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1、大学英语四级命题规律和解大学英语四级命题规律和解题技巧题技巧四级考试测试内容、题型和所占分值、四级考试测试内容、题型和所占分值、比例比例试卷结构试卷结构测试内容测试内容测试题型测试题型分值比例分值比例考试时间考试时间写作写作短文写作15%30分钟听力理解听力对话短对话多项选择8%30分钟长对话多项选择7%听力短文短文理解多项选择10%短文听写单词及词组听写10%阅读理解词汇理解选词填空5%40分钟长篇阅读匹配10%仔细阅读多项选择20%翻译汉译英段落翻译15%30分钟总计100%130分钟听力命题规律和答题技巧听力命题规律和答题技巧温温看选项:看选项: 约有约有5分钟不到的准备和试音分钟不到的

2、准备和试音时间看选项,建议:先看长对话;再看短时间看选项,建议:先看长对话;再看短文第三、第二篇,然后看短对话,从后往文第三、第二篇,然后看短对话,从后往前看(前看(8-1),看到),看到5题左右,有时间的可题左右,有时间的可以去看以去看section c。 不管看到哪里,当听到不管看到哪里,当听到听力考试正式开始,开始读听力考试正式开始,开始读section a的题的题干时,立刻回到干时,立刻回到1题。看时把认为重点地方题。看时把认为重点地方划下。划下。2024/7/249听力命题规律和答题技巧听力命题规律和答题技巧每题之间的间隔约为每题之间的间隔约为15秒;答题的时间一秒;答题的时间一般最

3、长不要超过般最长不要超过6秒;前秒;前6秒答题,后秒答题,后8秒预秒预读下一题选项。超过读下一题选项。超过4秒还选不出答案的要秒还选不出答案的要么就随便选,要么就记下点什么待会再选。么就随便选,要么就记下点什么待会再选。而且事实证明在而且事实证明在4秒钟之内不能选出答案的,秒钟之内不能选出答案的,就算选了错误的几率也是非常大的。所以就算选了错误的几率也是非常大的。所以千万不要拼命狂想,否则后面的就是多米千万不要拼命狂想,否则后面的就是多米诺骨牌式的效应了。诺骨牌式的效应了。2024/7/2410短对话命题规律和答题技巧短对话命题规律和答题技巧总体原则:总体原则: 听到什么不选什么听到什么不选什

4、么如果有超过两个连续单词的选项和原文完如果有超过两个连续单词的选项和原文完全一样,则这个选项基本是错误选项。全一样,则这个选项基本是错误选项。近几年的短对话大多在考言外之意。近几年的短对话大多在考言外之意。2024/7/2411短对话样题短对话样题1. A) The man has left a good impression on her family.B) The mans jeans and T-shirts are stylish.C) The man should buy himself a new suit.D) The man can dress casually for the

5、 occasion. 2024/7/2412短对话样题短对话样题1. A) The man has left a good impression on her family.B) The mans jeans and T-shirts are stylish.C) The man should buy himself a new suit.D) The man can dress casually for the occasion. 1. M: Finally Ive got the chance to put on my new suit tonight. I hope to make a

6、good impression on your family.W: Come on, its only a family reunion. So jeans and T-shirts are just fine.Q: What does the woman mean?2024/7/2413短对话样题短对话样题2. A) Its price. C) Its location.B) Its comfort. D) Its facilities.2. W: From here, the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch t

7、hem. M: Thats why I chose this lodge. It has one of the best views in Switzerland.Q: What is the mans chief consideration in choosing the lodge?2024/7/2414短对话样题短对话样题3. A) It is a routine offer. C) It is new on the menu.B) It is quite healthy. D) It is a good bargain.2024/7/2415短对话样题短对话样题3. A) It is

8、a routine offer. C) It is new on the menu.B) It is quite healthy. D) It is a good bargain.3. M: Miss, can I interest you in the pork special were serving tonight? Its only $7.99, half the usual price, and its very tasty.W: Oh, really? Ill try it.Q: What does the man say about the dish?2024/7/2416短对话

