篇完形语篇完形 Daisy desired to help 1. _ species of wildlife because a large number of animals are dying 2. _. One day, a flying ca

13、rpet took her to a 3. _ land, where she could find antelopes which gave 4. _ to make sweaters. Then she met an 5. _ in Zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be hunted without 6. _. In the 7. _ rainforest, Daisy saw a monkey 8. _ an insect over its body to 9. _ against mosquitoes. 10. _ an exp

14、erience! She had learned so much! endangeredoutdistantfurelephantthickrubbingprotectWhatmercy1. 选词填空选词填空(1)As a _, he _ in doing many things, and many people wonder how he could be _ in everything. (success/successful/succeed)(2)The _ decided to _ Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk wi

15、th her _ before he came to work. (employ/employer/employee)successsucceededsuccessfulemployeremployemployee(3)His words had great _ on us, and we are _ by his action. (affect/effect)(4)The _ gases have done great _ to the environment. (harm/harmful)effectaffectedharmfulharm2. 完成句子完成句子(1)The moths ha

16、bitat is being destroyed and it has nearly _(灭亡;绝迹灭亡;绝迹). (2)When did this word _(形成形成)? (3)If you do _(按照我说的按照我说的), your dream will come true soon. (4)_(真可惜真可惜)he should miss such a golden opportunity. (5) _(已经没有时间已经没有时间) for us to think it over. died outcome into beingas I sayIt is a pity thatTher

17、e has been no time left核核心心考考点点relief3年年2考考as3年年10考考There be句型句型3年年2考考1. relief n. (痛苦或忧虑的痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物It was relief to me to find the children safe. 发现孩子们安全我感到安慰。发现孩子们安全我感到安慰。Hearing the news, he breathed in relief. 听到这个消息听到这个消息, 他如释重负地松了口气。他如释重负地松了口气。To our relief, they all got

18、 home safely. 他们都安全地到家他们都安全地到家, 这让我们松了口气。这让我们松了口气。【归纳【归纳】写出下列短语写出下列短语_ 如释重负;松了口气如释重负;松了口气_ 使某人欣慰的是;让某人感到放松的是使某人欣慰的是;让某人感到放松的是in reliefto ones relief【高考链接【高考链接】(2012江江苏苏高高考考)Dont worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. _! Ill tell Dad theres nothing serious. A. What a relief B. Congratulatio

19、nsC. How surprising D. Im so sorry【解解析析】选选A。考考查查情情景景交交际际。句句意意:别别担担心心, 妈妈妈妈。医医生生说说这这只只是是流流感感。这这下下放放心心了了!我我要要告告诉诉你你爸爸爸爸没没有有什什么么严严重重的的。A项项表表示示“这这下下放放心心了了”;B项项表表示示“恭恭喜喜, 祝祝贺贺”;C项表示项表示“太惊讶了太惊讶了”;D项表示项表示“我很抱歉或我很难过我很抱歉或我很难过”。2. mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯仁慈;宽恕;怜悯 (1)ask/beg for mercy 请求宽恕请求宽恕show mercy to sb. =have/

20、take mercy on sb. 怜悯怜悯/同情同情/宽恕某人宽恕某人(2)with mercy 仁慈地仁慈地without mercy 残忍地;毫不留情地残忍地;毫不留情地at the mercy of 任由任由摆布摆布It is a mercy that . . . 真是万幸真是万幸He was treated without mercy. 他受到残忍的对待。他受到残忍的对待。We had no choice and had to be _ _ _ _ the sea. 我们别无选择我们别无选择, 只好任由大海的摆布。只好任由大海的摆布。法官对这个酒后驾车者毫不宽容。法官对这个酒后驾车者

