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1、英语试讲教案模板模板:Teaching aims(教学目标)1 Knowledge objects: Make students read the important words and sentences 2Ability objects: Make students master the grammarin the text_ 3 Moralobjects:Improve the interests in studying English and_Teaching important points(教学重点)Words:_ _ _Sentences:_Teaching difficult

2、points(教学难点)Master the grammarUse the words in their lives_Teaching aids(教具)Cards、projectors _ _ _Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step1 leading-inStep 2 _.Step n homeworkBlackboard design(板书设计)1 1 / 1111(一)形式教案是教学设计的文字体现,有相对的格式与要求。教案的格式主要包括文字叙述式、表格式两种。1.文字叙述式这是一种基本上全部以文字形式呈现出来的教案形式,在日常教学的应用最为广泛。2.表格式这是一种经常


4、产生困难和障碍的知识点)。(7)教具(或称教具准备,说明辅助教学手段使用的工具)2 2 / 1111(8)教学过程(或称课堂结构,说明教学进行的内容、方法步骤)。(9)作业处理(说明如何布置书面或口头作业)。(10)板书设计(说明上课时准备写在黑板上的内容)。2.教学过程的步骤书写过程中,教学过程是关键,它包括以下几个步骤。(1)导入新课设计新颖活泼,精当概括。怎样进行,复习哪些内容?提问哪些学生,需用多少时间等。(2)讲授新课针对不同教学内容,选择不同的教学方法。怎样提出问题,如何逐步启发、诱导?教师该怎么教、学生该怎么学?详细步骤安排,需用时间。(3)巩固练习练习设计精巧,有层次、有坡度、

5、有密度。(4)归纳小结怎样进行,是教师还是学生归纳?(5)作业安排布置哪些内容?要考虑知识拓展性、能力性。需不需要提示或解释。(三)主要作用:3 3 / 11111.教学活动的依据教学过程是由教师的教和学生的学所组成的双边活动过程。如果不认真做教学设计,教学过程中必然目标模糊,心中无数,要求不当,随心所欲,而最终无法取得好的教学效果。2.有利于教学水平的提高在这个过程中,教师不仅要研究教材的知识体系、学生学习教材的状况(接受水平、心理特点和思维规律),而且要按照课程标准的精神,分析教材的编写意图和教材特点,分析教材的知识结构、体系和深广度,特别是要以整体为背景,分析各部分教材的特点,明确教材的

6、要求,教材的重点难点,分析知识的价值功能,酝酿设计教学过程,确定教学方法。教学水平的提高,在很大程度上取决于对教材的钻研。1.一般现在时 the present tense2.一般过去时 the past tense3.一般将来时 the future tense4.一般过去将来时 the past future tense5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense6.过去进行时 the past Continuous Tense7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense8.过去将来进行时 the past future continu

7、ous tense9.现在完成时 the Present Perfect Tense10.过去完成时 the Past Perfect Tense11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense12.过去将来完成时 the past future perfect tense13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense4 4 / 111114.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense16.过去将来

8、完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense.warm-up1.classbegins!goodmorning,boysandgirls!sitdown,please!2.boysandgirl,areyouhappytoday?imhappy,too.letssinganenglishsongtogether,ok?whatsyourfavouriteseason?clapyourhands,please.wow!wonderful!.presentation letslearn1.nowboysandgirls,pleaselookatthi




12、fillinthechart.thenreportthenumberstome.3.stophere.areyouready?whowantstobethereporter?you,please.wonderful!thankyou.consolidation5 5 / 11111.boysandgirls,areyouhappythisclass?letsplayaguessinggame,ok?iwantoneofyoutocomehereandactthephrases,theotherssaythephrasewithican.oridliketo.forexample,.areyou

13、clear?letbegin!2.ok,allofyouhavedoneagoodjob.youcancontinuethisgameafterclass,ok?3.somuchforthisclass.classisover.goodbye,everyone!thankyouforlistening初中优秀英语教案模板,小学英语优秀教案模板,初中英语教案模板,初中英语试讲教案模板第一篇:初中优秀英语教案模板初中英语说课优秀模板(全英)Good morning,everyone. I am glad to interpret my lesson here today. The lessonpl

14、an I amgoing to talk aboutis from BOOK1 unit 7 What Does He Look Like ? .Now, Iwill present it from seven parts. Part 1 . Analysis ofTeaching Material Unit 7 WhatDoes He Look Like is a dialogue lesson (reading, listening , revision )including twoparts section A and B. It focused in the topic of,purp

