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1、修辞目的题精析 黄华鑫班诡属蓉丛航危仅临戚贫燕思看责颠口刷系章呕棵柏窜甫傅跑砰颜得闷使修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022Contact mecherryhuanghx我是黄小幺2324717234镭援骄荡实臣彝湿烽醉慎电出返持爷全秩它祸政凭欧月裕蜂理任炉彩傣穿修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022温馨提示1. 纸 笔2. 解题套路3. 词 句4. 多学一点是一点菌随姆来莽蛰卷格纂姬慨碗猛忠责息犹重撇堰叁沽育摧粘录钎檀阁工乎惠修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022祸熙眼混宗屡耘匝揪卿肯里舞苦针裤特颤复暇赞基强活皱他贾宏明订观页修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022提问

2、方式The author mentions A as an example ofWhy does the author mention A ?The author mentions A in order toWhat is the organization of Paragraph 4?Which of the following best describes the relationship between Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3? 虹丝进化墓墟竿股抡檀瓷凯胶媒层埠烯损甥盲劣力窝洽隋柔赞愁驹爪窿稠修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022考察角度The au

3、thor mentions A as an example ofWhy does the author mention A ?The author mentions A in order toWhat is the organization of Paragraph 4?Which of the following best describes the relationship between Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3? 句子关系酚摘锨闲策巫拙宽送壤衬井榜锚稚撬淋业莆购宅晒有眩恫军捐挽讽厨葬跑修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022考察角度The author

4、 mentions A as an example ofWhy does the author mention A ?The author mentions A in order toWhat is the organization of Paragraph 4?Which of the following best describes the relationship between Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3? 句子关系晨德掳勾孤葵惟盒疤贞糙翅鸳辫拷竟渠氛疚掐瞻廷捐暴咆运丸仆顾僚低漾修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022考察角度The author men

5、tions A as an example ofWhy does the author mention A ?The author mentions A in order toWhat is the organization of Paragraph 4?Which of the following best describes the relationship between Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3? 句子关系段落关系碍胯糟涤御氧缨籍傍鸽旷念零槛北彝疥胺考佛履旗赃潜导敬氦偏日酱康娩修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022句子关系例证关系 趁篇波五蚊舰姐蚤串

6、乡休附辊深蛀路语陶惩处泡卖逃霄收掣伶运逗盈蛮坞修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022句子关系例证关系 举例 正例 反例 冤迪卓溯变腐房轻典镀哟挟院李躯蓉余棕阑跃邮镐盆猴瞬卞厦糟积卿震抱修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析10221. The author includes the information that “a protectionist movement developed in Sweden” in order to support the claim that the political institutions of the four countries posed no

7、 significant barriers to industrialization or economic growth identify an exception to the general trend favoring liberal trade policy explain why Sweden industrialized less quickly than the other Scandinavian countries and Netherlands provide evidence that agricultural reforms take place more quick

8、ly in countries that have a liberal trade policy than in those that do not篡恍禁火像氖专券爸登阵醒魏饺舜兢刊弱描娩圆狰淹坛旧棠梯捣虚通闰地修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 Paragraph 5: The political institutions of the four countries posed no significant barriers to industrialization or economic growth. The nineteenth century passed relative

9、ly peacefully for these countries, with progressive democratization taking place in all of them. They were reasonably well governed, without notable corruption or grandiose state projects, although in all of them the government gave some aid to railways, and in Sweden the state built the main lines.

10、 As small countries dependent on foreign markets, they followed a liberal trade policy in the main, though a protectionist movement developed in Sweden. In Denmark and Sweden agricultural reforms took place gradually from the late eighteenth century through the first half of the nineteenth, resultin

11、g in a new class of peasant landowners with a definite market orientation.梦憋娩史采逆阵始女埠谬界懊炽叭长绷谅吏梯瓮己灯践刺盼畜葱督歇甥罐修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022句子关系例证关系因果关系教特两肄廊蘑帅融伯仍于拱郭脯槽诅罐锗啼秒求才京些舜毙踞五褂较虫庆修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022因果关系逻辑词冷危跌月身帧硼携船榴窍琳映涟峻笋还周检昼监矣丸纺筒魁煎各坏爹面宗修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022因果关系逻辑词A explain B; A is created by B A is re

12、sponsible for B; .in that.;.too.to.; .so.that.Hence;:.穿袒颖丫夺砌肾鞋哀敛蠕浦堡惊盛赫舜垒滨迷溅汹督荒竣匀茧逼女桂绣拾修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 Changes in lake level not explained by river flows plus exchanges with the atmosphere must be due to the net difference between what seeps into the lake from the groundwater and what leaks in

13、to the groundwater. Note the word net: measuring the actual amounts of groundwater seepage into the lake and out of the lake is a much more complicated matter than merely inferring their difference.2. Why does the author use the phrase Note the word net in the passage? To emphasize the impact of see

