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1、高二英语教案英文版【篇一:高二英语课堂教学设计案例】高二英语课堂教学设计案例高二英语课堂教学设计案例(高二选修六(高二选修六 unit2 poemsunit2 poems 第一课时第一课时 warming up reading warming up reading)潜江市文昌高级中学潜江市文昌高级中学 严开慧严开慧一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明英语教学是一种动态教学或活动教学,教学过程是交际活动过程。英语教学是一种动态教学或活动教学,教学过程是交际活动过程。只有从组织教学活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际只有从组织教学活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语

2、课堂交际化,才能有效地培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。新课标提出:化,才能有效地培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。新课标提出:“ “外国语是学习文化科学知识,获取世界各方面信息和进行国际交往外国语是学习文化科学知识,获取世界各方面信息和进行国际交往的重要工具。的重要工具。” ”和和“?“?发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步运发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力,用英语进行交际的能力,?”?”。结合本年段国家级子课题。结合本年段国家级子课题“ “高中英语高中英语阅读理解策略的形成性评价阅读理解策略的形成性评价” ”的实施和本班学生的实际,对教材进行的实施和本班学生的实际

3、,对教材进行了操作性较强的处理。了操作性较强的处理。二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析(一)(一) 教学内容分析:教学内容分析:本单元以本单元以 poemspoems 为话题为话题, ,从学生初次接触英文诗歌从学生初次接触英文诗歌, ,扩展到英文诗歌扩展到英文诗歌创作的动机、有关诗歌的一些基本知识(包括诗歌的种类、风格)创作的动机、有关诗歌的一些基本知识(包括诗歌的种类、风格)等。旨在通过本单元的学习等。旨在通过本单元的学习, ,使学生在初步了解和掌握英文诗歌这一使学生在初步了解和掌握英文诗歌这一文学形式的基本常识的基础上文学形式的基本常识的基础上, ,进行简单的诗歌创作。本课时是人教进行简单的

4、诗歌创作。本课时是人教版高二英语选修六版高二英语选修六 unit 2unit 2 的第一课时。在这一课时里,我将的第一课时。在这一课时里,我将warming up, pre-readingwarming up, pre-reading 和和 readingreading 部分整合成了一篇阅读课。通部分整合成了一篇阅读课。通过这一课时的学习,学生从回顾所学中文诗歌到说出自己最喜欢的过这一课时的学习,学生从回顾所学中文诗歌到说出自己最喜欢的中文诗歌并阐明理由;然后通过快速阅读中文诗歌并阐明理由;然后通过快速阅读 readingreading 部分了解几种形部分了解几种形式简单的英语诗歌,从而激发他

5、们诗歌创作的热情!式简单的英语诗歌,从而激发他们诗歌创作的热情!(二)(二) 学生情况分析:学生情况分析:本节课的教学对象是高二学生,他们很理解中文诗歌的种类、风格、本节课的教学对象是高二学生,他们很理解中文诗歌的种类、风格、特色,对诗歌的学习充满了兴趣,想知道中英文诗歌是否一样?他特色,对诗歌的学习充满了兴趣,想知道中英文诗歌是否一样?他们具有丰富的想象力和活跃的思维,具有一定的分析和解决问题的们具有丰富的想象力和活跃的思维,具有一定的分析和解决问题的能力。虽说大部分学生的基础知识比较薄弱,英语交际能力和思维能力。虽说大部分学生的基础知识比较薄弱,英语交际能力和思维能力不好,但他们都渴望得到

6、老师和同学的理解和认可,有些学生能力不好,但他们都渴望得到老师和同学的理解和认可,有些学生基础较好,认知能力和表现能力较好,因此,要设计出符合他们认基础较好,认知能力和表现能力较好,因此,要设计出符合他们认知范围和感兴趣的教案,因材施教,让全班学生都投入到教学中来。知范围和感兴趣的教案,因材施教,让全班学生都投入到教学中来。三、教学目标分析三、教学目标分析(一)知识目标(一)知识目标理解并能熟练运用本文中的重点词汇和句型。理解并能熟练运用本文中的重点词汇和句型。 1 1、重点词汇、重点词汇 poem, recite, aspect, rhyme, rhythm, nursery rhyme,

7、diamond, poem, recite, aspect, rhyme, rhythm, nursery rhyme, diamond,endless, branch, translation, transform, joy, anger, make up of,endless, branch, translation, transform, joy, anger, make up of,in particular, eventually, take it easy, run out of, contradictory.in particular, eventually, take it e

8、asy, run out of, contradictory. 2 2、重点句型、重点句型 some poems tell a story or . others. some poems tell a story or . others.they delight small children because . .they delight small children because . .with so many different forms of poetry to choose from with so many different forms of poetry to choose

9、from ( (二二) ) 能力目标能力目标 1 1、能够熟练的掌握本课内容,用所学句型,进行交流。让学生在特、能够熟练的掌握本课内容,用所学句型,进行交流。让学生在特定的情境下运用所学的知识,培养学生实际运用英语的能力。定的情境下运用所学的知识,培养学生实际运用英语的能力。 2 2、要求学生找出文章的主题、要求学生找出文章的主题, , 列举文中介绍的五种诗歌形式列举文中介绍的五种诗歌形式, ,用自己用自己的语言讲述文中几首诗歌的主题的语言讲述文中几首诗歌的主题, ,找出两首节奏强的诗歌找出两首节奏强的诗歌, ,击掌诵读击掌诵读, ,并并圈出押韵词圈出押韵词. . 3 3、体会自己喜欢的诗歌的

10、内涵、体会自己喜欢的诗歌的内涵, ,并阐明理由并阐明理由, , 模仿作英文诗模仿作英文诗. .(三)情感目标(三)情感目标 1 1、让学生在课堂中轻松的学习,提高学生的观察力、让学生在课堂中轻松的学习,提高学生的观察力, ,欣赏能力以及欣赏能力以及学会利用多种手段培养学生的自主学习的能力。学会利用多种手段培养学生的自主学习的能力。 2 2、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信。们建立学习英语的自信。四、教学重点、难点分析四、教学重点、难点分析(一)教学重点:(一)教学重点: 1. master t

