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1、新版pep六年级上册unit4-part-A-lets-talkHobby,hobby, what are your hobbies?Dancing,dancing, Lily likes dancing.Singing,singing, Mike likes singing.Reading, reading, Tim likes reading stories.Playing, playing, Martin likes playing football.Doing, doing, Sue likes doing kung fu.Hobby, hobby, what are your hob

2、bies?. . What are his hobbies?He likes reading stories.What are her hobbies?She likes dancing.What are _ hobbies?_ likes singing.hisHeWhat are _hobbies?_ likes doing kung fu.herSheWhat are _ hobbies?_ likes playing football.hisHeLets review我们学过哪些物主代词?人称代词人称代词物主代词物主代词Iweyouhesheittheymyouryourhisheri

3、tstheirQ1: What are Peters hobbies?Q2: Where does Peter live?Q2: Where does Peter live?Q3: What is Zhang Peng going to teach him?Oliver: What are _ hobbies?Zhang Peng: He _ reading _. He _ on a farm, so sometimes he _ to the cows !Oliver: Thats interesting.Zhang Peng: He likes _ kung fu and _ .Olive

4、r: Really ! Me too !PeterslikesstorieslivesreadsdoingswimmingZhang Peng: He _ likes singing.Oliver: Oh, you like singing, _. Zhang Peng: Yes. Im _ to teach him the Chinese _ “Jasmine Flower”!Oliver: Good idea !alsotoogoingsong”找朋友找朋友”A.watching TV B.draw cartoons C.play sportsD.playing sports E.spea

5、k EnglishF.singingG.doing homeworkH. swimShe likesShe canHobby,hobby, what are your hobbies?Dancing,dancing, I like dancing.Hobby,hobby, what are his hobbies?Reading, reading, he likes reading stories.Hobby,hobby, what are her hobbies?Singing,singing, she likes singing.Hobby,hobby, what are xxs hobb

6、ies?. . 1.询问:某个人的爱好是什么?What are xxs hobbies?Xx likes + v.ing .2.询问:他的爱好是什么? What are his hobbies?He likes + v.ing .3.询问:她的爱好是什么? What are her hobbies?She likes + v.ing .第一人称第一人称 :我,我们(:我,我们(I,we)第二人称:你,你们(第二人称:你,你们(you)第三人称:除了第一第二人称,其他都是第三人称:除了第一第二人称,其他都是第第三三人称人称单单数:数:男他男他,女她女她,动物它动物它(he.she.it),某人,

7、某物,某件事某人,某物,某件事he .she. itEric .Jennymy unclea dog. a deskthe baseballmy school第三人称单数第三人称单数你能分辨出第三人称单数吗?this5 orangesshe ice-creamtheythe boyitthose sheBob and Tomwe his fatherIthe catmy grandparents1.I _ three friends in England.2. They_ a big room.3. Helen _ two cats.4. Jack and Cindy _ a son.5. S

8、he _ a big apple.6.Do you_ a bag ?7.Bobs brother _a nice watch.havehavehashavehashave用用 have or has 填空。填空。第三人称单数用第三人称单数用has,非第三人称单数和复数用,非第三人称单数和复数用have.has1.I _ pears very much.2. They_ their school.3. Helen _ vegetables. 4. Jack and Cindy _ bread.5. She _hamburgers with chicken.6. Does he_ fruit ?7

9、.Bobs brother _carrots.用用 like or likes 填空。填空。likelikelikelikeslikeslikelikes规则变化规则变化playaskfindthinklikewatchteachstudy不规则变化不规则变化havedogo动词的动词的第三人称单数形式第三人称单数形式I like apples.I eat bananas.I need a book.I play soccer.I call Mary.I ask teacher.She likes apples.She eats bananas.She _a book. She _soccer

10、.She _Mary.She _teacher.needsplayscallsasksI have a baseball.She has a baseball.Do you have a pen?Does she have a pen?I go to school.She goes to school人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。



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