外研版高中英语Module 3 (period2)课件

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《外研版高中英语Module 3 (period2)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语Module 3 (period2)课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂课时课时板快结合板快结合period1Introduction+Cultural Cornerperiod2Reading and vocabularyperiod3Grammar+Functionperiod4Vocabulary and listening +Everyday English+speaking+writing课时安排课时安排Reading and vocabularyGuess . (look at the picture)Who are they?Where are they?What are they doing?What is the

2、boy pointing at?What will they do?(P22)Activity2 read the text and number the events in the order they happen(5minutes)e.Huck and Jim take away the mens boat.d.Huck and Jim see the steamboat.b.Huck and Jim climb onto the steamboat.g.Jim runs back to the raft.a.Huck sees three men in a cabin.f.The ta

3、ll man is pointing a gun at the man on the floor.c.The short man suggests leaving the man on the floorh.Huck has a plan.Keys:Questions for paragraph 11.What was the weather like that night?2. What did they see as they were sailing down the river?3.What did they do then?The rain_steamboatThey _ strai

4、ght towards the steamboat.sailedpoured downQuestions for paragraphs 2-51.what did Huck want to do?2.What did they hear after they got on the steamboat?He wanted to_ over and climbed on to the steamboat.“ Oh please boys, dont kill me! I wont tell anybody”paddleQuestions for Paragraphs 6-81.What did t

5、he men on the steamboat do with another man?2.How did they decide to kill him? The tall man.The short man.They left him in the steamboat which will _ in a couple of hours.sinkQuestions for Paragraph 9-111.what did Huck decide to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat?2.what was

6、the idea Huck told to him?3.Why did Huck feel bad about what he had done?to find their boat and take it awayHe _ along the deck, found him.He didnt want all three men to diecrawled(P23) Activity4 Find words in the passage which mean:1.to rain heavily2.something which protects you from bad weather3.a

7、 sort of flat boat usually made from tree trunks4.to lose control because you are frightened5.the feeling of being interested in something and wanting to know more6.to tell someone you are going to cause them harmpour downa sheltera raftpaniccuriousthreatenSpeaking:what will happen next? Please cont

8、inue the storyHomework (23) Activity5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.Keys:1.jump 2. running 3. flown 4.walk 5.climbed 6.paddled 7.sail 8. crawl(P23) Activity 6 read the passage again and answer the questions.Keys:1.c 2. b 3.a 4. aReading-language point1.Suddenly

9、,_(借助闪借助闪电的灯光电的灯光),we saw something in the middle of the river.2.It had hit a rock and was _(一半沉在水里一半沉在水里,一半露一半露在水面上在水面上)3.“It looks as if itll go under soon” Jim said,after _(几几)minutes.4. “I dont want to _(登上登上)a sinking ship”by the light of the lightninghalf in and half out of watera couple of bo

10、ard(v.) board the bus / plane /trainreading_language point5.So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat,keeping_(象老鼠一样无声象老鼠一样无声无息无息).6._(令我们吃惊的是令我们吃惊的是), there was a light in one of the cabins.7. A mans angry voice answered, “_(你在撒你在撒谎谎)”.,but I could see a man_(正躺正躺在在地上地上)lie(撒谎撒谎)_lied_lied

11、_lyinglie(躺躺)_lay_lain_lyingas quiet as miceTo our astonishmentYoure lyinglying on the floorreading_Language point8. When he heard these words, Jim _(恐惧万分恐惧万分) and ran to the raft.9.“_(我受够你拉我受够你拉).Im going to _(枪毙枪毙)you now.panickedIve had enough of you.shoot(V.) panic+ked / king picnic +ked / kingH

12、e shot a bird and killed it. 用枪用枪,箭等射中箭等射中,强调结果强调结果The hunter shot at the fox but missed it. 瞄准瞄准,不一定射中不一定射中,强调动作强调动作Reading Language point10.when he heard that , the _(被吓被吓倒的倒的) man on the floor started crying.11. “He sounds as if hes going to _(死于死于惊吓惊吓) die of (内部原因内部原因): hunger, thirst,illness,

13、sorrow, a disease,cold,poison, boredomdie from (外部原因外部原因):a wound, lack of food, an accident, over work,drinking.frighteneddie of frightfright n. frighten v frightened/ frighteningreading_Language pointing12.but I _(劝劝他帮我他帮我), and we found the mens boat_(把把系在系在) the other side of the steamboat.persuaded him to help metied topersuade sb to do sthpersuade sb into doing sth



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