外研版三起五下Module 2 Unit 2Mr. Li was a teacher课件2

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1、Module 2 Unit 2 Mr. Li was a teacher ChantIwasababy.Now,Iamapupil.Iwasshort.Now,Iamtall.Icouldntwalk.Now,Icanwalkwell.Icouldntspeak.Now,Icanspeakwell.Iwasoneyearold.Now,Iamelevenyearsold.Tenyearsago,shewasapupil.Now,sheisaTeacher.Tenyearsago,Hewasastudent.Now , He is a teacher.Five years ago . Maoma

2、o was a pupil . Hestudiedveryhard.study学习studied学习的过去式Twentyyearsago,mygrandpawasateacher.Nowheisold,heisretired.fire炉火fireman消防员tired劳累的retired退休的practiceTenyearsago,was.Now,am/is(可以参考以下词汇:Tenyearsago, Iwasshort/thin/fat/cute/ababy/oneyearoldNow,Iamtall/fat/thin/naughty/apupil/.elevenyearsold)听录音听录

3、音, ,回答问题回答问题 1.What did Mr Li do ten years ago ?2. What did Mr. Li teach ?3. What is Chen Hai doing ?4.What does Mr Li do now?Ten years ago , Mr Li was a techer .He taught Chinese .Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr. Li .Hes learning English.tea 茶茶 teach 教教teacher 教师教师n n taught 教的过去式 T

4、en years ago,Mr Ten years ago,Mr Li ( )a teacher. Li ( )a teacher.He ( )Chinese.Chen HaiHe ( )Chinese.Chen Hai( )in his( )in hisClass.HeClass.He( )a good ( )a good pupil.Hepupil.He( )( )very hard.very hard.waswastaughttaughtwaswaswaswasstudiedstudiedNow,MrNow,Mr Li is( ).He Li is( ).Hes( )s( )Englis

5、h.Chen HaiEnglish.Chen Hai is( )English is( )English Teacher.HeTeacher.Hes( )Mrs( )Mr Li. Li. retiredretiredlearninglearningananteachingteachingA:Five years ago,heA:Five years ago,he walkedwalked to school. to school.B:NowB:Now he he goesgoes to to school by bus.school by bus.A:FiveA:Five years ago,

6、 years ago, he he wrotewrote letters. letters. B:NowB:Now he he sendssends email. email. A: Five years ago, he A: Five years ago, he lived lived in a small in a small house.house. B:NowB:Now he he liveslives in in a big house.a big house.awawairairassassdrdrawawchchairairclclassasss sawawh hairairp passassawairass sawpassclasschairdraw hair



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