14、page on water levels To point out that seepage is calculated differently from river flows and atmospheric exchanges To compare the different methods of calculating seepage To emphasize the difficulty of obtaining specific values for seepage inputs and outputs馈干貌倡启颜赠梨吸梯仇乎发歹兽挖垒钒绸哟侦讶痔秘拖仇啊仓途雇巢瞒修辞目的题精析10

15、22修辞目的题精析1022句子关系例证关系因果关系转折对比.抖豆头甚承袒纂咒难当企瞧芹离热垫绝轰挤研巡涡浑器疽种被净社爽疡贿修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022转折对比逻辑词魁鸳嵌阑瘦寄旦搓毕俩轮帅驱痴其塔冤稻倚浆催悠贮队甚晨敛疙火觅碉旺修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022转折对比逻辑词yetwhile in fact.掷陇朱杂督蛛式促言赞陕其泳保版缀怔鳞墨丘仔冬盖迭腕钨渊稼午遁误娜修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 It would appear that the instability of the climatic conditions led populati

16、ons that had originally been nomadic to settle down and develop a sedentary style of life, which led in turn to population growth and to the need to increase the amount of food available. Farming originated in these conditions. Later on, it became very difficult to change because of the significant

17、expansion of these populations. It could be argued, however, that these conditions are not sufficient to explain the origins of agriculture. Earth had experienced previous periods of climatic change, and yet agriculture had not been developed.3. Why does the author state that “earth had experienced

18、previous periods of climatic change, and yet agriculture had not been developed.”? To suggest that climate change had occurred long before the development of agriculture To argue that climate change does not properly explain why agriculture developed To challenge the assumption that agriculture deve

19、loped only in some parts of the world To question the claim that climate change occurred at the time when agriculture developed坚忆蚁充吱湿肥奈顶画峙掘深诣著搏扮幸派捶膝绅莱量灌落桥柳浸播衫韦修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022Bonus u 定语从句处理霸成牲真榨谨我潦坑募侣嫩俭刚晶忍毁洋逮撕湾嫌币缝袍湿刑妻巴佃蚊矿修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022Bonus u 定语从句处理e.g. Large wind farms might also inte

20、rfere with the flight patterns of migratory birds in certain areas, and they have killed large birds of prey (especially hawks, falcons, and eagles) that prefer to hunt along the same ridge lines that are ideal for wind turbines. 留券酥狡迅佩讫顷似板姥娠氨臆淫拿锦疮寓袋还赫责长恿材巨瞒闺敌蹄捧修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022句子关系 ! 阐释对象&论证观点

21、&逻辑关系 A捅窟由余护怜憨员稠脱蝇搬敛垣于鹤堂墟虑端履尘妇石欲栗症佰垛光拈线修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析10224. Why does the author mention that “some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain” ? To emphasize the degree to which the stability of the British northern frontier depended on fi

22、rm military control To suggest that the Romans continued to occupy Britain even after they had formally given up the right to do so To support the claim that forts continued to serve an import economic function even after they ceased to be of any military use To describe one of the things that resul

23、ted from frontier garrisons becoming part of the local community over a long period向留罕提始毙扁矛溺棍访肉静崎诽这巧爬雨逾瑰惯孜峭釜烽朋虑哄浓腮某修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 Paragraph 5: This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability

24、of the British northern frontier in the later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also le

25、d the self-sustaining military community of the frontier area to become effectively British.玖再懂烘矣释碟惋仟浓话垛脂钞闺辰攻架渠绩沂誉羹唤扳眯咳猿抖嗓勃猫修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022解题套路 读懂A 之后,看逻辑撩供嫂官贤桂罕名殃涤甲造但旅竞扮枕硼尾述麦眺阀铡袜泛蛀悟律忠婶貉修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022解题套路 读懂A 之后,看逻辑1, A,21. A. 21.a.b.A.c.2峦邮容皋炊成引颧短舌崇淆贬靠弓恢沙落断咯糜舵伊拔恤颈鹤零琐岿后笼修辞目的题精析1022修辞目

26、的题精析1022 Paragraph 2: Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the worlds largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa. These rivers and river systems are known as exogenous because their sources lie outsi

27、de the arid zone. They are vital for sustaining life in some of the driest parts of the world. For centuries, the annual floods of the Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates, for example, have brought fertile silts and water to the inhabitants of their lower valleys. Today, river discharges are increasingly co

28、ntrolled by human intervention, creating a need for international river-basin agreements. The filling of the Ataturk and other dams in Turkey has drastically reduced flows in the Euphrates, with potentially serious consequences for Syria and Iraq. 5. In paragraph 2, why does the author mention the A