21、毫不宽容。(一句多译一句多译)The judge _ little _ _ the drunk driver. =The judge _ little _ _ the drunk driver.at the mercy ofshowedmercy tohad/tookmercy on3. contain vt. 包含;容纳;容忍;克制包含;容纳;容忍;克制(强烈的感情等强烈的感情等)(2012安安徽徽高高考考)Your fridge has read the chip that contains information about the milk, and it knows the milk

22、 is old. 你你的的冰冰箱箱已已经经读读取取了了芯芯片片上上含含有有的的牛牛奶奶的的信信息息并并知知道道了了牛牛奶奶已经过期。已经过期。(2011陕陕西西高高考考)My father could hardly contain his pride in me. 我的父亲抑制不住对我的骄傲。我的父亲抑制不住对我的骄傲。【辨析【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空理解下列区别并选词填空contain包包含含, 含含有有, 容容纳纳, 里里面面装装有有, 指指包包含含全全部部内内容容或或数数量量, 也也可可指指里里面面所所包包含含的的成成分分, 不用于进行时态不用于进行时态, 表示容纳时相当于表示容纳时

23、相当于holdinclude包含包含, 连连在内;计入;算入;包括在内;计入;算入;包括, 用于表示所包含事物中的一部分用于表示所包含事物中的一部分, 其后其后的宾语往往是主语的一部的宾语往往是主语的一部 including为介词为介词, 放在所包括的事物之前放在所包括的事物之前, included为形容词为形容词, 放在被修饰的名词之后放在被修饰的名词之后填空:填空:The container _ many kinds of fruits, _ apples/apples _. 这个容器盛放这个容器盛放着许多种水果着许多种水果, 其中包括苹果。其中包括苹果。containsincluding

24、included4. affect vt. 影响;感动;影响;感动;(疾病疾病)侵袭侵袭(1)be greatly/deeply affected by 被被深深打动深深打动be affected by heat/cold 中暑中暑/着凉着凉be affected with high fever 发高烧发高烧(2)effect n. 作用;影响作用;影响have an effect on 对对产生影响产生影响(2011福建高考福建高考)Even below the drink driving limit, driving will be affected. 即使低于酒驾限度即使低于酒驾限度,

25、驾驶也将受影响。驾驶也将受影响。She _ deeply _ _the news of his death. 他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。We want to know whether the drug _ _ _ _ peoples health. 我们想知道这药对人们的健康是否有影响。我们想知道这药对人们的健康是否有影响。wasaffectedhas an effect onby5. appreciate vt. 鉴赏;感激;意识到鉴赏;感激;意识到(1)appreciaten. /pron. /v. ing 重视重视/感激感激I would appreciate

26、it if . . . 假如假如我将不胜感激我将不胜感激(2)appreciation n. 欣赏;感激欣赏;感激There are various art websites that can help students to appreciate and create art pieces. 有各种各样的艺术网站可以帮助学生欣赏和创作艺术作品。有各种各样的艺术网站可以帮助学生欣赏和创作艺术作品。We shall _ _ _ you again. 能再次收到你的来信能再次收到你的来信, 我们将十分感激。我们将十分感激。_ _ _ _ _ you could donate some money

27、to help set up the reserve. 如果你能捐钱帮助建立保护区如果你能捐钱帮助建立保护区, 我会非常感激的。我会非常感激的。appreciate hearing fromI would appreciate it if【点津【点津】(1)appreciate后不能用不定式后不能用不定式, 而要用动名词作宾语;而要用动名词作宾语;(2)appreciate之之后后不不能能直直接接跟跟if引引导导的的从从句句, 若若接接if从从句句时时, 要要借借助助it。类似用法:。类似用法:like, hate, dislike等动词之后的等动词之后的if/when从句。从句。6. suc

28、ceed vi. 成功;继承成功;继承 vt. 接替;继任接替;继任(1)succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事成功地做某事succeed to sth. 继承继承succeed sb. as 接替某人成为接替某人成为(2)success n.U成功;成就;成功;成就;C成功的、成功的、 人或事物人或事物successful adj. 成功的成功的successfully adv. 成功地成功地be successful in doing sth. 成功地做某事成功地做某事They finally succeeded in finding a solution to the

