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1、1. 1.Do you often help your parents do chores? Why or why not?Do you often help your parents do chores? Why or why not?Yes,I do .I often help my parents do chores .The reason is easy. My parents are busy with their work every dayand I can not do much for them. I think I am an understanding child. So

2、 its my duty to keep the house clean andtidy. In that way, my parents wont be so tired after work and they will be very proud to have a child like me !No, I don t .As a middle student of Grade 3,I really have very little spare time .I spend all day concentrating onmy lessons. I am busy preparing for

3、 the entrance exam of high school. I really hope to help my parents with thehousework , but they always ask me to pay all my efforts on studying !2. 2.Say something about your last day off.Say something about your last day off.As a middle school student of Grade 3, I am very busy like all the others

4、. So I dont have many days off .I spentmy last day off as usual. In the morning ,I stayed at home and did my homework. After lunch ,I went to take theMath classes. They are kind of boring but I knew I had to study hard. The evening was quite relaxing. I took mydog for a walk in the park and had a ba

5、th before going to be d. This is my last day off. Though its quite typical , Istill enjoyed it very much!3. 3.Where do you often have lunch? Give at least two reasons.Where do you often have lunch? Give at least two reasons.I usually have lunch at school .Because my home is too far from the school .

6、So I do not have enough time to gohome for lunch .And having lunch at school gives me more time to relax myself. I can always have half an hoursbreak after lunch and I dont have to be in a hurry. The schools cafeteria is so clean and the food is quite good.And its always enjoyable to have lunch with

7、 friends.4. 4.How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo? Why?How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo? Why?Possible Version 1Possible Version 1Well when I see animals in the zoo, I may feel sad. Why? Um The last time I went to the zoo is when I was ingrade two, I saw lots of ani

8、mals in Zhongshan Park. You know, there is a small zoo in Zhongshan Park, and all theanimals are kept in a very tiny cage, and they cant even move a t all. At that time, I was shocked! If I was in thatcage, I dont even want to stay in that kind of place for a minute! I felt really guilty at that mom

9、ent, Im also verysad because I can do nothing with it. I hope in the future, there will be more wild animals protecting areas but notzoo!That will be too bad for animals!Possible Version 2Possible Version 2Well, I feel sad. I couldnt forget what I have once seen in the zoo .A tiger, that was only wi

10、th a half tail, couldntsleep as other animals, but still had to play a show for tourists under the zoo-keepers stick! I was shocked and feltsad! Animals are our friends, we cannot treat them like this! All of the animals are kept in tiny cages, they caneven not move! If we were the animals, how woul

11、d we feel! We must want to escape from the cage as soon aspossible! So do animals! Though zoos will offer them food, the vans in the zoo will take care of the sick animals,but I think animals need more freedom than others. Maybe, one day, our country will set up more natural areas foranimals to live

12、 in.Possible Version 3 (Possible Version 3 (供后进生参考供后进生参考) )I may feel very sad, because they are kept in small cages and cant move that all. Though there are many big zoosin the wild, they are still not better than there habitats. So we should keep them in wild protecting areas, not inzoos, that wil

13、l be better.5.In your English study, which ways do you think are more useful? Give two examples.5.In your English study, which ways do you think are more useful? Give two examples.(1)You know, English is not only a subject but also a language. If you study English like studying maths, then Ican tell

14、 you that is terribly wrong! I think the most affective English studying ways are reading more books andcommunicating more with other people such as foreigners. In my daily life, I often read many English books. TheEnglish books are not just for learning but also for relaxing myself. I never regard

15、reading as a kind of tiring thingbut a very important part in my life. So I made a lot of progress in these years.Um As for communicating, wecan try our best to chat with other English learners or foreigners, by the time you chat with them, you mayimprove yourselves quietly. So I think these two way

16、s are more useful.(2)Well, listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating are believed that they played the most important partin studying English. I also agree. However, among those, I think speaking and reading are the most important. Asyou know, mostly, a person who stayed in English speak

17、ing countries for sometime, he will speak English well.That is because all of the people there speak English, he has to speak English to talk with others, or, he will bedifficult to live. The more you talk, the more you will improve. And as for reading, you can learn a lot of newwords and structure

18、while you are reading. And its good for your writing. So, if you do like that, you will findyour surprising improve.(3)Well I think pleasure reading and communicating with foreigners are the best ways. By the time I dopleasure reading, I improve very quickly and quietly, that will be really good for

19、 me. When I chat with teenagersor other English learners, I can practice my oral speaking. With these two ways, I can improve my reading andspeaking quickly!6.What do you think of those students who go to school by car?6.What do you think of those students who go to school by car?(1)Well In my opini

20、on. Its a good thing for me. I go to school by bus every day. The buses are really crowded,so it is un- comfortable to take a bus So if students go to school by car, they may save a lot of time. And we canput this time to good use by reading books or even relaxing ourselves. But if you waste the tim

21、e, I think itsunnecessary for you to go to school by car. If you are a student that can plan your time very well, you can go toschool by car. But if you arent., I prefer to walk to school or take buses, because it can make your body stronger.(2)Well, in my opinion, going to school by car hasadvantag