11、he important words, phrases and sentences 1. master the important words, phrases and sentencespatterns.patterns.2. collect the reasons why the poets write poems.2. collect the reasons why the poets write poems. 3. the similarities and differences between the chinese and 3. the similarities and diffe

12、rences between the chinese andenglish poets and poems.english poets and poems.(二)教学难点:(二)教学难点: 1. find out the characteristics of each kind of poems. 1. find out the characteristics of each kind of poems. 2. practice writing simple poems. 2. practice writing simple poems.五、教学过程设计五、教学过程设计 step1 leadi

13、ng in step1 leading inenjoy a piece of music.(enjoy a piece of music.(水调歌头水调歌头) )设计意图:通过欣赏这首由诗歌改编成的歌曲,不仅活跃了课堂气设计意图:通过欣赏这首由诗歌改编成的歌曲,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且创设了良好的学习气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣,在课的氛,而且创设了良好的学习气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣,在课的一开始就把学生的注意力全部吸引过来了,也很自然的导入到了下一开始就把学生的注意力全部吸引过来了,也很自然的导入到了下一个教学步骤。一个教学步骤。 step2 step2:warming upwarming

14、up task1 1.by enjoying the music, ask students to talk about their task1 1.by enjoying the music, ask students to talk about theirfavorite chinese poems.favorite chinese poems.“do you like“do you like poems? which one is your favorite? why do you poems? which one is your favorite? why do youlike it

15、best?”like it best?” 设计意图:运用问题式教学,通过对自己最喜欢的中设计意图:运用问题式教学,通过对自己最喜欢的中文诗歌的回顾,引发学生对英文诗歌的向往。让学生提前进入诗的文诗歌的回顾,引发学生对英文诗歌的向往。让学生提前进入诗的海洋。海洋。 2.show some english poems. 2.show some english poems.设计意图:从几首简单的唐诗的译文到韵律比较强的设计意图:从几首简单的唐诗的译文到韵律比较强的 little starlittle star,再,再到复杂的莎士比亚的十四行诗,让学生从易到难的了解英语诗歌。到复杂的莎士比亚的十四行诗

16、,让学生从易到难的了解英语诗歌。同时通过朗读这些英语诗歌,让学生清楚同时通过朗读这些英语诗歌,让学生清楚 rhymerhyme 和和 rhythmrhythm 在英语在英语诗歌中的重要性,也为后面的阅读教学打下基础。诗歌中的重要性,也为后面的阅读教学打下基础。 step3 step3:pre-readingpre-reading task2ask the students to skim the poems in the reading and task2ask the students to skim the poems in the reading andanswer the questi

17、ons. then tick the box.answer the questions. then tick the box.(p9p9) questions: how many kinds of poems does the text mention? questions: how many kinds of poems does the text mention?what are they?what are they?设计意图:设计意图: 运用任务型教学法与合作学习方法让学生以小组的形式运用任务型教学法与合作学习方法让学生以小组的形式完成这一任务。并指导学生在阅读中的一些关于跳读的技巧。完

18、成这一任务。并指导学生在阅读中的一些关于跳读的技巧。 step4 step4:readingreading ask the students to read the passage carefully and finish the ask the students to read the passage carefully and finish thetasks one by one.tasks one by one. task3 nursery rhymes task3 nursery rhymes 童谣童谣 1. play the video (poema) 1. play the vid

19、eo (poema)设计意图:通过视频的播放,教师能向学生很直观形象地展示设计意图:通过视频的播放,教师能向学生很直观形象地展示diamond ring ,brass , billy-goat etc.diamond ring ,brass , billy-goat etc.本单元的生词,并激发学生的本单元的生词,并激发学生的学习兴趣。学习兴趣。 2. ask and answer: 2. ask and answer: questions: (1) if that looking- questions: (1) if that looking-glass gets broken, whats

20、 papaglass gets broken, whats papagoing to buy?going to buy? (2) if that billy- (2) if that billy-goat runs away, whats papa going to buy?goat runs away, whats papa going to buy?设计意图:童谣简洁明快,具有重复性,易记忆。所以通过听力训设计意图:童谣简洁明快,具有重复性,易记忆。所以通过听力训练,学生能很快回答出问题。练,学生能很快回答出问题。3.enjoy another nursery rhyme3.enjoy a

21、nother nursery rhyme设计意图:播放另一首童谣,指导学生总结童谣的特点并打出节拍,设计意图:播放另一首童谣,指导学生总结童谣的特点并打出节拍,了解诗歌的节奏。了解诗歌的节奏。 task4 list poems task4 list poems 清单诗清单诗 (poembc) (poembc) 1. ask the students to read poem b and poem c, and 1. ask the students to read poem b and poem c, andsummarize the features of list poems.summar

22、ize the features of list poems.设计意图:因为学生对清单诗比较熟悉,所以在学习这两首诗时,设计意图:因为学生对清单诗比较熟悉,所以在学习这两首诗时,重点应该是通过对比这两首诗让学生了解清单诗的特点。重点应该是通过对比这两首诗让学生了解清单诗的特点。 2. let students read another list poem loudly. (to my parents, 2. let students read another list poem loudly. (to my parents,thank you!)thank you!)设计意图:通过读这首诗,让

23、学生进一步了解清单诗,可以说是上设计意图:通过读这首诗,让学生进一步了解清单诗,可以说是上一步的延续。更重要的是,这首诗可以让学生体会到父母对我们的一步的延续。更重要的是,这首诗可以让学生体会到父母对我们的爱,让他们知道要感激父母。在英语课中进行思想品德教育。爱,让他们知道要感激父母。在英语课中进行思想品德教育。 task5 cinquain task5 cinquain 五行诗五行诗 (poemde) (poemde) 1. ask the students to read two poems together. 1. ask the students to read two poems t

24、ogether. 2. help the students find the topic of each poem and 2. help the students find the topic of each poem andsummarize the features of cinquain line by line.summarize the features of cinquain line by line.设计意图:五行诗很简单,读起来很有趣。学习这类诗歌主要是要设计意图:五行诗很简单,读起来很有趣。学习这类诗歌主要是要让学生知道每一首诗的主题和这类诗歌的特点,每一行有几个词,让学生

