高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Women of achievement课件 新人教版必修4

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1、.核心单词识记思考运用一、单词拼写1.(2015湖北,完形)Several boys were _ (拥挤)around Chad.2.(2015新课标全国,阅读C)It is not surprising that more and more students are taking a gap year to earn money to _ (支持)their study.3.(2015广东,阅读B)Besides,water is usually warmer in direct sunlight than in the _ (荫).crowdingsupportshade4.*_ (激励

2、)by the teachers words,he is determined to study harder than before.5.(2014新课标全国阅读D)Turin has started a _ (运动)to make such documents available not just to scholars but to the younger generations.Inspiredcampaign二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.*(2015北京,七选五)But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greates

3、t ideas and _ (achieve)in human history.2.*(2015新课标全国,七选五)Trust is a learned _ (behave)that we gain from past experiences.3.(2015陕西,六选五)Happy and calm is the man who takes all these possibilities into _ (consider).4.*Do you want to get the dictionary _ (deliver)to your house or would you prefer to c

4、ome to the shop for it?5.*(2015广东,阅读C)Another argument against television is that it replaces reading as a form of _ (entertain). achievementsbehaviorconsiderationdeliveredentertainment6.I will ask you some questions to test your _ (observe). The most careful _ (observe)will win a prize.7.*There was

5、 a heated _ (argue)about whether he was suitable for the position,and most of the people _ (argue)for him.8.*The rich man went abroad with the _ (intend)of trying his fortune,while the poor man _ (intend)to learn some skills of earning money.9.*The _ (organize) _ (organize)the people present at the

6、meeting into four groups,and Jack was involved in the _ (organize)of the meeting.10.He _ (special)in the worlds ancient history.In other words,he is a _ (special)in the worlds ancient history. Next week,he will make a speech _(special)for us. observationobserverargumentarguedintentionintendedorganiz

7、ersorganizedorganizationspecializesspecialistspecially三、开心词场The respected specialist from our institute delivered a speech about women of achievement.What he referred to was supported by a large crowd of audience.They were inspired by his being modest and outspoken. 【联想积累】“鼓舞,激励”动词家族inspire vt.鼓舞;激发

8、encourage vt.鼓励,激励motivate vt.激发,激励prompt vt.鼓励,促使spirit up鼓励,激励后缀-ment 构成的抽象名词achievement 成就;功绩adjustment 调整advertisement 广告agreement 协议amusement 娱乐,消谴announcement 宣布appointment 约定argument 争论arrangement 安排astonishment 惊讶punishment惩罚amazement惊异,惊愕 高频词链条intend vt.计划;打算intention n.打算behave vt.& vi.举 动

9、 ; (举 止 或 行 为 )表 现 behaviour(behavior)n.行为;举止;习性argue vt.& vi.讨论;辩论;争论argument n.争论;争辩;争吵organization n.组 织 ; 机 构 ; 团 体 organize vt.组 织organizer n.组织者entertainment n.款待;娱乐;娱乐表演entertain vt.款待;使快乐deliver vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)delivery n.发表;递送 .重点短语识记思考运用一、补全短语1.move _离开,启程,出发 2.crowd _ (想法、问题等)涌上心头,

10、涌入脑海 3._ chance/accident碰巧,凑巧 4.*come _ (偶然)遇见,碰见 5.*carry _继续,坚持 6.devote._把奉献给off inbyacrossonto二、短语填空1.I met Jim _ on the plane.We hadnt seen each other for ten years.2.*The talks were _ in spite of the complaints by both sides.3.*I _ some old photos of the family when I was looking through the b

11、ook.4.The Browns are _ because Mr Brown is out of work. by chance;come across;move off;crowd in;fight for;lead to;carry on;live a hard lifeby chancecarrying oncame acrossliving a hard life5.Seeing that we had noticed him,the little boy _ slowly.6.Memories _ on me when I saw the film.7.During that ti

12、me,most of the people in that country _ freedom.8.The car accident _ his being killed.moved offcrowded infought forled to【联想积累】“动词on”必备短语一览carry on继续,坚持 keep on继续前进/工作live on继续存在,靠为生go on前进,继续move on继续前进insist on 坚持pass on 传递get on 上车hand on 传送rely on依靠,依赖decide on决定,选定depend on依靠,依赖 .经典句式识记思考运用1._

13、we are all interested in what people do and what they think.这是因为我们都对人们所做和所想的感兴趣。Tom came late for the meeting._(那是因为) he was ill._(这 就 是 为 什 么 )they cannot be used everywhere. This is becauseThat was becauseThis is why2._(为什么不学习)at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?_(为什么不送)