22、es and disadvantages. Some students homes are farfrom school, so I suggest taking a car. Because that will save a lot of time to do other things. But for the otherstudents, they neednt to go to school by car. It will start a bad habit and students will get lazy. Also, some of thestudent will compare

23、 the cars they take. That will be terrible. dont you think so? And also it will bring pollution.The cars may make the roads crowded and you will spend more time on the road. So, I suggest taking a bus oreven walk to school. That will not only make the road easy to drive, but also make our bodies str

24、ong.(3) I think if students live far from their houses, they go to school by car because it may save a lot of time and theycan put the time they saved to good use by exercising, learning more. But if they live quite close to their school, Isuggest they should go to school on foot because it isn t ne

25、cessary for you to go to school by car. So choose thebest way for you is very important.7.If you meet something unhappy during your travel, what will you do?7.If you meet something unhappy during your travel, what will you do?I will try my best not to notice it, and go on my travel .I will read some

26、 books or listen to music to cheer me up. Ifit makes me unhappy a lot, I will stop my travel. Afterwards, I will go for a walk or play sports in order to forget itand relax myself.I hope I will be happy again after it .8.Is it good for teenagers to do the chores?Why or why not?8.Is it good for teena

27、gers to do the chores?Why or why not?I think its good for teenagers t o do the chores.It is good for us.On the one hand, we can exercise while we aredoing the chores.On the other hand, we can improve the skills of doing the chores.I think its not good for teenagers to do the chores because we have s

28、o many lessons that we have little time to doanything else. If we do,we wont have enough time to go over our lessons and maybe will fail in the exams!9. What do you think is the most important pollution problem? Give some advice.9. What do you think is the most important pollution problem? Give some

29、 advice.I think Air Pollution is the largest problem for the living things in the world today. It is harmful to our health, andit makes our earth weak. So how to fight Air Pollution is very important and necessary for us. As a teenager, it smy duty to protect the environment by doing somelittle thin

30、gs. For example, we should put the trash into thedustbin rather than throw it everywhere and we can walk to school instead of taking a bus or a car. If there arefewer people driving, there will be less air pollution. In a word, the pollution problem is for everyone. Lets try ourbest to solve this pr

31、oblem!10. Say something about an invention.10. Say something about an invention.We use telephones everyday. It has already been a part of our life. I know Bell that came from England inventedthe first telephone. In 1876 Bell showed his invention to the whole world, then everyone was shocked by histe

32、lephone. They said it would make the world smaller. But his telephone was very big and now we havesmallerones-mobile phones. Its smaller and more useful. We believe the telephone will be better some day in the future.11.What do you think about students pressure?11.What do you think about students pr

33、essure?Today, more and more students are under so much pressure that they feel tired and nervous.What caused it?First,there is too much homework to do and too many things to study. Second,teachers and parents are pushing thestudents hard. Third, many students want to go to college to continue their

34、education. They are afraid of gettingbad grades, so they study as much as they can, and because they are so nervous , sometimes they can hardly fallasleep.This is not a good thing for both the students health and their studies.Too much pressure wastes the studentsenergy and kills their inspiration.

35、Maybe for most students, enough exercise , quiet music and relaxing weekendscan be the best medicine.12.12.同同 1919。1313How to make our world more beautiful?How to make our world more beautiful?The world is our home, how to make it more beautiful? I think the most important way is to protect ourenvir

36、onment.First, we should try our best not to use cars.Because they can produce much gas which is bad for the air. Second,we must stop many factories from pouring waste water into river and sea.If the water is polluted , people will nowater to drink at last. Third, planting more trees and flowers is a

37、 good way to make our world more beautiful. Itcan make our environment cleaner. Besides, we must pay attention to our behaviors, throwing litters everywhereand spitting in the street are bad habits.If we follow these, I believe our world will be more beautiful.So lets do it now.1515Talk about what y

38、ou did last weekend.Talk about what you did last weekend.Last Saturday I was very busy but happy. On Saturday morning, I went to a musical school for my piano lesson.The sound of the piano sounds very good, and it can make me relaxed. In the afternoon, I went shopping with mymother.We bought a lot o

39、f things like bread and eggs.We stayed at the supermarket the whole afternoon. OnSunday, I study for the English test the whole day.Im very busy. But Iam also very happy.1616My hometowns weatherMy hometowns weatherI live in Qingdao. It is a very beautiful city. Every year thousands ofvisitors come h

40、ere. Because the weatheris very cool in summer.Everyone can enjoy themselves in the sea. In winter, the weather is notvery cold.Everyone doesnt need to wear too many clothes. We can only wear sweaters. When it snows, children are veryhappy to play with each other.My favorite season is spring. There

41、are a lot of flowers growing up.And the weather is also very warm.1717Talk about the rules for school library.Talk about the rules for school library.I think obeying the rules for the school library is pretty important.Firstly,we are supposed to be quiet .Becauseeverybody is busy reading books and i

