江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Integrated skills B & Study skills课件

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1、 Ask the following questions in pairs:1. Who is your best friend?2. What is he/she like?3. Where does he/she study?4. What would he/she want to be in the future? e.g. He has a good sense of humour. He is humorous.The little girl is feeling shy.She has a long ponytail. Do you know this man?What is he

2、 like?He is kind, helpful and hard-working. A: What is your best friend like?B: He/ She is clever friendly helpful honest interesting polite tidy humorous generous sweet shy 1. What is Peter like?2. Whos the girl next to Peter? Hes clever and humorous.Shes Lucy.Sandy is telling her neighbour Helen a

3、bout her friends. Work in pairs and tell your partner about your friends. Use the conversation below as a model.Read the conversation on page 14 in pairs, then make a new one like this.Pair work1. Whats he like? (1) 他是个什么样的人?他是个什么样的人?(问性格、品(问性格、品质等)质等) (2) 他长什么样子?他长什么样子?(问长相)(问长相) = What does he loo

4、k like?e.g. What is your brother like? Hes kind and honest.2. Shes a small girl with a ponytail. a small girl with a ponytail 一个留马尾辫的小女孩一个留马尾辫的小女孩 with 表拥有某物表拥有某物e.g. He is a boy with a square face. I have a house with a big garden. How to remember words如何记住单词如何记住单词Can you remember new words quickly

5、? A vocabulary tree can help you. What is a vocabulary tree? a vocabulary tree 一棵词汇树一棵词汇树1. Put the words into different groups, e.g. jobs, looks and feelings. Then write the group names on the branches. 把单词划分成不同的组,例如:工作、把单词划分成不同的组,例如:工作、外貌以及情感。然后把这些组的名称外貌以及情感。然后把这些组的名称写到树枝上。写到树枝上。2. Write down the

6、words on the leaves of each branch. 在每根树枝的叶子上写出单词。在每根树枝的叶子上写出单词。3. Draw pictures of the words to help you remember their meanings if necessary. 如有必要,画出单词的相关图片来帮如有必要,画出单词的相关图片来帮助你记住他们的意思。助你记住他们的意思。Look at the vocabulary tree below. Complete it by writing the words on the correct leaves. afraid angry

7、bored cookcute doctor excited lovely nurse policeman pretty slim tall tired waitercook, waiterdoctor, nurse, policemanslim, tall, pretty lovely, cute afraid, angry, bored, tired, excited bored, excited, tired 都用来描述人的都用来描述人的感受,常用结构是:感受,常用结构是: sb. + be bored/ excited/ tired. 某人感到某人感到 boring, exciting,

8、 tiring 都用来描述事都用来描述事情或事物,可作表语或定语,常用结情或事物,可作表语或定语,常用结构是:构是: -ed 形式修饰人,形式修饰人,-ing形式修饰物。形式修饰物。 e.g. Im so _ about the _ news. excitedexciting作表语:作表语: sth. + be boring / exciting / tiring. 某事令人某事令人 作定语:作定语: boring / exciting / tiring + 名词名词 的事情的事情/事物事物翻译句子:翻译句子:1. 你姐姐是什么样的人?你姐姐是什么样的人? 她和蔼且有耐心。她和蔼且有耐心。 2

9、. 照片中左边那个男士是谁?照片中左边那个男士是谁? What is your sister like? She is kind and patient. Whos the man on the left in the photo?3. 我们应学会认真倾听人们诉说。我们应学会认真倾听人们诉说。4. 当我感到无聊时可以去找他。当我感到无聊时可以去找他。We should learn to listen to people carefully.I can go to him when I feel bored.5. 这是最激动人心的消息。这是最激动人心的消息。6. Jim的书包和我的一样重。的书包和我的一样重。 Jims bag is as heavy as mine.This is the most exciting news.1. Remember the language points and the ways of remembering words.2. Preview the next lesson.



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