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1、初中英语汇报材料:优化词汇复习,初中英语汇报材料:优化词汇复习,提高学生语言感受力提高学生语言感受力 10. The research lacks_ evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.(2012) A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential9. The professor could tell by the _ look in Marias eyes that she didnt understand a single word of this lecture. (2011)A.

2、cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh37. You can take your _ and Ill record them for you. (2011)A. pick B. turn C. role D.step一、一、词汇复习的重要性词汇复习的重要性 阅读对词汇的要求阅读对词汇的要求完形及单选对词汇的要求完形及单选对词汇的要求写作对词汇的要求写作对词汇的要求改错对词汇的要求改错对词汇的要求广广准准透透细细二、二、词汇复习的几点思考词汇复习的几点思考1.1.词汇复习尽量结合语境词汇复习尽量结合语境arrange blame content devote tre

3、at 1.The books are _ in alphabetical order. 2.The teacher is quite _ with the _ of his students writing. 3.Having accomplished a demanding task, Johnson decided to _ himself to a movie. arrangedcontentcontenttreat二、二、词汇复习的几点思考词汇复习的几点思考1.1.词汇复习尽量结合语境词汇复习尽量结合语境2. 词汇复习尽量结合书面表达词汇复习尽量结合书面表达a. 形近、义近词的辨析ef

4、fort / effect achieve / acquire avoid /prevent environment / circumstances / surroundings 二、二、词汇复习的几点思考词汇复习的几点思考1.1.词汇复习尽量结合语境词汇复习尽量结合语境2. 词汇复习尽量结合书面表达词汇复习尽量结合书面表达a.加强形近、义近词的辨析如如before / when / while 等等b.加强句型结构在写作中的准确运用c. 加强过渡性词句的积累二、二、词汇复习的几点思考词汇复习的几点思考1.1.词汇复习尽量结合语境词汇复习尽量结合语境2. 词汇复习尽量结合书面表达词汇复习尽量结

5、合书面表达a. 形近、义近词的辨析b.加强句型结构在写作中的准确运用c. 加强过渡性词句的积累3.词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出听力练习中的词汇听力练习中的词汇 模块复习词汇模块复习词汇时文、美文阅读材料时文、美文阅读材料学生的语言输出再现学生的语言输出再现 学生的各类练习学生的各类练习考纲词汇考纲词汇3.词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出复现来源:复现来源:1.感受语言:感受语言: 欣赏感知欣赏感知 诵读经典诵读经典2.运用语言:运用语言: 辨析选择辨析选择 情景填空情景填空 翻译练习翻译练习 模仿造句模仿造句 语篇输出语篇输出

6、3.词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出输出渠道:输出渠道:从感知到内化从感知到内化的过程的过程检查性输出检查性输出迁移性迁移性 /创造创造性输出性输出听力练习中的词汇听力练习中的词汇 模块复习词汇模块复习词汇时文、美文阅读材料时文、美文阅读材料学生的语言输出再现学生的语言输出再现 学生的各类练习学生的各类练习考纲词汇考纲词汇3.词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出词汇复习应多方位复现,多渠道输出复现来源:复现来源:Have you reserved. Have you made any reservation?来源一:来源一:听力练习中的词汇听力练习中的词汇Is th

7、ere any room available? Sorry, Mr Smith is not available now.Your appetite sure is good. OK. Ill put you through to the teachers office11. “Its such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table _ for customers.(浙江2012)A. to be reserved B. having reserved C. reserving D. reserved1.2.I swore in

8、my mind that I will do the best I can in the future so as not to fall short of the expectations of my parents, my teachers, and my country.来源一:来源一:听力练习中的词汇听力练习中的词汇3. Even Shakespeare might not have words for a day like this.复现来源之二:复现来源之二:模块模块中的词汇中的词汇 control cause multiplied evidence marked source i

9、mmediately removeI cant _ out the number of things that my parents have done for me. They are always the s_ of my love, they are sunshine, they are rainbows, they are the most beautiful things in the world. I have nothing to do but prepare a meal, (because ) I want them to taste my love for them. -J

10、iang Jianifiguresource来源二:来源二:模块模块中的词汇中的词汇 break up The Monkees broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.(M2 unit 5)blame It seemed that the water was to blame.(M5 unit 1)来源二:来源二:模块模块中的词汇中的词汇 I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside p

11、eople from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting people and tourist, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I dont mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the m