42、ts our duty to make a quiet environment.Secondly,its necessary tokeep thebooks clean.Thirdly,we should follow the instructions of the librarians and never smoke or shout.I am sure ifeveryone obeys them,the school library will be better and better.18.Talk about what you will do if you join18.Talk abo

43、ut what you will do if you jointhe project “We can help!”the project “We can help!”If I go to the project “We can help”,I will do these things.Firstly,I will be happy to volunteer for the poor studentsand try to make others join this project.Secondly,Ill save my spare money to give them away tochari

44、ties.Thirdly,Ill send my old clothes and magazines to the poor students and make them feelcolorful.Finally,Ill visit the Old Peoples House to cheer them up. Not only do I feel good about helping otherpeople, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.19. Say something about your life in 10 year

45、s.19. Say something about your life in 10 years.In 10 years, I will be a doctor in a big and famous hospital. I will be able to support myself and my family. I willtravel to other places of interest in China and maybe even in foreign countries. I will have my own house orapartment. I can keep a pet

46、like a dog or a cat and I will invite my good friends to my house on weekends andhave a good time together. In my spare time, I will be a volunteer in my neighborhood. I will help the old peoplewith the housework and help the kids with their schoolwork. To keep healthy, I will only eat healthy food

47、and domore exercise.20. Talk about the experience when you were sick.20. Talk about the experience when you were sick.At the end of l ast year I had a bad cold because of the cold weather. I asked for three days off and had a rest athome. My mother stayed with me and looked after me. My father bough

48、t some medicine and gave me someadvice on how to get well. He told me to drink more water with honey and to eat vegetables or fruit. At first I feltvery bad because I had a terrible headache and a sore throat. So I complained a lot. But my mother cookeddelicious meals and bought me some popular CDs

49、to listen to. I soon felt much better.21. Say something that makes you upset.21. Say something that makes you upset.In our lives, we can meet many things that can make us feel upset. For example, when we fail the test, we mayfeel upset. When we argue with our best friends, it makes us upset. When we

50、 are criticized by our teachers orparents, we may feel very upset. All these things can make us upset,and that may be bad for our health and studies.We can meet many unpleasant things in our lives, we should know how to make ourselves happy.22. What changes have you got since you came to junior midd

51、le school? (Give at least two examples.)22. What changes have you got since you came to junior middle school? (Give at least two examples.)My life has changed a lot since I came to junior school. For example, I used to have so much free time to watchTV or play sports, but now Im busy with my schoolw

52、ork. I used to be quiet and have few friends, but now Immore outgoing and have more friends. Im getting on well with them. I enjoy the company of other people. I alsotake an active part in class discussions. Though my life is very busy, I like my changes.23. Say something about your father/mother23.

53、 Say something about your father/motherMy father is medium build and a little fat. He works for the government. He is busy with his work every day.But in his spare time, he always plays sports with us and takes us to the park or the zoo. He is very kind to us. Heis strict in his work and my study. W

54、hen he gets back home from his work, he often cooks something delicious forus. I love my father.24. Tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the ads24. Tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the adsIn the modern world, advertising is everywhere. Sometimes, ads can be useful for us. For

55、 instance, they canhelp you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need. They can also help you tosave money. When prices are listed, you can go to the store with the lowest price. However, some ads can beconfusing or misleading. Sometimes the picture in an ad looks

56、 a lot better than the real thing. At times an ad canlead you to buy something you dont need at all.25. Say something about your English/math teacher.25. Say something about your English/math teacher.Our English teacher is very tall. She always wears a pair of glasses. She looks very young. She alwa

57、ys comes intoclass with a smile. She is very kind to us. She teaches us very well. She is not only very strict with us in our studybut also in her own work. She is popular among the students. I like her very much.26. What TV program do you like best? Why? Give at least two of your reasons.26. What T

58、V program do you like best? Why? Give at least two of your reasons.My favorite TV program is cartoons. All kinds of cartoons are my favorite. Because you can watch manyinteresting characters or animals in cartoons. Sometimes, we can learn a lot from them. For example, theAdventure of the Cyprinid Fi

59、sh, Im moved deeply by it. It never gives up its hop no matter what difficulty hemeets. On the other hand, cartoons can make us really relaxed when we are tired.27. Give your opinions about playing computer games.27. Give your opinions about playing computer games.In the modern world, almost every f

60、amily has a computer. So many students are interested in playing computergames. I dont think its good for our study and health. Some children spend too much time in playing computergames, so they dont have enough time to study, as time goes on, they dont do well in their study. Many studentsstay in

61、the net bars all day,they cant eat or sleep well, So its very harmful to their healthy. SoI think manystudents should be stopped from computer games.28. Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why or why not?28. Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why or why not?I like some animals, such as cats,

62、dogs and so on. I think it can bring us much fun to keep a pet in our family.When we are free, we can play with them. We can take them for a walk after supper. Its good for our health.Sometimes when we feel sad or lonely, they can stay with us and give us happiness. Some pets even can do somethings

