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1、中考复习专题句子成分、种类和结构句子成分、种类和结构一、句子的含义句子是一个语言单位,由词按照一定的语法规则构成,表示一个完整独立的意思。从形式上看:一个点就是一个句子。二、句子成分二、句子成分定义定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有分。句子成分有主要成分主要成分和和次要成分次要成分;主要成分主要成分:主语和谓语:主语和谓语次要成分次要成分:表语、宾语、定语、状语、:表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语补足语、同位语1. ImetmybestfriendTomatthestationyesterday.主主语语谓谓语语定定语语宾宾语语同同位位语语状状

2、语语主语(主语(subject)句子说明的句子说明的人或事物人或事物 Janeisgoodatplayingthepiano.Shewentoutinahurry.Fourplusfouriseight.To seeistobelieve.Smokingisbadforhealth.The youngshouldrespecttheold.What he has saidistrue.(名词)(名词)(代词)(代词)(数词)(数词)(不定式)(不定式)(动名词)(动名词)(名词化的形容词)(名词化的形容词)(句子)(句子)找出句中主语找出句中主语Thesunrisesintheeast.Twe


4、谓语:由由动词或或动词词组组成成Isawtheflagonthetopofthehill?Helooked aftertwoorphans.复合复合谓语:由由情情态动词或助或助动词+动词;Hecan speakEnglishwell.Shedoesnt seemtolikedancingShowyourpassport,please.Shedidntsayanything.Howmanydoyouwant?-Iwanttwo.Theysenttheinjuredtohospital.Theyaskedtoseemypassport.Ienjoyworkingwithyou.Didyouwrit

5、edownwhathesaid?(名(名词)(代代词)(数数词)(名名词化的形容化的形容词)(三三)宾语宾语动作的动作的对象或承受者对象或承受者及物动词或介词的宾语及物动词或介词的宾语(不定式)(不定式)(动名词)(动名词)(句子)(句子)宾语分为宾语分为直接宾语直接宾语和和间接宾语间接宾语.直接宾语指直接宾语指物或事物或事,间接宾语指人或动物间接宾语指人或动物.Hegavemesome books.间接间接宾语宾语直接直接宾语宾语pleasepassmethe book.Heboughthis girlfriendsome flowers.(四)表语(四)表语在在系动词系动词后的部分就是后的

6、部分就是表语表语1.Thewarwasover.2.Theyseemto know the truth.3.Timeis precious.4.Imnotquite myselftoday.Thatremainsa puzzle.Idontfeelat ease.珍贵的珍贵的悠闲,舒适悠闲,舒适(五)定语(五)定语修饰或限制修饰或限制名词或代词名词或代词的词、词组或从句的词、词组或从句Heisacleverboy.Hisfatherworksinasteelwork.Thereare54studentsinourclass.Doyouknownbettyssister?Heboughtsome

7、sleeping pills.Thereisasleepingbabyinbed.Hisspokenlanguageisgood.(形容词形容词)(名词名词)(数词数词)(名词的所有格名词的所有格)(动名词动名词)(现在分词现在分词)(过去分词过去分词)钢铁钢铁药丸药丸定语后置:定语后置:如果定语是由如果定语是由一个单词一个单词表示时,通常要表示时,通常要前置前置。而由而由一个词组或一个句子一个词组或一个句子表示时,通常则表示时,通常则后置后置Thegirlin red ishissister.Wehavealotofworkto do.Thegirlstanding under the tr

8、eeishisdaughter.Doyouknowthemanwho spoke just now?(六)状语(六)状语状语的功用:状语说明状语的功用:状语说明地点、时间、原因、目的、地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况等。等。Iwillbebackin a while.Theyareplayingon the playground.Hewaslatebecause he got up late.Hegotupsolatethat I missed the train.Iwaitedto see you.Heoftenwentto

