九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious(第6课时)Section B(2b2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious(第6课时)Section B(2b2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious(第6课时)Section B(2b2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious(第6课时)Section B(2b2e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!第六课时Section B (2b2e)1 1punishpunish动词,意为“惩罚,处罚”,常用于短语punish sb.for(doing) sth.意为“因(做)某事而惩罚某人”,介词for表示处罚的原因。eg:He punished her for telling lies.他因她说谎而惩罚了她。2 2warn warn 动词,意为“警告”。其结构有warn sb.to do sth.“告诫某人做 某 事 ”; warn sb.about/of sth.“关 于 某 事 警 告 某 人 ”; war

2、n sb.against doing sth.或warn sb. not to do sth.“告诫某人不要做某事”。eg:I warned him to stay there.我告诫他留在那儿。3 3remindremind动词,意为“提醒,使记起,使想起”,remind sb. of sb./sth.意为“使某人想起某人/某事”。remindthat从句,意为“想起,提醒”。eg:I remind him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑之前回家。4 4Not Not only only do do people people sprea

3、d spread them them around around in in different different hiding hiding places places for for an an egg egg hunthunt,but but they they also also give give out out these these treats treats as as gifts.gifts.人们不仅为了寻找复活节彩蛋游戏而将彩蛋分散到周围不同的藏匿处,而且他们还分发这些好吃的作为礼物。本句是一个倒装句。连词not only.but (also).意为“不但而且”。连接两个

4、简单句时,not only可以放在句首表示强调,这时句子要用部分倒装,即情态动词、be动词、助动词(do,does,did,have,has,had等)放在主语的前面,而but (also) 后的句子仍用陈述句。 一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1My father me not to touch any animals in the zoo.2Tomorrow is my mothers birthday.I want to buy her a 3Wed like to enjoy the of the sun in winter.4The doctor sa

5、ys this kind of flu very easily and quickly.5Bill broke the school rules,so the teacher him.warnedpresentwarmthspreadspunished二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。6 6My mother often asks me My mother often asks me (be) careful in the street.(be) careful in the street.7 7Not only Mr. Li but also his s

6、on Not only Mr. Li but also his son (love) the movie.(love) the movie.8 8The old woman is very friendly to us The old woman is very friendly to us and treats us with and treats us with (kind)(kind)9 9He He promised promised (see) (see) his his old old friend friend during during his his stay stay in

7、 in Beijing.Beijing.1010Look Look at at the the children.Howchildren.How (happy) (happy) they they are are playing playing basketball on the ground!basketball on the ground!To beTo bekindnesskindnessto_seeto_seehappilyhappilylovesloves三、单项选择。( )11.The boats take different routes,but they all _ in th

8、e same place.(阿凡题:1074144)Agive upBclear upCend upDmake up( )12.This article reminds me _ the past life.Awith Bfor Cin DofCD( )13.Leonardo DiCaprio,a famous American actor,was always expecting _ an Oscar and finally he made it.(2016,广东)(阿凡题:1074145)Ato win Bwill win Cnot to win Dnot winningA( )14.I

9、remember there _ a lot of fish in Yanglan Lake.Now it has been polluted.(2016,鄂州)(阿凡题:1074146)What a pity!I think we should play a role in protecting the environment.Aare used to have Bare used to beCused to have Dused to beD( )15.The TV program CHEF NIC(十十二二道道锋锋味味) _ Chinese culinary(烹烹饪饪) to all o

10、ver the world.Many people like it.(阿凡题:阿凡题:1074147)Asolves Bspreads Craises DcarriesB四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。16这张照片使我想起了法国。The photo me France.17这位老人为需要帮助的孩子捐了很多钱。The old man raised much money for children remindsofin need18玛丽最终成了这所学校的一名优秀学生。玛丽最终成了这所学校的一名优秀学生。Mary as an excellent student in the school.19不要喊了

11、不要喊了,否则你会把邻居吵醒的。否则你会把邻居吵醒的。Stop shouting,or you will the neighbors.20他身体虚弱得几乎站不起来了。他身体虚弱得几乎站不起来了。He was weak he could hardly stand up.ended upwake upsothatSection B语篇训练一、单项选择。(阿凡题:1074148)Before Fathers Day,I found my father was unhappy because he was out of work.I decided to cheer him up by buying

12、him a special Fathers Day gift.One day after school I _1_ to the Agins which was known for fashions and styles.I told Agins that I was looking for a Fathers Day present.“Do you think hed like a _2_?”she asked.“I think he might.”I told her.She _3_ a Swiss watch and I told her that I would like it.“Ho

13、w much money do you have?”she asked.“_4_ dollars.”I replied.“Youre so lucky!”she told me.“Its only $ 11.You still have $ 1 for the _5_”She packed the watch and I thanked for my business,and I rode off home with the gift under my arm.When my father opened the gift,he asked _6_“Where did you get it?”“

14、I bought it at the Agins.It cost me $ 11.”I said.My father was shocked into silence.Many years later,I did learn that the watch was worth several hundred dollars,_7_ I appreciated(赞赏) how wonderful Agins had been to me.I always felt _8_ that I never had chance to thank her.“What really amazes me to

15、this day.my daughter.”My father said,“Letting you have the watch for 11 dollars was _9_ enough.But the fact that she let you leave the store with a dollar for the card was a touch(触动) of _10_.Ill never forget it.”( )1.A.drove Btook Crode Dstarted( )2.A.watch Bbike Cpurse Dcard( )3.A.wore out Bput ou

16、t Ctried out Dtook out( )4.A.Thirteen BTwelve CEleven DOne( )5.A.card Bstore Cgift DstyleCADBA( )6.A.sadly BamazedlyCexcitedly Dangrily( )7.A.or Bbut Cand Dso( )8.A.regretful Bthankful Ccareful Duseful( )9.A.believable BableCunbelievable Dunable( )10.A.help BregretCcry DkindnessBDACD二、任务型阅读。(2016,临沂

17、)(阿凡题:1074149)On the fourth Thursday of every November,most Americans get together around the dinner table to celebrate Thanksgiving.Special traditions in the US have been around for many years.11._ These are four popular Thanksgiving traditions and how they started.12_ The first Thanksgiving meal w

18、as in the autumn of 1621 when the first travelers from England celebrated their first harvest (收获)But it wasnt made into an official (官方的) holiday until 1863.The first large meal had turkey,fruits and vegetables,which are still common today.CE13_Historians say the first travelers invited Native Amer

19、icans (美洲印第安人) to the meal to thank them for teaching them how to grow food.Today at the large meal,friends and family will also say what they are most thankful for.14_ The parade(游行) includes very large balloons that look like cartoon characters and beautiful floats (花车) that carry famous people.Th

20、ere are also many musical performances to watch.This parade started in 1924,and today over 44 million people watch it on TV or in New York City.AF15_ People started to watch football on Thanksgiving a few years after the day became an official holiday.Today,the National Football League takes advanta

21、ge of this popularity and hosts three NFL games every Thanksgiving.B根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。AGiving thanks is what the holiday is all about.BAmerican football is something people both watch and play with their family on Turkey Day.CHowever,some people dont always stop to think about where the traditions came from.DHere is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.EA large meal is the important event every Thanksgiving.FEvery year,there is a Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.



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