9、样题短对话样题4. A) Read the notice on the window. C) Go and ask the staff.B) Board the bus to Cleveland. D) Get a new bus schedule.2024/7/2417短对话样题短对话样题4. A) Read the notice on the window. C) Go and ask the staff.B) Board the bus to Cleveland. D) Get a new bus schedule.4. W: This crazy bus schedule has go

10、t me completely confused. I cant figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves.M: Why dont you just go to the ticket window and ask?Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?2024/7/2418短对话样题短对话样题5. A) He is ashamed of his present condition.B) He is careless about his appearance.C) He changes jobs frequ

11、ently.D) He shaves every other day.2024/7/2419短对话样题短对话样题5. A) He is ashamed of his present condition.B) He is careless about his appearance.C) He changes jobs frequently.D) He shaves every other day.5. M: Shawns been trying for months to find a job. But I wonder how he could get a job when he looks

12、like that.W: Oh, that poor guy! He really should shave himself every other day at least and put on something clean.Q: What do we learn about Shawn?2024/7/2420短对话样题短对话样题6. A) The woman had been fined many times before.B) The woman knows how to deal with the police.C) The woman had violated traffic re

13、gulations.D) The woman is good at finding excuses.2024/7/2421短对话样题短对话样题6. A) The woman had been fined many times before.B) The woman knows how to deal with the police.C) The woman had violated traffic regulations.D) The woman is good at finding excuses.6. M: Why didnt you stop when we first signaled

14、 you at the crossroads?W: Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a fine?Q: What do we learn from the conversation?2024/7/2422短对话样题短对话样题7. A) She got hurt in an accident yesterday.B) She has to go to see a doctor.C) She is black and blue all over.D) She stayed away from work

15、for a few days.2024/7/2423短对话样题短对话样题7. A) She got hurt in an accident yesterday.B) She has to go to see a doctor.C) She is black and blue all over.D) She stayed away from work for a few days.7. W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something.M: Im no doctor,

16、but its not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?2024/7/2424短对话样题短对话样题8. A) She will ask David to talk less.B) She will meet the man halfway.C) She is sorry the man will not come. D) She has to invite Davi

17、d to the party.2024/7/2425短对话样题短对话样题8. A) She will ask David to talk less.B) She will meet the man halfway.C) She is sorry the man will not come. D) She has to invite David to the party.8. M: I really cant stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If hes going to be at your Christm

18、as party, I just wont come.W: Im sorry you feel that way, but my mother insists that he come.Q: What does the woman imply?2024/7/2426短对话样题短对话样题1. Q: What does the woman mean?(2)2. Q: What is the mans chief consideration in choosing the lodge? (2)3. Q: What does the man say about the dish? (1)4. Q: W

19、hat does the man suggest the woman do?(2)5. Q: What do we learn about Shawn? (2-1)6. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?(2-1)7. Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation? (1)8. Q: What does the woman imply? (2)2024/7/2427短对话命题规律短对话命题规律否定转折题型否定转折题型:当文中出现否定词或转折词时,其后面的内当文中出现否定词或转

20、折词时,其后面的内容通常为答案容通常为答案(答案后置原则)如:but ,yet ,however否定:1.否定代词:nothing, nobody, no one, neither, none, nor, not at all. 2.否定副词:never, hardly, rarely(几乎没有),little, few, seldom. 3.否定动词:doubt(怀疑), fail,=didnt pass, miss(错过), drop(放弃)=give up, be tired of(厌倦)=dont like.2024/7/2428短对话命题规律短对话命题规律重复反问题型重复反问题型:第

21、二个人用不可思议的语气重复第一个人话中的词,认为第一个人的表达的程度不恰当,然后进一步申述自己的意思。在四级考试中重复的多是形容词,认为程度不够。当文中出现重复词时,其后面的内容通常为当文中出现重复词时,其后面的内容通常为答案答案A: Its a bit warm out today. B: Warm? You can fry an egg on the sidewalk.2024/7/2429短对话命题规律短对话命题规律态度方向题态度方向题:选项中一般有两个相反选项。短对话中第一个人提出一个观点或一个一般疑问句,第二个人的回答Yes or No,后面再进一步解释原因。尤其关注尤其关注yes

