实用土木工程英语 中国建材工业出版社 Unit 1 Civil Engineering

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《实用土木工程英语 中国建材工业出版社 Unit 1 Civil Engineering》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《实用土木工程英语 中国建材工业出版社 Unit 1 Civil Engineering(69页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Specialized English for Civil Engineering实用土木工程专业英语实用土木工程专业英语中国建材工业出版社中国建材工业出版社 Unit1CivilEngineering第一章第一章土木工程土木工程Main contentsTextACivilEngineering土木工程土木工程Translatetheimportantsentences翻翻译句子句子Specialdifficulties难点点讲解解TranslationSkills-导论WritingSkills-科技科技论文写作的一般格式文写作的一般格式TextACivilEngineeringAnsw

2、erthefollowingcontentquestions:1.Whatiscivilengineering?2.Whatcanyousayaboutthehistoryofcivilengineering?3.Whatarethemajorsub-disciplinesofcivilengineering?1. What is civil engineering?1. 什么是土木工程?Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and

3、 maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.土木工程是一门专业工程学科,负责设计、施工,以及维护诸如道路、桥梁、运河、大坝和房屋等各种人造和自然建造的环境。2. What can you say about the history of civil engineering?2. 你了解多少土木工程的发展历史?One of the earliest examples of a scient

4、ific approach to physical and mathematical problems applicable to civil engineering is the work of Archimedes in the 3rd century BC, including Archimedes Principle, which underpins our understanding of buoyancy, and practical solutions such as Archimedes screw. 将解决物理和数学问题的科学方法运用于土木工程的最早例子是公元前三世纪的阿基米

5、德著作。里面包括帮助人们理解浮力的阿基米德定理和像阿基米德螺旋线这样的实用解决方案。Archimedes 阿基米德Archimedes screw阿基米德螺线:当一点P沿动射线OP以等速率运动的同时,该射线又以等角速度绕点O旋转,点P的轨迹称为“阿基米德螺线”。The construction of Pyramids in Egypt might be considered the first instances of large structure constructions. 埃及金字塔的修建被认为是首个大结构建筑。Other ancient historic civil engineer

6、ing constructions include the Qanat water management system(the oldest older than 3000 years and longer than 71km), the Parthenon by Iktinos in Ancient Greece( 447438 BC) , the Appian Way by Roman engineers(312 BC), the Great Wall of China by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang(220 BC)and the

7、stupas constructed in ancient Sri Lanka like the Jetavanaramaya and the extensive irrigation works in Anuradhapura.其它有历史意义的古代建筑工程还包括暗渠水系统(最古老的暗渠有3000多年的历史,长约71公里), 古希腊建筑师伊克蒂诺斯负责建造的帕特农神庙(公元前447438年) ,由古罗马工程师建造的阿庇乌大道(公元前约 312年),由中国第一位皇帝秦始皇下令修建的长城(公元前220年)以及在古代斯里兰卡阿努拉德普勒地区建造的像祗陀林这样的佛塔和庞大灌溉工程。 Qanat 暗渠t

8、he Parthenon 帕特农神庙the Appian Way 阿庇乌大道the Great Wall of China 长城 the Jetavanaramaya 祗陀林佛塔The Romans developed numerous civil structures throughout their empire, including especially aqueducts, harbors, bridges, dams and roads. Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engineeri

9、ng and architecture, and the term “engineer” and “architect” were mainly geographical variations referring to the same person, often used interchangeably.罗马人在他们的帝国内建造了许多的土木工程结构,包括高架渠、港口、桥梁、水坝和道路。直到近代,土木工程和建筑学才开始产生明显的区别,并且“engineer”和“architect”这两个词主要是不同地域的人对土木工程师的不同称呼,常常可以交替使用。Aqueduct 古罗马高架渠In the 1

