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1、u Life and careeru Major works The Call of the wild The Martin Edenu Writing styleu Notable saying Life and careerlBorn out of wedlock(Born out of wedlock(非婚生子)非婚生子) on on January 12, 1876 deserted by his fatherJanuary 12, 1876 deserted by his father,raised by his mother and stepfather raised by his

2、 mother and stepfather John LondonJohn LondonlPoverty-strickenPoverty-stricken(为贫穷所困扰的)(为贫穷所困扰的) childhoodchildhood lAt 14, graduated from grammar school(英:(英:文法学校,美:初级中学)文法学校,美:初级中学). lAt 18, protest the wretched working conditions sentenced to the Penitentiary (罪犯罪犯)教养所教养所lAt 19, enrolled at the U

3、niversity of California kicked out of school for his involvement in the Socialist Labor Party . lThe Iron Heel The War of Classes RevolutionlAt 24,married Elisabeth Maddern and left her and their two daughtersl At 25,ran unsuccessfully on the Socialist party, started to steadily produce novels ,nonf

4、iction and short stories.lThe Call of the Wild 野性的呼唤野性的呼唤 The Sea Wolf 海狼海狼l At 34,purchased a large tract of land near Glen Ellen in Sonoma County.l At 40,died of uremia (尿毒症尿毒症).( London committed suicide with morphine. )Newsboy报童报童 (at 10) Oyster pirate 牡蛎海盗牡蛎海盗(16)A hard laborer劳动工人劳动工人 (muscle

5、seller) A tramp流浪者流浪者, beggar (at 18)A knowledge pursuer A successful writer A rancher (大大农场主主)Jack with daughters Becky (left) and Joan (right) Bessie Maddern London and daughters, Joan and Becky.Jack London and his second wifel Before1900 :To the Man on Trail 为赶路的人干杯 The Odyssey of the North 北方的奥德

6、赛1899l19001910 :“ North Story” The Son of the Wolf 狼之子1900 etc. The Iron Heel铁蹄1908 The Sea-wolf海狼1904 Marti Eden马丁 .伊登1909 Burning Daylight 天大亮1910(turning point)l After1910 : “Pacific short story ” The House of Mapuhi 马普希的房子1911 “ Social problem novel”The Mexican墨西哥人1913lThe Call of the Wild野性的呼唤1

7、903lThe People of the Abyss深渊中的人们1903lWhite Fang白牙1906lLove of Life热爱生命1906lHow I become a Socialist我怎样成为社会党人lThe War of the Classes阶级之间的战争lWhat Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么lRevolution 革命lUnder the Deck Awnings在甲板的天蓬下lWhite Wolf 白狼Londons Other Major NovelsThe Martin Eden发表于1909年,前半部带有自传性,取材于杰克伦敦本人早年的经

8、历和后来的成名过程,主要故事情节则是虚构的。像希腊神话中难以抗拒的命运一样,马丁伊登不仅成为杰克伦敦对往事的追忆,竟也不幸地成为他未来省会的神秘预言。 美国文学史发展上,马丁.伊登起着先驱作用,后来不少描写“美国梦”破灭的作品或多或少地受到它的影响。围绕这部书引起的争论首先是在主题上,按照杰克.伦敦的本意,他写这部书的宗旨之一乃是攻击个人主义,但大多数评论家都认为他实在为个人主义辩护,而相当多的读者是把马丁.伊登当作“个人奋斗”的典型来接受的。其次是语言,有人认为“充满元气和力量”,也有人认为“粗糙”、“变化少”。 马丁伊登原是一名出身卑微,才识浅陋的年轻水手。他在一个偶然的机会中,救了富家子


10、苦大众有本能的感情和理解,还有对资产阶级的不学无术和骄奢淫逸也有发自内心的轻蔑和愤慨;并且相信,只要马丁马丁伊登个人主义思想的形成伊登个人主义思想的形成 劳动人民,都有受教育的机会,绝不会比那些富人们低劣。但他在阅读和钻研斯宾塞和尼采的哲学时,也接受了他们的观点,认为人类社会和动物世界一样有生存竞争,其结果将是优胜劣汰,最后统治芸芸众生的将是一些吃苦耐劳的“超人”。因此,在他的个人奋斗中就逐渐产生了爱默生式的那种积极的个人主义思想。 研究探索马丁的奋斗历程,可以肯定马丁具有超人思想,相信捷足先登、强者必胜的理论;同时他是一个个人主义者,他相信尼采的话,世界的主人是强者,这种强者是崇高的人,他们

11、不是在猪槽里打滚得猪猡。世界的主人是这些真正崇高的人,是这种伟大的金发野兽,是这些不肯妥协的人,是这些自己做主人的人。正是具有这种个人主义的哲学思想,马丁才能在残酷的现实生活中,顽强不屈地生存下来,成为生活的强者和超人。 杰克伦敦曾说:我就是马丁伊登,但马丁伊登死了,因为他是个个人主义者;而我活着,因为我是个社会主义者。He was fascinated by the way violence tested and refined human character. Without much stylistic and formal refinement and subtlety of char

12、acterization, Londons fiction has the unusual and intriguing power of ancient myth. Although his work can never be classed rough realism, he will always be remembered as the originator of a new type of writing called rough realism.Writing styleForceful, and colorful; Subjectivity and enthusiasmHis c

13、haracterizations were often stiff and his dialogue stereotyped.Themes: primitive violence, Anglo-Saxon supremacy, biological evolution, class warfare, and mechanistic meknstk determinismJack London was one of the most articulate and militant spokesmen of the working class at the turn of the century.

14、 His rise to popularity in the early 20th century was in a way meteoric.considered as “Father of American Proletarian Literature”.Significance Youth is always young and elderly will only grow old. 青年总是年青的,只有老年才会变老。 The only way to get smart is to buy with the youth . 得到智慧的惟一办法,就是用青春去买。 I would rathe

15、r be ashes than dust! 我宁愿化作灰烬,也不要做尘埃。 I would rather be a superb meteor,every atom of me in magnificent glow,than a sleepy and permanent planet. 我愿做一颗华丽的流星,愿我的每一颗粒都呈现那动人的光辉,而不做那沉睡并永远不灭的行星。 The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time. 人的恰当功能是活,而不是生。我不会用延长日子,人的恰当功能是活,而不是生。我不会用延长日子,把时光浪费,我要利用时间把时光浪费,我要利用时间。



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