25、知道每一首诗的主题和这类诗歌的特点,每一行有几个词,词性是什么,说的内容是什么。所以在教授这类诗歌时,重点是鼓词性是什么,说的内容是什么。所以在教授这类诗歌时,重点是鼓励并帮助学生通过读和观察来总结五行诗的特点,并为后面的诗歌励并帮助学生通过读和观察来总结五行诗的特点,并为后面的诗歌写作打基础。写作打基础。 task6 haiku task6 haiku 俳句诗俳句诗 (poemfgpoemfg ) 1. let the students listen to the tape and close their eyes 1. let the students listen to the tape

26、 and close their eyesenjoying them. just imagine the beautiful scene and encourageenjoying them. just imagine the beautiful scene and encouragethem to describe the scene.them to describe the scene. 2. summarize the feature: how many syllables are there in the 2. summarize the feature: how many sylla

27、bles are there in thehaiku?haiku?设计意图:俳句诗是流行于日本的一种诗歌,学生不大熟悉,因此,设计意图:俳句诗是流行于日本的一种诗歌,学生不大熟悉,因此,对这类诗歌,学生了解一下就行了。在教学过程中,我安排学生听对这类诗歌,学生了解一下就行了。在教学过程中,我安排学生听录音想情景,不仅训练了学生的听力,还提高了学生的兴趣和审美录音想情景,不仅训练了学生的听力,还提高了学生的兴趣和审美能力。能力。 task7 tang poems task7 tang poems 唐诗唐诗 (poem hpoem h ) ask a girl to read the poem w

28、ith emotions,and others just ask a girl to read the poem with emotions,and others justenjoy it.then answer the questions: what feelings that youenjoy it.then answer the questions: what feelings that youthink the woman in the poem has?think the woman in the poem has?设计意图:学生对唐诗很熟悉,所以,对这类诗,我们可以通过欣设计意图:

29、学生对唐诗很熟悉,所以,对这类诗,我们可以通过欣赏来体会诗赏来体会诗歌中人物的思想感情,从而加深对诗歌深层次的理解。歌中人物的思想感情,从而加深对诗歌深层次的理解。学生通过对这五种诗歌的学习,应该对简单的英语诗歌有所了解,学生通过对这五种诗歌的学习,应该对简单的英语诗歌有所了解,也对英语诗歌越来越感兴趣了。在整个也对英语诗歌越来越感兴趣了。在整个 readingreading 的教学过程中,我的教学过程中,我们对不同的诗歌种类采用不同的教学方法,有的放矢的进行教学,们对不同的诗歌种类采用不同的教学方法,有的放矢的进行教学,不仅提高了学生的学习兴趣,也训练了学生听、说、读、写各方面不仅提高了学生

30、的学习兴趣,也训练了学生听、说、读、写各方面的能力。的能力。 step5 step5:discussiondiscussion task8 task8 ask students to discuss in groups: why do people write ask students to discuss in groups: why do people writepoems?poems?设计意图:通过这样一个讨论,学生对诗歌的认识又上了一个新的设计意图:通过这样一个讨论,学生对诗歌的认识又上了一个新的台阶,进一步激发了他们的创作欲望,为下一步作铺垫。台阶,进一步激发了他们的创作欲望,为下一

31、步作铺垫。 step6 step6:practicepractice task9 task9 1. encourage students to creat their cinquain together. 1. encourage students to creat their cinquain together. 2. share their poems. 2. share their poems.附:学生的作品:教师的作品:附:学生的作品:教师的作品: teachersstudents teachersstudents knowledgeable, unselfish energetic,

32、 lovely knowledgeable, unselfish energetic, lovely understanding, caring, guidingteasing,learning,progressing understanding, caring, guidingteasing,learning,progressing the ones we respestpassion and creation the ones we respestpassion and creation forever mine forever mine设计意图:这是这节课的一个升华,学生运用前面所学知识

33、,进行设计意图:这是这节课的一个升华,学生运用前面所学知识,进行发挥创作。让学生们觉得很有成就感。最后,我也通过一首发挥创作。让学生们觉得很有成就感。最后,我也通过一首cinquaincinquain 结束了这节课,不仅仅是一首诗结束了这节课,不仅仅是一首诗 ,而且也是对学生在这节,而且也是对学生在这节课上的表现的一种终结性的评价。课上的表现的一种终结性的评价。 step7: homework step7: homework surf the internet to appreciate more english poems. surf the internet to appreciate m

34、ore english poems.设计意图:这个家庭作业主要是让学生通过上网学习来扩大其知识设计意图:这个家庭作业主要是让学生通过上网学习来扩大其知识面。面。六、教学反思六、教学反思成功之处:本节课遵循成功之处:本节课遵循“ “任务型任务型” ”的教学原则。我通过不同形式教学的教学原则。我通过不同形式教学方法,设置不同的任务,基本做到了把课堂让给学生,让学生在自方法,设置不同的任务,基本做到了把课堂让给学生,让学生在自主、合作、探究的气氛中愉快度过,既顺利完成教学任务,又促进主、合作、探究的气氛中愉快度过,既顺利完成教学任务,又促进其情感教育。其情感教育。首先,课堂的导入是十分重要的,好的导

35、入能够紧紧抓住学生的心首先,课堂的导入是十分重要的,好的导入能够紧紧抓住学生的心理和兴趣,理和兴趣,【篇二:高二英语教学案】高二英语教学案高二英语教学案 module 6 unit 3 grammar module 6 unit 3 grammar(课时(课时 4 4) the subjunctive mood the subjunctive mood 虚拟语气虚拟语气(1)(1)主备人:主备人: 陈佳陈佳 二次备课及授课人:二次备课及授课人:【teaching aimsteaching aims 】 1. enable the students to use ueal conditional

36、s of the present, 1. enable the students to use ueal conditionals of the present,past or future time.past or future time.2. improve students reading and thinking abilities and the2. improve students reading and thinking abilities and theability of using uealability of using ueal conditionals conditi

37、onals【key and difficult pointskey and difficult points】 learn when and how to use ueal conditionals correctly. learn when and how to use ueal conditionals correctly.【teaching proceduresteaching procedures】 step one: step one: 语气简述语气简述 1. 1. 谓语动词的语气是用来表示说话人对所讲内容的态度、看法以及谓语动词的语气是用来表示说话人对所讲内容的态度、看法以及心情等