10、8th century, the term civil engineering was coined to incorporate all things civilian as opposed to military engineering. The first self-proclaimed civil engineer was John Smeaton who constructed the Eddystone Lighthouse. 18世纪,“土木工程”这个术语被用来泛指与军事工程相对的一切民事工程。第一个自称是土木工程师的人是约翰斯米顿,他建造了涡石灯塔。John Smeaton约翰

11、斯米顿Eddystone Lighthouse涡石灯塔In 1818 the Institution of Civil Engineers was founded in London, and in 1820 the eminent engineer Thomas Telford became its first president. The institution received a Royal Charter in 1828, formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession. 1818年英国土木工程师学会成立于伦敦,1820年

12、著名工程师托马斯德福成为第一任主席。该机构于1828年获皇家特许状,土木工程师被正式确认为一种职业。The Institutions headquarters in London.英国土木工程师学位于伦敦的总部The first private college to teach Civil Engineering in the United States was Norwich University, founded in 1819 by Captain Alden Partridge. 美国第一所教授土木工程课的私立学校是由奥尔登帕特里奇上尉在1819年成立的诺威治大学。Norwich Un

13、iversityThe first degree in Civil Engineering in the United States was awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835. 在美国,伦斯勒理工学院于1835年颁发了第一个土木工程学位。Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute The first such degree to be awarded to a woman was granted by Cornell University to Nora Stanton Blatch in 1905.1

14、905年康奈尔大学将此类学位授予了第一位女性诺拉斯坦顿布兰奇。Nora Stanton Blatch 3. What are the major sub-disciplines of civil engineering?3. 土木工程有哪些子学科?The major sub-disciplines are as follows: Structural Engineering 结构工程 Structural engineering is the most important specialization in civil engineering. The construction of a st

15、ructure needs efficient planning, design and method of construction to serve the purpose fully. 结构工程是土木工程中最重要的专业。要充分达到预定目标,结构的施工需要有效的规划,设计和恰当的施工方法。Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程 Geotechnical engineering gives the basic idea about the soil, the analysis, design and construction of foundation.岩土工程提供了关于

16、土壤和分析、 设计和建造基础的基本概念。Transportation Engineering 交通工程 Transportation Engineering deals with the design, construction and execution of the communication routes.交通工程涉及交通路线的设计,施工和实施。Water Supply, Sanitary and Environmental Engineering 供水,卫生和环境工程 Water supply engineering deals with the location, collectio

17、n of water, its treatment methods, tests for standard limits and efficient supply of water. 供水工程涉及水的定位和收集、水的处理方法、水的标准限值的测试和水的有效供给。Sanitary engineering deals with the collection of used water, treatment methods and effective disposal.卫生工程涉及使用过的水的收集、处理方法及如何有效的处理。Environmental engineering deals with th

18、e methods of protecting the environment from the deleterious effects of human activity which would result in the improvement of environmental quality for the well being of mankind.环境工程研究如何保护环境免受人类活动对其造成的有害影响,有利于改善环境质量提高人类的幸福。Irrigation Engineering 灌溉工程Irrigation engineering deals with the controllin

19、g and harnessing of various resources of water, by constructing dams, reservoirs, canals, head works and distribution channels to the cultivable land.灌溉工程通过修建水坝、水库、水渠、渠头及通向耕地的渠道对各种水资源进行控制和治理。Earthquake Engineering 地震工程Earthquake engineering covers ability of various structures to withstand hazardous

20、 earthquake exposures at the sites of their particular location.地震工程涵盖了为防御在特定地点地震的突然袭击所采取的各种工程措施。Costal Engineering 海岸工程 Coastal engineering is concerned with managing coastal areas. In some jurisdictions the terms “sea defense” and “coastal protection” are used to mean, respectively, defense agains

21、t flooding and erosion. The term “coastal defense” is the more traditional term, but coastal management has become more popular as the field has expanded to include techniques that allow erosion to claim land. 海岸工程关注如何管理海岸地区。在某些地区,术语“海防”和“海岸保护”是分别指“对洪水的防御”和“对侵蚀的防御”。“海防”是比较传统的术语,但“海岸管理” 随着该领域延伸到允许对主张