22、后的回后的回答,有时往往是相反的。答,有时往往是相反的。表示“Yes”“赞同”的一组词:And.;Ill say;You said it.;You can say that again.;and how;isnt it, though;arent they, though;You bet.;Of course;Certainly;Indeed;Sure.表示“No”的一组词:Are you kidding/ joking/ serious? No kidding/ joking. Who told you that? Says who/ you? Where did you an idea l

23、ike that?2024/7/2430短对话命题规律短对话命题规律态度方向题态度方向题:选项中一般有两个相反选项。短对话中第一个人提出一个观点或一个一般疑问句,第二个人的回答Yes or No,后面再进一步解释原因。尤其关注尤其关注yes 后的回后的回答,有时往往是相反的。答,有时往往是相反的。I wouldnt miss the football game for anything! 用否定的句子表达肯定的含义。I couldnt agree with you more. 表示同意could be better 不好couldnt be better 很好could be worse 还不

24、错couldnt be worse 糟糕透顶-My rent is going to be increased. My motocycle needs repair and I have to go to the dentist.-Well, I think things could be worse.(安慰)2024/7/2431短对话命题规律短对话命题规律态度方向题态度方向题(言外之意)言外之意):1)陈述回答型:回答不直接给yes or no,委婉的说出答案。M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do

25、 you recommend her?W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.Q: What does the woman imply?2024/7/2432短对话命题规律短对话命题规律态度方向题态度方向题(言外之意)言外之意):2)疑问回答型W: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house. M: Should they be doing that

26、with all the other expenses they have to pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is not too bad.Q: What does the man imply?表示反对: Should.he/she/we/they.be doing.?2024/7/2433短对话命题规律短对话命题规律建议题型建议题型: 第一个人有麻烦时,第二个人回答如果知道如何解决则提出一个建议,如果不知怎么办则安慰第一个人。建议建议本身就是答案。本身就是答案。表示安慰:Dont worry. Never mi

27、nd. Take it easy. Calm down.表示建议:You should . You ought to (oughta) .Shouldnt you比you should 语气强烈的多Why not . Why dont you .How about . What about .If I were you I would . = You should .had better . Lets .Is there anything wrong with .Its high time. 早就应该这么做了(表达强烈主观愿望,选项中找shoul) Its time. Its right ti

28、me.Its about time. Its just time.2024/7/2434短对话命题规律短对话命题规律悲惨原则悲惨原则:通常要办的事情都是不顺利的通常要办的事情都是不顺利的谈论买东西肯定买不到,谈论订房肯定订完了,谈论交通肯定拥挤,谈论车肯定坏掉,谈论考试肯定不及格,谈论野餐肯定下雨。男女原则男女原则:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛:一般男生比较衰,女生比较牛。男生提出的观点女生都是不同意或有不同看法的,反之女生提出的观点男生都是同意和赞赏的。男生的特征:脏、乱、差、浪费、穷、小气、不良习惯、迟钝、不顾家女生的特征:爱干净、节约、富有、好学、能干、聪明、大度、耐心、恋家、除数理化外成

29、绩都很好2024/7/2435短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (校园生活)1)课程()课程(course)一般很难,)一般很难,very challenging;2)作业包括)作业包括assignment,paper,essay,presentation,experiment 等形式,作业一般很多,很难,学生功课很忙,经常遇到等形式,作业一般很多,很难,学生功课很忙,经常遇到阻碍。经常询问同学论文的进展速度,也很关心别人对自己的论文怎么阻碍。经常询问同学论文的进展速度,也很关心别人对自己的论文怎么评价;男生一般很紧张,女生却比较从容;评价;男生一般很紧张,女生却比较从容;3


