八年级英语上册 Module 7 A famous story主题写作课件 (新版)外研版

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1、整整 体体 感感 知知实实 例例 分分 析析 本模块的内容是儿童喜闻乐见的童话故事,本模块的内容是儿童喜闻乐见的童话故事,Unit 2选取了选取了爱丽丝漫游奇境记,课文浅显但不失幽默,以讲故事的方式爱丽丝漫游奇境记,课文浅显但不失幽默,以讲故事的方式将童话故事生动、形象地呈现在学生面前。本模块的学习旨在培将童话故事生动、形象地呈现在学生面前。本模块的学习旨在培养学生的学习热情和兴趣,让学生学会改写、续写故事,或学会养学生的学习热情和兴趣,让学生学会改写、续写故事,或学会集体创作历险故事或童话。集体创作历险故事或童话。模块主题写作七模块主题写作七整整 体体 感感 知知 话题分析话题分析1Once

2、 upon a time, there were three little sisters, and they lived2Alice had nothing to do.3Once or twice she looked into her sisters book.4There was nothing strange about that.5Alice found that she was falling down a very, very deep hole.6While she was falling, she was thinking about her cat.常用表达实 例 分 析

3、 童话故事是世界文学宝库中的常青树,一直深受孩子们的喜童话故事是世界文学宝库中的常青树,一直深受孩子们的喜爱。你读过哪些童话故事?请你以爱。你读过哪些童话故事?请你以“My Favourite Story”为为题,把你印象最深的一篇写出来,和大家分享。词数题,把你印象最深的一篇写出来,和大家分享。词数80左右。左右。提示:提示:1Whats the name of it?2Who is in it? 3Whats the story? 4What do you think of it?典型例题 参考词汇:稻草参考词汇:稻草straw木材木材wood砖砖brick勤奋的勤奋的hardworkin

4、gMy favourite Story_思路点拨My favourite Story I love reading and I have read many books. My favourite story is The Three Little Pigs. There are three little pigs in the story. They built their own houses. The first built a straw house. The second built a wood house. The third built a house with bricks.

5、 Then a wolf ate the first and the second pig. But he couldnt eat the third one because the third pigs house was very strong. At last, the third pig killed the wolf. This is my favourite story because it is interesting and it teaches us to be hardworking. There are also many colourful pictures in th

6、e book.连句成篇 根据图画和所给单词,将成语根据图画和所给单词,将成语“郑人买履郑人买履”译为英文小故译为英文小故事。词数在事。词数在6080之间。之间。自我展示关键词:关键词:measure 测量测量ruler 尺子尺子advise 劝告劝告One possible version: Once there was a man. He came from Zheng State. One day, he wanted to buy a pair of shoes. So he took out a ruler and measured the size of his shoes. The

7、n he went to the market. When he came into a shoe shop and wanted to buy shoes, he suddenly shouted, “Oh, I forgot to take my ruler. I have to go back to get my ruler. ” Then he ran away. The shopkeeper shouted, “Wait, please! You can try them on yourself.” “No!” The man kept on running. When he got

8、 the ruler and went back to the shoe shop again, the shop was already closed.语语 法法 点点 击击实实 战战 演演 练练过去进行时过去进行时(一一)1概概念念: 过过去去进进行行时时表表示示在在过过去去的的某某个个时时间间点点或或某某一一段段时时间间内内正正在在发发生生的的动动作作或或存存在在的的状状态态。常常用用的的时时间间状状语语有有this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last night等。等。模块语法聚焦七模

9、块语法聚焦七语 法 点 击 2基本句型结构:基本句型结构:肯定句:肯定句: 主语主语was/werev.ing其他其他否定句:否定句: 主语主语was/werenotv.ing其他其他一般疑问句:一般疑问句: Was/Were主语主语v.ing其他?其他?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词was/were主语主语v.ing其他?其他? He was cooking dinner this time yesterday.昨天这个时候他正在做晚饭。昨天这个时候他正在做晚饭。(肯定句肯定句)He wasnt cooking dinner this time yesterday.昨天这个时

10、候他没在做晚饭。昨天这个时候他没在做晚饭。(否定句否定句)Was he cooking dinner this time yesterday?昨天这个时候他在做晚饭吗?昨天这个时候他在做晚饭吗?(一般疑问句一般疑问句)What was he doing this time yesterday?昨天这个时候他在做什么?昨天这个时候他在做什么?(特殊疑问句特殊疑问句).用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1I _ (take) off my coat when the telephone rang.2Jane _ (wait) for me when I _ (arrive) at her

11、 home.3Sue _ (do) her homework when I saw her.4My brother came into my bedroom when I _ (dance)was dancing 实 战 演 练 was takingarrivedwas doingwas waiting5_ he _ (lie) on the ground at nine last night?6What _ Jim _ (write) when the teacher came in?7. 2013滨滨州州When I got home yesterday afternoon, it _ (

12、rain) hard.8. 2013无锡无锡Why did the policeman stop your car?I _ (make) a call at that moment. What a bad day! was making Waslyingwaswritingwas raining.按要求完成下列各题按要求完成下列各题1. We were having a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.(改改为为否定句否定句)We _ _ a PE class at four yesterday afternoon.2Kate was doing he

13、r homework at eight last night.(改改为为一一般般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答)_ Kate _ her homework at eight last night? _,_ _,_ _ she wasnt werent havingWasdoingYesshe was No3He reads a book in the park.(用用at this time yesterday改改写写句句子子)He _ _ a book in the park at this time yesterday.4They were playing_computer_games at nine yesterday.(对对画画线部分提问线部分提问)_ _ they _ at nine yesterday?5I was reading a_novel at three yesterday afternoon.(对对画画线线部分提问部分提问)_ _ you _ at three yesterday afternoon? readingwas readingWhat weredoingWhat were



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