江苏省南京市东山外国语国际学校高中英语 模块7 Unit9 Agreement & Synecdoche课件 牛津版

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江苏省南京市东山外国语国际学校高中英语 模块7 Unit9 Agreement & Synecdoche课件 牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省南京市东山外国语国际学校高中英语 模块7 Unit9 Agreement & Synecdoche课件 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市东山外国语国际学校高中英语 模块7 Unit9 Agreement & Synecdoche课件 牛津版(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9初级英语与语法与修辞初级英语与语法与修辞English Grammar and RhetoricContentsBack to schoolLead-inHomeworkLooking AheadApproaching the TopicDiscovering GrammarApplying GrammarFurther DevelopmentSynecdocheBack to schoolLead-inBrazil has won the World Cup again!How is the subject-verb agreement achieved and what doe

2、s the speaker mean by the term Brazil in the sentence? LOOKING AHEADKnow the three principles governing subject-verb agreement.Learn to keep agreement in number between the subject and the predicate verb.Learn to use synecdoche to substitute a part for a whole and vice versa.1.Please fill in the bla

3、nks with proper forms of to be to complete the sentenceBack to schoolApproaching the TopicisisisisareareareareMy home is not far from the school. Ten minutes _ enough.Smoking _bad to our health.The police _ wanting the robber.There _ a pair of glasses, two pens and some books on the desk.Read the pa

4、ssage on page 77 and pay attention to the subject-verb agreement in number. Back to schoolThe verbs in the passage are:keepsis isreceivesare meansaremeansarewerepassedwasspeaksintroducebringisisremainBack to schoolthree principles governing subject-verb agreement.grammatical agreementThe verb must m

5、atch its subject in number.meaning agreementThe verb must agree with the subject in meaning not in form.Principle of proximityThe verb must agree with the nearest noun or noun phrase in the subject.Discovering Grammar语法一致原则语法一致原则主语是单数,谓语动词用单数形式, 主语是复数,谓语动词用复数形式。 E.g. Books are by far the most lastin

6、g products of human efforts. Book is by far the most lasting products of human efforts. 意义一致原则意义一致原则主语和谓语的一致不是由主语的语法形式来 决定,而是由主语所表达的意义来决定。 E.g.What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed pages. The class are preparing for the presentation.就近一致原则就近一致原则谓语动词的单复

7、数取决于离它最近的主语。 由eitheror, neithernor, not only but also,whetheror, there be 句型和倒装句等连接引导的句子,谓语动词遵循这一原则。 E.g.Not only friends but also a good book keeps us company in our life .There is a teacher and fifty students in the classroom.主谓一致的具体原则主谓一致的具体原则1、当-ing分词、不定式和名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数。(所以三组句子中的所以三组句子中的A A都都

8、是对的,是对的,B B都是错的)都是错的)2、当主语部分是用and或bothand连接而且指代的 是两个或两个以上人或物时,谓语用复数; 但当and或bothand连接的主语指代的是一个人或物时,就用单数谓语动词。e.g.Bread and butter is popular with the young.My teacher and mother is very kind.Jack and toms father is an engineer.A worker and writer is also going to be invited.注:1.当主语后面带有with, as well as

9、, together, together with, along with, besides, except, but, including, rather than等介词短语时,谓语应该和这些介词前的主语保持一致,不考虑介词后的内容和意思。2.and 连接的两个主语都受到each,every,no 的修饰时,谓语用单数形式。e.g. Every girl and every boy is beautifully dressed.3. 当主语是分数(包括百分数)加of, most of, the rest of, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a quantity

10、 of a large quantity of, a heap of, heaps of等短语时,谓语动词的数应该与of后面的名词短语保持一致, 即: 如果名词是单数可数名词或不可数名词,谓语用单数; 如果名词是复数名词,谓语就用复数。E.g.One fifth of the students are from the countryside.Answers:1. is2. seems3. is4. are5. was4. 表示时间、距离、长度、重量、金额、价格 等的复数名词当被看做一个整体时,用单数谓语动词。但如果强调复数意义时,用复数谓语动词。 当主语是either (of), neith

11、er (of), each (of), neither(of), somebody, anything, everyone , everything, something, someone, no one, nothing, no body时,谓语动词用单数形式。 当主语是 both (of), some (of), many (of), few (of), all (of)等构成的短语动词并表示附属概念时,谓语动词用复数形式,反之用单数形式。E.g.Some students are fond of football while most prefer basketball.Some of

12、the apple has gone bad.5 主语是不定代词的情况主语是不定代词的情况 主语是who时,根据它的表达的意义来决定谓语的单复数。 E.g. Who is it? Who are the people standing outside?主语是many a (more than one)+可数名词单数时,虽然是复数概念,但谓语动词仍是单数形式。但如果主语and连接两个受many a (more than one) 修饰的名词时,谓语用复数。 E.g. Many a student has finished exercises. Many a father and many a m

13、other only care for their childrens study.5 主语时不定代词的情况:主语时不定代词的情况:Back to schoolApplying Grammar1. Match the words from the following three parts to make complete sentences. 20 divided by 5 is four. Tom, as well as jack, is fishing. The audience are mostly moved to tears by the words. What we need b

14、adly here is doctors. The cattle are eating grass in the field. Physics is an interesting subject. Swimming is a good way to keep healthy. The class are expecting a picnic. Bread and butter is delicious food.2. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences. A A C C B B C C C D3. Tick the corr