63、for us. For example, a dog can help us fetch newspapers.29. What are you going to do for your mothers birthday?29. What are you going to do for your mothers birthday?Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. My mother takes good care of me so I will do something to make her happy.Im going to help my mom do s

64、ome cleaning to make her have a good rest. Im going to buy a birthday cake forher. During the lunch time, I am going to cook something delicious for her. I will also buy a present for her.I hopewhat I do can make my mother happy.30. What do you often do to improve your English?30. What do you often

65、do to improve your English?English is a very important subject. So learning English well is very important for us. In order to improve myEnglish, I often learn it by making vocabulary lists. In order to improve my listening skills, I listen to the Englishprogram on the radio every day. I often write

66、 some original sentences using the grammar that Ive learned, so mywriting skills have improved. These are my ways to learn English well.31.What should you do if you want to keep healthy?31.What should you do if you want to keep healthy?If I want to keep healthy, I should exercise everyday. I like ru

67、nning. I usually exercise in P. E. class and in theafternoon after school. There are a lot of advantages. It makes me relaxed and helps me to study better at night.And its important to eat a balanced diet. If you have a balance of yin and yang, its easy to have a healthy life.Then, I think eat more

68、fruits and vegetables, drink more water can also help. At last, have enough sleep isnecessary, too.32.What are you going to do for your summer vacation? Please talk about your plan.32.What are you going to do for your summer vacation? Please talk about your plan.I always take vacations in China. Thi

69、s time, I want to do something different, but I don t like going away for toolong. I think Spain is very beautiful. I love nature. Im planning to spend time in countryside in Spain. I hope I canforget all my problems. Im going swimming and boating.Im also going fishing and bike riding. At night, I m

70、renting videos and sleeping a lot. I want an exciting vacation. I cant wait.33.Say something about your favorite subject.33.Say something about your favorite subject.Everyone likes different subjects. My favorite subject is English. Someone thinks its boring. But I really likeEnglish, because its so

71、 fun. We have English classes everyday. And I love Friday very much, because we haveEnglish in the morning. I study English by watching English-language TV. It helps a lot. I think that doing lots oflistening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. And I often get good gr

72、ades inEnglish exams.34.What will you do if you go to attend a birthday party?34.What will you do if you go to attend a birthday party?If I go to attend a birthday party, Ill bring a present for him or her. Then I will light the wax candles for him orher. When he or her blows out the wax candles, hi

73、s or her friends and I ll sing a birthday song for him or her. Next,I will eat the birthday cake which is cut by him or her. And I will play happily with him or her in the end.35.What are you going to be in the future? Why? Give at least two of your reasons.35.What are you going to be in the future?

74、 Why? Give at least two of your reasons.I want to be a reporter when I grow up. It s very busy, but its also very fun, too. I will meet so many interestingpeople every day and ask them questions. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night. I like talking topeople, so I think becoming a repor

75、ter is an exciting job. But its also very difficult. I will always have a lot ofnew thing to learn.36.Say something about your favorite sport.36.Say something about your favorite sport.My favorite sport is basketball. I usually play basketball in P. E. class and after school. There are a lot ofadvan

76、tages of basketball. It makes me relaxed and helps me to study better at night. It also makes me tired but eatmore. There are three basketballs in my house .I like play basketball with my friends. Playing basketball is goodfor my health and helps me do better in P. E. class, too.37.Say something abo

77、ut the person you admire most.37.Say something about the person you admire most.Deng Yaping, a well-known Chinese ping-pong player, always loved sports. She was born on the 2ndof June,1973.When she was a small girl, she started to play table tennis. She joined the Henan table tennis team at the ageo

78、f ten, and she joined the national table tennis team when she was fifteen, she is the number one women s singlesplayer in ITTF. I like her best because she can play ping-pang very well.38.Tell about an unusual experience that you had.38.Tell about an unusual experience that you had.I will never forg

79、et the experience of my first flight. Last summer holiday my parents took me to Yunnan by air.It was the first time for me to take the plane. So I was very worried when the plane began to take off. I closed myeyes. But after a minute or two I opened my eyes and looked out of the window. How beautifu

80、l it was outside! Ididnt feel nervous any longer. This is my unusual experience.39.Say something about your school /family rules.39.Say something about your school /family rules.I have a lot of rules at my house. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights, so that I cant study at afriends

81、house. Im allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights, but I have to be home buy10:00p.m.Every morning , I have to get up at six o clock. After school, I cant meet my friends because I have todo my homework. On weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help

82、my mommake dinner. Later I have to go to the Childrens Palace to learn the piano. I never have any fun. Im not happy.40.Tell sth. about customs in different counties.40.Tell sth. about customs in different counties.Different country has different customs. In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with y

83、our napkin every time youtake a drink. In Colombia, theyre pretty relaxed about time, but in Switzerland, its very important to be on time.After all, theyre the land of watches. It s polite to make noise while eating noodles in Japan. There are a lot oftable manners in French. Youre supposed to put

84、your bread on the table, and you have to cut anything up and eatit with a fork except bread.41. What is your dream job ? (Say at least two reasons.)41. What is your dream job ? (Say at least two reasons.)My dream job is to be a doctor because doctors can help the sick people .The people will thank t