12、ost important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on the earth the volcano.(1.2) 提出观提出观点点(3) 举例说举例说明明(4) 反面论反面论述述(5) 总结总结 I have dreamt of being a reporter since childhood. If I can be a reporter in the future, I will have the greatest job i

13、n the world. I can travel to different places and meet people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes writing articles and sometimes interviewing people, I will never be bored. Although my job is occasionally busy, I dont mind because it can make me liv

14、e every moment to the fullest. However, I am a little shy. Every time I talk to a stranger, shyness is like a snake that crawls into my mouth and stops me speaking. In order to become outgoing, I will not miss any chance to speak to the public. Besides, I will read more to improve my skills. Fortune

15、 only favors the prepared. I believe if I try my best, sooner or later, success will knock on my door. Friendship is a significant part of our life.I think a friend is a teacher who can help you fight for the future with his own experience, and a friend is an angel who can comfort you when you get i

16、njured. But some people dont think so. They have the desire to make friends just for fame, money, power and so on. In their eyes , friends are just the tools which can help them achieve something. We cant follow their steps.来源五:来源五:学生的语言输出再现学生的语言输出再现 来源三:来源三:时文、美文阅读材料时文、美文阅读材料 来源四:来源四: 学生的各类练习学生的各类练

17、习 As time goes by, natural resources are gradually _. Which of the following is WRONG ? A. shrinking B. decreasing C. drying up D. drying out来源六:来源六:考纲词汇考纲词汇高频词高频词:一词多义:一词多义 一词多性一词多性 一词多搭一词多搭 一词多变一词多变 词义辨析词义辨析 词汇复习尽量结合语境词汇复习尽量结合语境arrange blame content devote treat 1.The books are _ in alphabetical o

18、rder. 2.The teacher is quite _ with the _ of his students writing. 3.Having accomplished a demanding task, Johnson decided to _ himself to a movie. arrangedcontentcontenttreatblame It seems that is to blame.But who is to blame for it ?开始分析原因的过渡句 Last night, an unexpected accident flew by and hit my

19、classmate Li Hua. On the way back to the dorm after getting boiled water from the boiler house, his thermos bottle suddenly exploded and the hot liquid burned his feet. _ , I realized its necessary to do some first aid. 逻辑填空逻辑填空Without a second thoughtWith no hesitation,With no time to waste, It too

20、k nearly 200 years before I was built as an analytical machine.(M2) It will be eight months before I graduate. He hang up before I could say a word. The restaurant was full of people before I knew it.before 表示时间的先后 暗含速度速度很快 _all day, I went to bed early. I _ suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard

21、 a strange sound, like a railway train passing my window. _quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didnt take much notice. I _ _go back to sleep _suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day . I ran out of the house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea in the distance. There had

22、been an eruption from the mountain and red hot lava was _ _the air. It was an absolutely _sight.Having worked hardwas fast asleepwhenHaving experienced was about to when fountaining hundreds of meters intofantastic Yesterday I went to the boiler house to get some water with my classmate Li Hua. I wa

23、s walking on my way when suddenly I heard a scream. I was surprised to find that Li Huas thermos bottle was broken and his foot burnt. Having learned first aid skills at school, I let Li Hua put his foot under the cold running water quickly and then sent him to hospital. Thanks to the first aid skil

24、ls, Li Hua got fine soon. Having experienced this accident, I realized that the knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. I also think it necessary to learn some first aid skills as you can never know when accidents will happen. Lets learn some first aid skills and guarantee that we can sta

25、y away from serious injuries.11. The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct _. A. solution B. target C. measure D. functionAs time goes by, natural resources are gradually _. Which of the following is WRONG ? A. shrinking B. decreasing C. drying up D. d

26、rying out For both my brother and I , she(my nother) was the cook, maid and teacher. She played these roles while _8_some type of part time job. A. performing B. seeking C. waiting D. applying doing Each relocation was a chance to _16_another part of the world. A. acquire B. explore C. occupy D. rea

27、lize learn完形及单选对词汇的要求完形及单选对词汇的要求 For both my brother and I , she(my nother) was the cook, maid and teacher. She played these roles while _8_some type of part time job. A. performing B. seeking C. waiting D. applying doing Each relocation was a chance to _16_another part of the world. A. acquire B. explore C. occupy D. realize learn完形及单选对词汇的要求完形及单选对词汇的要求



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