38、心情等 2. 2. 英文句子中谓语动词的语气有三种:英文句子中谓语动词的语气有三种: 1 1)直陈语气:用于直截了当地陈述事实、描述状态:)直陈语气:用于直截了当地陈述事实、描述状态: he has published quite a number of essays this year . he has published quite a number of essays this year .他今年已他今年已发表了好几篇论文。发表了好几篇论文。 2 2)祈使语气:用于提出请求、命令、建议或是劝告等:)祈使语气:用于提出请求、命令、建议或是劝告等: wait outside until yo

39、u are asked. wait outside until you are asked. 请在外面等候,请你进再进去。请在外面等候,请你进再进去。 3 3)虚拟语气)虚拟语气表示主观愿望和假设的虚拟情况。表示主观愿望和假设的虚拟情况。 if i had more money, i would buy a bigger apartment. if i had more money, i would buy a bigger apartment.我要是有再多一点钱,我就买一套更大一些房子。我要是有再多一点钱,我就买一套更大一些房子。说话的语气客气、缓和、委婉说话的语气客气、缓和、委婉 i wi

40、sh you were more careful . i wish you were more careful .但愿你更细心一些。但愿你更细心一些。 step two: step two: 本单元虚拟语气的掌握目标:本单元虚拟语气的掌握目标: 1. 1. 区分真实条件句与非真实条件句。区分真实条件句与非真实条件句。 2. if 2. if 引导的虚拟条件句三种情况。引导的虚拟条件句三种情况。 3. if 3. if 引导的虚拟语气的倒装。引导的虚拟语气的倒装。 4. 4. 其他一些基本用法其他一些基本用法 step three step three: 1. 1. 真实条件句与非真实条件句:真

41、实条件句与非真实条件句: (1) if you stay in the sun too long, you will get sunburned! () (1) if you stay in the sun too long, you will get sunburned! () (2) if you study hard and practice a lot, your english will (2) if you study hard and practice a lot, your english willimprove. ()improve. ()(3) if i got marri

42、ed in italy, i would have to give a present. ( )(3) if i got married in italy, i would have to give a present. ( ) (4) if you drink too much whiskey, you will get sick. () (4) if you drink too much whiskey, you will get sick. () (5) if i were you, i would ask my parents for help. () (5) if i were yo

43、u, i would ask my parents for help. () look at a sentence: look at a sentence: ? you will get sunburned if you stay in the sun too long! ? you will get sunburned if you stay in the sun too long!_ 2. if 2. if 引导的虚拟条件句三种情况引导的虚拟条件句三种情况: :与现在事实相违背与现在事实相违背 if i were you, i would put her suggestion into a

44、ccount. if i were you, i would put her suggestion into account. (事实是:(事实是:我并不是你)我要是我并不是你)我要是你,我会考虑她的建议的。你,我会考虑她的建议的。句型:句型:if were/did , would do if were/did , would do practice: practice: 1. 1. 假如我有更多的时间,我就会学习汉语。假如我有更多的时间,我就会学习汉语。 if i _ if i _,i _.i _. 2. 2. 要不是她这么忙要不是她这么忙, ,她就会出席今天下午的会议了。她就会出席今天下午

45、的会议了。 if she _ so busy, she _the if she _ so busy, she _themeeting this afternoon.meeting this afternoon.注意点:注意点: 1. 1. 主句中主句中 wouldwould 可以用其他情态动词来换。可以用其他情态动词来换。(would intention;(would intention;plan;could plan;could ability; possibility; might probability)ability; possibility; might probability) 2

46、. be 2. be 动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用 werewere。在非正式。在非正式情况下,第一、情况下,第一、第三人称后偶尔也用第三人称后偶尔也用 waswas如:如:if he were/ was youif he were/ was you,he would go at once.he would go at once.与过去事实相违背与过去事实相违背 if he had taken my advice, he might not have made such a bad if he had taken my advice, he mi

47、ght not have made such a badmistake.mistake.(事实是:他没有听我的建议)要是他听进了我的劝告就不会犯这(事实是:他没有听我的建议)要是他听进了我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。么严重的错误了。句型句型: if had been/done, would/could/might have: if had been/done, would/could/might havedonedone practice: practice: 1) 1) 如果他抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车。如果他抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车。 if he_(hurry), he _

48、the if he_(hurry), he _ thetrain.(catch)train.(catch) 2) 2) 如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。 if you _, he _. if you _, he _.(make suggestions)(make suggestions)注意点:注意点: 1. 1. 与过去事实相反的与过去事实相反的 if if 从句中,还可以用从句中,还可以用 could have donecould have done 来代替来代替had donehad done,主句不,主句不变。变。与未来事实相违背与未来事实相

49、违背 if i should have a chance to try it, i would do it in another way. if i should have a chance to try it, i would do it in another way.(假设的情况不大可能发生)要是我有机会试一试,我会用另一种(假设的情况不大可能发生)要是我有机会试一试,我会用另一种方法做的。方法做的。 even if they were to fail, they wouldnt lose courage. even if they were to fail, they wouldnt l

50、ose courage.(说话人不希望假设的情况发生)即使他们万一失败,他们也不会(说话人不希望假设的情况发生)即使他们万一失败,他们也不会泄气。泄气。句型:句型: if were/did/should/were to , would/should/mightif were/did/should/were to , would/should/mightdo do practice: practice: 1) 1) 假如我要出国,我就会去中国。假如我要出国,我就会去中国。 if i _, i _ china. if i _, i _ china. 2) 2) 万一明天下雨,我们的运动会就推迟。万

51、一明天下雨,我们的运动会就推迟。 if it _ tomorrow, our sports meeting if it _ tomorrow, our sports meeting_._.注意点:注意点:在表示与将来事实相反的条件句中,只能用在表示与将来事实相反的条件句中,只能用 shouldshould,而不能用,而不能用wouldwould,couldcould 和和 mightmight等等如:如:if it should rain tomorrowif it should rain tomorrow,we would not go camping.we would not go cam

