中职教育英语基础模块下册Beijing Opera课文翻译

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1、中职教育英语基础模块下册 Beijing Opera 课文翻译原文:Peking Opera, one of the major operas in China, has a history ofnearly 200 years. It was formed on the basis of Hui Opera and HanOpera, absorbing the advantages and specialties of some operatypes such as Kunqu opera and Qin Opera. It was in 1790 (the 55thyear of the

2、 Reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty) that thefirst Hui Opera troupe came to Beijing was the famous AnhuiSanqing Troupe, followed by sixi troupe, Hechun Troupe andChuntai Troupe, collectively known as the Four Hui Classes. Afterthe four hui troupes came to Beijing, they evolved into Peking

3、 Operaafter 50 to 60 years of integration with kunqu opera, Han Opera,Goyang opera and Chaotic tan opera in Beijing. Peking Opera, alsoknown as pihuang, is composed of two basic tones: Xipi andErhuang, but it also sings some small local tunes (liuzi tune,guaiqiang tune, etc.) and Kunqu Opera.Peking

4、Opera is a kind of comprehensive performing art, whichintegrates singing, reciting, acting, fighting and dancing. It tellsstories, portrays characters and expresses different thoughts andfeelings through regular means of performance.The roles of Peking Opera are strictly divided into sevenprofession

5、s: sheng, Dan, Jing, Mo, Chou, wuxing and pop (dragonset) in the early stage, and later into four professions: living, Dan andJing Chou. The characters also have loyalty and treachery, beautyand ugliness, and good and evil.Peking Opera really deserves to be the quintessence of China!翻译:京剧是我国主要剧种之一,至

6、今已有将近两百年的历史。它是在徽戏和汉戏的基础上,吸收了昆曲、秦腔等一些戏曲剧种的优点和特长逐渐演变而形成的。徽戏进京是在公元 1790 年(清乾隆五十五年),最早进京的徽戏班是安徽著名的“三庆班”,随后又有“四喜”、“和春”、“春台”诸班进京,合称“四大徽班”。四大徽班进京后与北京剧坛的昆曲、汉剧、戈阳、乱弹等剧种经过五、六十年的融汇,演变成为了京剧。京剧也称“皮黄”,有“西皮”和“二黄”两种基本腔调组成,但也兼唱一些地方小曲调(如柳子腔、吹腔等)和昆曲曲牌。京剧是一种综合性表演艺术,集唱(歌唱)、念(念白)、做(表演)、打(武打)、舞(舞蹈)为一体,通过程式的表演手段叙演故事,刻画人物,表达各种不同的思想感情。京剧角色的行当划分比较严格,早期分为生、旦、净、末、丑、武行、流行(龙套)七行,以后归为生、旦、净丑四大行当,人物还有忠奸之分、美丑之分、善恶之分。京剧真不愧是中国的国粹啊!



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