14、her some flowers?Youre looking tired._(为什么不度假呢)? Why not studyWhy not giveWhy not take a holiday【联想积累】“因果句式”小结This/That is because.这/那是因为This/That is why.这/那就是为什么The reason why.is that.的原因是.单元语法识记思考运用主谓一致用所给动词的适当形式填空1.The man together with his wife and children _ (sit)there watching TV.2.She is the

15、one of those women who _ (know)a thing about furniture.3.A large quantity of water _ (be)coming.4.Not only the teachers but also the student _ (have)read the book already.5.He said that a number of people invited _ (be)absent for different reasons. sitsknowsishaswere【学法点拨】当用作主语的成分后面跟由but,except,besi

16、des,including,like,with,as well as,along with,in addition to,combined with,rather than,together with等引出的短语时,谓语动词习惯上要与这些结构前面的主语保持一致(即与比较远的那个主语保持一致,简称“就远原则”)。单 词 点 睛1.intend vt.& vi.打算,计划,想要;意指,意思是高考例句(2015福建,阅读C)The advertisement is intended for students of all ages.该广告的对象是所有年龄的学生。intend to do/doing

17、sth打算打算/想要做某事想要做某事intend sb to do sth计划让某人做某事计划让某人做某事be intended for/to do.旨在,预定旨在,预定用途;为用途;为打算的打算的had intended to do.intended to have done.本打算做本打算做单句语法填空/完成句子These books are intended _ children only.这些书是专门给孩子们使用的。Tom intended _ (study)abroad.汤姆打算出国学习。写作佳句 She _ the early train,but she didnt get up

18、in time.她本打算赶早班火车,可是起晚了。答 案 for to study/studying had intended to catch/intended to have caught 2.behave vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现教材原句Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。 (1)behave w

19、ell/badly to/towards sb对对待待某某人人好好/差差behave oneself守规矩;表现得体守规矩;表现得体(2)wellbehaved表现好的表现好的badlybehaved表现差的表现差的(3)behaviour n.举止;行为举止;行为单句语法填空/完成句子I want you to behave _ while I am away.我不在家时你要守规矩些。Parents should be punished if their children behave _ (bad).如果孩子表现不好,父母应该受到惩罚。写作佳句 The child _ other gues

20、ts at the party.那个孩子在聚会上对其他客人非常礼貌。答案yourselfbadlybehaved well to/towards 3.observe vt.观察;观测;遵守;庆祝教材原句 She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察并记录黑猩猩的日常生活。 (1)observe sb do sth观观察察/看看到到某某人人做做某某事事(全全过过程程)observe sb doing sth观察观察/看到某人正在做某事看到某人正在做某事(2)observe the traffi

21、c rules遵守交通规则遵守交通规则(3)observation n.观察;观察力;观测观察;观察力;观测under observation在监视下在监视下单句语法填空/完成句子They were observed _ (open)the window and jump in the house.他们被看到打开了窗户,然后跳进了房间。American forces are _ (observe)Christmas quietly.美国部队正在悄悄地庆祝圣诞节。The staff in the zoo kept the baby panda _ observation.动物园的职员密切关注着那

22、只熊猫宝宝。答案to openobservingunder【巧学助记】各种“看”之口诀看场电影用see,读书看报用read;电视、戏剧和比赛,凡是表演用watch;observe细观察,一时注意notice。4.argue vi.争吵,争论vi.& vt.辩论,主张,说服教材原句 She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不能用于娱乐或广告。(1)argue with sb over/

23、about sth与与某某人人就就某某事事争争辩辩argue for/against.赞成赞成/反对反对argue sb into/out of doing sth劝劝说说某某人人(不不)做做某某事事(2)argument n.争辩;争论争辩;争论beyond argument 无可争辩无可争辩 单句语法填空/完成句子The children are arguing _ their parents _ where to spend their holiday.孩子们正在与父母争论到哪里度假的问题。Do you argue _ or _ the economic reform?你是赞成还是反对经

24、济改革?写 作 佳 句 He _ smoking, and insisted that _ smoking was harmful to health.他反对吸烟,而且坚持认为吸烟有害健康是无可争辩的事实。答案with;over/aboutfor;againstargued against;it was beyond argument that 一言串记The workers,who argued for their own rights,argued with the boss for a few days,but failed to argue him into giving them a