52、ping. (should rain (should rain 也可以用也可以用 rainedrained,were to rainwere to rain 代替代替) )总结:总结: 3. 3. 条件句中虚拟语气的倒装条件句中虚拟语气的倒装: :当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有 hadhad、shouldshould、或、或 werewere 时,就将时,就将这样的词这样的词 hadhad、 should should、或、或 werewere 搬到句首把句子写成倒装句而将连词搬到句首把句子写成倒装句而将连词 if if 省略。例省略。例如:如:if you were

53、 the manager here, what would you do?if you were the manager here, what would you do? =_, what would you do? =_, what would you do? 你你若是这里的经理,你若是这里的经理,你会怎么办?会怎么办?if he should act like that again, he would be firedif he should act like that again, he would be firedimmediately.immediately. =_, he woul

54、d be fired =_, he would be firedimmediately.immediately. 要是他要是他再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。if we had time to spare, we would be glad to go to theif we had time to spare, we would be glad to go to the park=_, we would be glad to park=_, we would be glad togo to the parkgo to the park如果能如果能抽出时间,我们很乐意逛

55、公园。抽出时间,我们很乐意逛公园。if it were not for the discovery of electricity, the modernif it were not for the discovery of electricity, the modernworld would experience greatworld would experience great inconvenience=_ inconvenience=_,the modern worldthe modern world would experience great inconvenience would

56、experience great inconvenience假如没有发现电,现代假如没有发现电,现代世界将很不方便。世界将很不方便。注意注意: :如果省略的条件句中的谓语动词是否定形式时如果省略的条件句中的谓语动词是否定形式时, ,不能用动词的缩略形不能用动词的缩略形式式. .我们可以说我们可以说: were it not for ., .: were it not for ., . 但不说但不说: werent it for : werent it for practice: practice: _ she _ yesterday, she would meet the famous sin

57、ger _ she _ yesterday, she would meet the famous singertoday.today.a. hadnt; lefta. hadnt; left b. had; not leftb. had; not leftc. if; didnt leave d. didnt; leavec. if; didnt leave d. didnt; leave more exercise: more exercise: 1. _the exam, he would have attend a college. 1. _the exam, he would have

58、 attend a college. a. if he passed b. had he passed a. if he passed b. had he passed c. were he passed d. if he should pass c. were he passed d. if he should pass 2. _five minutes earlier, you could have seen them off. 2. _five minutes earlier, you could have seen them off. a. if you should arrive b

59、. if you arrive a. if you should arrive b. if you arrive c. had you arrived d. should you arrive c. had you arrived d. should you arrive 3. _it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to 3. _it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit tothe science museum.the science museum. a.

60、were b. shouldc. wouldd. will a. were b. shouldc. wouldd. will 4. 4. 虚拟语气其他用法:含蓄条件句虚拟语气其他用法:含蓄条件句有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现 if if 引导的条件句,引导的条件句,而通过其而通过其他手段来替代条件句他手段来替代条件句. . 1 1)用介词短语替代条件句)用介词短语替代条件句, , 常用介词有常用介词有 with, without, but forwith, without, but for 等等. .we couldnt have su

61、cceeded without your helpwe couldnt have succeeded without your help(=_).(=_).but for the rain(=_)but for the rain(=_),we would havewe would havefinished the work.finished the work.without air, there would be no life on the earth.without air, there would be no life on the earth. 要是没有空气,要是没有空气,地球上就不会

62、有生地球上就不会有生命了。命了。(=_), there would be no(=_), there would be nolife.life.but for your help, the little boy would have been drowned.but for your help, the little boy would have been drowned. (=_), the little boy would . (=_), the little boy would .要是没有你们的帮助,那个小男孩早就淹死了。要是没有你们的帮助,那个小男孩早就淹死了。we could hav

63、e done the work better in that case.we could have done the work better in that case.要是那样的话,我们本可以把工作干得更好一些的。要是那样的话,我们本可以把工作干得更好一些的。 2 2)用一个副词或连词)用一个副词或连词 but / otherwise / orbut / otherwise / or 等表示虚拟条件和真实等表示虚拟条件和真实情况交织在一句情况交织在一句中如:中如:he telephoned to inform me of your birthdayhe telephoned to inform

64、 me of your birthday,oror (=if _) i would have (=if _) i would haveknown nothing about it.known nothing about it.there might have been a terrible accident, but he braked thethere might have been a terrible accident, but he braked thecar before it was too late.car before it was too late. (= if_.) (=

65、if_.)he would have come to see you earlier but he just camehe would have come to see you earlier but he just cameback from his business trip .back from his business trip .(本句中的上下文是:(本句中的上下文是:but he just came back from his businessbut he just came back from his businesstriptrip,表示:要是他在,表示:要是他在家没出差的话)

66、他本来早就来看你了,可他却出差刚刚回来。家没出差的话)他本来早就来看你了,可他却出差刚刚回来。but that you helped me, i would have failed in thebut that you helped me, i would have failed in theexperiment.experiment.(本句中的上下文是:(本句中的上下文是:but that you helped mebut that you helped me,表示:要不是有,表示:要不是有你帮助我)要没有你帮助我)要没有你帮助我,我的试验本做不成功的。你帮助我,我的试验本做不成功的。3)

67、if it were (had been) not for 3) if it were (had been) not for 要不是要不是 e.g.: if it were not for peace, we could not be living a happy e.g.: if it were not for peace, we could not be living a happylife today.life today. if it had not been for your advice, i would not have accepted if it had not been f

68、or your advice, i would not have acceptedthe job.the job. fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in their fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in theirproper forms.proper forms.1.you didnt let me drive1.you didnt let me drive. if we in turn, you (not get) so tired

69、. if we in turn, you (not get) so tired.2._it _(not be) for your help, i couldnt have2._it _(not be) for your help, i couldnt havemade any progress.made any progress. 3. 3.has mr. smith recovered now?has mr. smith recovered now?yes. who (think) that such a serious illnessyes. who (think) that such a

70、 serious illness could be cured? could be cured? 4._it _(rain) tomorrow, the match would be 4._it _(rain) tomorrow, the match would becalled off.called off. 5.most of the students felt rather disappointed at the english 5.most of the students felt rather disappointed at the englishparty. they said t

71、hat itparty. they said that it _ (organize) better. _ (organize) better.6.jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks6.jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinksthat ifthat if _ (get _ (get) a job, she probably wouldnt be) a job, she probably wouldnt beable to see her friendsa

72、ble to see her friends very often. very often. 7. much labour would have been saved if electronic computer 7. much labour would have been saved if electronic computer_ (invent) before._ (invent) before. 8.-well done, jack 8.-well done, jack! -thanks. but given more time, i_ -thanks. but given more t

73、ime, i_(do) it better.(do) it better. more exercise: more exercise:1. if albert hadnt called the fire brigade.1. if albert hadnt called the fire brigade. a. will be destroyed b. will have been destroyed a. will be destroyed b. will have been destroyed c. would be destroyedd. would have been destroye

74、d c. would be destroyedd. would have been destroyed 2. the business is risky. but _, we would be rich. 2. the business is risky. but _, we would be rich. a. should we succeed b. we should succeed a. should we succeed b. we should succeed c. might we succeed d. would we succeed c. might we succeed d.