29、problem. 他们最终找到了解决那个问题的办法。他们最终找到了解决那个问题的办法。Who will succeed to his wealth? 谁来继承他的财产呢谁来继承他的财产呢? John succeeded Tom as Chairman. 约翰继汤姆之后担任主席之职。约翰继汤姆之后担任主席之职。(语境填词语境填词)After _ _ his fathers company as president of it _, he _ _ making the company more _ in its field, which helped to make him _ _ in turn

30、. 在他成功地继承了父亲的公司并成为公司总裁之后在他成功地继承了父亲的公司并成为公司总裁之后, 他使他使公司在它所在的领域里获得了更大的成功公司在它所在的领域里获得了更大的成功, 反过来反过来, 公司的成公司的成功也成就了他的成功人士的地位。功也成就了他的成功人士的地位。succeeding tosuccessfullysucceeded insuccessfula success7. die out灭亡;逐渐消失灭亡;逐渐消失This kind of bird is dying out. 这种鸟将要灭绝。这种鸟将要灭绝。Many old customs are dying out. 很多古老

31、的习俗正在消失。很多古老的习俗正在消失。【拓展【拓展】补全下列补全下列“die+ adv. /prep. ”短语短语die _ (声音、光线等声音、光线等)逐渐消失逐渐消失die _ 因因而死而死die _ 减弱;平息减弱;平息die _ 相继死亡相继死亡【点津【点津】die为不及物动词为不及物动词, 不用于被动语态不用于被动语态, 也不能与表示时也不能与表示时间段的状语连用;间段的状语连用;dead为形容词为形容词, 表状态表状态, 可与表示时间段的可与表示时间段的状语连用;状语连用;deadly为形容词为形容词, 意为意为“致命的致命的”。awayof/fromdownoff【熟词生义【熟

32、词生义】观察句子观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义写出黑体部分的含义My car died halfway to the station. ( )She is dying to know the result.( )抛锚;机器停止运转抛锚;机器停止运转渴望渴望8. protect . . . from . . . 保护保护不受不受(危害危害)(1)protect . . . against保保护护以以防防(强强调调较较大大的的事事情情, 如如敌人的入侵、天灾等敌人的入侵、天灾等)(2)keep宾语宾语from doing stop宾语宾语(from) doing 阻止阻止做某事做某事prevent

33、宾语宾语(from) doingShe _ her eyes _ the sun with her hand. 她用手遮住太阳以保护她的眼睛。她用手遮住太阳以保护她的眼睛。This medicine will _ you _ a return of the illness. 这种药会防止你的疾病复发。这种药会防止你的疾病复发。 kept us fromThe heavy rain stopped us (from) carrying out the plan prevented us (from) on time. 大雨使我们不能按时实施计划。大雨使我们不能按时实施计划。【点津【点津】以上短语

34、中的以上短语中的from在被动语态中均不可省去在被动语态中均不可省去, 而在主而在主动语态中动语态中, 与与stop/prevent搭配的搭配的from可以省略。可以省略。protectedfromprotectagainst9. It shows the importance of wildlife protection, but Id like to help as the WWF suggests. 它它表表明明了了野野生生动动植植物物保保护护的的重重要要性性, 不不过过, 我我还还是是想想按按照照世世界界野生生物基金会的建议帮助你们。野生生物基金会的建议帮助你们。as作为连词的用法主要

35、有:作为连词的用法主要有:(1)“如同;按照如同;按照”, 引导方式状语从句;引导方式状语从句;(2)“当当时候;一边时候;一边一边;随着一边;随着”, 引导时间状语从句;引导时间状语从句;(3)“因为;既然因为;既然”, 引导原因状语从句;引导原因状语从句;(4)“尽尽管管”, 引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句(从从句句使使用用部部分分倒倒装装, 即即将将形形容容词词、副副词词、名名词词、动动词词等等放放于于as前前面面;单单数数可可数数名名词词提提前前时时应应该省掉冠词该省掉冠词);(5)引引导导比比较较状状语语从从句句, 常常用用于于as. . . as. . . 句句型型, 意意为为“