85、he doctor verymuch .And another reason that I want to be a doctor is most people look them up. As a doctor, they mustremember their duty deeply. I believe my dream will come true some day because of my hard work.42. What is your favorite food/ fruit?42. What is your favorite food/ fruit?My favorite

86、food is dumplings .It is Chinese traditional food .My mother often makes it for me on the SpringFestival .There are many kinds of dumplings in China .Beef and onion dumplings are the most delicious of them .I think beef and onion are good for our health. You can also eat it at any time .43. Should w

87、e keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not?43. Should we keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not?People build more and more zoos, and more and more animals are kept in the zoos .I dont think we should keepthe animals in the zoos. Because I think animals should be allowed to live in the natura

88、l environment .They canplay and run everywhere. And they can live with their friends and their family .So they can live happily. If wekeep animals in the zoos, maybe they get lonely, and increase the risk of illness. So lets return freedom toanimals.44. What will you do to help make less pollution?4

89、4. What will you do to help make less pollution?Ill join a volunteer club for environmental protection. And I will also call up people not to throw the rubbish hereand there. I will learn something about how to protect our environment and make less pollution, too. Then Ibelieve that our environment

90、will get better and better.45. Say something about a place you have traveled.45. Say something about a place you have traveled.I have traveled Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province . And it is famous for the Snow and Ice Festival.There have been the best snow and ice buildings, such as the ic

91、e Great Wall, snow Disney characters and so on. Somany visitors have visited Harbin in order to enjoy themselves in the Ice City. Not only were there cool icebuildings but also people who lived there were friendly to each other. They would tell you lots of things aboutHarbin. Some of the old buildin

92、gs in Harbin are in Russian style. And there also has been much special food to eat!The more you know about Harbin, the better you will like it. What an interesting city!46. Say something about one of your best friends.46. Say something about one of your best friends.I have lots of friends, and my b

93、est friend is my class monitor. We are in the same group. She is tall and has blacklong hair. She is good at study and has good grades .I often study with her. She helps me a lot. When I am introuble, she always teach me how to solve them.She is friendly to everybody and all my classmates like to pl

94、aywith her. She also helps the teachers. She is a good leader, and I think she will be successful in the future.47. What will you do during the coming summer vacation?47. What will you do during the coming summer vacation?I think we will have a great holiday this summer holiday because we dont have

95、any homework. First of all, Iwill have a good rest and make me relaxed. Then I will go somewhere interesting with my classmates. I think itwill be worth playing with them because we will go to different high schools in the future. And then, I will readsome educational books and fill my mind with the

96、 knowledge At the same time, I will do some exercise to makeme stronger and healthier.I think I will have a good time in this holiday !48. What do you do on your weekends48. What do you do on your weekends?On my weekends,I love to do what I want to do .I have a great time on my weekends. On Saturday

97、, I often playsports with my friends, so I get more and more athletic. On Sunday morning, I go to a movie for fun .I like allkinds of movies, such as thrillers, action movies, d ocumentaries and so onIn the evening, I do my homeworkcarefully. Althoughitsboring, it is helpful for me to get good grade

98、s. I love myweekends. Its a beautiful time!49. As a student, what should you do to be in good manners?49. As a student, what should you do to be in good manners?As a student, we should be honest and confident. At school, we should listen to teachers carefully in class. Put upour hands to ask questio

99、ns that we dont understand. And we arent supposed to run in the hall. After school, weshould help others in a positive way. We also should say “hello” to our friends or our parents. In public, we mustobey the rules and pay attention to our words and behavior. If we do like these, everyone will like

100、us. We will bemore popular, too.50. “Reading is helpful to students” What do you t50. “Reading is helpful to students” What do you think of it?hink of it?Books are our best friends. Reading books is very important. First of all, we can get all kinds of knowledge byreading books. Reading books also m

101、akes our lives enjoyable. We can write the great articles using the beautifulwords from the books we have read. One is never too old to learn .Let begin to read now!51. How healthy are you? Say something about your eating habits.51. How healthy are you? Say something about your eating habits.I think

102、 Im healthy because I eat a balanced diet. I like eating fruit and vegetables. I dont eat junk food such ashumbuggers and French fries . I think its bad for my health. And I never eat burnt food .Because it can causecancer .I eat breakfast , lunch and dinner on time every day and I drink milk every

103、day. Healthy food can help usto study better.52. Y52. Your friend has a cold. Give some advice to him/her.our friend has a cold. Give some advice to him/her.My friend has a cold. I think he/she should go to the doctor first and follow the doctors advice. He/She issupposed to drink more water and tak

104、e medicine on time. He/She had better have a good rest. If he/she does so, Ithink he/she will get well soon.53. Make a plan for next Sunday.53. Make a plan for next Sunday.Next Sunday I dont have to do my homework. Im going to do something relaxing. In the morning, Im going tohelp my parents do some

105、 housework. After that Im going to play basketballwith my friends. In the afternoon, Iwant to do some shopping with my mother and then visit my grandparents because they are old and need somehelp. In the evening Id like to watch TV and do some reading. I think next Sunday I will be busy but relaxed.