9、schoolby bus.Hisparentsdied,leaving him an orphan孤儿孤儿.Pleasecallmeif it is necessary.Thisbookisveryinteresting.Hewenttoschoolin spite怨恨怨恨 of his illness.时间状语时间状语地点状语地点状语原因状语原因状语结果状语结果状语目的状语目的状语方式状语方式状语条件状语条件状语程度状语程度状语伴随状语伴随状语伴随状语伴随状语Ifoundthebookinteresting.Doyousmellsomethingburning?Hemadehimselfkn

10、own to them.(六)(六)宾语补足足语有些有些及物及物动词除了有一个直接除了有一个直接宾语以外,以外,还要有一个要有一个宾语补足足语,说明明宾语的身份和状的身份和状态,以以补充充宾语意意义不不足足,使句子的意,使句子的意义完整。完整。这类常用的及物常用的及物动词有有:make,consider,cause,see,find,call,get,have,let. Sheaskedmeto lend her a hand.同位语同位语位于位于名词或代词后面名词或代词后面,说明它们的性质和情况,说明它们的性质和情况 Weyoungpeopleshouldrespecttheold.Hehi

11、mselfwilldotheexperiment.Heistheoldestamongthemfour.Hetoldmethenewsthatourteamwonthegame.名词名词代词代词数词数词从句从句句子类型句子类型陈述句疑问句一般疑问句三、句子的分类和结构三、句子的分类和结构按按功能功能分分:祈使句感叹句特殊疑问句选择疑问句反意疑问句句子类型句子类型简单句并列句复合句三、句子的分类和结构三、句子的分类和结构按结构分:(一)(一)简单句简单句 1. Things changed.2. Trees are green.3. We dont beat children.4. He gav

12、e his sister the piano.5. I found the book easy. 主 + 谓主 + 谓 + 表主 + 谓 + 宾主 + 谓 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语 主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补(S + V)(S +V系+ P)(S + V+ O)(S+V+O1+O2)(S + V+O+C补)结论:简单句最大的特点是只有一个S+V.Nobody went.She became a doctor.The car caught fire.I will write you a long letter.I will let him go. PracticePractice 主 + 谓

13、主 + 谓 + 表主 + 谓 + 宾主 + 谓 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语主 + 谓 + 宾 + 宾补(S + V)(S +V系+ P)(S + V+ O)(S+V+O1+O2)(S + V+O+C补).并列句并列句This is me and these are my friends. They must stay in water, or they will die. Its not cheap, but it is very good. It was late, so I went to bed. andorbut soHe knocked at the door; there was

14、no answer.Youre alive! And shes dead.观察句子,做总结1.并列句的特点是什么并列句的特点是什么? 把把两个或几个两个或几个简单句简单句用用并列连词或分号并列连词或分号连连接起来,则成为一个并列句。接起来,则成为一个并列句。2.常用并列连词常用并列连词平行平行:转折:转折:因果因果:选择选择:and,both.and.,notonly.butalso.,neither.nor.but,while,yetfor,soor请用合适的用合适的并列并列连词把每把每组句子合并句子合并为一个并列句。一个并列句。1.Hewastired.Hewenttobed.2.Thed

15、ressisreallybeautiful.Icantaffordit.Hewastired,sohewenttobed. Thedressisreallybeautiful,butIcantaffordit.3.Maryiscooking.Johnisgreetingguests.Maryiscooking,andJohnisgreetingguests.4.Heworkshard.Healsolikeshelpingothers.1.He notonlyworkshardbuthealsolikeshelpingothers.2.Notonlydoesheworkhardbuthealso

16、likeshelpingothers.名词性从句名词性从句状语从句状语从句定语从句定语从句主语从句主语从句表语从句表语从句宾语从句宾语从句同位语从句同位语从句.复合句复合句分类【记】【记】复合句复合句:主句主句+从句从句主句主句是一个是一个完整的句子完整的句子, ,它可以独它可以独立存在。立存在。从句从句是一个是一个不完整的句子不完整的句子, ,它必须它必须和一个主句连用,不能独立存在和一个主句连用,不能独立存在. .Bythetimehearrived, 1wehadalreadyleft.2请指出该复合句的主句和从句请指出该复合句的主句和从句:从句从句主句主句名词性从句名词性从句1) 主语