75、 would we succeed 3. what would have happened, _, as far as the river 3. what would have happened, _, as far as the riverbank?bank? a. bob had walked farther b. if bob should walk farther a. bob had walked farther b. if bob should walk farther c. had bob walked farther d. if bob walked farther c. ha

76、d bob walked farther d. if bob walked farther【虚拟语气【虚拟语气 练习题练习题 】 i. i. 单选题单选题【篇三:高二英语教学案】高二英语教学案高二英语教学案 module 6 unit 3 grammar module 6 unit 3 grammar(课时(课时 4 4) the subjunctive mood the subjunctive mood 虚拟语气虚拟语气(1)(1)主备人:主备人: 陈佳陈佳 二次备课及授课人:二次备课及授课人:【teaching aimsteaching aims 】 1. enable the stude

77、nts to use ueal conditionals of the present, 1. enable the students to use ueal conditionals of the present,past or future time.past or future time.2. improve students reading and thinking abilities and the2. improve students reading and thinking abilities and theability of using ueal conditionalsab

78、ility of using ueal conditionals【key and difficult pointskey and difficult points】 learn when and how to use ueal conditionals correctly. learn when and how to use ueal conditionals correctly.【teaching proceduresteaching procedures】 step one: step one: 语气简述语气简述 1. 1. 谓语动词的语气是用来表示说话人对所讲内容的态度、看法以及谓语动词

79、的语气是用来表示说话人对所讲内容的态度、看法以及心情等心情等 2. 2. 英文句子中谓语动词的语气有三种:英文句子中谓语动词的语气有三种: 1 1)直陈语气:用于直截了当地陈述事实、描述状态:)直陈语气:用于直截了当地陈述事实、描述状态: he has published quite a number of essays this year . he has published quite a number of essays this year .他今年已他今年已发表了好几篇论文。发表了好几篇论文。 2 2)祈使语气:用于提出请求、命令、建议或是劝告等:)祈使语气:用于提出请求、命令、建议或

80、是劝告等: wait outside until you are asked. wait outside until you are asked. 请在外面等候,请你进再进去。请在外面等候,请你进再进去。 3 3)虚拟语气)虚拟语气表示主观愿望和假设的虚拟情况。表示主观愿望和假设的虚拟情况。 if i had more money, i would buy a bigger apartment. if i had more money, i would buy a bigger apartment.我要是有再多一点钱,我就买一套更大一些房子。我要是有再多一点钱,我就买一套更大一些房子。说话的语

81、气客气、缓和、委婉说话的语气客气、缓和、委婉 i wish you were more careful . i wish you were more careful .但愿你更细心一些。但愿你更细心一些。 step two: step two: 本单元虚拟语气的掌握目标:本单元虚拟语气的掌握目标: 1. 1. 区分真实条件句与非真实条件句。区分真实条件句与非真实条件句。 2. if 2. if 引导的虚拟条件句三种情况。引导的虚拟条件句三种情况。 3. if 3. if 引导的虚拟语气的倒装。引导的虚拟语气的倒装。 4. 4. 其他一些基本用法其他一些基本用法 step three step

82、three: 1. 1. 真实条件句与非真实条件句:真实条件句与非真实条件句: (1) if you stay in the sun too long, you will get sunburned! () (1) if you stay in the sun too long, you will get sunburned! () (2) if you study hard and practice a lot, your english will (2) if you study hard and practice a lot, your english willimprove. ()im

83、prove. () (3) if i got married in italy, i would have to give a present. ( ) (3) if i got married in italy, i would have to give a present. ( ) (4) if you drink too much whiskey, you will get sick. () (4) if you drink too much whiskey, you will get sick. () (5) if i were you, i would ask my parents

84、for help. () (5) if i were you, i would ask my parents for help. () look at a sentence: look at a sentence: ? you will get sunburned if you stay in the sun too long! ? you will get sunburned if you stay in the sun too long!_ 2. if 2. if 引导的虚拟条件句三种情况引导的虚拟条件句三种情况: :与现在事实相违背与现在事实相违背 if i were you, i wo

85、uld put her suggestion into account. if i were you, i would put her suggestion into account. (事实是:(事实是:我并不是你)我要是你,我会考虑她的建议的。我并不是你)我要是你,我会考虑她的建议的。句型:句型:if were/did , would do if were/did , would do practice: practice: 1. 1. 假如我有更多的时间,我就会学习汉语。假如我有更多的时间,我就会学习汉语。 if i _ if i _,i _.i _. 2. 2. 要不是她这么忙要不是她

86、这么忙, ,她就会出席今天下午的会议了。她就会出席今天下午的会议了。 if she _ so busy, she _the if she _ so busy, she _themeeting this afternoon.meeting this afternoon.注意点:注意点: 1. 1. 主句中主句中 wouldwould 可以用其他情态动词来换。可以用其他情态动词来换。(would intention;(would intention;plan;could ability; possibility; might probability)plan;could ability; poss

87、ibility; might probability) 2. be 2. be 动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用动词在表示与现在事实相反的从句中一般用 werewere。在非正式。在非正式情况下,第一、第三人称后偶尔也用情况下,第一、第三人称后偶尔也用 waswas如:如:if he were/ was youif he were/ was you,he would go at once.he would go at once.与过去事实相违背与过去事实相违背 if he had taken my advice, he might not have made such a bad if