15、ose。Parts 2. Teaching Goals In this part , there are three purposes we need toachieve Firstly , knowledge objects:to master key words and phrases / go over /enhance secondly, ability objects:to develop ss ability oflistening and speakingskills to train the s ability of working in group to foster s a

16、bilities ofcommunicationand their innovation to train the students to express / to solvelastly,emotional objects:to foster studentsconsciousness of good corporation andproper competition tolead students to show their loveliness to the poorto arousetheir interest in learning English to help them to u

17、nderstand the background of tobe aware of theimportant of / to encourage the students to do something to Part3. Key Points and Difficult Points For onething , I will talk about key points of thislesson : to master new words and phrases / to improve their readingskills tounderstand the sentence patte

18、r : if-clause After I will say something about difficultpoints: to developtheir communicative Part 4. Analysis of Students These studentswho have come into middle school recently.They are exposed to English for the first6 6 / 1111time ,so it is very important to develop their keen interest in Englis

19、h .It is necessaryto use assistant teaching methods to arouse their attention。Therefore,it need to introduce the Part 5 Teaching Methods As we allknow ,the main instruction aims oflearning English in primary school is to cultivatestudents basic abilities of listening and speaking and theirgood sense

20、 of the Englishlanguage .So in this lesson I will mainly use “task-based languageteaching”method .That is to say , I will let the students learn in real situations tofinish a task by making activities suchas singing , guessing game, having a competitionand so on . Meanwhile,tape recorder, multi-medi

21、a computerand pictures will beneeded. Part 6. Teaching Procedures Ill finish this lesson in six steps. step 1 ReviewandWarm-up.show some picture of people or other thing to revise the words theyhave learned.free talkbetween teacher and students about things in theclassroom.sing the song together Pur

22、pose: It is importantto form a better Englishlearning surrounding for the students by singing and doing some games and atthesame time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.step 2 Teaching New Text NowIll mainly talk about this step.first, I will use somepicture to teac

23、her new words.ask the students toturn to page 78 and look at thepicture in 1a , then ask question.present the pattern: “My schoolbag isheavy.Whats in it?.” Then lead the students to read the sentence. Make sure they can sayitcorrectly.playa guessing game. Divide the whole class into four groups to h

24、ave acompetition. Let them guess: “Whats inthe bag? How many?” Proper competitioncan arouse the students interest in English learning. describesomeone in the classand ask your classmates to guess who he is describing . working in groups and at lastfindwhich group has the most right answers and they

25、are champion .with thehelp of the computer to presentthe dialogue. Set a situation to help Ssunderstand.mention that we should take care of the poor and showour lovelinessto people.play the cassette. Let s listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention totheirpronunciation and intonation. step 3 Pra

26、ctice In this part, will point out thesample conversation andthen askstudents to make a new conversation imitate it .Step 4. Assessment Help students finish “Lets check” of thisunit to check theknowledge students have learned in this period. step 5 Summarize review thegrammar boxand show the key poi

27、nts step 6 Homework writing / continue the story /recite / retell Add-Activity : Letstudents tell their parents how many they have.7 7 / 1111Purpose: Revision isso important that students shouldspeak English as much as theycan in class or after class. Its necessary for the s to do some extensive exe

28、rcisesafterclass to consolidate the knowledge they learned. Part 7 . Blackboard Design In thepart , it need tobedistinct and general to help the students to memory theinformation . At the same time, I will instruct studentsto summarize the key points bythemselves. Thats all for my presentation .And

29、thank you for attention 第一篇:初中优秀英语教案模板一、单元分析及教材处理:Unit 3 的核心内容是谈论业余爱好。让学生会使用英语谈一谈每个人自己的爱好,包括以前的和现在的业余生活,与学生喜欢的非常接近,能较大地提高学生的积极性。本课是 Topic2 的第二课,承接第一课的乐器,在这一课是让学生了解音乐,音乐的类型,歌曲及歌手。用自己知道或懂得的材料进行语言交际训练,并为学生稍微介绍有关乐队,如 Beatles。为下一课谈论乐队的学习起着承上启下的作用。(一)教学目的确定及理论依据:初中英语教学大纲明确指出:“初级中学英语教学的目的是通过听、说读、写的训练,是学生获得

30、英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,为进一步学习英语打好初步基础,发展学生的思维能力和自学能力。”本课的教学目的是:了解音乐的种类,并会用学过的英语语句表达自己对不同类型的音乐的喜好。这是遵循素质教育对课堂教学的要求,培养学生身心健康等诸多素质,促进学生全面发展。(二)重点和难点:学会使用 It sounds great/wonderful!等来表达自己对音乐的喜好。巩固使用:Whatdo you do in your free time? What kind of music doyou like ?突破句型:8 8 / 1111Its hard

