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1、13.1 co-directional (wind and waves)3.1 co-directional (wind and waves)同向(风和浪)acting in the same direction作用在同一方向3.2 Current3.2 Current水流a flow of water past a fixed location usually described in terms of a current speed and direction经过一个固定位置的水流,通常由流速和流向描述 Offshore windpower terms and definitions海上风

2、电的基本术语23.3 design wave设计波浪deterministic wave with a defined height, period and direction, used for the design of an offshorestructure. A design wave may be accompanied by a requirement for the use of a particular periodicwave theory用于海上结构物的设计,具有指定高度、周期和方向的确定性波浪。设计波浪可能要求采用特定的波浪周期理论3.4 designer设计方part

3、y or parties responsible for the design of an offshore wind turbine负责海上风力发电机组设计的一方或多方3.5 environmental conditions 环境条件characteristics of the environment (wind, waves, sea currents, water level, sea ice, marine growth,scour and overall seabed movement, etc.) which may affect the wind turbine behaviou

4、r可能影响风力发电机组性能的环境特性(如风、浪、洋流、水位、海冰、海生物、冲刷和整体海床运动等33.6 external conditions (wind turbines)外部条件(风力发电机组)factors affecting operation of an offshore wind turbine, including the environmental conditions, theelectrical network conditions, and other climatic factors (temperature, snow, ice, etc.)影响海上风力发电机组运行的

5、因素,包括环境条件、电网条件和其他气候因素(如温度、降雪、结冰等等)3.7 extreme significant wave height 极端有效波高expected value of the highest significant wave height, averaged over 3 hours, with an annual probability3.8 extreme wave height极端波高expected value of the highest individual wave height (generally the zero up-crossing wave hei

6、ght) withan annual probability of exceedance of 1/N (“ recurrence period” : N years)最高单个波高的期望值(通常为向上跨越零点的波高),超过这个期望值的年概率为1/N(“ 重复周期” :N年)43.9 fast ice cover固定冰盖a rigid continuous cover of ice not in motion静止状态下的连续刚性冰覆盖层3.10 fetch风距distance over which the wind blows constantly over the sea with appro

7、ximately constant wind speedand direction风以近似恒定的风速和风向持续地吹过海面所经过的距离3.11 foundation基础part of an offshore wind turbine support structure which transfers the loads acting on the structure intothe seabed. Different foundation concepts are shown in Figure 1 together with the other parts of an offshore win

8、d turbine.海上风力发电机组的支撑结构的组成部分,能将作用在结构上的载荷传递到海床上。不同类型的海上风力发电机组基础以及其它部分如图1所示。53.12 highest astronomical tide最高天文潮highest still water level that can be expected to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions and under average meteorological conditions. Storm surges, which are meteorologically

9、 generated and essentially irregular, are superimposed on the tidal variations, so that a total still water level abovehighest astronomical tide may occur.在任何天文条件的组合下或一般气象条件下都可以预测的最高静水位。风暴潮是气象的产物,它本质上没有规律,并与潮汐变化相互重叠,所以总静水位可能高于最高天文潮。3.13 hub height (wind turbines)轮毂高度(风力发电机组)height of the centre of t

10、he swept area of the wind turbine rotor above the mean sea level风力发电机风轮掠扫面积的中心点距离平均海平面的高度63.14 load effect载荷效应effect of a single load or combination of loads on a structural component or system, e.g. internalforce, stress, strain, motion etc.单个载荷或者组合载荷对某个结构部件或整个系统产生的影响,例如内力、应力、应变、移动等等73.15 hummocked

11、 ice 冰丘crushed ice and ice floes piled up into ridges when large ice floes meet with each other or with a rigid obstacle, e.g. an offshore wind turbine support structure大块浮冰碰到其它浮冰或者坚硬的障碍物(例如海上风力发电机组的支撑结构)时,碎冰和浮冰堆积形成的冰丘。3.16 ice floe 浮冰a sheet of ice in size from meters to several kilometers, not rig

12、idly frozen to a shore, still or in motion大小从几米到几千米的片状冰块,与岸边冻得不是很结实,可能静止不动也可能在漂移3.17 icing 结冰build-up of a cover of ice or frost on parts of an offshore wind turbine that can result in added loads and/or changed properties在海上风力发电机组的某些组成部分上形成的冰层或霜冻,这可能引起额外载荷和/或改变特性83.18 lowest astronomical tide最低天文潮l

