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1、Unit 1 Great scientistsListen to Part 1.Father of the Chinese space programmeYu Ping (YP) is talking to her friend Steve Smith (SS) about Qian Xuesen and his work as a rocket scientist. A GREAT CHINESE SCIENTISTFather of the Chinese space programmeYu Ping (YP) is talking to her friend SteveSmith (SS

2、) about Qian Xuesen and his work as a _ _. A GREAT CHINESE SCIENTISTrocket scientistListen again and fill in the blanks.YP: What do you want to be when you _ _, Steve? SS: I want to be an _ and visit stars. I wish to visit _ one day.YP: I think Id like to work in the space industry too. Id like to b

3、e a _ _ like Qian Xuesen.SS: What did he have to do to become a rocket scientist?grow upastronomerMarsscientistrocketYP: Well, he first studied at _ to be an engineer. Later he went to America to study for his _ _. It was then he began to work on rockets.SS: So it was _ for our space programme that

4、he came back to China.universitydegreedoctorsluckyYP: Very much so. There was no work _ space rockets in China before he began his _ to design and build rockets to go into space. instituteonListen to Part 2.Part 2SS: Do you think he wanted to travel into space in one of his rockets?YP: I have no ide

5、a but I believe he _ _ to the first space flight by a Chinese astronaut.forwardlookedListen again and fill in the blanks.SS: Yes. Now that China has _ satellites _ space. I hope well be the _ to land on Mars. That would really be something special and if I were that astronaut I would put Qian Xuesen

6、s _ on Mars to show how much we _ his work.sentintofirstadmirepictureYP: Indeed. He is rightly called the _ of the Chinese space programme. He is my _ and he is why I want to be a rocket scientist.SS: Well, wed better _ _ _ our homework. We need good _ to get into university.YP: Right you are. See y

7、ou, then.SS: See you.fatherheroget on withgrades NAMING A FLOWERRobert Briggs (RB) is talking to Zhang Wei (ZW) about a new kind of lily he has found. NAMING A FLOWERRobert Briggs (RB) is talking to Zhang Wei (ZW) about a new kind of _ he has found. Listen again and fill in the blanks.lilyZW: Hello

8、Robert. Whats that book youre _?RB: A book that helps you _ a flower.ZW: I see. Why do you want that?RB: Ive found this lily. It looks _ to me. So I want to _ _ if its new or not. Our biology teacher told me that if its already _, Id find it in this book.carryingidentifydifferentfind outknownZW: Wow

9、! So you think you may have found a new lily?RB: I hope so, but I have to do some _ first to find out for sure.ZW: What happens if its in the book?RB: It means that somebody else has found it and _ it. Then Ill know its biological name.ZW: What do you mean by the _ name?researchnamedbiologicalRB: Ac

10、tually like us a flower has _ names. The first is the group of flowers it _ to like a family name. A rose is one such group. The second is the kind of flower like a _ name. It may describe what the rose _ like; for example, the colour of an autumn _. Together you get the flowers name, which is Rose

11、Autumn Sunset.twobelongsgivenlookssunsetZW: Gosh! Who made that _?RB: A great _ called Carl Linnaeus. He lived in Sweden from _ to 1778.ZW: So long ago!RB: Yes, and he solved a very _ problem for biology.ZW: What was that?systemseriousscientist1707RB: Before him _ could tell if a plant was new, as t

12、here was no way of _. Therere so many plants, you see!ZW: Yes, I _ that! So his system is still used?RB: _ it is. If my flower isnt in this book, Ill know that Ive found a new kind of lily.nobodycheckingappreciateIndeedZW: Thats great! Can I come and help you? This research _ fun.RB: Yes, and if Im

13、lucky (fading out)soundsListen to Part 1. A MATHEMATICIANS PROBLEM John Smith (JS) is talking to Zhao Yang (ZY) about a mathematician who interests him. A MATHEMATICIANS PROBLEM John Smith (JS) is talking to Zhao Yang (ZY) about a mathematician who _ him. Listen again and fill in the blanks.interest

14、sJS: Do you know that weve been studying Euler in _?ZY: Who is he? Ive never _ of him. JS: Well, he was a famous mathematician in the _ century. He revised all the _ mathematics that was known in his day.mathsheardeighteenthpureZY: That probably wasnt very much.JS: Youre wrong there. He wrote _ _ an

15、y other mathematician before or since.ZY: Really! Well, what did he do?JS: He introduced a lot of _ into mathematics _ _ pi and the terms sin and cosin.more thansymbolssuch asZY: Wow!JS: And he did half of this work when he was _. ZY: How did he do that?JS: He told his ideas to someone else who _ th

16、em _.blindwrotedownListen to Part 2.Part 2ZY: What were his _?JS: He introduced a new _ of mathematics called topology. It helps you understand things by using _. The _ map is a good example. Listen again and fill in the blanks.achievementsbranchdiagramssubway It does not tell you _ but it shows how

17、 stations _ together.ZY: How did he start topology?JS: Well, in _ he was _ by a problem in the city of Konigsberg where he lived.distancesconnect1735inspired Look at the map in your book. Konigsberg had a river running _ it. The centre is an _. As the river _ the island, it breaks into two parts. Seven bridges were built _ the river. Euler wondered if you could walk _ the city so that you _ each bridge only once.throughislandpassesoveraroundcrossZY: Let me try that. It sounds quite _ to me.JS: Try, but its not _ easy _ it looks.simpleasas



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