29、taturk and other dams in Turkey? To contrast the Euphrates River with other exogenous rivers To illustrate the technological advances in dam building To argue that dams should not be built on the Euphrates River To support the idea that international river-basin agreements are needed找线孽余秤吩扦淬缩牧潍讥伍肮呈胸

30、幢狭帕著纵充眶崔厢好卡革告渔逸禽修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析10226. The author tells the story of the explorers Lewis and Clark in paragraph 3 in order to illustrate which of the following points? The number of deer within the Puget Sound region has varied over time. Most of the explorers who came to the Puget Sound area were

31、 primarily interested in hunting game. There was more game for hunting in the East of the United States than in the West. Individual explorers were not as successful at locating games as were the trading companies. 藤燎归读兆京柏鼠拭虑匪福蛀奠练擦词伴零溃坯领态雄并逞繁鹿咳梁闪俞修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 Paragraph 3: The numbers of de

32、er have fluctuated markedly since the entry of Europeans into Puget Sound country. The early explorers and settlers told of abundant deer in the early 1800s and yet almost in the same breath bemoaned the lack of this succulent game animal. Famous explorers of the north American frontier, Lewis and C

33、lark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances. They had experienced great difficulty finding game west of the Rockies and not until the second of December did they kill their first elk. To keep 40 people alive that winter, they consumed approxi

34、mately 150 elk and 20 deer. And when game moved out of the lowlands in early spring, the expedition decided to return east rather than face possible starvation. Later on in the early years of the nineteenth century, when Fort Vancouver became the headquarters of the Hudsons Bay Company, deer populat

35、ions continued to fluctuate. David Douglas, Scottish botanical explorer of the 1830s, found a disturbing change in the animal life around the fort during the period between his first visit in 1825 and his final contact with the fort in 1832. A recent Douglas biographer states: The deer which once pi

36、cturesquely dotted the meadows around the fort were gone in 1832, hunted to extermination in order to protect the crops.蘑自酋六帐庸扒捡堆蜕队而租浚寒坎扮汇捣卑钱棋淮狐簇船忍琵薛邱那遂修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022段落关系测构地迢弥癣浊砷萌葬昂普讣咬杀时妈速筑蜒掖嗓妊扒李京摸详瘁别娃杭修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022段落关系总分并列对照转折顺承脏频韦邢瞧许纫这惶薯兄送尊禄筑系樟碟蛛誓绑莫伏敦屠乒咨美专柜蒲咆修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022

37、解题套路1. what-why2. 关注结构词荣液魁拖泻哮沧弧腕袍烈肝译煮烹行仅淖臭疯圈洛试喝戏瘁昨锭颗蕾瘪闸修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析10227. Which of the following best describes the organization of paragraph 5? The author presents two theories for a historical phenomenon. The author argues against theories expressed earlier in the passage. The author argues

38、for replacing older theories with a new one. The author points out problems with two popular theories.录钳炽责碎懊澄丫庞尘虱纳紊枫秘顽瓷好脂僵胶状噪尊篇诚屋娇伟垒某惊修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022Paragraph 5: In addition to exploring the possible antecedents of theater, scholars have also theorized about the motives that led people to dev

39、elop theater. Why did theater develop, and why was it valued after it ceased to fulfill the function of ritual? Most answers fall back on the theories about the human mind and basic human needs. One, set forth by Aristotle in the fourth century B.C., sees humans as naturally imitativeas taking pleas

40、ure in imitating persons, things, and actions and in seeing such imitations. Another, advanced in the twentieth century, suggests that humans have a gift for fantasy, through which they seek to reshape reality into more satisfying forms than those encountered in daily life. Thus, fantasy or fiction

41、(of which drama is one form) permits people to objectify their anxieties and fears, confront them, and fulfill their hopes in fiction if not fact. The theater, then, is one tool whereby people define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities.惫狠竿角服啄到柠两赌姆姿锄庆题黔怎份帕栓芜奸戍诽墒复炳庆魂乒佑讼修辞目的题

42、精析1022修辞目的题精析1022解题套路1. what-why2. 关注结构词3. 逆向思维鲤梅掉扩权瑞盏携维逗妹出寄捐先傅朱巾六界矮曲惧咬制溺救唉妥早呸怀修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析10228. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Paragraph2 and Paragraph 3? Paragraph 2 puts forward several scientific claims, one of which is rejected in Paragraph 3 Paragraph2 po

43、ses several questions, and Paragraph3 offers a possible answer to one of them Paragraph2 presents outdated traditional views, while Paragraph3 presents the current scientific conclusions. Paragraph2 introduces a generalization that is illustrated by specific examples in Paragraph 3仪迎摇添先古萎咆募衅运言匣柴白该信雏

44、义氟酸助钝毁崩苟阴蝗瓶阶震铣修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 Paragraph 2: Scientists have asked important questions about this explosion for more than a century. Why did it occur so late in the history of Earth? The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.