13、owest still water level that can be expected to occur under any combination of astronomical conditions and under average meteorological conditions. Storm surges, which are meteorologically generated and essentially irregular, are superimposed on the tidal variations, so that a total still water leve

14、l belowlowest astronomical tide may occur.在任何天文条件的组合下或一般气象条件下都可以被预测的最低静水位。风暴潮是气象的产物,它本质上没有规律,并与潮汐变化相互重叠,所以总静水位可能低于最低天文潮。3.19 manufacturer制造商party or parties responsible for the manufacture and construction of an offshore wind turbine负责海上风力发电机组的制造和生产的一方或多方93.20 marine conditions海洋条件characteristics of

15、 the marine environment (waves, sea currents, water level, sea ice, marine growth,seabed movement and scour, etc.) which may affect the wind turbine behaviour可能影响风力发电机组性能的海洋环境特性(海浪、洋流、水位、海冰、海生物、海床运动和冲刷等) 3.21 marine growth海生物surface coating on structural components caused by plants, animals and bact

16、eria由动植物和细菌引起的结构部件表面上的覆盖物103.22 mean sea level平均海平面average level of the sea over a period of time long enough to remove variations due to waves, tides and storm surges在能够消除海浪、潮汐和风暴潮所引起的变化的足够长的一段时间内,海平面的的平均水平3.23 mean zero crossing period平均跨零周期average period of the zero-crossing (up or down) waves in

17、 a sea state在某个海况下,海浪跨越零点(向上或向下)的平均周期3.24 metocean 海洋气象abbreviation of meteorological and oceanographic是单词“ 气象的” (meteorological)和“ 海洋学的” (oceanographic)的缩写3.25 multi-directional (wind and/or wave)多方向(风和/或海浪)a distribution of directions方向的分布113.26 offshore wind turbine海上风力发电机组a wind turbine with a s

18、upport structure which is subject to hydrodynamic loading支撑结构承受水动力载荷的风力发电机组3.27 offshore wind turbine site海上风力发电场场址the location or intended location of an individual offshore wind turbine either alone or within a wind farm单台海上风力发电机组或者是整个海上风电场的位置或者拟定位置3.28 pile penetration桩贯入深度vertical distance from

19、the sea floor to the bottom of the pile从海底面到桩底部的垂直距离123.29 power collection system (wind turbines)电力汇集系统(风力发电机组)electric system that collects the power from one or more wind turbines. It includes all electricalequipment connected between the wind turbine terminals and the network connection point. F

20、oroffshore wind farms, the power collection system may include the connection to shore.从一台或多台风力发电机组汇集电能的电力系统。它包括从风力发电机端口到电网接入点之间的所有电气设备。对于海上风力发电场,电力汇集系统还可能包括与岸上电力系统的连接。3.30 reference period参考周期period during which stationarity is assumed for a given stochastic process, for example wind speed,sea elev

21、ation or response在此周期内,假设给定的随机过程保持稳定,例如风速、海平面上升或者响应133.31 refraction绕射process by which wave energy is redistributed as a result of changes in the wave propagation velocitydue to variations in water depth and/or current velocity由于水深和/或流速的改变将造成波浪传播速度的变化,由此引起波浪能量重新分布的过程3.32 residual currents 余流the comp

22、onents of a current other than tidal current. The most important is often the storm surgecurrent除去潮汐流剩下的海流。主要指风暴潮引起的海流3.33 rotor nacelle assembly风轮-机舱组件part of an offshore wind turbine carried by the support structure, refer Figure 1海上风力发电机组中由支撑结构支撑的部分143.34 sea floor海底interface between the sea and

23、the seabed海水和海床的分界面3.35 sea floor slope海底坡度local gradient of the sea floor, e.g. associated with a beach海底的局部梯度,例如海滩的倾斜度3.36 sea state海况a condition of the sea in which its statistics remain stationary统计数据保持稳定的一种海洋状态153.37 seabed3.37 seabed海床materials below the sea floor in which a support structure