31、东西、帮忙通知信息、帮忙补课等)同学互助一般为:帮助照看东西、帮忙通知信息、帮忙补课等7)学生兼职一般做:助教、服务生、社会调查等;)学生兼职一般做:助教、服务生、社会调查等;8)宿舍里,同学听音乐、玩游戏,影响了自己正常学习,然后提出自)宿舍里,同学听音乐、玩游戏,影响了自己正常学习,然后提出自己看法。己看法。2024/7/2436短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (校园生活)作业话题:作业话题:1、paper 论文:论文:(1)paper 常用词义:paper 论文;newspaper 报纸;papers 文件;paper 纸(2)research 查询资料。对应场景li

32、brary图书馆。(3)写论文的步骤:第一步,选题topic,选题难,范围广。第二步,查询资料research,图书馆场景。第三步,打出论文。typewriter 打字机,computer 计算机,printer 打印机,laser printer 激光打印机,laptop 笔记本电脑。论文没打完,typewriter/computer坏了break down 或者typewriter需要新的ribbon(色带)。(4)题目难选,资料难查,打字困难(机房总被占)。奖学金:fellowship;RA 助研:research assistant;TA 助教:teaching assistant20

33、24/7/2437短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (校园生活)作业话题:作业话题:2、presentation 口头演讲,口头报告:口头演讲,口头报告:(1)同义词:report, speech, address。(2)考点:I. 着装正式 formal clothes(考试中另一个考到着装正式的考点是interview面试), II. 演讲人的内心感受:nervous紧张的。3、reading assignment 阅读作业:阅读作业:文科学生reading list读书清单。抱怨需要读的书多。【study 表过程;learn 表结果。search 表过程;find 表结

34、果。try 表过程;manage 表结果】2024/7/2438短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (日常生活)吃:(校内、校外)吃:(校内、校外)校内:饭堂cafeteria(不好吃)校外:restaurant有waiter, menu, order, reserve a table, make a reservationapple pie 苹果派(好吃)打电话场景:打电话场景:1、约人约不到:make an appointment 主要指约医生2、约会去不了:come up, reschedule, fit sb. in3、电话打不通,打错了:run out of coin

35、, cut off(被中断;hang up 主动挂断)相关词汇:相关词汇:receiver 听筒 slot 投币孔 dial 拨号telephone book = yellow pages 电话簿2024/7/2439短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (日常生活)机场场景:机场场景:1、票已售完。2、接人晚点。3、送人伤感。机场线索词:机场线索词:airplane 飞机;flight 航班;take off 起飞;land 降落;circle 盘旋;wing 机翼;terminal 候机大厅,终端(常用),终点站交通话题:交通话题:1、交通堵塞:traffic jam, ba

36、ck up, heavy2、交通违章:要罚款3、交通晚点:behind schedule4、交通事故:超速或者是躲避不及; 学生一般命大,遇到交通事故(甚至飞机坠毁),往往车(包括自行车)毁而人无大碍,受点轻伤或者毫发未伤步行是一种锻炼方式;骑自行车可以回避高峰,但车胎容易没气(flat tire);乘巴士方便,但中途容易出故障(break down);开车上班容易塞车 (much traffic jam);坐火车可以看风景(sightsee),但火车上食物不好,因此经常选择自己带食物或提前吃。2024/7/2440短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (日常生活)医院场景:医院

37、场景:1、医生难找。2、病情如何。3、有病耽误课。miss the class 缺课 缺课的原因:(1) 生病get ill(2) 睡过了头over sleep(3) 交通问题,车坏了等。购物场景:购物场景:1、超市supermarket:购买生活用品 supplies(便宜)2、百货公司department store:服装;家用电器 appliance(贵)2024/7/2441短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (日常生活)找工作场景:找工作场景:工作难找,面试要做充分准备1、搜集工作信息,来源如下:classified ad 分类广告 help and wanted s

38、ection 供求关系版 bulletin board 公告板 flier 传单2、打电话确认工作是否还available:make a phone call。3、准备工作简历resume v. 重新开始;n. 个人简历。4、面试interview:需携带证书certificates;需出示身份证明identification;判断你是否具有qualification;出示推荐信reference letter。2024/7/2442短对话命题规律短对话命题规律短对话话题短对话话题: (日常生活)看看show场景场景;一般人多票难买一般人多票难买找人一般找不到找人一般找不到谈论天气一般极端不好