36、像像一样一样”(第一个第一个as是副词是副词, 第二个第二个as是连词是连词)。You must do everything _ _ _(按照我做的方式按照我做的方式). They sang songs _ _ _ _(他们一边工作他们一边工作). _ _ _ _ _ _(由于这是一个公共假日由于这是一个公共假日), most of the shops were shut. _ _ _ _(她她尽尽管管年年轻轻), she has travelled to many countries to put on shows. as I doas they were workingAs it was

37、a public holidayYoung as she is10. There were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China. 这里有许多种类的恐龙并且为数很多的恐龙曾经生活在中国。这里有许多种类的恐龙并且为数很多的恐龙曾经生活在中国。(1)句句型型There be+n. +v.-ing/v.-ed中中v. -ing, v.-ed作作主主语语补补足足语语。如如果果名名词词与与后后面面的的分分词词存存在在主主动动关关系系, 用用v.-ing形形式式, 如如果果是是被被动动关系关系

38、, 则用则用v. -ed形式。形式。(2)there be之之后后如如有有几几个个并并列列主主语语时时, 用用is还还是是are要要取取决决于于第第一一个主语是单数还是复数个主语是单数还是复数, 单数用单数用is, 复数用复数用are。(2011安徽高考安徽高考)The result is that today there are two “Irelands”. 结果是今天有两个结果是今天有两个“爱尔兰爱尔兰”。用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空There was no time _ (leave), so we had to hurry up. We teachers dont

39、 want there _ _ (be) any students staying in the classroom after school. There _ (be) no bus, we had to walk home. lefttobebeing【点津【点津】(1)常见的常见的there be变化结构:变化结构:There happen(s) to be. . . 碰巧有碰巧有There stand(s)/live(s)/lie(s)/go(es)/remain(s). . . 有有There seem(s) to be. . . 好像有好像有There is likely to b

40、e. . . 可能有可能有There may (might)/must be. . . 可能可能/肯定有肯定有There come(s). . . 来了来了/到了到了(2)There be句式的非谓语动词形式:句式的非谓语动词形式:There being/There to be。(3)There be 句型的反意疑问句为:句型的反意疑问句为:is there或或isnt there。1. decrease vi. & vt. 减少;减少;(使使)变小;变小;(使使)变少变少 n. 减少;减小减少;减小The number of the students has decreased to 500

41、. 学生人数已减少到学生人数已减少到500人。人。The accidents have decreased by 20% since the measure has been taken. 自从采取这项措施以来自从采取这项措施以来, 事故下降了事故下降了20%。The mistakes he has made are on the decrease. 他犯的错误正在减少。他犯的错误正在减少。【归纳【归纳】写出下列短语写出下列短语_ 减少到减少到_ 减少了减少了_ 在减少中在减少中decrease todecrease byon the decrease2. harm n. & vt. 损害;危

42、害损害;危害Her film was a complete failure, which did her fame a lot of harm. 她的电影是彻底失败了她的电影是彻底失败了, 这使她的名声受到很大的损害。这使她的名声受到很大的损害。吸烟有害健康。吸烟有害健康。(一句多译一句多译)Smoking _ health. =Smoking _ _ _ health. =Smoking _ _ _ health. harmsdoes harm tois harmful to3. come into being形成;产生形成;产生(2010全国卷全国卷)How words came into