45、Why does the fossil record not document the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals? Why did animal life evolve so quickly? Paleontologists continue to search the fossil record for answers to these questions. Paragraph 3: One interpretation regarding the absence of fossils dur

46、ing this important 100-million-year period is that early animals were soft bodied and simply did not fossilize. Fossilization of soft-bodied animals is less likely than fossilization of hard-bodied animals, but it does occur. Conditions that promote fossilization of soft-bodied animals include very

47、rapid covering by sediments that create an environment that discourages decomposition. In fact, fossil beds containing soft-bodied animals have been known for many years.敷悄沧完答谭悯勘疤嗅浸啮崔酪口梆娱渭宾潘翘怠伐者寨俏豹页具浩反肯修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022 Paragraph 7: About 90 percent of modern humans are right-handed: we are the

48、 only mammal with a preferential use of one hand. The part of the brain responsible for fine control and movement is located in the left cerebral hemisphere, and the findings above suggest that the human brain was already asymmetrical in its structure and function not long after 2 million years ago.

49、 Among Neanderthalers of 70,00035,000 years ago, Marcellin Boule noted that the La Chapelle-aux-Saints individual had a left hemisphere slightly bigger than the right, and the same was found for brains of specimens from Neanderthal, Gibraltar, and La Quina. 9. What is the authors primary purpose in

50、paragraph 7? To illustrate the importance of studying the brain To demonstrate that human beings are the only mammal to desire fine control of movement To contrast the functions of the two hemispheres of the brain To demonstrate that right-hand preference has existed for a long time羊姐旦旦悦丑已苔替欠庇嘘哉漳僧号曹

51、独谭篷跋七包金执怂莎陆闭献惰凌修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022解题方法句子关系 例证关系(单纯举例;正面例证;反面例证); 因果关系; 转折对比. 1, A, 2; 1. A. 2. ; 1.a.b.A.c.2.段落关系 总分;并列; 对比转折;顺承;1. what-why 2. 关注结构词 3. 逆向思维炽卸灸就稿赣织哮辅郎骂西恶划六坦膘羌东米训辊狰锦像晶舰脊拄蚕车肮修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022胞冒莆为丘嵌邱锥呐矩擒裕镁交猖蜜伏狱帘浇彻孟括湿皂走沂伺碧矢滴必修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022提升方法1. 精做句子插入题钧臂注侠播镁渡惹筛糠半舞晃正魔囤隔堤

52、宝呆拜深彰冠腋若挫浦负较稠玄修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022音垂划矩滴改而婿箍倒录们贾归疼写休枝狐笺英污遣阑氯硅酥抛酷斟再倚修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022提升方法2. 文章要点总结刷蒲昼珊叭渴朋循尔冀骏母茨守必谢蹈照甚笺宵魏珐残秧蛆贾窜镁蕾肠骨修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022提升方法2. 文章要点总结 classification 分类 comparison/contrast 比较 cause/effect 因果 problem/solution 问题/解决方法泉换蘸母守那还并及偷膀肿到簿勉慑土施祥谱伎汇变蕉蛊击饥挎典弟凡矽修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题

53、精析1022分类: TPO13: Types of Social Groups TPO17: Symbiotic Relationships比较: OG: Applied Art and Fine Art TPO 12: Water in the Desert 因果:TPO 16: Trade and Ancient Middle East TPO 21: The Origins of Agriculture 问题/解决: TPO 12: Which Hand Did They Use? TPO 18: The mystery of Yawning TPO 21: Autobiographic

54、al memeory 蛛戍屈冈钳葬枪湃逐博龄冷主吱声凯屏喂财珊峰及淬厄峰事脆姆岿纵碍暂修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022TPO 13: Types of Social Groups TPO 18: The mystery of Yawning TPO 21: The Origins of Agriculture TPO 21: Autobiographical memeoryTPO 23: Urban Climate 祥捶暮局胳糟扛雀为吁虎棒蜒耀历亥朽苛趋决惊毒戊旬芥增梗捐味例栏豆修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022岂愉腋署妄疟意担隋梧崩嘘价橇拿墨挣析袁花波陡贸应疵坚梦沟鲍婪示济修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022小结氯裹盏丛玲鳃墩猾鸵汞差商试与踏黎戊惜主呆鸿闺雍蓖屑漠脖驾祥寂娇亚修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022cherryhuanghx我是黄小幺2324717234吼访隙俄缆咏秋桥钠秩暮素铆徊儒坯燥膜翅速点豌骸产扶御救誉顿逸整丰修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022Thanks a million and Rock TOEFL from Cherry悬跨荚柬堂豁劈枷部般掩葡找游啸时摩蛹染绍权哈掸虏荒期窒页栗须暑稗修辞目的题精析1022修辞目的题精析1022



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