31、to say” . “二、教法分析:要体现趣味性情景教学。我利用图片和音乐创设情景,提起学生的兴趣,让学生主动地听和学。用听、读、说、练相结合,让学生有大量的机会开口说英语。三、教学目标:1、知识目标:掌握单词和句型:复习表达个人兴趣爱好方面的词汇,学会谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢做的事情。2、情感目标:培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣和学好英语的信心;乐于接触并了解异国文化。四、教学程序(一)复习旧知识。利用图片和音乐复习乐器名称和音乐种类。可利用 like , enjoy ,love ,be interested in 等说出对几种音乐的喜好。(二)教师自己介绍自己的音乐情感和听第2 部分,引入介绍 cla

32、ssicalmusic ,pop music, folk music。再让学生听、看 3a 具体了解音乐的分类,先设置问题,让学生带着问题进行听力训练。简单讲解?comesand goes easily, be famous for .(三)用刚了解的信息让学生从更深层次来谈论对音乐喜好,并说明原因。然后,进入 1a 部分,设置问题,了解内容,并以 3a 为材料进行操练。此过程中,采取全体操练,分组训练,分角色训练。让学生说上口之后进行总结和操练。(四)为巩固本节课所学内容,发给学生一分练习。若有时间,可当堂完成,若时间来不及,可作为课后巩固。教学反思:本课内容较多,认识音乐类型部分只作为阅读

33、理解,让学生了解音乐类型后,再进行讨论,此处,若学生的开口能力强的话,会有热烈的气氛。9 9 / 1111在单词教学时,我不采用集中法,而是在句中挖出单词来学,并让学生主要掌握如何记单词的方法。为了让学生有更多的机会开口,让学生说的时间会占较多,因此,笔头练习可能会安排时间较少或课后完成。第一篇:初中优秀英语教案模板A Brief Instruction to Unit , Section ( ) in Go for it, Grade Ladies andgentlemen,Good morning! Im No. .Today, Im very honoured to be here to

34、 show myteaching design. What Ill talk about is the period of Unit inGo for it. Its for the Ss inGrade .The topic is I divide my teaching ideas into 6 parts: Analysis of theTeachingmaterial, Analysis of the Students. Teaching method and Study methodTeaching Procedures Blackboarddesign.Summary. ( Now

35、 Ill come to the first part)Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material 1. Status of theteaching material The topic ofthis unit is about . Ss learn to talk about This is an interesting topic for students.So allthe activities in this unitare helpful to raise students learning interest. 2. Teachingaims a

36、. Knowledgeaims In this lesson, students should learn some new words: andthe Target Language b. Ability aims: 1. By theend of lesson, Ss are able to talk about2. By practicing, Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading andwriting will bedeveloped, and also their good sense of English language. c.

37、 Moral education aims Inthislesson, the emotional aim is 1. 2.to help Ss to recognize and identify thedifferences between Chinese andEnglish cultures on d. Key and difficult points andAccording to the teaching aims, I think the important pointis to make students graspthe key words and the new senten

38、ces. The difficult point is to use the newsentencepatterns to talk about freely. Part 2 Analysis of the Ss. 1.Most Ss are activeand curious about new things at theage of 12-14. They have a strong desire to learnbetter. 2.Some Ss English is good, some may be not. Part 3Teaching Method andStudy Method

39、s Teaching Method: 1) Task-based Language Teaching 2) targetteachingmethod 3) Communicative teaching method 4) situational teaching method5) comparative teaching methodand so on. Each unit in Go for it contains manyactivities, some of which need to be finished by Ssindependently, and some bycooperat

40、ion, for example, pair work, group work and games. The students canwork ingroups to make a discussion and learn from each other. It makes Ss be relaxed. Theyneednt worryabout making mistakes. It can arouse students to think and to saywhatthey want to say. Study becomes morerelaxing and pleasing in t

41、his kind of1010 / 1111environment. Part 5 Teaching Procedures I designed steps inthispart. . . . Part 6Summary During my teaching,Ill try mybest to make my class alive and encouragethe students to cooperate and communicate with each other. Theylisten, talk, readand write. So students in my class can really learn by doing and learn by using. Theycan notonly grasp the target language well, but also develop their abilities in a verypleasant way. Thats all .Thankyou!1111 / 1111



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