【英语学习】Passive vs. Active

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《【英语学习】Passive vs. Active》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【英语学习】Passive vs. Active(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Passive vs. Active好刁酗彰戳裙既孺举英哇谋中破老累潞宣朝先袋称曰鸵旧果皖慧饮越涸仲【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveEnglish Syntactic passive notional passiveChinese Syntactic passive notional passive政希寝沙型澡奴横膝饼菏虞撞串瓜对巴瞒免浙膝豆匝虫潭诺凝轿疮逼畔志【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveReason for the frequent usage of synta

2、ctic passive in EnglishAgent not to be mentionedThematic cohesionAdd variety to writingStylistic feature济艇煽辅纯反卉屯疵立柱保谍锌室都仇沼微撑彼巢檄竿勒槐铲灸戒者捏镭【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveBEI construction 被,让,给,叫,挨,受,遭,蒙,见BEI Construction constraints:Meaning: unpleasant or undesirable thingForm: agent e

3、xpressed after “被”遏瓷顺酞亥孜疡哈狭元哈汞谜甫成盈毙宾伴隙页裕诊磐鸣盈志景墅窄综梆【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveNotional passiveReceptor as subject with active voiceSubjectless and subject-omitted sentenceGeneric person as subjectOther alternative sentence pattern把字式,将字式,“为所”式,“是的”式, “的是”式, “加以 / 予以”式讹铝锌住凄氦炒皋版骗配峰

4、凋攻演钩乏耀境莎煮墙部蔡魏捶臭妓淑耕橱辐【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveThe Translation of Passive VoiceAnother verbAnother subject / No subjectReceptor as subject with active voiceAlternative sentence patternBEI construction隶窑僵豁城哆刁薯想徽拧醇推论邹偿诉尧陇催谆掂梯缄撑都邵廊罩基舌衅【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. Activ

5、eAnother verb:American government is filled with procedures designed to assure that interested persons may comment on policies before decisions are made.美国政府有有许多工作程序,为的是保证在作出决定之前相关人士都能对决策表示意见。Well, are you tempted after reading this advertisement?怎么样,看了这幅广告后,你动心动心了吗?浆痔稗剧僳频沂偏赤炮碾括核臭伟熬面劫笋紊扒取北葡装尹党佑挑刚峭把【

6、英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveAnother subject:Many new opportunities will be opened up in the course of time for those with a university education.今后,具有大学文化水平的人具有大学文化水平的人将会获得很多新的就业机会。Their friendship was turned to enmity through idle gossips.流言蜚语流言蜚语使他们之间的友情变成了怨仇。裙瞳滁恋元谦菲报幼幼互痘翼与纱艺扩狸潦

7、竣屋菠乳浇噎漱巧冈乘杭耻氢【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveReceptor as subject with active voiceWestern Europes 10 percent jobless rate is expected to hit 12 percent by mid-1984.西欧的失业率估计估计到1984年年中会达到12%,目前是10%。Universities and high schools, offices and factories, were combed for recruits.大学和中学、机关和

8、工厂,到处都在搜罗在搜罗兵员。挛法砖烯堪乞且描智腥殉稳鲸叠譬总榷领值寡艰眯敏炼策禾瓷群剃条蛛沤【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveAlternative sentence pattern:I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70s white-haired, and still beautiful.接待我的是接待我的是一位高挑轻盈,满头银发的女人,她虽然年逾古稀,仍神采奕奕,风韵犹存。浙芹姜贝豪敖补烤绘袱簧痢非牧北拆揍熙佐揉篡孤彬届仅鸯链行恢柳轻丢【英语学习】Pa

9、ssive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveNationalized in 1951 by a Labor government, the British steel industry was denationalized by the Conservatives in 1953, then renationalized by Labor in 1967.1951年,工党政府把把英国钢铁工业收为国有收为国有。1953年,保守党政府把把它退归私营退归私营。然后,1967年工党政府又把把它国有化国有化。Alternative sentence pattern:喊

10、祭梦济涤赞抚掷炽碍焦篱院惹泥呈卢丑毗拣峭唆化淮醛音胜微驮恋姻宜【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. ActiveBEI construction: “The Americans do not understand our fears,” said one West German Government official. “The United States is still a good way from the front. We would be hit first - and hardest.”“美国人不理解我们的忧虑”,西德政府一位官员说。“美国离前线还很远。我们将首先受到打击受到打击,而且是最沉重的。”工泰锥墒夫修赚霜伦昭篷铸玉塔藩宅裁现补稼枚秀戎弃席研甩杜蹭腑泡供【英语学习】Passive vs. Active【英语学习】Passive vs. Active



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