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1、Welcome to our class!Module 2 Fantasy Literature讲的是一对名叫里拉和威尔的少年的旅行和冒险经讲的是一对名叫里拉和威尔的少年的旅行和冒险经历。历。第一部金色罗盘第一部金色罗盘中里拉为了拯救她最好的中里拉为了拯救她最好的朋友罗杰而前往危险重重的极北之地,在那里她还朋友罗杰而前往危险重重的极北之地,在那里她还将尽全力帮助其他被诱拐的孩子逃离成为邪恶科学将尽全力帮助其他被诱拐的孩子逃离成为邪恶科学家试验品的厄运。家试验品的厄运。第二部不起眼的小刀第二部不起眼的小刀讲的是讲的是里拉遇到了一个从地球出逃的男孩威尔,在两人成里拉遇到了一个从地球出逃的男孩威尔,

2、在两人成为密友后却发现了一个致命的秘密为密友后却发现了一个致命的秘密。在。在第三部第三部琥珀望远镜琥珀望远镜里,里拉和威尔穿梭于各个不同的里,里拉和威尔穿梭于各个不同的空间,故事的结局是两人携手开始了对一个最不可空间,故事的结局是两人携手开始了对一个最不可知秘密的探索之旅。知秘密的探索之旅。Period 4 Vocabulary and ReadingThe Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry PotterJ.K.RowlingHarry PotterHarry Potter and the Philosophers (Sorcerers) Stone Seven

3、series of Harry PotterHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Goblet of FireHarry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHarry Potter and the Half- Blood PrinceHarry Potter and Deathly Hallowsaccumulate not prepared to change your ideas adjust

4、ment the amount of work produced anecdote to collect attain the place you come from format to reach gifted the basic plan output a small story roots talented stubborn as a result thus a small change . SkimmingRead the passage quickly and find out the following numbers.55 .1 billion .1997.Rowlings bo

5、oks have been translated into more than 55 languages It was estimated that Rowling had accumulated more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA requested an adjustment to the title,

6、was also known as Harry potter and the Sorcerers Stone. The story of J.K. Rowling and Harry PotterThe main idea of the passage Learning to learn We can summarize the main idea of a passage from the title or the main idea of each paragraph. Scanning Para. 11. When J.K. Rowling added flesh to the bone

7、s of the Harry Potter story, she( )A. gave more details to the main idea B. created the other charactersC. sold the story for foodD. finished writing the story.A2.Do the true or false exercise.J. K. Rowling had the idea of Harry Potter on a delayed train.( )TPara. 21.Looking after a baby and writing

8、 a book at the same time ( )A. is impossible in Edinburgh B. means you havent got much moneyC. is extremely hard workD. made J.K. Rowling give upC2.Where did she write it? She wrote it in a cafeteria in EdinburghPara. 3 and 4 1.As soon as the first book was a success, ( ) A. J.K. Rowling finished th

9、e series more quickly than planned B. the publishers asked her to finish one book a year. C. she wrote The Order of the Phoenix. D. it was clear that others would be successful too. D2. How many books a year did she intend to write? She intended to have an output of one book a year.3. Do the true or

10、 false exerciseOnly the first book was very succeful. ( )FAfter the first book, the success of each of the following titles was automatic. Para. 51. Harry Potter series are so appealing that they ( ) A. must be included in the school curriculum B. encourage children to read more C. have been critici

11、sed for bad style D. are shown on television in other countries. B2. Why is Harry Potter so popular?The Harry Potter books readers of all ages. They created a between parents and children. Now, it is also claimed that they are for interest in reading. Harry Potter has become part of the school .appe

12、al tospecial literary bondresponsiblea renewed curriculumPara. 61. The Harry Potter stories ( )A. can now read in only 50 languages.B. are easy to translate.C. have made J.K. Rowling very rich.D. are distributed in 55 countries.C2. Do the true or false exerciseRowling has attained the status of bein

13、g the first writer to become a millionaire.( )FbillionairePara. 1. Para. 2.Para. 3.Para. 4.Para. 5.Para. 6.A. anecdotes about how she began writing her first book.B. mainly about how Rowling started writing Harry Potter.C. Rowlings books appeal to readers of all ages. D. Rowling spent about ten year

14、s completing her series.E. Rowlings first book was published.F. Rowlings great achievement Match each paragraph with the main ideaIII. Exercises1. Find a sentence in para.5 to replace the following one.We should have new materials to inspire(激发激发)our reading interest in the time when we use computer

15、 and television so much.In an age of computer games and television programmes, it is also claimed they are responsible for a renewed interest in reading. 1.It was only in 1997 that she completed the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA requested an adjustment to the tit

16、le, was also known as Harry potter and the Sorcerers Stone. (Para. 3) 直到直到1997年她才完成第一部年她才完成第一部哈利波特哈利波特小小说,由于美国的出版商要求调整书名,这本说,由于美国的出版商要求调整书名,这本书也被称作书也被称作哈利波特与魔法石哈利波特与魔法石。 2. Translation2. Rowlings style has been a target for some criticism, but what makes the books so important is that, because they

17、appeal to readers of all ages, they create a special literary bond between parents and children. (Para. 5) 罗琳的写作风格成了一些批评的对象,但是罗琳的写作风格成了一些批评的对象,但是这些作品之所以重要时因为他们吸引了各个这些作品之所以重要时因为他们吸引了各个年龄段的读者,并且在父母和孩子之间建立年龄段的读者,并且在父母和孩子之间建立起了一条特殊的文字纽带。起了一条特殊的文字纽带。ConsolidationJ.K Rowling is the elder of British fantas

18、y literature. She is famous as the creator of Harry Potter. One day she was on a train, the idea for H came to her. When she created the first Harry Potter story, she had to wrote and looked after her . In cold winter, she often wrote it in a . At last, she completed the first Harry Potter story in

19、. The Harry Potter series appeal to of all ages, because they create a special_ between parents and children. In an age of computer games, they make people interested in . The books have been translated into over languages and distributed over 250 copies. So she has attained the status of being the

20、first writer to become a .stateswomangifteddelayedarry Potterby handbabycafeteria1997readers literary bondreading55millionbillionaireSummaryWhat have we learntHow to get the main idea of the passageWe can summarize the main idea of a passage from the title or the main idea of each paragraph.Reading

21、comprehension strategy(策略策略)VI. Homework 1.According to the two questions: How did J. K. Rowling write Harry Potter? Why is Harry Potter so popular?, retell the passage 2.Recite another fifteen new words from wardrobe to elf on page 148随堂测试随堂测试I. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子。根据首字母提示完成下列句子。1. He addressed the e_ be

22、fore mailing the letter.2. She was an excellent scientist and a g_ painter as well. 3. There are many serious health diseases a_ with smoking.nvelopeiftedssociated4. The heavy b_ on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.5. Learners of a second language usually have many difficulties to o_.

23、6. The books in the library were d_ according to subjects.7. Dust and dirt soon a_ if a house is not cleaned regularly.8. The retired worker d_ a certain sum of money in the bank each month.urden vercomeistributedccumulate eposits 9. More women are a_ positions of power in public life.10. Womens soc

24、ial s_ has changed much over the years.ttaining tatusWhat do you know about Harry Potter?handsomewizardunhappy lifeno parents Harry Potter and the Philosophers StoneHarry Potter and Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Goblet of FireHarry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince



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