39、谈论天气一般极端不好对电影的评价基本上是负面的对电影的评价基本上是负面的2024/7/2443场景词汇饭店饭店 :menu, order, waitress, waiter, take order, go Dutch, Its my treat 等;等; 旅馆旅馆 :check in/out, make a reservation, register, reception desk 等;等; 医院医院 :physician, doctor, nurse, operation-room, emergency room, visiting hours, prescribe, pill 等;等; 2

40、024/7/2444银行:银行: open an account, withdraw, deposit, saving, cash a check 等;等; 飞机飞机 / 机场:机场: flight, safety-belt, boarding card, captain, airhostess, airline, take off, land, crash 等。等。 2024/7/2445短对话总结1、后句比前句重要,回答比提问重要2、若选项中个别单词或短语被明显播读,此项多为错项;同义词替换选项正确可能性大3、关注对话潜在规则2024/7/2446重点题型1 ) 地点地点 根据对话内容判断

41、对话发生的地点或根据对话内容判断对话发生的地点或对话中所提事件发生的地点是四级英语听对话中所提事件发生的地点是四级英语听力测试中常见的也是比较重要的一个题型。力测试中常见的也是比较重要的一个题型。地点题一般有以下几种:地点题一般有以下几种: (1) 根据信息词设题根据信息词设题 (2) 借助对话中提到的多个地点设题借助对话中提到的多个地点设题 2024/7/2447(1) 根据信息词设题根据信息词设题 W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you? M: So do I. Let me call room service. Hello, room serv

42、ice. Please send a menu to 320 right away. Q: Where are the two speakers? A. In a hotel. B. At a dinner table. C. In the street. D. At the mans house. 该题通过该题通过 hungry 和和 menu 来迷惑同学们,来迷惑同学们,引导大家选择引导大家选择 B ,其实,本题所借助的信息词是,其实,本题所借助的信息词是 room service 和和 320 这个房间号,答案是这个房间号,答案是 A 。 2024/7/2448 M: Can you s

43、tay for dinner? W: Id love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school. Q: Where will the woman go first? A. To the school B. To a friends house. C. To the post office. D. Home 本题借助本题借助 registered mail 设题,答案是设题,答案是 C 。但。但这里同样也有地点的辨析问题,要求同学们能听这里同样也有地点

44、的辨析问题,要求同学们能听出是出是 首先到首先到地方地方 。 2024/7/2449 M: Excuse me, Im looking for the emergency room. I thought that it was on the first floor. W: It is. This is the basement. Take the elevator one flight up and turn left. Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place? A. In a library B. In a hotel.

45、C. In a hospital. D. In an elevator 本题设题所依据的信息词是本题设题所依据的信息词是 emergency room ,只要考生了解其语域就可判断答案为,只要考生了解其语域就可判断答案为 C 。 2024/7/2450(2) 借助对话中提到的多个地点设题借助对话中提到的多个地点设题 有时对话中提到的地点不只一个,这有时对话中提到的地点不只一个,这时,一般是将所有的地点都包括在选项之时,一般是将所有的地点都包括在选项之中。这种情况下,同学们不必考虑信息词中。这种情况下,同学们不必考虑信息词问题,只要能将地点与其相关事件联系起问题,只要能将地点与其相关事件联系起来

46、就可确定答案。来就可确定答案。2024/7/2451 M: I did not see our boss yesterday. Has he come back? W: He was just back from France besides visiting Britain , Germany , and Spain. Q: Which country did the boss visit first? A. France B. Britain C. Germany D. Spain 四个地点都是访问过的地点,要求同学们能够分四个地点都是访问过的地点,要求同学们能够分清先后。答案为清先后。答

47、案为 B 。 2024/7/2452 M: Will Mr. Smith come to the party at the weekend? W: Hell be supposed to ,but he wont be back from his trip until the next week. Q: Where will Mr. Smith be on Saturday? A. At the party B. At home C. Still on his trip D. Back from his trip. 本题是将地点与时间连在一起,要求同学们本题是将地点与时间连在一起,要求同学们在

