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1、1The Great Work of Game Designers Over the Next Decade will be to Re-Invent Real Life as we know it.235 key forces are driving us toward A Game Designers Future.42. Persuasive Technology1. Sustainable happiness3. The Engagement Economy4. Programmable Reality5. SuperStructing5STEAL THESE SLIDES61. Su

2、stainable happiness71. Sustainable happinessA measurably higher quality of life that: flows from scientific findings about optimal human experience,and requires fewer non-renewable resources to generate well-being89What humans crave:1. satisfying work to do2. the experience of being good at somethin

3、g3. time spent with people we like4. the chance to be a part of something bigger10The Quality of Life IndexThe Happy Planet Index“Gross National Happiness”Subjective Life Satisfaction The Canadian Index of Well-BeingWorlds Most Livable CitiesThe Vanderford Riley Well Being ScheduleThe Authentic Happ

4、iness Inventory1112How well do countries use their resources to deliver longer lives, greater physical well-being, and life satisfaction?1314 “Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.”- John Mason Good151617What humans crave:1. satisfying work to do2. the experien

5、ce of being good at something3. time spent with people we like4. the chance to be a part of something bigger18Multiplayer games are the ULTIMATE happiness engines.19My life is BROKEN.20Dancing together = Happy21Humiliated together = Even Happier22232425262728 “Flower has peace, it has wonder, it has

6、 twists, it has despair, and it has a catharsis.” Jenova Chen291. Sustainable happinessFORECAST 2009 2019: Game designers become happiness hackers.They are called upon to help individuals, communities, and entire populations better structure their everyday lives for authentic happiness and sustainab

7、le well-being.301. Sustainable happinessWHAT TO READ311. Sustainable happinessWHAT TO WATCH321. Sustainable happinessWHAT TO TRYTHE DESIGN CHALLENGE:If you could: make one person measurably happierWho would it be, and what game would you make for them?332. Persuasive Technology34Human-computer inter

8、action intentionally designed to change the way someone: thinks, acts, or behaves35Computers in Persuasive RolesTOOL:Increases capabilitySOCIAL ACTOR: Creates dynamicsMEDIUM:Provides experienceB.J. FOGG3637Google Power383940414243World Without Oil4445464748FORECAST 2009 - 2019: Game designers become

9、 change agents.They are called upon to create systems that change minds, teach new habits, and transform everyday practices.49WHAT TO READ50WHAT TO WATCH51THE DESIGN CHALLENGE:If you could change: what one person does every day, or how one group thinks about one thingWhat would you change, and how w

10、ould your game do it?WHAT TO TRY523. The Engagement Economy53The growing need to compete for and harness: crowd resourcesand participation bandwidth5455We must collaborate or perishacross borders, cultures, disciplines, and firms, and increasingly with masses of people at one time.Tapscott & William

11、sin Wikinomics5656Cognitive resources+Cognitive diversity=PARTICIPATION RESOURCES 5758100 million mental hours from a highly diverse knowledge community WIKIPEDIA*as calculated by Clay Shirky59606162100 million mental hours (xref WIKIPEDIA)= 5 days of World of Warcraft63“The purpose of all video gam

12、es is to train a player to work harder while still enjoying it ” Nick Yee64“ and the success of online games demonstrates how seductive and concealed the work treadmill can be.” Nick Yee6566FOLD IT6768lab.signtific.org“What will you do when its as easy and affordable to launch a personal satellite a

13、s it is to launch a website or social network today?”69Screenshot of Lab playtest7071ETechs modus operandiPositive imagination outweighed dark imagination 2:1 (650:312)72ETechs modus operandiHighly collaborative: Momentum cards most often played (870)73You are a SUPER-CHALLENGING crowd: 450 ANTAGONI

14、SM (“I disagree!”) 200 ADAPTATION (“a different take”) 350 INVESTIGATION (“explain it!”)ETechs modus operandi74The start of SPACE MEDICINE?75The start of SOLAR PROSPERITY?76The start of SPACE SOURCING?7778 Within 24 hours of launch, the site was receiving 70,000 classifications an hour. More than 50

15、 million classifications were received during its first year, from almost 150,000 people. 794 published, peer-reviewed scientific papers and 4 more in progress1 new solar object discovery “the Voorwerp” mystery! 80FORECAST 2009-2019: Game designers become “fungineers” and “mass collab architects”.Th

16、ey are asked to invent fun new ways for more people to participate in mass collaboration efforts, and to develop more engaging platforms for crowds to contribute.81WHAT TO READ82WHAT TO WATCH83WHAT TO TRYTHE DESIGN CHALLENGE:If your game could get: 100 people to do one thing onlineWhat would it be,

17、and what would it add up to?844. Programmable Reality85Our growing ability to embed sensors, micro-controller boards, and networks in: physical objects built environmentsand ourselves86The HOW:Location !Sensing!Bio metrics!Motion!Crowd- sourcing!Augmented reality!878889Nike+ e-crusade9091The Lost Ring92JEtSET9394Neurosky gaming headset95JUDECCA9697



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