106、54. How do you usually go to school? Give at least two reasons.54. How do you usually go to school? Give at least two reasons.I usually go to school by bus. Because I live far from school. The bus stop is just in front of our building .Andits very convenient to take a bus.Taking a bus can decrease t

107、he pollution, and its good for our environment. I canget to school early so that I can have more time to do some reading.55. Do you like rainy days? Why or why not?55. Do you like rainy days? Why or why not?No, I dont like rainy days. Rainy days often make me sad. I cant play sports with my friends

108、on rainy days.And the bus is usually crowded. It can cause heavy traffic or even serious car accidents. If it rains heavily, it canbe dangerous for the people to live near the mountains and the rivers.56. What are the differences between you and your friend?56. What are the differences between you a

109、nd your friend?There are many differences between me and my friend Han Mei. Im tall. Im outgoing. I like playing sports.My favorite subject is English. I have been collecting stamps since I was six years old. Han Mei is short. She isshy. She likes reading books. She can play the piano well. although

110、 we have lots of differences, we get on wellwith each other.57. What problems do you have in studying English? How do you solve them?57. What problems do you have in studying English? How do you solve them?I have trouble learning English grammar and memorizing new words. I ask my teacher for help. F

111、irst, I decide totake lots of grammar notes in every class. Then I start to write my own original sentences using the grammar Imlearning. As for new words, I often make vocabulary lists after class and read them again and again. It helps a lot.58. Think of yourself two years ago. Say something about

112、 how you are different now.58. Think of yourself two years ago. Say something about how you are different now.I have changed a lot in the last two years. I used to be short and a little shy, but now Im tall, strong and moreoutgoing. Two years ago, I have much time relaxing myself, but now Im very bu

113、sy with my study. I have learneda lot during the two years.The most important is that Im more confident of my study.59. What is your favorite transportation? Give at least two reasons.59. What is your favorite transportation? Give at least two reasons.Buses are my favorite transportation. Fir st of

114、all, its very convenient to take a bus. Buses can take you to anyplace you like to go to. Secondly, its cheap to take a bus. Taking a bus once only costs you oneYuan. Thirdly,taking a bus can decrease the pollution, and its good for our environment.60. What do your parents usually do at home?60. Wha

115、t do your parents usually do at home?Well, on weekdays, my mother cooks for us every day. My father usually sweeps the floor. In the evening, theylike to watch TV. On Saturday, my mother often washes clothes and does some cleaning. My father sometimeshelps her do these things. On Sunday, they usuall

116、y do something they like. For example, my mother likes to readsome books or listen to her favorite music, while my father loves to chat on line or play computer games to relaxhim.6161. What would you most like to buy if you have 200 Yuan? Why? What would you most like to buy if you have 200 Yuan? Wh

117、y?If I have 200 Yuan, I would like to buy a bunch of flowers. The flowers are red, white, yellow or pink. It will bevery beautiful. I would give them to my mother. Because I love my mother. I would like to take this opportunity tothank my mother for her bringing up.62.Talk about the advantages and d

118、isadvantages of the mobile phone62.Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phoneAs we know, mobile phones are becoming more and more popular and important in our life. It is very convenientfor people to make phone calls, send messages, surf the Internet and so on.However, everythin

119、g has two sides. Mobile phones have some disadvantages. For example, it is bad for our health.And you will waste a lot of time and money if you use a mobile phone too much. Some students use mobilephones in class. And it is bad for their studies.63.What do you think is the most important animal in C

120、hina? Give at least two reasons.63.What do you think is the most important animal in China? Give at least two reasons.I think the most important animal in China is the panda. Because pandas are national symbols of China. Thesegraceful animals are a joy to all who see them, and they are a source of p

121、ride for the Chinese. The government istrying there best to protect the animals. hope this animal will be on earth for another million years.64. Describe your neighborhood. How do you like it ?64. Describe your neighborhood. How do you like it ?My neighborhood is very beautiful . There is a garden ,

122、 a pool and many tall buildings in my neighborhood . In themorning, many old people exercise in the garden . In the afternoon , many students play games in the garden . Andmy neighbors are all very kind and helpful . They often help me . I think my neighborhood is quite good . I loveit !65.65.What d

123、o you think of your hometown ? What do you like about it ?What do you think of your hometown ? What do you like about it ?My hometown is Qingdao , its one of the most beautiful cities in Chi na . It has many modern buildings and bigparks . The sailing boat match will be held in Qingdao . At that tim

124、e , many people from all over the world camehere to enjoy the interest of Olympic Games . And Qingdao will welcome everybody . I think people will likeQingdao .66.66.What will you volunteer do for the Olympic Games ?What will you volunteer do for the Olympic Games ?Qingdao is the host city for the 2

125、9th Olympic Sailing boat , as a student of Qingdao , what can we do ? We canwork as a volunteer in the Music Square or the Wu si Square to help the foreigners , for instance , we can tell theway to them or help them to look after their kids and so on . Or we can join the clean-up campaign to make ou