48、听的同时注意区别每个事件所发生的时间,答在听的同时注意区别每个事件所发生的时间,答案为案为 C 。 2024/7/24532. 职业、身份职业、身份 根据说话内容判断说话者的身份和职根据说话内容判断说话者的身份和职业是四级听力测试中一常见题型。该题型业是四级听力测试中一常见题型。该题型的题项设计有两种:的题项设计有两种:(1) 说话者自身的身份或职业说话者自身的身份或职业 (2) 说话双方之间的关系说话双方之间的关系 2024/7/2454说话者自身的身份或职业说话者自身的身份或职业 根据谈话内容判断说话者一方的职业或身份:根据谈话内容判断说话者一方的职业或身份: W: Good evenin

49、g, Professor David. My name is Susan Gray. Im with the local newspaper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? M: Not at all. Go ahead, please. Q: What is Susan Gray. A. A writer. B. A teacher. C. A reporter. D. A student. 由由 local newspaper 可以判断说话者是位记可以判断说话者是位记者,在采访。者,在采访。2024/7/2455 M: How abou

50、t the food I ordered? Ive been waiting for 20 minutes already. W: Im very sorry, sir. Ill be back with your order in a minute. Q: Who is the man most probably speaking to? A. A shop assistant. B. A telephone operator C. A waitress. D. A clerk. 与与 order 有关的自然是有关的自然是 waitress ,答案为,答案为 c 。 2024/7/2456(

51、2) 说话双方之间的关系说话双方之间的关系 该题型是上一题型的延伸,要求同学们能判该题型是上一题型的延伸,要求同学们能判断说话者双方的身份。断说话者双方的身份。问题经常是问题经常是 Whats the relationship between the two speakers? W: How long will it take you to fix my watch? M: Ill call you when its ready. But it shouldnt take longer than a week. Q: What is the probable relationship betw

52、een the speakers? 2024/7/2457A.Librarian and student. B. Operator and caller. C. Boss and secretary. D. Customer and repairman. 既然女士让男的既然女士让男的 fix my watch ,说明对方是说明对方是 repairman ,而自己是,而自己是 customer 。 2024/7/2458 M: Sorry to trouble you. But is there any possibility of borrowing a blanket? I feel col

53、d. W: I think weve got one. Could you wait until after take-off please? Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. A guest and a receptionist. B. A passenger and an air hostess. C. A customer and a shop assistant. D. A guest and a waitress. take-off 一词的使用说明女的是空姐,答案自然一词的使用说明女的是

54、空姐,答案自然是是 B 。 2024/7/2459可以看出,职业、身份以及说话双方关系的选择所依可以看出,职业、身份以及说话双方关系的选择所依据的同样是信息词。当然,要判断双方的关系,还可以从据的同样是信息词。当然,要判断双方的关系,还可以从说话的方式入手。如:说话的方式入手。如: M: Make thirty copies for me and twenty copies for Mr. Brown. W: Certainly sir. As soon as I make the final corrections on the original. Q: Whats the relation

55、ship between the two speakers? A. Boss and secretary. B. Lawyer and client. C Teacher and student. D. Nurse and patient. 两人间说话的语气和方式表明是两人间说话的语气和方式表明是 老板与秘书老板与秘书 的的关系。关系。 2024/7/24603 )计算题)计算题 计算题要求同学们不仅能分辨不同的时间、金钱计算题要求同学们不仅能分辨不同的时间、金钱等数量概念,还应能将听到的各个数量联系起来等数量概念,还应能将听到的各个数量联系起来进行加减运算。如:进行加减运算。如: M: Yo

56、ur son seems to have made much progress in playing the piano. Does he attend any piano classes? W: Yes, he takes lessons twice a week, but from next week on, he will go to the class on Saturday evenings, too. 2024/7/2461Q: How often will the womans son have piano lessons from next week on? A. Once a

