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1、Modal verbs (情态动词情态动词 )1. 1. 属于助动词的一种,但本身有意义。属于助动词的一种,但本身有意义。2. 2. 没有人称和数的变化,但有时态变化。没有人称和数的变化,但有时态变化。3. 3. 表示说话人的态度。表示说话人的态度。can could must ought to may might need used to will would dareshall should1can/ could/ be able to 1.I can/could swim.2. You can/could go now. -Could/ Can I use your car now? -

2、Yes, you can. You can go with them if you like.表能力表能力表请求或许可表请求或许可2can/ could3. They cant/ couldnt be doing homework now. Can/ Could he have forgotten my name? Swimming in the river can be dangerous. The weather in Nanjing can be very hot in summer. (2 2)肯定句中,表客观可能性)肯定句中,表客观可能性表推测表推测 (1)(1)(通常用于否定句和疑

3、问句通常用于否定句和疑问句) )3can/ could If he were sick, he could stay at home.表虚拟语气表虚拟语气 ( (事实上并没有生病事实上并没有生病) )v could 1. could 1. 可以作为可以作为cancan的过去式的过去式( (与与cancan比较比较) 2. ) 2. 语气婉转语气婉转 3. 3. 可以用于虚拟语气,而可以用于虚拟语气,而cancan不能不能4be able to can 和和 be able to:意思一样,意思一样, be able to形式多形式多could :过去能够,结果不明确过去能够,结果不明确was/

4、were able to:过去能够且成功做到过去能够且成功做到Im sorry I havent been able to answer your letter.could 和和 was/were able toHe was able to swim to the river bank when the boat sank.5may / might 1. You may/mightmay/might go now. May I go now? Yes, you may/can. No, you mustnt/ youd better not.2. They may/mightmay/might

5、 not be doing homework now. He may/might have forgotten my name.3. He mightmight achieve better results if he could work hard.4. May your dreams come true.表许可表许可(permission)(permission)表推测表推测 ( (通常不用于疑问句通常不用于疑问句) )v might 1. might 1. 可以作为可以作为maymay的过去式的过去式( (与与maymay比较比较) 2. ) 2. 语气婉转语气婉转 3. 3. 可以用于

6、虚拟语气,而可以用于虚拟语气,而maymay不能不能表虚拟语气表虚拟语气( (事实上并没有努力。事实上并没有努力。) )表祝愿表祝愿6must 1. Everyone mustmust be on time. -Must I hand in my homework now? -Yes, you must. / No, you neednt/ dont have toneednt/ dont have to.2. They mustmust be doing homework now. The man must be Mr. Smith. He must have forgotten my na

7、me.3. Must you play the piano at midnight? If you must talk, do it quietly.“必须必须”表推测表推测 ( (通常用于陈通常用于陈述句,可能性很大述句,可能性很大) )“偏要,非要偏要,非要”“一定一定”7must 4. You mustnt smoke here. You mustnt leave the house.v must 1. must 1. 强调主观强调主观( (与与have tohave to比较比较) 2. ) 2. 没有时态变化没有时态变化 3. mustnt: “3. mustnt: “禁止禁止” ”

8、 dont have to: “dont have to: “没必要没必要”mustnt “mustnt “禁止禁止”81. Shall we have dinner now? Shall I carry your box? Shall he come in?shall 表询问,征求对方意见(多用于表询问,征求对方意见(多用于第一、三第一、三人称)人称)第第二二人称人称: :用用will/wouldwill/wouldWould/Will you please come to have dinner with me?92. Tell him he shall have the book tom

9、orrow. He shall leave the country at once. You shall not park your car here. Everyone shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.shall 表允诺,命令表允诺,命令, ,警告警告, ,法律条文法律条文,( (多用于第二、多用于第二、三人称三人称) )10should/ought to1. You ought to/shouldought to/should come on time. OughtOught he h

10、e toto come?/ Should he come? He ought not to/shouldntought not to/shouldnt stay up so late.2. If he starts now, he should finish it next week.3. I am surprised he should talk to her like that.4. He suggested that we (should) start now. “应该应该” -” -责任和义务责任和义务“按说应该按说应该”-”-推测推测“居然居然”-”-惊讶惊讶虚拟语气虚拟语气11wi

11、ll/ would 1. -Theres someone coming up the stairs. -That will/would be Mary. -Must I come here this Saturday? -If you are busy that day, Sunday willwill do.2. I often tried to persuade him not to smoke, but he wont listen. Will/Would you help me with my training?3. He will sit up all night. He would

12、 drop in on me on Sundays.“会会”-”-推测推测“愿意愿意”“总是总是”12will/ would 4. Man will die without water or air.5. The door wont shut. 6. If I were you, I would certainly choose that one.表倾向表倾向门关不了。(特殊用法)门关不了。(特殊用法)表虚拟表虚拟13dare/ need 用作情态动词用作情态动词1. -Need I help you? -Yes, please.-Need I tell him everything?-Yes

13、, you must./ No, you neednt.2. You neednt telephone him now.3. How dare you talk to the teacher like that?4. The girl dare not go out alone at night.需要需要敢敢不必不必need/dareneed/dare作情态动词一般用于疑问句或否定句中。作情态动词一般用于疑问句或否定句中。14dare/ need用作实义动词时用作实义动词时The water needs to be watered twice a week. We need to tell h

14、im the news.You dont need to tell him the news.Do the flowers need watering?I didnt dare to tell you the truth.Would you dare to catch the snake with your hand?The boy dares to do anything he likes.151.can/be able to2.must/have to3.can/may/must4.would/used to辨析辨析 be able to 时态更多时态更多 be able to 通常指经过

15、努力而做成的。通常指经过努力而做成的。 must强调主观,强调主观,have to强调客观强调客观 mustnt 表表“禁止禁止”,dont have to表表“不必要不必要” 在肯定句中,在肯定句中,must语气比语气比may强,并强调从主观上进行强,并强调从主观上进行的推断;的推断;can则强调从客观上进行的推断。则强调从客观上进行的推断。 在否定句中,在否定句中,cant 表表“不可能不可能”,may not表表“可能不可能不” used to 强调是过去的习惯,现在已经不这么做了。强调是过去的习惯,现在已经不这么做了。16should /ought to have done Shoul

16、dnt/ oughtnt to have donecould have donemay/might have donemust have done cant/couldnt have done neednt have done本(不)应该本(不)应该本可以本可以或许已经或许已经一定已经一定已经不可能已经不可能已经本没有必要本没有必要17I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I _(write) the address out.I was really anxious about you, and you _ (leave) without a word. The light in his room is still on, so he _ (go) to bed.- I stayed at a hotel while in New York.- Oh, did you? You_ (stay) with John.You passed the exam very smoothly, so you _(worry) about it.should have writtenshouldnt have leftcant have gonecould have stayedneednt have worried18



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