高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教选修9

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高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教选修9_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 5 Inside advertising Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课件 新人教选修9_第5页
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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language 课前自主预习.重点单词1_ adv.部分;在一定程度上part n部分2_ v谋杀 n谋杀;谋杀案murderer n杀人犯3_ n片;张;薄片;被单4_ n女演员actor n男演员5_ n打字员type v打字typewriter n打字机6_ adj.流利的;流畅的fluently adv.流利地7_ n女主人host n男主人8_ n邀请invite v邀请partlymurdersheetactresstypistfluenthostessinvitation9_ vt.约定;指定;任命

2、appointment n约定10_ vt.筹集;提高;饲养11_ n操作员;接线员operate v操作;做手术operation n手术12_ adj.成熟的;到期的maturity n成熟13_ n样式;流行;时尚fashionable adj.流行的14_ adj.易误解的;令人误解的mislead v误导;将引入歧途15_ adj.不诚实的honest adj.诚实的honesty n诚实appointraiseoperatormaturefashionmisleadingdishonest16_ n禁令 vt.禁止;取缔17_ vt.促进;提升promotion n提升18_ ad

3、j.不道德的moral adj.道德的immorality n邪恶19. _ n伦理学,道德规范ethical adj.合乎道德的,道德的 20._ adj.令人不愉快的;伤害人感情的21_ vi.小心;谨防22_ n消费者;顾客consume v消费;消耗23_ adj.可信赖的;可靠的banpromoteimmoralethicsoffendingbewareconsumertrustworthy.重点短语1_ 跌落;传递;减价2_移交;让与3_与有关4_历经困难5_属于6_对负责7_亲自;独立地8_被淹没come downhand overbe concerned withgo to a

4、 lot of troublebelong tobe responsible forfor oneselfbe flooded with.重点句型1So,why do advertisers_so much money _ adverts?2You need to attach a small photo to your passport application_ you send it in.3Committee members recently appointed me their chairman and have asked me to_.4Unfortunately,_adverti

5、sers are good or honest people.spendonbeforetell you how much we all appreciate your donationnot all5_,most advertisers belong to advertising organizations that _educate and support their members,_make rules for everyone in the organization to follow.6_advertising,consumers need to be educated about

6、 techniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves and not blindly accept everything that is said in advertisements.For this reasonnot onlybut alsoWhen it comes to课内研析探究partly adv.部分地;不完全地Put partly in water,a stick looks as if it were broken.如果把一根木棍部分放入水中,它看起来就像断了。She was o

7、nly partly responsible for the accident.她只是对事故负部分责任。part adj.部分的 n部分partial adj.部分的;不公平的;偏爱的(常与to连用)partially adv.部分地;不完全地sheet n片;张;被单A sheet of flame blocked his way out of the burning house.一片火海堵住了通道,使他无法从燃烧的房子逃出。The gift was wrapped in a sheet of newspaper.礼物被包在一张报纸里面。(as)white as a sheet脸色苍白in

8、sheets大片大片地;倾盆地raise v.(1)抬高;提起He raised his eyes from his work.他停下工作抬起头来。(2)(与to连用)增加;提高raise salaries/prices/profits etc提高工资/价格/利润等raise ones voice/the temperature/standard of service提高声音/温度/服务水平The workers asked the boss to raise their wages.员工们要求增加工资。He raised his voice so as to be heard.他提高了声音以

9、便让别人听到。(3)使产生或出现raise doubts/fears/suspicions引起疑问/恐惧/怀疑The horses hooves raised a cloud of dust.马蹄扬起一片尘土。(4)使人人皆知raise a protest/question提出抗议/问题Their performance raised a cheer of the audience.他们的表演引起观众一阵喝彩。(5)收集;募捐raise an army招募军队raise a loan/funds for charity筹集贷款/慈善基金(6)养活,喂养;种植I was raised by my

10、 aunt.我是姑母养大的。Raising a family on a small income is so hard.靠微薄的收入养家很难。appoint vt.任命;约定;指定The time we appointed for the meeting is ten oclock in the morning.我们定的开会时间是上午十点。(1)appoint.(to be).任命为appoint sb.as.把某人任命为appoint sb.to do sth.指派某人做某事appoint sb.to a post派某人任职(2)appointment n约定,约会,任命make an ap

11、pointment 约会keep an appointment赴约cancel an appointment取消约会The committee appointed him (as/to be) the director.委员会任命他为主任。They appointed him to do the work.他们指派他干这项工作。Ive made an appointment with a client and may not come back for supper.我和客户有约会,可能不回来吃晚饭了。come down跌落;传递;减价;败落This song comes down to us