17、从句(提示:主语从句(提示:认识认识+了解了解)* What he said is not known.* That we shall be late is certain确实的确实的.* It is certain that we shall be late.* How strange it is that the children are so quiet! 2)表语从句(提示:)表语从句(提示:认识认识+ +了解了解)* That is what he wants to buy. * The problem is that who we can get to replace取代取代 he

18、r?* The reason is that he has lied to me several times. 3) 同位语从句同位语从句* Where did you get the idea that I couldnt come?* The question who should do the work requires consideration.* Mother made a promise that she would buy me a new coat.the ideaThe questiona promise(提示:(提示:认识认识+了解)了解)4) 宾语从句(要求:宾语从句(

19、要求:重点复习重点复习)* I understand that he is well qualified.* He said that he didnt like her. * I dont know if you can help me.结论所有的名词性从句,都必须有一个引导词引导词常见:that 和 疑问词注意!注意!引导词引导词that & what * that与与what都可以引导名词性从句。都可以引导名词性从句。* what在从句中充当句子成份(主在从句中充当句子成份(主,宾宾,表)。表)。* That在句中只起连接作用,不充当成份。在句中只起连接作用,不充当成份。* that在引

20、导名词性从句时不可省略(宾语从句在引导名词性从句时不可省略(宾语从句除外)除外).That is what he wants to buy.That we shall be late is certain.He said (that) he didnt like her.重点复习之一:宾语从句一、宾语从句的概念一、宾语从句的概念宾语从句即句子作宾语,而不再是一个词或短宾语从句即句子作宾语,而不再是一个词或短语作宾语。语作宾语。Ilikemyteacher.(名词作宾语(名词作宾语)Ienjoyplayingbasketball.(动名词作宾语)动名词作宾语)Idecidetostudyhard


22、陈述句语序将下列句子换成陈述句语序1.Isthereabanknearhere?2.IsitonFifthAvenue?3.Aretheydoinghomework?(三)时态(三)时态(时态一致性)时态一致性)主句用现在时态,从句可用任何时态。主句用现在时态,从句可用任何时态。主句用过去时态,从句可用相应的过去时主句用过去时态,从句可用相应的过去时态态。nI know he is a teacher.nI know he was a teacher three years ago.nI know he has been a teacher for 3 yearsnI know he will

23、 be a teacher after graduation.nI knew he was a teachernI knew he had been a teacher for 3 years.nI knew he would be a teacher after graduation.宾语从句专项练习n1时态一致性时态一致性n( ) 1 The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them. A. took B. take C. takes D. will take( ) 2 Catherine said that she _ to

24、Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been( ) 3 The students want to know whether they_ dictation today. A. had B. has . C. will have D. are( ) 4 She asked Linda if_ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may( ) 5 Linda said the moon_ rou

25、nd the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled宾语从句专项练习n2连接词角度n( ) 1 Can you tell me_ you were born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. that( ) 2 I dont know _ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where( ) 3 I hardly understand._ he has told me. A. that B. what

26、C. which D. who( ) 4 She didnt know_ back soon. A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be( ) 5 I dont know _ he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D.when( ) 6 Do you know _ they listened to yesterday evening? A. what B when C why D how( ) 7 He asked me _tol

27、d me the accident. A whom B which C who D whose宾语从句专项练习n3陈述句语序角度陈述句语序角度n( ) 1.They dont know _their parents are. A that B what C why D which( ) 2.Please tell me _ last year. A.where does your sister work B where did your sister work C where your sister works D where your sister worked( ) 3.She asked

28、 me if I knew _. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it宾语从句专项练习n3.陈述句语序角度陈述句语序角度n( ) 4. You must remember _. A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said( ) 5 Did you know _? A. who he was looking af

29、ter B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after( ) 6 Could you tell me _? A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing复习重点之二:定语从句什么是定语从句呢?什么是定语从句呢?结构:结构:先行词先行词+关系词关系词+句子句子用来说明主句中某一名词或