25、 rise in wages.为了自身的权利争论的工人们同他们的老板辩论数日,结果没能说服老板给他们加薪。 5.support vt.& n.支持;拥护;赡养高考例句(2015浙江,阅读B)The graph has a title,a main idea,and supporting details.图表有标题,主旨,和支持性的细节。 (1)support a family/oneself 赡赡养养家家庭庭/自自力力更更生生support sb to do sth/in doing sth支支持持某某人人做做某某事事(2)in support of sb/sth支持或支援某人支持或支援某人/

26、某物某物give/lend/offer support to sb支持支持/支援某人支援某人单句语法填空/完成句子I will support _ after graduation from college.我大学毕业后要自力更生。He had to do an extra job after work,for he had a big family _(support).他下班后得从事另外的工作,因为他有一大家人要养活。写作佳句 I will stand by you forever whenever it is.I will _ you forever whenever it is.无论何

27、时,我都将永远支持你。答案myselfto supportsupport/be in support of/give support to 短 语 点 拨1.refer to 谈到;查阅;参考高考例句(2015天津,阅读A)If,one week from the date of written notice,the pet is not removed,the student is referred to the Student Court.如果书面通知之日起一个星期后,宠物还没有弄走,这个学生将被提交给学生法庭。 (1)refer.to.把把提交给提交给refer to.as.把把称作称作

28、refer sb to sth让让(人人)参参考考,让让(人人)参参阅阅(2)reference n.提及,涉及;参考,参考书提及,涉及;参考,参考书for reference以备查阅以备查阅单句语法填空/完成句子The teacher often refers his pupils _ this dictionary.那个老师经常让他的学生去查这本词典。I didnt know whom she was _ (refer)to.我不知道她指的是谁。写作佳句 Some people _ bad luck instead of lack of ability.有些人把自己所有的困难都归咎于运气不

29、佳,而不认为是缺乏能力。答案toreferringrefer all the troubles to 一句辨异When I meet with new words,I often refer to the dictionary.If you dont know a word,you can look it up in a dictionary,too.当遇到生词时,我经常查词典。如果你不认识一个单词,你也可以查词典。e across (偶然)遇见;碰见高考例句(2015重庆,阅读D)You are very likely to come across large wild animals,to

30、o.你也很可能会遇到较大的野生动物。 come about 发生发生come on 快点;加油;出场;改进快点;加油;出场;改进come out 出现;开花;发行;发表出现;开花;发行;发表come up (问问题题、计计划划等等)被被提提出出;升升起起;长长出出地面地面come up with 提出提出come to到达;共计;达到到达;共计;达到单句语法填空/完成句子One day I came _ an article about an English professor at a nearby state college.一天,我偶然读到一篇文章,它是关于附近一所州立大学的英语教授的。

31、How did it come _ that humans speak so many different languages?人类怎么会说这么多种不同的语言,这种情况是如何产生的呢? 写作佳句I happened to meet him in the street yesterday.I _ him in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上无意中碰到了他。答案acrossaboutcame across/ran across/ran into/met with特别提示:表示“偶然遇到”的常见短语还有:meet with;run into;run across;meet.b

32、y chance/accident等。 句 式 透 析1.教材原句 Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.突然我想起在那个年代,一个女子去学医是何等难啊。“It hit(s)me从从句句”结结构构,意意思思是是“我我突突然然想想到到”,it在在句句中中作作形形式式主主语语。类类似似的的结结构还有:构还有:It occurs to sb that.(某人某人)突然想到突然想到It strikes sb that.(某人某人)突然想到突然想到It happen

33、s that.碰巧碰巧单句语法填空/完成句子Didnt _ hit you that he might be interested in it?你当时没有想到他可能对此事感兴趣吗?It didnt hit him _ she would refuse his invitation.他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。写作佳句 It _ him that he had an important conference to attend the next morning.他突然想到第二天上午他要参加一个重要的会议。答案itthathit/struck/occurred to 2.教材原句Only afte

34、r her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。(1)only在在句句首首修修饰饰介介词词短短语语/副副词词/状状语语从从句句时时,主句要用倒装语序,从句不用倒装语序。主句要用倒装语序,从句不用倒装语序。(2)only在在句句首首修修饰饰句句子子的的主主语语时时,不不用用倒倒装装语语序。序。单句语法填空/完成句子Only by the year 1918 _ Einstein do his research freely.只有到了1918年,爱因斯坦才能自由自在地进行研究工作。Only after you lose your health _ the importance of health.唯有在失去健康之后,你才将意识到健康的重要性。_ find out the truth.只有当他回来时,我们才弄明白了事情的真相。答案couldwill you realizeOnly when he returned did we



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