88、he had taken my advice, he might not have made such a badmistake.mistake.(事实是:他没有听我的建议)要是他听进了我的劝告就不会犯这(事实是:他没有听我的建议)要是他听进了我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。么严重的错误了。句型句型: if had been/done, would/could/might have: if had been/done, would/could/might havedonedone practice: practice: 1) 1) 如果他抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车。如果他抓紧时间,他本来

89、能赶上那趟火车。 if he_(hurry), he _ the if he_(hurry), he _ thetrain.(catch)train.(catch) 2) 2) 如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。 if you _, he _. if you _, he _.(make suggestions)(make suggestions)注意点:注意点: 1. 1. 与过去事实相反的与过去事实相反的 if if 从句中,还可以用从句中,还可以用 could have donecould have done 来代替来代替had donehad d

90、one,主句不变。,主句不变。与未来事实相违背与未来事实相违背 if i should have a chance to try it, i would do it in another way. if i should have a chance to try it, i would do it in another way.(假设的情况不大可能发生)要是我有机会试一试,我会用另一种(假设的情况不大可能发生)要是我有机会试一试,我会用另一种方法做的。方法做的。 even if they were to fail, they wouldnt lose courage. even if they

91、 were to fail, they wouldnt lose courage.(说话人不希望假设的情况发生)即使他们万一失败,他们也不会(说话人不希望假设的情况发生)即使他们万一失败,他们也不会泄气。泄气。句型:句型: if were/did/should/were to , would/should/mightif were/did/should/were to , would/should/mightdo do practice: practice: 1) 1) 假如我要出国,我就会去中国。假如我要出国,我就会去中国。 if i _, i _ china. if i _, i _ ch

92、ina. 2) 2) 万一明天下雨,我们的运动会就推迟。万一明天下雨,我们的运动会就推迟。if it _ tomorrow, our sports meetingif it _ tomorrow, our sports meeting_._.注意点:注意点:在表示与将来事实相反的条件句中,只能用在表示与将来事实相反的条件句中,只能用 shouldshould,而不能用,而不能用wouldwould,couldcould 和和 mightmight 等等如:如:if it should rain tomorrowif it should rain tomorrow,we would not go

93、 camping.we would not go camping. (should rain (should rain 也可以用也可以用 rainedrained,were to rainwere to rain 代替代替) )总结:总结: 3. 3. 条件句中虚拟语气的倒装条件句中虚拟语气的倒装: :当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有当条件状语从句的谓语部分含有 hadhad、shouldshould、或、或 werewere 时,就将时,就将这样的词这样的词 hadhad、shouldshould、或、或 werewere 搬到句首把句子写成倒装句而将搬到句首把句子写成倒装句而将连词连词 if

94、if 省略。例如:省略。例如:if you were the manager here, what would you do?if you were the manager here, what would you do? =_, what would you do? =_, what would you do? 你你若是这里的经理,你会怎么办?若是这里的经理,你会怎么办?if he should act like that again, he would be firedif he should act like that again, he would be firedimmediatel

95、y. =_, heimmediately. =_, hewouldwould bebe firedfired immediately.immediately. 要是他再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。要是他再那样做,他会被立即解雇的。if we had time to spare, we would be glad to go to theif we had time to spare, we would be glad to go to thepark=_, we would be glad topark=_, we would be glad togo to the parkgo to the

96、park如果能抽出时间,我们很乐意逛公园。如果能抽出时间,我们很乐意逛公园。if it were not for the discovery of electricity, the modernif it were not for the discovery of electricity, the modernworld would experience greatworld would experience greatinconvenience=_inconvenience=_ ,the modern world would experience great inconveniencethe

97、 modern world would experience great inconvenience假如假如没有发现电,现代世界将很不方便。没有发现电,现代世界将很不方便。注意注意: :如果省略的条件句中的谓语动词是否定形式时如果省略的条件句中的谓语动词是否定形式时, ,不能用动词的缩略形不能用动词的缩略形式式. .我们可以说我们可以说: were it not for ., .: were it not for ., . 但不说但不说: werent it for : werent it for practice: practice: _ she _ yesterday, she would

98、 meet the famous singer _ she _ yesterday, she would meet the famous singertoday.today. a. a. hadnt; left b. had; not lefthadnt; left b. had; not leftc. if; didnt leave d. didnt; leavec. if; didnt leave d. didnt; leave more exercise: more exercise: 1. _the exam, he would have attend a college. 1. _t

99、he exam, he would have attend a college. a. if he passed b. had he passed a. if he passed b. had he passed c. were he passed d. if he should pass c. were he passed d. if he should pass 2. _five minutes earlier, you could have seen them off. 2. _five minutes earlier, you could have seen them off. a.

100、if you should arrive b. if you arrive a. if you should arrive b. if you arrivec. had you arrived d. should you arrivec. had you arrived d. should you arrive 3. _it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit to 3. _it rain tomorrow, we should have to put off the visit tothe science museum.the

101、 science museum. a. were b. shouldc. wouldd. will a. were b. shouldc. wouldd. will 4. 4. 虚拟语气其他用法:含蓄条件句虚拟语气其他用法:含蓄条件句有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现 if if 引导的条件句,引导的条件句,而通过其他手段来替代条件句而通过其他手段来替代条件句. . 1 1)用介词短语替代条件句)用介词短语替代条件句, , 常用介词有常用介词有 with, without, but forwith, without, but for 等等.

102、 .we couldnt have succeeded without your helpwe couldnt have succeeded without your help(=_).(=_).but for the rain(=_)but for the rain(=_),we would havewe would havefinished the work.finished the work.without air, there would be no life on the earth.without air, there would be no life on the earth.