30、代词(有时用来说明主句中某一名词或代词(有时也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而起定语作用的句子叫作定语从句。起定语作用的句子叫作定语从句。 先行词先行词关系词关系词定语从句定语从句Maryisagirlwhohaslonghair.关系代词关系代词关系副词关系副词which,who,whom,whose,thatWhere,when关系词关系词关系代词关系代词:that,which,who,whom,whose关系副词关系副词:when,where,why关系代词:关系代词:指物:指物:thatwhich指人:指人:who(主主/宾格宾格)thatwhom(宾

31、格)(宾格) 定语从句的用法定语从句的用法: :当先行词是物时当先行词是物时, , 用用which或或that引导引导. .Thesearethetreeswhichwereplantedlastyear.当先行词是人时当先行词是人时, , 用用who,whom,whose,that引导引导.who,whom,whose,that用法区别用法区别.who作定语从句的作定语从句的主语或宾语主语或宾语.Themanwhoisspeakingatthemeetingisaworker.Themanisaworker.Themanisspeakingatthemeeting.分解分解作主语作主语Who








39、先行先行词同同时包括人或物包括人或物时,关系,关系词用用that.Eg:ThemanandhisdogthatIalwaysmeetarestandingbythegate. 只能用只能用which,不用不用that的情况的情况(1)“介词关系代词介词关系代词”可以引导限制性定语从句,可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。也可以引导非限制性定语从句。介词关系代词介词关系代词结构中的介词是结构中的介词是in,on,about,from,for,with,toat,of,without等等,关关系代词只可用系代词只可用whom或或which,不可用不可用that。 Eg:Isthat

40、thehouseinwhichyoulive?(2)像像listento,lookat,takecareof等固定短语动词,等固定短语动词,在定语从句中一般不宜将介词与动词分开。在定语从句中一般不宜将介词与动词分开。Eg:Thisistheboywhomshehastakencareof.状语从句(提示:了解)状语从句(提示:了解)分为九类:分为九类:时间、地点、原因、结果、时间、地点、原因、结果、 目的、条件、让步、方式、程度目的、条件、让步、方式、程度1) 时间状语从句时间状语从句Wait until you are called.When spring came, leaves turn

41、 green.2) 地点状语从句地点状语从句Put it where you found it.Sit down wherever you like.3) 原因状语从句原因状语从句As I didnt know the way, I asked a policeman4) 结果状语从句结果状语从句I was in the bath so that I didnt hear the telephone.5) 目的状语从句目的状语从句Ill show you so you will see how its done.6) 条件状语从句条件状语从句If it snows tomorrow, we w

42、ill build a snowman.7) 让步状语从句让步状语从句Though Im fond of music,I cant play any instrument.8) 方式状语从句方式状语从句He did just as you told him.9) 程度状语从句程度状语从句So long as you need me, Ill stay. 指出下列各从句的类型:指出下列各从句的类型:vIhopethat everything is all right.vShewasreadingthenewspaperwhen I came in.vSheisthegirlwho sings b

43、est of all.宾语从句宾语从句状语从句状语从句定语从定语从句句Practice:vItiswell-knownthatthe2008OlympicGameswillbeheldonAugust8th.vAsisknowntoall,the2008OlympicGameswillbeheldinaboutfourmonths.主语从句主语从句定语从定语从句句Iwanttoliveina placewheretheairisfresh.Iwanttolivewheretheairisfresh.定语从句定语从句状语从句状语从句Exercises:分析句子分析句子结构构1)Youareastudent.2)Hefelthappytoday.3)Whatyousaidmademehappy.4)CouldyougivemesomeadviceonhowtolearnEnglishwell?5)Afterhefinishedhishomework,hewentaway.6)Helikespopmusic.7)Thesoundsoundsstrange.8)Thefoodtastesgood.9)Hegavemeabookyesterday.10)Weallthinkitapitythatshedidntcomehere.Seeyounexttime



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