43、 being is unknown. 语言是怎么形成的不为人所知。语言是怎么形成的不为人所知。Scientists want to learn how comets came into being. 科学家们想了解彗星是怎样形成的。科学家们想了解彗星是怎样形成的。【拓展【拓展】补全下列补全下列“come+into+n. ”短语短语come into _ 开始存在;形成;产生开始存在;形成;产生come into _ 开始流行;风靡开始流行;风靡come into _ 生效生效come into _ 看得见看得见come into _ 当权;执政当权;执政come into _ 开始使用开始使用

44、existencefashioneffectsight/viewofficeuse. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. What I need is a book that _ (contain) the ABC of oil painting. 2. Id like to show my _ (appreciate) for everything youve done. 3. The young man was _ (succeed) in his business. 4. He has been _ (employ) in writing a new book these

45、days. containsappreciationsuccessfulemployed5. Mr. Lee decided to fight for the _ (protect) of the environment. 6. Much to everyones _ (relieve), the airplane took off without any problems. 7. This file may contain a virus that can be _ (harm) to your computer. 8. The whole family have been _ (hunt)

46、 for the child since he got lost. 9. The children were deeply _ (affect) by his life story. 10. He ate the whole cake in three _(bite). protectionreliefharmfulhuntingaffectedbites. 完成句子完成句子1. At the news that the hero bus driver died, all the passengers _. (contain)听到英雄公交司机去世的消息听到英雄公交司机去世的消息, 所有的乘客无

47、法控制自己。所有的乘客无法控制自己。2. She succeeded _ transform their popular television conversations into a book. (persuade)她成功她成功地说服他们把他们受欢迎的电视谈话编辑成一本书。地说服他们把他们受欢迎的电视谈话编辑成一本书。 3. For the past three years he _ a fire-fighter. (employ)三年来他一直受雇当消防员。三年来他一直受雇当消防员。could not contain themselvesin persuading them tohas be

48、en employed as4. You all know he _ if he goes there alone. (danger)你们都知道你们都知道, 如果他独自去那里会有危险的。如果他独自去那里会有危险的。5. She wore dark glasses _ the strong sunlight. (protect)她戴墨镜以保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的照射。她戴墨镜以保护眼睛免受强烈阳光的照射。6. These rare animals, _ _, are in danger of dying out. (hunt)这些稀有动物这些稀有动物到处遭到毫无节制的捕猎到处遭到毫无节制的捕猎,

49、它们处在灭绝的危险之中。它们处在灭绝的危险之中。will be in dangerto protect her eyes from(which are) being huntedeverywherewithout limit7. The government _ the housing problems of the average people. (attention)政府已经开始关注普通老百姓的住房问题。政府已经开始关注普通老百姓的住房问题。8. _, she works very hard. (as)尽管聪明尽管聪明, 她还是工作很努力。她还是工作很努力。9. The audience,

50、 _, warmly applauded for a long time. (affect)被他的故事深深地打动的听众长时间热情地鼓掌。被他的故事深深地打动的听众长时间热情地鼓掌。10. There are many students _. (support)有很多学生支持这种观点。有很多学生支持这种观点。has begun to pay attention toClever as she is(who were) deeply affected by his storysupporting/who support the idea. 话题写作话题写作 先将下面几个句子翻译成英语先将下面几个句

51、子翻译成英语, 然后连成一段小短文。然后连成一段小短文。 1. 过度捕杀极大地影响了野生动物的数量。过度捕杀极大地影响了野生动物的数量。 2. 结果结果, 一些动物绝迹一些动物绝迹, 也有一些处境危险。也有一些处境危险。 3. 幸运的是幸运的是, 政府已经关注这个问题政府已经关注这个问题, 并采取了一系列措施。并采取了一系列措施。 4. 我们成功地阻止了这种状况的恶化。我们成功地阻止了这种状况的恶化。_【参考范文【参考范文】 Hunting too much has affected the number of wild animals greatly. As a result, some animals have died out and others are in danger. Fortunately, our government has paid attention to the situation and has taken a series of measures. We have succeeded in preventing the situation from getting worse.



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