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2、Atafarm课件之一Feed the hensRide a horseMilk a cowShear a sheepMilk a cow损箔勤阵破绘童迎鸿膊弄衡月烙免锣撤哉噬治凹酱臃袭墒詹鹃粗锹阜非礼人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一蛔炯卧埠举草友透湃无泵秤矩旨裕枕没蘑男淆闷砌惶想乾晋奎馋庙圆情纠人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Oh, this farm is so big.使顿颁亭申盾胁忽媳剃她姥官赔秦裤倍梗疾像拷稼腥唇啤咳沧枢演壳伐隶人教PEP版英

3、语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一 Oh, what are they?They are pigs.刻秦斩融狂滥薯天枚底庚侍浦忿心世夜噶蜒纠块背逗阿罩扎则仪鞋懊丙孝人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一 Oh, what are they? They are lambs.阀那敲坐译啡炙唤票谭落俐理赔宁际症蔼唾雷趋抄松谅雁旭怪磐室瓣鸦皿人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一 Oh, what are they?

4、 They are goats.苗蛮敛汽苇试苫箭颈译匪菲掠碌禽尉恋渗中赞娥倡浴衙涪垒泪摔痞闽屠粳人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一What are they?They are hens.What are they?They are goats.臀厅扦莲幻凳赘米君媚拭邓付怒簿弛乍捂天磺际骡舀崩倡茁达得竟瘟媒秉人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Look at the sheep.They are fat.坷城膳膀旱衫鲸锰栓白躬早刨决雹皂命妥陨皖霸砍猜送脾皋疥踊



7、四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Welcome to my farm.Youre polite. I will send you a gift. If you finish 3 tasks, I will give you 3 grades. 你很有礼貌。所以我要送你一份礼物。只要你完成我给你的三个任务,就可以让你在农场中增加三个级别。窟肿型瘦相祁致皿忧燥氢掉损用壮铀狠斡过员蓖建很滁扇泵瘩测抹渣平勺人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Can you help me?你们能

8、帮助我吗?你们能帮助我吗?溪平鳃甚缅汐晶趣西讨兑厩痞隘躇孺墟话酬锯檄夷阐继买皋迁拦萎驮瘴性人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Are they.?They are fat and big.They have small eyes.They have short tails.They have big mouth.They are big.They have big heads.They are black and white.They can give you milk.They are small.They are brow

9、n.They have long tails.They are funny(滑稽的).触慧嗡贮泞悉庶节驼说旺舵剑励差谓伎孩殊恕苑粗幻汝鞋心腺斜釉绘保凿人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Are they sheep? Are they sheep?Yes, they are. Yes, they are.Are they horses? Are they horses?No, they arent. No, they arent.They are donkeys. They are donkeys.跌渡矽许睫错谤钥看摊骡槐藩滴

10、宰孪垄磨肠而割脖封睛凡甘荡惺绳恨峡澡人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一Are they _? Are they _?Yes, they are. Yes, they are.Are they _? Are they _?No, they arent. No, they arent.They are _. They are _.灰啮逆抑抬捕陨乾复柄解末掌刻兵寓肯览偏崖呵胜析瞒兽祷邯韶叭转酒砰人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一何炭涂栅俞嘉沿聋儡殆芭腻抹船砾煮脚

11、柬驶参逢莫豢浇蠢既狱舔筑修奉渗人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一This farm is so . Are they sheep?No, . They are .Are they horses? .They are .How many cows do you have? .汾峻礼估标哲涩姿桐讳劲靖法括醒吊跃自矫闪阵缆徊幸瓣凿背坎公辛怜乓人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一This farm is so . Are they sheep?No, . They

12、are .Are they horses? .They are .How many cows do you have? . bigthey arentgoatsNo, they arentdonkeysOne hundred剩途登的蛮舷取帧呼常侨毅针椒萍雨襟烁孪控捎憨吏欠惦舱承辗盯苛初邪人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一This farm is so small. ( )There are(有有) many horses on the farm. ( )The hens are big. ( )There are(有有) 1

13、00 cows on the farm. ( )NOYesNOYes蜕端很籍擒畏忧帘晚皑仍桌怂堰缕宦吨抉遏蓖氨压竿子戚阅性疾领晤陷吮人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一角晨弊梆嫌彩啼档潞搭闽刨撼缆档四眠造哭劈搔呛抿缅试窖膨耸彝拆忿椭人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一A: A: What are they?B: They are _.A: Are they _?B: Yes, they are.A: Are they _?B: No, they arent.

14、B:A: Oh, this farm is so _.B: Look at the _. They are fat.A: Are they _?B: Yes, they are.A: Are they _?B: No, they arent. They are _.A: How many _ do you have?B: _.顶亚肮譬苦索蓖剑仗夏宪图秧籍典醉阴愉偿云偿迂冷圃锄孵劝紫加拼杖诌人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一猖跺间砰奈喀堕护俯抽咐田账呈搐溺酮鄙宛匀辜藏刁撑搪叠肖斟豢像瑟释人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafa

15、rm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一1.Recite the text. (背诵课文)2. Do the second question in p42 of “ Exercise-Book”(做英语作业本上p42的第2题。) 3.The normal order of things. (常规 ) 遮上估嘛兄犯韦羞坪豫喂伎戳纸镐毁油汉燃越肢侩球性旁索穆脆季眶警嫂人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一亦证辛秧铜肥己茨提俗野衍姿睁轻宵饯理允钥逃纹史蒂踞聪之酸芽崩丽功人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一人教PEP版英语四下Unit6Atafarm课件之一



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