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1、新建新建- -必修五必修五unit1-writingunit1-writing persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事 persuade sb not to do sth说服某人别做某事1.没有人能说服他改变他的想法。(改变某人想法:change ones thought) 2.他们说服了她和他们一起去。3.Miss White 说服李华不要放弃英语。(放弃:give up)4.我写信来劝你不要玩电脑游戏。5.我写信来劝你不要违反校规。(违反校规:break school rules)They persuaded her to go with them.Miss White

2、persuades Li Hua not to give up English. I am writing to persuad you not to play computer games.I am writing to persuade you not break school rules.Nobody can persuade him to change his thought.Check homework Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成有志者事竟成 One day One sentence 1.覆盖了所有的覆盖了所有的要点要点

3、 2. 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇应用了较多的语法结构和词汇 3. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,有效地使用了语句间的连接成分, 使全文结构紧凑使全文结构紧凑词汇词汇,句型句型 , 语法多样化语法多样化要要点点全全连连接接词词如何算是一篇好文章?如何算是一篇好文章?How to write a persuasive letter?如何写好说服性信函?如何写好说服性信函? 劝说性的书信写作劝说性的书信写作 文体分析 劝说性的书信写作目的是向某个组织或个人提出劝说性的建议劝说性的建议的一种应用文体。先提出先提出建议建议,随后给出充足的理由随后给出充足的理由劝说对方接受你的建议劝说对方接受你的建议,

4、提出的理由要合情合理,用词要恰当,既要委婉礼貌,又要有说服力。基本结构(三段式)第一段:点明写信的目的提出劝说性的建议。第二段:讲清楚建议的事项、理由、具体建议和 措施。 第三段:最后再一次提出希望,礼貌结束全文。 假设你是李萍,你的笔友Mike最近沉迷于电脑游戏而不能自拔。请你给他写一封书信劝说他戒掉这一不良习惯,并对他的学习生活给出自己建议。100词左右。 Material 材料 确定题材:确定题材:劝服劝服,给出建议给出建议 确定人称:确定人称:第一,第二人称为主第一,第二人称为主 确定时态:确定时态:一般现在时一般现在时 确定要点确定要点 1.Mike沉迷于电脑游戏。沉迷于电脑游戏。

5、2.劝说改掉这不良习惯,告知其造成不良影响。劝说改掉这不良习惯,告知其造成不良影响。 3.提出个人建议。(多花时间学习,锻炼,做有提出个人建议。(多花时间学习,锻炼,做有意义的事意义的事) 说服,劝说: 说服某人(不)做某事电脑游戏: 沉迷于: 损害,对有害: 浪费时间: 远离: 花时间在某事上: 锻炼: 做有意义的事: 词句巩固v. persuade/psweid/persuade sb(not) to do sth computer games be addicted to be harmful to / do harm towaste time on sthkeep away froms

6、pend time on sth take exercisedo meaningful things 1.我写信来劝你不要玩电脑我写信来劝你不要玩电脑(手机,手机,ipad)游戏。游戏。I am writing to persuade you not to play_.2.它们将在许多方面对你不好。它们将在许多方面对你不好。They will _ you in many ways.3.首先首先,玩电脑游戏会浪费许多你应花在学习上的时间。,玩电脑游戏会浪费许多你应花在学习上的时间。_,Playing computer games will_ which you should _your stud

7、y .4.此外此外,玩电脑游戏会对你的健康有害,特别是眼睛。,玩电脑游戏会对你的健康有害,特别是眼睛。_,playing computer games will _ yourhealth,especially to your eyes.5.因此因此,我希望你能远离它们。,我希望你能远离它们。_, I hope that you can_ them. 翻译句子computer gamesbe harmful toFirst of all waste time spend onIn addition do harm to Sokeep away from Dear Mike, I felt ver

8、y worried when I heard that you are addicted to computer games. They will be harmful to you in many ways. so, I am writing to persuade you not to play computer games any more.The reasons are as follows. To begin with ,they will waste too much time which should be spent on your study. In addition, pl

9、aying games for a long time will do harm to your health, especially to your eyes. Worse still, some games are full of violence, which will be bad for your mental health. Therefore, I strongly hope that you can keep away from them. The earlier, the better. In order to live a meaningful life, you can

10、read more good books, take more exercise or participate in some social activities to expand your horizons. I do hope you can take my suggestions into consideration and I am Looking forward to your good news. Yours addicted to be harmful toso To begin with In addition do harm to be bad for Therefore

11、away from keep take considerationinto look forward to are 作文连接,过渡词归纳首先首先firstfirst first and foremostfirst and foremostfirst of allfirst of all to begin with to begin with whats morewhats moremoreover/furthermoremoreover/furthermorein addition in addition besidesbesides 其次,另外其次,另外 (递进)(递进)last but n

12、ot leastlast but not leastat lastat lastfinallyfinally 最后最后in ones opinionin ones opinionin ones view/partin ones view/part as far as I am concernedas far as I am concerned个人观点个人观点thereforethereforesoso as a result/consequenceas a result/consequence thusthus 结果结果总结总结In a word/all in allIn a word/all in allIn short/briefIn short/briefGenerally speakingGenerally speakingThank you !谢谢!



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