103、要是没有空气,要是没有空气,地球上就不会有生命了。地球上就不会有生命了。 (=_), there would be no life. (=_), there would be no life.but for your help, the little boy would have been drowned.but for your help, the little boy would have been drowned. (=_), the little boy would . (=_), the little boy would .要是没有你们的帮助,那个小男孩早就淹死了。要是没有你们的帮助

104、,那个小男孩早就淹死了。we could have done the work better in that case.we could have done the work better in that case.要是那样的话,我们本可以把工作干得更好一些的。要是那样的话,我们本可以把工作干得更好一些的。 2 2)用一个副词或连词)用一个副词或连词 but / otherwise / orbut / otherwise / or 等表示虚拟条件和真实等表示虚拟条件和真实情况交织在一句中如:情况交织在一句中如:he telephoned to inform me of your birthda

105、yhe telephoned to inform me of your birthday,oror (=if _) i would have (=if _) i would haveknown nothing about it.known nothing about it.there might have been a terrible accident, but he braked thethere might have been a terrible accident, but he braked thecar before it was too late. (=car before it

106、 was too late. (=if_.)if_.)he would have come to see you earlier but he just camehe would have come to see you earlier but he just cameback from his business trip .back from his business trip .(本句中的上下文是:(本句中的上下文是: but he just came back from his business trip but he just came back from his business t

107、rip,表示:要是他在,表示:要是他在家没出差的话)他本来早就来看你了,可他家没出差的话)他本来早就来看你了,可他却出差刚刚回来。却出差刚刚回来。but that you helped me, i would have failed in thebut that you helped me, i would have failed in theexperiment.experiment.(本句中的上下文是:(本句中的上下文是:but that you helped mebut that you helped me,表示:要不是有,表示:要不是有你帮助我)要没有你帮助我,我的试验你帮助我)要没有

108、你帮助我,我的试验本做不成功的。本做不成功的。 3) if it were (had been) no 3) if it were (had been) not for t for 要不是要不是 e.g.: if it were not for peace, we could not be living a happy e.g.: if it were not for peace, we could not be living a happylife today.life today. if it had not been for your advice, i would not have a

109、ccepted if it had not been for your advice, i would not have acceptedthe job.the job. fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in their fill in the blanks with the verbs given in the brackets in theirproper forms.proper forms.1.you didnt1.you didnt let me drive. if we (drive) in turn,

110、 you (not get) solet me drive. if we (drive) in turn, you (not get) sotired.tired.2._it _(not be) for your help, i couldnt have2._it _(not be) for your help, i couldnt havemade any progress.made any progress. 3. 3.has mr. smith recovered now?has mr. smith recovered now?yes. who (think) that such a s

111、erious illness could be cured?yes. who (think) that such a serious illness could be cured? 4._it _(rain) tomorrow, the match would be 4._it _(rain) tomorrow, the match would becalled off.called off. 5.most of the students felt rather disappointed at the english 5.most of the students felt rather dis

112、appointed at the englishparty. they said that it _ (organize) better.party. they said that it _ (organize) better.6.jean doesnt want to work right away because she think6.jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks sthat if _ (get) a job, she probablythat if _ (get) a job, she probablywou

113、ldnt be able to see her friends very often.wouldnt be able to see her friends very often. 7. much labour would have been saved if electronic computer 7. much labour would have been saved if electronic computer_ (invent) before._ (invent) before. 8.-well done, jack 8.-well done, jack!-thanks. but giv

114、en more time, i_ (do)-thanks. but given more time, i_ (do)it better. more exercise:it better. more exercise:1. if albert hadnt called the fire brigade.1. if albert hadnt called the fire brigade. a. will be destroyed b. will have been destroyed a. will be destroyed b. will have been destroyed c. woul

115、d be destroyedd. would have been destroyed c. would be destroyedd. would have been destroyed 2. the business is risky. but _, we would be rich. 2. the business is risky. but _, we would be rich. a. should we succeed b. we should succeed a. should we succeed b. we should succeed c. might we succeed d

116、. would we succeed c. might we succeed d. would we succeed 3. what would have happened, _, as far as the river 3. what would have happened, _, as far as the riverbank?bank? a. bob had walked farther b. if bob should walk farther a. bob had walked farther b. if bob should walk farther c. had bob walk

117、ed farther d. if bob walked farther c. had bob walked farther d. if bob walked farther【虚拟语气【虚拟语气 练习题练习题 】 i. i. 单选题单选题 1. if i _ where he lived, i _ a note to him. 1. if i _ where he lived, i _ a note to him. a. knew, would a. knew, would b. had known, would have sent d. knew, would have sent c. b.

118、had known, would have sent d. knew, would have sent c.know, would sendknow, would send 2. mary is ill today. if she _, she _ absent from school. 2. mary is ill today. if she _, she _ absent from school. a. were not ill; wouldnt be a. were not ill; wouldnt be b. had been ill; wouldnt have been d. had

119、nt been ill; could be c. b. had been ill; wouldnt have been d. hadnt been ill; could be c.had been ill; should have beenhad been ill; should have been 3. if you had enough money, what _? 3. if you had enough money, what _? a. will you buyb. would you buy a. will you buyb. would you buy c. would you

120、have boughtd. will you have bought c. would you have boughtd. will you have bought 4. were i to do it, i _ it some other way. 4. were i to do it, i _ it some other way. a. will do b. would doc. would have doned. were to do a. will do b. would doc. would have doned. were to do 5. i _ him the answer _

121、 possible, but i was so 5. i _ him the answer _ possible, but i was sobusy then.busy then. a. could tell; if it had been a. could tell; if it had been b. must have told; were it d. should have told; should it be c. b. must have told; were it d. should have told; should it be c.should have told; had

122、it beenshould have told; had it been 6. you didnt take his advice. _ his advice, you 6. you didnt take his advice. _ his advice, you_ such a mistake._ such a mistake. a. had you taken; wouldnt have made a. had you taken; wouldnt have madec. were you lo take; shouldnt have madec. were you lo take; sh

123、ouldnt have made 7. -if he_, he _ that food.b. if you had taken; would 7. -if he_, he _ that food.b. if you had taken; wouldmake d. have you taken; won t have mademake d. have you taken; won t have made - luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately. - luckily he was sent to the hospital immediat

124、ely. a. was warned; would not takeb. had been warned; would not a. was warned; would not takeb. had been warned; would nothave takenhave taken d. would have been warned; had not taken c. would be warned; d. would have been warned; had not taken c. would be warned;had not takenhad not taken 8. i didn

125、t see your sister at the meeting. if she _, she 8. i didnt see your sister at the meeting. if she _, shewould have met my brother.would have met my brother. a. has come b. did come c. came d. had come a. has come b. did come c. came d. had come 9. jane would never have gone to the party _ that mary 9. jane would never have gone to the party _ that marywould come to see her.would come to see her.



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