必修 1 Unit 1Friendship

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《必修 1 Unit 1Friendship》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修 1 Unit 1Friendship(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语必修1Unit1FriendshipStillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1.Man seems to be so weak compared to the power of _,so it is _ that we hope God can help us. (nature)2.We are all _ about our children,s healt

2、h. As far as I am _,lack of enough sleep _ the healthy growth of the children deeply. (concern)3.There is so much _ in this world. For example, many African people are _ hunger while some other people continue to _ from serious pollution. (suffer) 4.He gave me some useful _.Can you _ me on college c

3、ourses? (advice) naturenaturalconcernedconcernsconcernedsufferingsufferingsufferadviceadvise高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语5.Poverty,disease and _remain major world problems. It is not a question that can be _.(ignore)6.After he came to _,everyone said he was a _ leader, but now he felt so _ that he even could

4、n,t save his daughter. (power)7.I was very _ to my teachers for their help and my _ to them was beyond words.(grateful)powerignoredignorancepowerfulpowerlessgratefulgratitude高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语“get” phrases:get round/aroundget onget offget overget throughget rid ofget acrossget along withget away w

5、ithget in四处走动,传播;四处走动,传播;上车上车下车下车克服(困难);从克服(困难);从中恢复过来中恢复过来通过,接通(电话)通过,接通(电话)摆脱摆脱通过,使被理解,讲清楚通过,使被理解,讲清楚进展;与进展;与相处相处做了坏事而不受惩罚做了坏事而不受惩罚到达,收割到达,收割,插嘴插嘴高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语Fill in the blanks using “get” phrases:1.1.News soon_that he had resigned.2.How can I _it _to you how important this is?3.I dont kno

6、w how they manage to_telling lies.4.Im afraid your daughter failed to _her mid-term exams.5.Its taken me ages to_the flu.6. She talks so much that you cant _ a word_ .got aroundget acrossget away withget throughget overget in高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语重点句型重点句型1.I didn,t go downstairs until the window had t

7、o be shut.(P2)我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。剖析:not.until.“直到才”,在这个句型中,主句的动词必须是终止性动词。活学活用模仿造句模仿造句(1)他直到12点才离开我家。 He _ my home _ twelve oclock.(2)我叔叔直到四十岁才结婚。didn,t leave until/tillMy uncle didn,t marry until he was forty years old.高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语2.It was the first time in a year and a half

8、 that I,d seen the night face to face.(P2) 这是我一年半来第一次目睹夜晚。这是我一年半来第一次目睹夜晚。 剖析:It is the first/second time that sb has/have done sth. It was the first/second time that sb had done sth.活学活用模仿造句模仿造句(1)这是我第一次来到长城。This is _that _the Great Wall.(2)那是我最后一次看到珍妮,我最好的朋友。 _the first timeIve been toThat was the

9、last time that I had seen Jane, my best friend.高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语3.The structure for emphasisIt is/was +被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+余下部分余下部分.此句型可以此句型可以用来强调除谓语、定语以外的所有成份。强调人时可用用来强调除谓语、定语以外的所有成份。强调人时可用that或或who,其它一律用其它一律用that.They developed their friendship in the hiding place during World War II.It was in

10、the hiding place that they developed their friendship during World War II.Where was it that they developed their friendship during World War II?Do you know _?where it was that they developed their friendship during World War II?高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语He didnt realize the importance of friendship until

11、he lost it.It was not until he lost his friendship that he realized the importance of it.Not until he lost his friendship_.did he realize the importance of it高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语考点活用考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文。 曾有一段时间我和小东相处得很好。我们相互关心。当一个人不安时,另一人想方设法安慰他。我们同甘共苦。但之后他爱上了一位女孩,这占了他如此多的时间以至他的成绩越来越差。于是在一次测试中他要抄我

12、的答案。我拒绝了他并告诉他考试作弊是不诚实的行为。那是我第一次无视他的请求,他如此生气以至自此以后他总是有意刁难我。我不知道是否是因为爱,他变化如此之大。我们本可以是好朋友的。_ 高考总复习高考总复习人教版人教版英语英语 There was a time when I was getting along well with Xiaodong. We were concerned about each other. When one felt upset, the other would try to calm him down. We shared in troubles and joys.

13、But then he fell in love with a girl, which took him so much time that he was worse and worse at study. Then in one exam,he wanted to copy my answer, I refused and told him it was dishonest to cheat in the exam. It was the first time that I had ignored his request. So angry did he get that he has always put me to a lot of trouble on purpose since then. I wonder if it was because of love that he changed so much.We should have been friends.



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