22、土地侵蚀的技术,变得越来越被被人们接受。 Surveying, Leveling and Remote Sensing 测量,水准测量与遥感Surveying is defined as an art of collecting data for mapping the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth.测量的定义是:为绘制地球表面的点的相对位置而采集数据的一种技术。Levelling is the process of determining the relative heights of the points

23、on the surface of earth in a vertical plane.水准测量是指确定在垂直平面上地球表面上的点的相对高度的方法。Remote sensing uses the technique of obtaining the data about an area by taking aerial photographs. The intelligent interpretation gives a clear picture of the terrain.遥感技术是运用航拍获得某一地区数据的技术。通过智能解译可以提供了一个清晰的地形画面。 Translate the f

24、ollowing sentences :将下面的句子翻译成中文:1. The responsibility of providing potable water to the public and disposing the waste water safety is that of a civil engineer. 1. 土木工程师的责任包括为公众提供饮用水和处理废水的安全性。2. Irrigation engineering includes the study and design of works related to the control of river water and t

25、he drainage of waterlogged areas. 2. 灌溉工程包括研究和设计与河水控制和涝区排水相关的工程。Special difficulties1 Until modern times there was no clear distinction between civil engineering and architecture, and the term “engineer” and “architect” were mainly geographical variations referring to the same person, often used int

26、erchangeably.译文:直到近代,土木工程和建筑学才开始产生明显的区别,并且“engineer”和“architect”这两个词主要是不同地域的人对土木工程师的不同称呼,常常可以交替使用。until可用作介词或连词,意为“到时候为止”、“到时候才”或“在时候以前不”。什么情况下表达什么意思,关键要看(主)句中的谓语动词是终止性动词还是延续性动词。(1)如果(主)句中的谓语动词是终止性动词,应采用“. not . until .”结构,意为“到时候才”。例如:You mustnt eat anything until you see the doctor.看过医生后,你才能吃东西。(2)

27、如果(主)句中的谓语动词是延续性动词,那么谓语动词用肯定式或否定式,它们所表达的意思有所不同。如果谓语动词为肯定式,则until译为“到时候为止”。例如:The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.火车越来越慢,最后完全停了。如果谓语动词为否定式,则until应译为“到时候才”,即“在时候以前不”。例如:I did not watch TV until she came back.直到她回来我才开始看电视。2 Without food man can survive for days, but not without

28、 water.译文:没有食物人类还可以生存好几天,但是如果没有水,人类无法坚持那么长时间。这是一个省略句,原句是Without food man can survive for days,but man cannot survive without water. “逗号+but”连接两个独立完整的句子“Without food man can survive for days.”和“Man cannot survive without water.”当它们被放到一个句子里的时候,用“but” 连接,由于句式一样,表达的概念类似,因此可以省略其中重复的一部分。3 The role of an e

29、nvironmental engineer is to build a bridge between biology and technology by applying all the techniques to the job of cleaning the debris.译文:环境工程师的任务是通过将技术应用到清理废弃物的工作中,从而在生物学与技术之间搭起一座桥梁。build a bridge between. and. 意思是“在和之间搭起一座桥梁”。例如:We need to build a bridge between east and west.我们需要在东西方之间建造一座沟通的

30、桥梁。Translation Skills科技英语翻译技巧科技英语翻译技巧导论导论1. 翻译的性质和标准翻译的性质和标准 翻译是跨语际的信息传播活动,是将一种语言转化为另一种语言的过程。古往今来,翻译是持不同语言的人们之间沟通的桥梁和纽带,它的最理想状态是传播过程中保持信息的内容和功能不变。 翻译标准或翻译原则即衡量译本质量的尺度。忠实与通顺是翻译的基本标准。翻译的忠实标准要求译者在充分理解原文的基础上正确表达原文意思,对原文内容不可任意篡改或歪曲;翻译的通顺标准要求译文流畅易懂,符合译语语言习惯,没有生硬晦涩的现象。 翻译的忠实标准和通顺标准是统一的整体。译文与原文意思相去甚远,翻译就失去了