57、 week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. D. Four times a week. 两次加一次自然是三次,答案是两次加一次自然是三次,答案是 C 。 2024/7/2462 W: Professor Clark said that the mid-term exam would cover the first 15 lessons. M: Really? I thought it only included the first 12 lessons. Then I must spend the weekend to go over the

58、rest of the lessons. Q: How many lessons must the man review over the weekend? A. Five lessons. B. Three lessons. C. Twelve lessons D. Fifteen lessons. 这是最简单的计算题,只要同学们不将答案误认为是这是最简单的计算题,只要同学们不将答案误认为是 C 或或 D ,就不会出错。,就不会出错。 2024/7/2463 W: Heres a 10-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonights show pl

59、ease. M: Sure. Two tickets and here is $1,40 change. Q: How much does one ticket cost? A. $1.40. B. $4.30. C. $6.40. D. $8.60 10 美元,两张票,找零美元,两张票,找零 1.40 美元,说明每张票为美元,说明每张票为 4.30 美元。美元。 从以上例子可以看出,含有数量概念的题,从以上例子可以看出,含有数量概念的题,对话中提到的数量一般不可能为正确答案,总要对话中提到的数量一般不可能为正确答案,总要同学们进行一些简单的加减运算。同学们进行一些简单的加减运算。 2024/

60、7/24644 )言外之意、弦外之音)言外之意、弦外之音 推测说话者话中之话是听力中必考的题型。推测说话者话中之话是听力中必考的题型。从试题的设计特点来看,大体有一下几种:从试题的设计特点来看,大体有一下几种: (1) 对虚拟语气的考查对虚拟语气的考查 (2) 对建议的考查对建议的考查 (3) 对话题的考查对话题的考查 (4) 同义表达方式的考查同义表达方式的考查 (5) 上下义概念的考查上下义概念的考查 2024/7/2465(1)对虚拟语气的考查对虚拟语气的考查 包含虚拟语气的听力考题中一般都有包含虚拟语气的听力考题中一般都有 “ 是不非是不非 ” 相相对的选项,这就要求同学们了解虚拟语气

61、的表意功能,对的选项,这就要求同学们了解虚拟语气的表意功能,根据虚拟语气判断正确选项。根据虚拟语气判断正确选项。 W: Im thinking of going to Austin for a visit. Do you think its worth seeing? M: Well, I wish I had been there. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A. The man is planning a trip to Austin. B. The man has not been to Austin before. C. Th

62、e man doesnt like Austin. D. The man has been to Austin before. I wish I had been there. 说明说话人没有去过。说明说话人没有去过。 2024/7/2466 W: If it hadnt been snowing so hard, I might have been home by 9 oclock. M: Its too bad you didnt make it. Jane was here and she wanted to see you. Q: What happened to the woman?

63、 A. She got home before 9 oclock. B. She had a bad cold. C. She had a car accident. D. She was delayed. If it hadnt been snowing so hard, I might have been home by 9 oclock. 说明因为雪太大,说话者未能在说明因为雪太大,说话者未能在 9 点前到家。也就是说点前到家。也就是说 she was delayed 。 2024/7/2467(2) 对建议的考查对建议的考查 建议题要求同学们掌握建议的各种表达方式,建议题要求同学们掌握

64、建议的各种表达方式,根据建议选择正确选项。根据建议选择正确选项。 W: The movie starts in 5 minutes and theres bound to be a long time. M: Why dont we come back for the next show? Im sure it would be less crowded. Q: What is the man suggesting? 2024/7/2468A. Coming back for a later show. B. Waiting in a queue. C. Coming back in five

65、 minutes. D. Not going to the movie today. Why dont ? 上一种建议表达方式,根据上一种建议表达方式,根据该句所表达的内容可以判断答案是该句所表达的内容可以判断答案是 A 。 2024/7/2469 W: We do need another bookshelf in this room. But the problem is the space for it. M: How about moving the old dining table to the kitchen ? Q: What does the man suggest they

66、should do? A. Finding a larger room. B. Sell the old table. C. Buy two bookshelves. D. Rearrange some furniture. 根据根据 moving the dining table to the kitchen 来来判断答案为判断答案为 D 。 2024/7/2470建议的表达方式还有:建议的表达方式还有: Why not ? What do you think of ? If I were you/If I were in your shoes, I would Shall we ? I s

67、uggest . Youd better/You ought to. 2024/7/2471(3) 对话题的考查对话题的考查 话题指会话双方所谈论的话题,要求同学们话题指会话双方所谈论的话题,要求同学们具有概括能力。具有概括能力。 W: Do you want a day course or an evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day. Q: What are they talking about? A. The choice of courses.