126、rcity clean and green .67 What will you buy as a gift for your friends birthday?67 What will you buy as a gift for your friends birthday?I think I will buy a dictionary for my friend. Now, English becomes more and more important, so we shouldstudy it harder. And there are often some new words in the

127、 texts or essays. So I think an English-Chinesedictionary is very useful. I believe that my friend will be happy when he/she receives my gift.68 Do you like music? Why or why not?68 Do you like music? Why or why not?Of course I like music and I like it very much. Now I am very busy studying in schoo

128、l and I am often tired afterschool. And listening to music is really a good way for me to relax myself. And when I come across setbacks( 挫折)or become sad, music will make my mood better. In a word, I like music.69 How often do you play sports? Why?69 How often do you play sports? Why?I play sports a

129、lmost every day. I think health is the most important to us all. Running on the playground afterclasses can let our brain relaxed. Playing basketball or soccer can build our body stronger. And playing badminton(羽毛球)or ping-pong is even a good way to make us more clever and energetic. Sports give me

130、so much that Ilove it and do it very often.70 If one of your friends has a big problem in study, what will you do to help him or her?70 If one of your friends has a big problem in study, what will you do to help him or her?First, I will help him find why he comes across the problem. Then, if I know

131、how to solve the problem pretty well,I will give him my advice. And maybe I am not able to do so. Next I will ask the teacher for help. Finally, I willtry to make my friend confident and tell him that he can certainly study well.71.Do you like to have your P.E class? Why or why not?71.Do you like to

132、 have your P.E class? Why or why not?I like to have PE class very much. Because I think I should have enough time to do exercise every day. I thinkdoing exercise is very important for people, especially for teenagers. It can help us keep healthy and happy. Anddoing exercise is the best way to lose w

133、eight. But as a student, we are under too much pressure and hardly haveenough time to exercise, because we have classes from morning till night. So PE is necessary for us students. Wecan run, jump and walk. After the PE class, I always feel happy and more energetic. I can answer the questionsmore qu

134、ickly. I really like PE class!72.If you have a robot, what would you like it to do for you? Give at least two reasons.72.If you have a robot, what would you like it to do for you? Give at least two reasons.If I have a robot,I will be very happy.I would like it to do the following things for me: Firs

135、t, I would like it tomake meals for me. Second, I would like it to cheer me up when I feel sad. Third, I want it to help me clean up myroom. Fourth, I wish it could help me study. Fifth, I want it to be a good friend of mine, so I can talk with it tospend my spare time. Oh,I would like it to do too

136、many things for me! So I want a robot now!73.Do you like to have your English class?73.Do you like to have your English class?Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.I like to have my English class very much! I have been learning English for nine years. I

137、am not very good atEnglish, but I think its really an interesting and useful subject. I like my English teacher. She is young and kind.She likes to help us. In English class, I can know better about the English-speaking countries and the people there.I can learn English songs and hear English storie

138、s. With the help of English, I can talk with foreign people andhelp them. And of course I can also go abroad.I will try my best to learn English, I enjoy learning English!74.Do you like to wear school uniforms?74.Do you like to wear school uniforms?Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Why or wh

139、y not? Give at least two reasons.I like wearing my school uniform. First of all, I like the design of our school uniform, theyre sports wear. Ithink it can show that our teenagers are healthy and full of energy! Another reason is that I think its good to wearthe same clothes as the other classmates,

140、 showing that we are in the same school. the most important reason is thatI am proud of my school, I like to wear my school uniform! Im proud of being a student! By wearing my schooluniform, I wont concentrate much on clothes or worry about the brands. I wont spend a lot of time and money onclothes7

141、5.What75.What kindskinds ofof giftsgifts wouldwould youyou likelike toto have,have, somesome moneymoney oror somethingsomething smallsmall butbut hashas somesome meaningmeaningbehind it? Why?behind it? Why?If I could get a gift, I would like to have something small but has some meaning behind it. I

142、like to have a pen as agift, because I think a pen brings me good luck. A few years ago, for my birthday, my father gave me a very nicepen. I like it so much that I even enjoy writing with it. Its a black and golden pen. So writing with that pen is nolonger boring, I feel comfortable writing with it

143、. In this way, the pen has been with me for 3 years, and with itshelp Ive won several prizes in my composition. I like my pen so much that I will have it with me forever.76.Which do you like better, Chinese food or fast food, like KFC or McDonalds? Why or why not? Give at76.Which do you like better,

144、 Chinese food or fast food, like KFC or McDonalds? Why or why not? Give atleast two reasonsleast two reasons.I prefer Chinese food to fast food. We are all Chinese, so Chinese food is suitable for us. And Chinese food isquite good for our health. There are lots of kinds of meat, vegetables, fish and

145、 fruit. And Chinese food tastes verydelicious. It can help us have a balanced diet. If we eat too much fast food, we will be fat. And fast food is moreexpensive but less healthy than Chinese food. So I think Chinese food is better than fast food77.Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need

