高三英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions课件 人教版新课标选修8

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1、人教版新课标人教版新课标2012届高三英语一轮复习基届高三英语一轮复习基础知识核查课件系列:选修八础知识核查课件系列:选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions用法归纳用法归纳知识点知识点1. When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset. (Page 20)She called up a friend just for chat.她给朋友打了个电话,不过聊聊天而已。她给朋友打了个电话,不过聊聊天而已。用法归纳用法归纳call up给给打电话打电话ca

2、ll up召集召集call up使人想起使人想起call for要求要求call on sb.to do sth.号召某人做某事号召某人做某事对应训练对应训练(1)He_(打电话打电话)me up to tell me the good news.(2)All the men between the ages of 18 and 25 were _ (征召入伍征召入伍)up.(3)Please _(打电话打电话)me up before you go out.知识点知识点2. Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing

3、 something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them. (Page 20)Speeches distinguishes man from the animals.言语使人区别于动物。言语使人区别于动物。 用法归纳用法归纳distinguish vi.& vt. 显示显示的差别;的差别; 使使有所不同;有所不同;callcalledcalled辨别辨别distinguish from/between 使区别于;有使区别于;有特点特点对应训练对应训练(1)I can _ (区别区别)the birds at a distance

4、.(2)Can you_ (区分区分)between those two objects?(3)Elephants _ (被区分被区分)by their long noses/trunks.(4)Can you_ (区别区别)the different musical instruments playing now?知知识识点点3. I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them. (Page 20)She set about washing her bike.她开始洗自己的自行

5、车。她开始洗自己的自行车。 用法归纳用法归纳set about开始;着手开始;着手distinguishdistinguishdistinguishare distinguishedset about doing开始做;着手处理开始做;着手处理 =set out to do立志干某事立志干某事对应训练对应训练(1)They immediately_(着着 手制造这部机器手制造这部机器).(2)She_(立志要立志要)to become Britains first woman Prime Minister.(3)After supper he_(开始做开始做)doing his homewor

6、k.(4)我们着手打扫房子。我们着手打扫房子。(汉译英汉译英) _知知识识点点4. They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall. (Page 20)Television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one.We set about cleaning the house.set about making the machineset outset about电视不仅是一种方便的娱乐来源,

7、而且也是一种相对便宜电视不仅是一种方便的娱乐来源,而且也是一种相对便宜的。的。用法归纳用法归纳convenient adj. 便利的;方便的便利的;方便的;就近的就近的it be convenient for sb.to do 某人方便做某事某人方便做某事convenience n. 便利;方便便利;方便convenience n. (可数可数)方便的设施方便的设施对应训练对应训练(1)It is a_ (方便方便)time to receive guests.(2)Id like an apartment that is_ (近便近便)to shopping and transportati

8、on.(3) _ (将方便将方便)for you to come in the morning?(4)您何时方便呢?您何时方便呢?(汉译英汉译英) _ When is it convenient for you?convenientconvenientWill it be convenient知知识识点点5. Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending my invention to the

9、 patent office. (Page 21)We must seize all opportunities to accelerate development.必须抓住一切机遇加快发展。必须抓住一切机遇加快发展。用法归纳用法归纳seize vt.抓住;捉住抓住;捉住seize vt.攻占,夺取;掠夺攻占,夺取;掠夺catch (seize, get, take) hold of抓住抓住对应训练对应训练(1)Dont hesitate; _(抓住抓住)the first opportunity that comes along!(2)We should_ (抓住机会抓住机会)to reac

10、h our goal.seizeseize the opportunity(3)The army entered the city,_(抓住首抓住首 领领) and dragged him away.(4)Only _ (通过抓住每一分钟通过抓住每一分钟)can we finish it on time.知知识识点点6. This original telegraph sent a message over distances using Morse code (a series of dots tapped out along a wire in a particular order). (

11、Page 25)The secretary tapped out a telegraph message with ten seconds.秘书秘书10秒钟打出一份电报。秒钟打出一份电报。用法归纳用法归纳tap vt.& vi.轻打;轻拍;轻敲轻打;轻拍;轻敲 tap n.轻轻地敲击轻轻地敲击(声声);(水水)龙头龙头tap at/on轻敲;轻拍轻敲;轻拍by seizing every minuteseized the captain对应训练对应训练(1)She_(轻拍轻拍)him on the shoulder.(2)He_(敲打敲打)on the door.(3)They wont he

12、ar when you only tap on the door knock harder!(替换替换) _知知识识点点7. Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solution to improve the quality of everybodys life. (Page 26)In childrens minds, summers are associated with pi

13、cnics.在孩子们看来在孩子们看来,夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。用法归纳用法归纳associate vt.联想;联系联想;联系 associate n.同伴;伙伴同伴;伙伴 knock tappedtappedassociate.with与与联系联系be associated with与与联系联系 connect.with和和有关系有关系have something to do with和和有联系有联系对应训练对应训练(1)Dont_ (结交结交)with dishonest boys.(2)What do you_ (联想联想)with such a heavy s

14、now?(3)She associated happiness with having money.(英译汉英译汉) _(4)我们想起中国我们想起中国,就联想到长城。就联想到长城。(汉译英汉译英) _知识点知识点8. I cant get through. (Page 26)I rang you but couldnt get through.我给你打电话我给你打电话,但没有打通。但没有打通。We associate China with the Great Wall.associate associate她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。用法归纳用法归纳get throug

15、h 设法联系上设法联系上(尤指打通电话尤指打通电话),(设法设法)做完做完get through 通过通过(考试,议案考试,议案)get through 度过度过(时间时间)go through 经历;通过经历;通过 对应训练对应训练(1)Lets start; there is a lot of work to _(要做要做).(2)I can not think how they will _(度过度过)the time.(3)I cant _(打通电话打通电话)to her.(4)他除了化学,其他科都及格了。他除了化学,其他科都及格了。(汉译英汉译英;except, chemistry)

16、 _知识点知识点9. Hang on, please. (Page 26)Hang on, Ill give you some important information.稍等一稍等一下,我给你提供一点重要的信息。下,我给你提供一点重要的信息。He got through everything except chemistry.get throughget throughget through用法归纳用法归纳hang on不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 hang on to sth.紧握住;保留紧握住;保留ring back恢复电话恢复电话ring off挂断电话挂断电话get through打通电话打通电话对应训练对应训练(1)_(稍稍 等等 一一 下下 ),Ill give you some important information.(2)If you_(坚持下去坚持下去),you are sure to pass the exam.(3)Everything _(依靠依靠)your decision.(4)Id hang on to that letter. You might need it later. _ (英译汉英译汉)我会保留那封信。你以后可能会用得着。我会保留那封信。你以后可能会用得着。Hang onhang onhangs on



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