68、B. A day course. C. An evening course. D. Their work. 两个人谈论的是选白天的课还是晚上的课,两个人谈论的是选白天的课还是晚上的课,由此可以判断答案应该是由此可以判断答案应该是 A 。 2024/7/2472 M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance. W: Well, some people just cant seem to appreciate the real-life

69、 drama. Q: What are they talking about? A. A movie. B. A lecture. C. A play. D. A speech. 从对话中的从对话中的 audience, performance 与其与其说说 drama 可以判断他们所谈论的是可以判断他们所谈论的是 a play 。 2024/7/2473(4) 同义表达方式的考查同义表达方式的考查 四六级听力测试中对隐含意思的考查很大程四六级听力测试中对隐含意思的考查很大程度上依赖于同义表达方式,也就是同学们对具体度上依赖于同义表达方式,也就是同学们对具体句式、短语、词组甚至单词的理解。如:

70、句式、短语、词组甚至单词的理解。如: M: What do you think of Professor Browns lecture? W: The topic was interesting, but the lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected. Q: What does the woman say about the lecture? 2024/7/2474A. It was a long lecture, but easy to understand. B. It was not as easy a

71、s she had expected. C. It was as difficult as she had expected. D. It was interesting and easy to follow. 与与 much more difficult to follow than I had expected 同义的应该是同义的应该是 B 。 2024/7/2475 M: Nancy, why were you late today? W: I overslept and missed the bus. Q: Why was Nancy late? A. She got up later

72、 than usual. B. The bus was late. C. She forgot she had class. D. Her clock was slow. overslept 也就是也就是 got up later than usual 。 2024/7/2476 M: Did you mind coming back by coach instead of by train? W: No, we didnt mind at all. It took a lot longer, but it was very comfortable and it was much cheape

73、r. Q: How did the woman feel about the coming back by coach? A. She felt it was tiring. B. She felt it was very nice. C. She felt it took less time. D. She thought it was expensive. 从从 comfortable 和和 much cheaper 来看,女士的感来看,女士的感觉应该是觉应该是 very nice ,答案应该是,答案应该是 B 。 2024/7/2477(5) 上下义概念的考查上下义概念的考查 有些题尽管

74、问题可能问的是含义之类,但其有些题尽管问题可能问的是含义之类,但其实考查的是同学们对上下义关系的掌握。实考查的是同学们对上下义关系的掌握。如:如: M: Let me see. Ive printed my family name, first name, date of birth and address. Anything else? W: No, thats all right. Well fill in the rest of it if you just sign your name at the bottom. Q: What has the man been doing? 202

75、4/7/2478A. Having an interview. B. Filling out a form. C. Talking with a friend. D. Asking for information. 上义词为概括性词语,下义词所表示上义词为概括性词语,下义词所表示的则是具体的东西。本题中能够概括男士的则是具体的东西。本题中能够概括男士所做之事的应该是选项所做之事的应该是选项 B 。 2024/7/2479 M: What happened to you? You are so late. W: The bus I took broke down in front of the

76、hospital and I had to walk from there. Q: Why was the woman so late? A. Something went wrong with the bus. B. She took somebody to hospital. C. Something prevented her from catching the bus. D. She came on foot instead of taking a bus. Something went wrong 是对是对 the bus break down 的概的概括性表述。括性表述。 对话听力中其它考查项目,如因果、条件、否定、比对话听力中其它考查项目,如因果、条件、否定、比较等较等 2024/7/2480



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