146、 help? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons77.Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons .Yes, I want to be a volunteer to help those who need help. Because we often need help.So helping others ishelping ourselves. And we are Chinese. As

147、 everyone knows, Chinese people are kind and friendly. We are alwaysready to help others. In the world, its very important to help each other., Only we help each other, our world canbe peaceful and beautiful. Thats why I want to volunteer to help.78.Which do you like better, soap opera or Beijing op

148、era? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.78.Which do you like better, soap opera or Beijing opera? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Comparing with soap opera, I like Beijing opera better. Firstly Beijing opera is Chinese traditional art. And it canmake me relaxed. Secondly, soap opera

149、 is so boring for me, we can learn nothing from it except wasting time. So,I dont like soap opera. Thirdly, Beijing Opera reminds me of my grandfather. He likes Beijing opera best. When Iwas young, I always stayed with him. He used to tell me that Beijing opera is great, and I learned a little from

150、him.Whenever I hear Beijing opera, I always miss him. So, I like Beijing opera better.79.What do you think of your English study? What will you do to improve your English?79.What do you think of your English study? What will you do to improve your English?Im not a very good English learner. Luckily,

151、 I have a good English teacher. She helps me a lot. Im not good atspeaking and writing. And I dont have good listening skills, either. So my teacher often encourages me to practicelistening, reading and speaking. And I will do more exercises to improve my writing skills. I will listen to Englishtape

152、s or watch English videos often. I will also find a pen pal from an English-speaking country. We will writeletters to each other or send e-mails often. Of course I will read more English books or magazines. In this way Iam sure I will improve my English.81. How do you learn English?81. How do you le

153、arn English?I think the most important and useful way to learn a language is using it. I also learn English in this way. Inthe morning, I always listen to the tape to improve my listening skill. In class, I listen to the teacher carefully andtry to answer all the questions that the teachers ask. Tha

154、t makes me have more confidence in myself and alsoimprove my spoken English. After school, I do a lot of English exercises. That s how I learn English.82.People sure change. Tell me about the changes of yourself.82.People sure change. Tell me about the changes of yourself.I have changed a lot in the

155、 last few years. I used to be short ,but now Im taller. I used to be a little fat, butnow you can see, I m medium built. When I was a boy, I am really afraid of the snake, but it doesnt any more.Instead , I think the snake is such a cool animal. My biggest change is that I wont be shy any longer. I

156、have manygood friends and they make me believe in myself.83.As a teenager, what do you think you should be allowed to do ? Why?83.As a teenager, what do you think you should be allowed to do ? Why?First of all, I think we should be allowed to make our own decisions. I think teenagers are able to thi

157、nk ofthings by themselves. Then I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes, because we havedifferent tastes from adults.Teenagers should have freedom to let themselves grow up.84.If84.If youyou werewere alonealone onon a a smallsmall islandisland andand youyou mustmust waitwait

158、forfor help.help. WhatWhat areare threethree thingsthings thatthat maymay bebeimportant for you and why?important for you and why?First, I need enough food. Second, I need life skills to live alone. For example, cooking meals and building ahouse to live in. Third, I need courage and confidence. They

159、 will make me brave to face all the challenges. If Ihave these three things, Im sure Ill live a happy life!85. What do you often complain about? How do you deal with the problem?85. What do you often complain about? How do you deal with the problem?I often complain about too much homework. I have to

160、 do them until very late so I dont have enough time tosleep. That makes me very tired. Then I found out a way to solve this problem. I try to make good use of my time,do my homework after class and recite some English words after school.so that I can save more time to sleep.86. Tell me something abo

161、ut your interesting trip.86. Tell me something about your interesting trip.Ive been to many different cities, but my favorite city is Beijing. I went there last summer vacation. I went tothe Tianan Men Square, which is the largest square in the world. Then I visited the Palace Museum. Its beautifula

162、nd educational. In the evening, we went to the restaurant to have Beijing Duck. It was really delicious. Its themost interesting trip Ive ever had.87. Can you tell me about your school?87. Can you tell me about your school?My school doesnt have a long history, but studying in this school is a very f

163、antastic experience for every studentin my class. It has large, clean and bright classrooms, and the teachers there are pretty responsible. So we can getgood education there. After school we can do many outdoor activities on our large playground. We all love ourschool.88. What should we do to keep h

164、ealthy?88. What should we do to keep healthy?Health is important to everyone. But what should we do to keep healthy? To start with, having a good eatinghabit is necessary. Then we should pay attention to cleaning ourselves. We also need to play sports to keep astrong body.we should be happy to take

165、care of our health. If we can do so, we will be healthy.90.What are you going to do when you grow up? How can you make it come true?90.What are you going to do when you grow up? How can you make it come true?Im going to be a lawyer when I grow up because I want to help people who are in trouble. To be a lawyer,first , I will study hard to learn more knowledge. WhenIm older, I will learn more about law. Next, I ll buildgood qualities and do my duty. Kindness and patience are important for it. I believe I ll be a good lawyer!



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