15、ect English translation for each Chinese sentence. B B A B1.Answers:2. Exercise1. Where_ _that five dollars I lent you ? A. is B. are C. has D .have 2. The number of the students in that school_ greatly increased in recent years. A. has B. have C. is D. are 3. A number of students in our class_ seen

16、 the film. A. has B. have C. is D. was4. This kind of apples_ very good. A. tastes B. Taste5. No news _ good news. A. is B. are C. was D. wereACBAA6. Ten weeks_ passed since the new term began. A. has B. have C.is D.are7. One hundred kilometers _ a large distance. A. is B. are C. has D. have8. Many

17、a student_ popular music. A. enjoy B. enjoys 9. Every man and woman_ invited to the party. A. were B. was10. Neither she nor I_ wrong. A. am B.is C. AreAABBA 11. The police_ been sent to search the murderer A. has B. have 12. Nobody but Wu Dong and Tom_ in the room. A. was B. were 13. He as well as

18、I_ active in singing. A. am B. is C. are 14. Tom with his parents_ watching TV. A. is B. are C. am 15. Bread and butter _ what Americans usually have for breakfast. A. are B. is C. was D. wereBAAABFURTHER DEVELOPMENTCorrect the sentences (on page 77) 2 My family like music 3 The singer and dancer is

19、 coming. 5 Each boy and each girl is invited. 7 No boy and no girl is invited. 1/4/6/8正确SYNECDOCHE(提喻)以部分代替整体或以整体代替部分;以类属代替其中一种以部分代替整体或以整体代替部分;以类属代替其中一种或一种代替所在的类属;以原料代替用该原料制成的东西;或一种代替所在的类属;以原料代替用该原料制成的东西;以个体代替一类。该词格中的两事物只是相关,并没有相以个体代替一类。该词格中的两事物只是相关,并没有相似之处。似之处。STUDY ITA part for the whole (以整体代替部分)

20、 e.g. I will count three hundredthats five minutesand not one of you is to move a muscle.我数300下也就是五分钟你们谁都不许动一动。(这里muscle代替的是整个身体。)STUDY ITA part for the whole (以整体代替部分) e.g. They were short of hands at harvest time 他们在收获时节缺少人手。(手是人体的一部分,因此人们常用它来代替各种各样的人。这里以hand代替workerworker)STUDY ITA whole for the

21、part (以部分代替整体) e.g. Greece has won the Euro Cup in 2004. 以Greece代替希腊足球队(Greek Football Team) The world is still ignorant of the fact. The world指代世人 (the people in the world) STUDY ITOne thing for a genre (以一种事物代替一类事物)He managed to earn his bread.他设法谋生。(以bread代替food)STUDY ITA genre for one thing (以一类

22、事物代替一种事物) The smiling season has come. 春天已经到了。(以smiling season代替春天) What a lovely creature she is! 多么漂亮的女人!(creature是一大类,女人只是其中的一种)STUDY ITName of the material for the thing made (以原料代替制成品)E.g. Have a glass of water. 有一杯水。(以glass代替a glass cup) He was dressed in silks and satins. 他穿着绫罗绸缎。(Silks and s

23、atins 代替clothes made of silks and satins) STUDY ITThe individual for a kind of person(以个体代表一类)This young man is very clever. He may ve another Edison.像爱迪生一样聪明的发明家(用 Edison代替an inventor as clever as Edison )PRACTICES IT1 1、葡萄酒(以原材料代替其制品)、葡萄酒(以原材料代替其制品)2 2、棉质的衣服(以原料代替其制品)、棉质的衣服(以原料代替其制品)3 3、三个小孩(以部分代替

24、整体)、三个小孩(以部分代替整体)4 4、工人(以部分代替整体)、工人(以部分代替整体)5 5、一个人在偷听、一个人在偷听 (以部分代替整体)(以部分代替整体)6 6、自行车、自行车 (以部分代替整体)(以部分代替整体)7 7、帆船、帆船 (第一幅,以部分代替整体)(第一幅,以部分代替整体)8 8、铜币(第二幅,以原材料代替其制品,、铜币(第二幅,以原材料代替其制品,指零钱指零钱)PRACTICES IT1、The prisoner was bound in irons for ten years.那个囚徒戴着手铐脚镣被关那个囚徒戴着手铐脚镣被关了了1010年。年。( (这里这里ironiro

25、n代替由铁制成的代替由铁制成的“手铐和脚镣手铐和脚镣”) )PRACTICES IT2 He paid the workers $5 per head.他付给每个工人五块钱。他付给每个工人五块钱。( (以以headhead代替代替person)person)PRACTICES IT3 He earned his daily bread with honest labour.她通过诚实的劳动来谋生。她通过诚实的劳动来谋生。以以breadbread代替代替foodfoodPRACTICES IT4 I saw some new faces in the classroom.我在教室里看到一些谋生我

26、在教室里看到一些谋生人人( (新面孔)。新面孔)。以以faceface代替代替personpersonPRACTICES IT5 He deserted to save his skin.他为保命,逃之夭夭。他为保命,逃之夭夭。以以skinskin代替代替personpersonPRACTICES IT6 I have his ear, I could.他当然要听我的。他当然要听我的。以以earear代替代替personpersonPRACTICES IT7 Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。英雄所见略同。以以mindsminds代替代替personspersonsPRACTICES IT8 He walked the boards for a living.他为谋生当演员。他为谋生当演员。以以broadbroad(木板)代替(木板)代替stagestage(舞(舞台)台)HOMEWORK1. Write a passage about your daily life, pay attention to the agreement we have learned in this unit.2. Find more cases of Synecdoche. 3. Preview the new terms to be used in Unit 10.



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