24、is founded海底以下的物质部分,支撑结构固定在其中3.38 seabed movement3.38 seabed movement海床运动movement of the seabed due to natural geological processes自然地质过程产生的海床运动3.39 scour3.39 scour冲刷removal of seabed soils by currents and waves or caused by structural elements interrupting the naturalflow regime above the sea floor

25、由于海流或海浪,或结构中断了海底以上的固有流态引起的海床土壤流失163.40 significant wave height 有效波高statistical measure of the height of waves in a sea state, defined as 4* where is the standarddeviation of the sea surface elevation. In sea states with only a narrow band of wave frequencies thesignificant wave height is approximate

26、ly equal to the mean height of the highest third of the zero up-crossing waves在某海况下波高的统计量,定义为4* ,其中 为海平面上升的标准偏差。在仅有窄带波频的海况中,有效波高近似等于上穿零点的三分之一个大波波高的平均值3.41 splash zone飞溅区external region of support structure that is frequently wetted due to waves and tidal variations. Thisshall be defined as the zone

27、between the highest still water level with a recurrence period of 1 yearincreased by the corresponding significant crest height, and the lowest still water level with a recurrence173.42 still water level 静水位abstract water level calculated by including the effects of tides and storm surge but excludi

28、ng variationsdue to waves. Still water level can be above, at, or below mean sea level考虑包括潮汐和风暴潮影响但不包括波浪变化而计算出的理论水位。静水位可以高于、等于或低于平均海平面3.43 storm surge暴潮irregular movement of the sea brought about by wind and atmospheric pressure variations由于风和大气压变化而引起的不规则海洋运动3.44 sub-structure下部结构part of an offshore

29、 wind turbine support structure which extends upwards from the seabed and connectsthe foundation to the tower, refer Figure 1海上风力发电机组支撑结构的一部分,由海床向上延伸,连接基础与塔架,参见图1183.45 support structure支撑结构part of an offshore wind turbine consisting of the tower, sub-structure and foundation, refer Figure 1海上风力发电机组

30、的一部分,包括塔架、下部结构和基础,3.46 swell 涌浪sea state in which waves generated by winds remote from the site have travelled to the site, rather thanbeing locally generated远方而非场址当地风引起的波浪经过场址的一种海况3.47 tidal current 潮流current resulting from tides 潮汐引起的水流3.48 tidal range 潮差the distance between the highest astronomic

31、al tide and the lowest astronomical tide最高天文潮和最低天文潮之间的距离3.49 tides 潮汐regular and predictable movements of the sea generated by astronomical forces由于天体引力产生的有规律且可预测的海洋运动193.50 tower塔架part of an offshore wind turbine support structure which connects the sub-structure to the rotor - nacelleassembly, ref

32、er Figure 1海上风力发电机支撑结构的一部分,连接下部结构和风轮-机舱组件,参见图13.51 tsunami海啸long period sea waves caused by rapid vertical movements of the sea floor海床剧烈垂直运动引发的长期海洋波浪3.52 uni-directional (wind and/or waves)单向(风和/或浪)acting in a single direction作用于单一方向3.53 water depth水深vertical distance between the sea floor and the

33、still water level海底和静水位面之间的垂直距离NOTE As there are several options for the still water level (see 3.42) there can be several water depth values.203.54 wave crest elevation 波峰高度vertical distance between the crest of a wave and the still water level波峰和静水面之位的垂直距离3.55 wave direction 波向mean direction from

34、which the wave is traveling波浪传播的平均方向3.56 wave height 波高vertical distance between the highest and lowest points on the water surface of an individual zeroup-crossing wave一个向上跨零波浪中水面最高点和水面最低点之间的垂直距离3.57 wave period波浪周期the time interval between the two zero up-crossings which bound a zero up-crossing w

35、ave两个向上跨零(带有一个向上跨零波)之间的间隔时间213.58 wave spectral peak frequency波谱峰值频率the frequency of the peak energy in the wave spectrum波谱峰值能量的频率3.59 wave spectrum波谱frequency domain description of the sea surface elevation in a sea state某海况下描述海面高度的频域3.60 wave steepness波陡the ratio of the wave height to the wave length波高与波长之比3.61 weather downtime天气性停工one or more intervals of time during which the environmental conditions are too severe to allow forexecution of a specified marine operation环境情况太恶劣而不能进行具体的海上作业的一段或多段时间22缩写语2324谢谢观赏!谢谢观赏!



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