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8、展针对性的柔性宣传大事化小小事化了L/O/G/O第三第三节特殊旅游特殊旅游团队的的导游服游服务概述概述特殊旅游团队:具有特殊身份或者地位、宗教信仰以及身体条件的少数旅游团队针对具体情况,搞好优质的服务一、大型旅游一、大型旅游团队的的导游服游服务(一)大型旅游团队的主要特征1人数多/大多大型团队人数多达1000人,少者也有100人,会议旅游者就 更多2行动统一/在时间上有统一性和不可变更性,决定了旅游过程中行动的统一性3标准的一致/收费必须一致决定了旅游服务的标准的一致性,在住房、餐饮、用车、游览项目的无差别无厚薄。按照合同的约定内容保障了旅游者的合法权益,也避免了内部旅游者心理上不平衡造成的诸




12、征1)自卑、孤独、敏感多疑、自尊心强、情绪不稳定心理特征2)生理上和身体结构上的缺陷给活动带来不便接待措施1)尊重-最多尊重就是吧他们当正常人,不要刻意,扬长避短2)关心-考虑特殊需求,尽可能的方便3)做针对性的接待A视力障碍-让其摸、听、呼吸B听力障碍-靠前的位置,唇语获取信息-放慢语速,加大口型幅度3)瘫痪者A提前准备轮椅B车辆选择也要有考虑C景点和饭店都选择“无障碍设计”对于残疾团,日程安排上要保证其隐私的保密性,注意其健康,适当增加休息时间,劳逸结合,活动量不能大,景点选择少儿精,细讲慢看,饮食要卫生可口易消化ContentsClick to add title in here Cli

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16、ption of the contents Description of the contents Description of the business Description of the business Description of the businessThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Description of the contentsDescription of the 五、教学法分析五、教学法分析课课前前课后:拓展提升,布置新任务课后:

17、拓展提升,布置新任务学案导学法学案导学法实地调查法实地调查法任务驱动法任务驱动法直观演示法直观演示法小组合作学习法小组合作学习法 角色扮演法角色扮演法课课中中Your TextYour TextYour TextYour TextClick to edit title styleYour TextYour TextYour TextYour Text2005200620072008ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design IClick to edit title styl

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22、n Inc.Title in hereTitle in hereTitle in hereTitle in hereA AB BC CD DClick to edit title style教学目标教学目标教学目标教学目标了解上菜、摆菜的要领和要了解上菜、摆菜的要领和要求。求。通过问题讨论和操作通过问题讨论和操作实践掌握了解上菜、实践掌握了解上菜、摆菜的要领和要求。摆菜的要领和要求。培养严谨又灵活的工培养严谨又灵活的工作作风,树立规范又作作风,树立规范又热情的服务意识。热情的服务意识。 知识与能知识与能力力 情感态度情感态度与价值观与价值观 过程与过程与方法方法Click to edit ti

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24、tents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents Content Content TitleTitle Content Content TitleTitle Content Content TitleTClick to edit

25、title styleDescribe a vision of company or strategic contents.Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.Describe a vision of company or strategic contents.Description of the Please write down of a slogan for a vision of a company in shortly

26、.Please write down of a slogan for a vision of a company in shortly.Please write down of a slogan for a vision of a company in shortly.Please write down of a slogan for a vision of a company in shortly.Vision 01Vision 01Vision 03Vision 03Vision 02Vision 02Vision 04Vision 04CompanyLOGOClick to edit t

27、itle Click to edit title styleTitle in hereTitle in hereThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.Description of the contentsDescription of the contentsDescription of the contentsDescription of the contentsTitle in hereTitle in hereTitle in hereTitle in h

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31、escription of the contents Description of the contents课课前前 1、学案导学法、学案导学法 2、任务驱动法、任务驱动法 3、实地调查法、实地调查法 1、教师指导法、教师指导法 2、小组合作自主学习法、小组合作自主学习法 3、角色扮演法、角色扮演法 Description of the contents1.Description of the companys products2.Description of the companys business3.Description of the companys technology1.Desc

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