12、 from the 10th century.这首歌自10世纪以来一直传到我们这一代。I dont think meat will come down this year,do you?我认为今年肉价不会下跌,你认为呢?come about发生come to提及,共计;想到;获知come out出现;出版come on开动;快点儿come through公开;公布;安然度过come over来访;突然感觉How did this come about?这是怎么回事?hand over移交;让与;交给某人The captain was unwilling to hand over the com

13、mand of his ship to a young man.舰长不愿将军舰的指挥权移交给年轻人,Before handing over to Jim,Id like to thank you all for your support.在把工作移交给吉姆之前,我要感谢大家对我的支持。hand in上交;提交hand down传给,递下来hand back交还;交回hand out分发;随便地提供hand on传递;让与Please hand in your homework on time.请按时交作业。be concerned with与有关The story is concerned w

14、ith fairies and wicked magicians.这个故事与神仙和邪恶的魔术师有关。This book is concerned with a Russian family in the 19th century.这本书写的是19世纪的一个俄国家庭。promote vt.促进;提升Our nation is trying to attract more foreign investment to promote our national economy.我国正在努力吸引更多外资来发展国民经济。He has been promoted and transferred.他被提升并调

15、到别处去了。The company is promoting their new sort of toothbrush on television.该公司正在电视上推销他们的一种新牙刷。(1)promote growth促进生长promote economic growth促进经济增长promote physical culture发展体育运动be promoted to.被提升为职位promote sb.(from sth.to sth.)从提升为(2)promotion n促进,增进,提升He was promoted from a clerk to a manager.他从职员被提升为经

16、理。fashion n方式;式样He walks in a peculiar fashion.他走路的样子很特别。Fashions in art and literature are changing constantly.文艺的潮流日新月异。When did this kind of garment come into fashion?这种服装什么时候盛行起来的?fashionable adj.流行的;时尚的in the fashion of sb.像一样;模仿某人come into fashion流行;入时be/go of fashion过时的;落后的ban vt.禁止;取缔 n命令;禁止

17、The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.政府禁止使用化学武器。 There is a ban on smoking in this theatre.这个戏院内不准抽烟。Students are banned from bringing weapons into the school yards.严禁学生将武器带入校园。ban sb.from (doing) sth.禁止某人做某事a ban on sth.关于的禁令go to a lot of trouble历经困难 He went to great trouble to ma

18、ke his guests comfortable.为让客人们感到舒服他费尽了周折。have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难take the trouble to do不辞辛劳做put sb.to the trouble of doing sth.麻烦某人做某事ask for trouble自找麻烦in trouble处于麻烦/不幸中get sb.into/out of trouble 使某人陷入/摆脱困境He took great trouble to get the book for me.他不辞辛劳地为我搞到了这本书。be responsible for 对负

19、责We are responsible for our own actions.我们应对自己的行为负责。The boy was responsible for feeding the chickens.那个男孩负责喂鸡。注意:responsible作“负责任的”讲时,是表语形容词,不作定语。若人作主语表示“应负责任的”;若主语是物表示造成事实的原因。This pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers safety.飞机驾驶员应对旅客的安全负责。Social changes are responsible for many of o

20、ur modern problems.社会变革是引起我们许多现代问题的原因。hold sb.responsible for sth.为某事而怪罪某人be responsible to sb.对某人负责I will hold you personally responsible if anything goes wrong.如果有差错,我要你个人负起责任。Every worker is responsible to the boss.每位员工都应对老板负责。be flooded with被所淹没The Children were flooded with flowers.孩子们被鲜花所簇拥着。(

21、1)flood v泛滥;涌来(去);充满flood sb./sth.with sth.给某人大量的某物flood in/into大量涌入(某处)flood out of sth.蜂拥而出flood over sb.(思想/感情)充溢,涌现flood sb.out洪水使人背井离乡(2)flood n洪水;大批;大量(的人或事物)in flood在泛滥at the flood在涨潮时,在方便而有利的时机a flood of大量的Letters came flooding in from the angry.愤怒观众的来信如潮水般地涌来。.完成句子1He _his parents (部分地依靠) b

22、ecause he is disabled.答案:depends partly on2The rain was _(滂沱而下),so we couldnt walk home.答案:coming down in sheets3The comments which he made_(关于市场) bothered his boss greatly.答案:concerning marketing4Techniques for _(促进睡眠) would involve learning to control both mind and body so that sleep can occur.答案:

23、promoting sleep5This advertisement appeals to a wish to_(流行)答案:be in fashion6They _(正在禁止) the advertisement of alcoholic drinks.答案:are banning7He has some trouble_(让车起动起来),for he is only seven years old.答案:getting the car started8Even though parents no longer live together,they each continue to_(对他们

24、的孩子负责)答案:be responsible for their children9Memories of his childhood came_(涌回)答案:flooding back.单句语法填空1The peoples living standard has been greatly _ (raise) in the recent years.答案:raised2Price _(rise) gradually.答案:rises3Amie Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _(appoint

25、) to guard her.答案:appointed4When it _ (come) politics,I know nothing.答案:comes to5This custom has been handed _since the 18th century.答案:down6The teacher told you to hand _ your homework on time.答案:in So,why do advertisers spend so much money on advertisements? 那么,为什么广告商在广告上花费如此多的钱呢?句中spend so much m

26、oney on advertisements是动词spend所构成的短语结构spend money on sth.。另外spend亦可构成另一结构:spend time/money (in) doing sth.。She spends too much money on those spoiled kids of hers.她在被宠坏的孩子们身上花钱太多了。Much of my time is spent studying financial reports.我的大部分时间都花在研究金融报告上。I spent a pleasant hour in talking with friends.我跟

27、朋友交谈,愉快地度过了一个钟头。You need to attach a small photo to your passport application before you send it in. 你需要在邮寄前在你的护照申请上贴一张小照片。句中before为连词,意为“在之前”,引导时间状语从句。Where did you work before you came here?在来这里前,你在哪里工作?The fire lasted about four hours before the fire fighters could control it.大火持续了大约四个小时消防人员才把它控制

28、住。before在引导从句时的常见用法和译法:He asked a second question before I could answer the first one.我还没来得及回答第一个问题,他又问了一个问题。I must write it down before I forget it.趁我还没有忘记,我得把它写下来。We had sailed two days before we saw land.我们航行了两天才看到陆地。We arrived there before it started to rain.我们到那儿时天还没有下雨。We.cannot thank you enou

29、gh.(我们将)不胜感激。句中cannot.enough为否定结构,表示“无论怎样也不过分”。否定结构表示肯定意义的还有:cant/never (.)tooto;cant.any more等。Its never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。You cant be too careful.你越仔细越好。I couldnt agree any more.我非常同意。Unfortunately,not all advertisers are good or honest people.不幸的是,并不是所有的广告商都诚实、正直。not和all,every,both连用表部分否定

30、,不论not是在句中还是在句首。Not everyone agrees with his suggestion.(Everyone does not agree with his suggestion.)并不是每个人都同意他的提议。Not both of them belong to the same organization.(Both of them dont belong to the same organization.)他们两个并不属于同一个组织。表示部分否定的有:not all,not both,not each,not every等;表示全部否定的有:none,nothing,n

31、o one,neither等。(1)for.reason(for the reason of)是固定短语,表原因。We have to put off the meeting for the reason of his absence.由于他的缺席,我们不得不推迟会议。He was absent.For that reason,we have to put off the meeting.他没来。为此,我们不得不推迟会议。(2)not onlybut also用以引导两个并列的成分(如名词、动词、形容词、副词及介词短语等),如用以引导两个分句,则第一个分句要倒装。She is not only

32、 bright but also hardworking.她不仅聪明,并且能干。Not only is this city beautiful,but (also) people in it are very kind.这个城市不仅很漂亮,这里的居民也很热情。When it comes to advertising,consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers so they can judge the claims for themselves and not blindly accept everyth

33、ing that is said in advertisements. 涉及广告时,消费者需要了解广告商所使用的伎俩,这样他们才能面对各种广告做出自己的判断,而不至于盲目地接受广告中所说的一切。(1)本句是复合句,包含一个由when引导的时间状语从句,主句是并列句,以so连接。第一个分句中的used by advertisers是过去分词,充当定语;第二个分句中的that is said in advertisement是定语从句,修饰everything。(2)when it comes to是个固定短语,意思是“谈到;涉及”。The school has very good teacher

34、s,but when it comes to buildings,the school looks poor.这学校拥有优秀的老师,但说到建筑,则看上去很破烂。.选词填空I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with _.(everything,anything,something)答案:everything.完成句子1不仅学生们在植树,老师也在植树。Not only_trees,but also_.答案:are the students planting;the teacher is2_(为此),we changed the name of our company.答案:For this reason3当谈到修电脑,我懂得很少。_,I have little knowledge of it.答案:When it comes to repairing a computer谢谢观看!谢谢观看!



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