31、意义;译文诘屈聱牙,读者难以理解,也会影响译本的传播效果。2. 科技英语的文体特点科技英语的文体特点 文体是指使用合适的表达手段来实现特定交际目的的语言变体。科技英语是陈述科学事实的语言,其特点是用词准确、条理清楚、逻辑严密。科技英语多使用客观化的描述,句式相对复杂。比较以下两段短文: 【 例 1】 We can classify the engineering materials into different kinds, because they have different nature and properties. If we combine two or more groups o

32、f these materials, we can get composite materials. Their strength is high and their weight is light. 【 例 2】 The engineering materials can be classified into different categories due to their nature and properties. The combination of two or more groups of these materials is known as composite materia

33、ls which are high in strength and light in weight. 可以看出,第一段短文多使用口语化的表述,句式简单;叙述者从自身角度出发,多以We作主语,相对主观。第二段短文使用了被动语态和定语从句,用the combination of.等名词化结构作主语,且使用系表结构,显得更为严谨客观。 因此这两段短文可分别译为:1. 我们可以把工程材料分成不同种类,因为它们具有不同的性质和属性。我们把两种或两种以上的材料结合在一起,就可以得到合成材料。这些合成材料强度很高、重量很轻。2. 根据其性质和属性,工程材料可分为不同种类。将两种或两种以上的材料结合就可得到合

34、成材料。这些合成材料具有强度高、重量轻的特点。总的来说,科技英语语气正式、语言规范、陈述客观准确,专业性强。Writing Skills科技英语写作技巧科技英语写作技巧科技论文写作的一般格式科技论文写作的一般格式 随着我国改革开放的深入,中国学者与国际学术界交流的机会更为频繁。用英语写作科技论文的目的是在国外专业英语刊物上发表学术论文,接受国外同行的检验。因此需要遵循国际标准化组织(ISO)和相关国际刊物的规定,了解科技论文写作的一般格式与要求。英语科技论文的基本结构包括以下几个部分:论文题目(Title)作者姓名(Authors name)摘要(Abstract)关键词(Keywords)正

35、文(Body)致谢(Acknowledgements)参考文献(Bibliography/Works Cited/References)附录(Appendix)索引(Index)作者简介(Resume)。 论文题目要求简洁、准确,方便检索和查阅。摘要要求用概括性的语言反映论文的主要内容,关键词是文章内容的浓缩,好的摘要和关键词应该易于检索。致谢部分感谢为论文提供各类帮助的人。参考文献应列出论文中直接或间接引用的各种文献资料,这是对前人研究成果的尊重,也方便读者查阅相关资料。附录部分包括正文中提到的数据、设备、编码和图表供读者参考。索引则是将正文中的主题词、关键词按字母顺序排列并标明所在页码,以

36、方便读者查阅。其中致谢、附录和索引不是论文的必要部分,而作者简介一般用于博士论文。正文为论文的主体部分,分为若干章节。一篇完整的科技论文的正文一般由以下内容构成:引言/概述(Introduction)背景(Background)材料和方法(Materials and Methods)结果(Results)讨论(Discussion)结论/总结(Conclusion) 引言一般介绍论文的写作背景,提出研究问题,包括主题、写作目的。背景包括前人研究成果和不足、深入研究的必要性。也可根据实际情况将引言和背景合为一部分。材料和方法介绍研究或实验的详细过程,结果应具有可重复性和可检验性。结果部分介绍实验的结果,讨论则对实验结果分析归纳,作出总结,回答引言部分提出的问题并上升到理论高度,结论总结全文内容,得出全面结论。有些论文中讨论部分可以和结论部分合在一起。 以上是科技论文写作的一般框架。在实际写作过程中,允许根据具体情况作出一定调整。Thank you for your attention!



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