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1、七年级上册英语单词七年级上册英语单词UNITUNIT1 1Canada 加拿大(地名)thanks n.谢谢four num.四five num.五over adv.在那边;在另一处homeroom n.年级教室学生定期接受导师指导的教室student n.学生classmate n.同班同学visiting adj.访问的;参观的show v. 指示;带路around prep.到处;在附近classroom n.教室office n. 办公室;职务plann.v. 方案fun n. 有趣的事;玩笺lab n.实验室erasern. 橡皮擦guess v. 猜测first adv.num.

2、第一;首先wall n. 墙may aux. 可以;可能excuse v. 原谅OKadj.adv.int.口语好;对;不错;可耻borrowv.借twonum.二threenum.三供学习参考storen.商店lateradv.后来;以后thingn.东西;事情needv.n.需要listn.列表;名单;目录tennum.十sixnum. 六sevennum.七onenum.一ninenum.九eightnum.八UNITUNIT2 2sureadv.当然blousen.女衬衫;短上衣reallyadv.真正地;确实地; 表示惊讶、疑心等真的吗pinkadj.n. 粉色的paintv.n.画

3、;绘画颜料mixv.混合;调配rain bown.虹,彩虹purpleadj.n.紫色的outadv.prep.在外面;在外面skyn.天空scarfn.围巾;头巾gloven.手套maybeadv.也许;大概Lynn琳人名justadv.恰恰;差不多;刚刚catchv. 疾病 ;接住;抓住;抓球游戏readyadj.准备好的dinosaurn.恐龙T-shirtn.短袖汗衫jacketn.夹克;上衣forgetv.口忘记hatn.帽子多指有边的帽子pantsn.裤子colorfuladj. 丰富多彩的soadv.非常;那么;很brightadj.明亮的;耀眼的worldn.世界reportn

4、.v. 报告traditionaladj.传统的;惯例的India印度地名uniformn. 制服prettyadj.漂亮的;可爱的centren.中心;中央Saturdayn. 星期六willaux.将要pairn.双;对UNITUNIT3 3partn.局部feelingn.感觉;情感常用作复数robotn.机器人cameran.照相机smellv.嗅;闻起来fingern.手指大拇指除外playern.比赛者;选手homeworkn.家庭作业singern.歌手questionn.问题sickadj.病的;生病的scaredadj.恐惧的smilev.n.微笑wavev.挥手;招手mea

5、nv.意思是 adj.刻薄的metren.米bitn.小量;少量againstprep.倚着,靠着;反对,违反toiln.尾部:尾巴flatadv. 水平地uponprep.在上面groundn.地面ohint. 哦hurtadj. 痛的;受伤的;伤害;疼痛donutn.面包圈enoughadj.adv.足够的地laughv.笑stomachachen.肚子痛;胃痛betteradj.adv.(good/well 的比较级)更好的 地mattern.问题headachen.头痛medicinen.药stayv. 停留;留下;待一段时间restnv.休息differentadj.不同的cutea

6、dj.逗人喜爱的;漂亮的twelvenum.十二blondadj.n.金色的 ;浅黄色的thirteennum.十三almostadv.几乎;差不多funnyadj.有趣的;可笑的供学习参考glassn. 眼镜(glasses);玻璃,玻璃杯UNITUNIT4 4restaurantn.餐馆fifteennum.十五cerealn.谷类食物如麦片等 ;麦片粥wouldaux.将;愿意用以提出建议或邀请saladn.色拉凉拌生菜sugarn. 糖deliciousadj.美味的;可口的cupn. 杯子fulladj. 满的;充足的cookien.饼干chocolaten.巧克力everythin


8、en.冰箱twentynum.二十passv.传递;经过;路过awayadv.离开某处 ;在某距离处sandwichn.兰明治takeoutn.外卖食品tipn. 指点;提示onlyadv.仅仅;只P.S.n.信末署名后的附言;又及UNIT 5UNIT 5membern.成员sonn.儿子daughtern.女儿drivev. 驾驶;用车送. n. 驱车行走policemann.男警察radion.收音机businessmann.商人weekendn.周末togethern.一起otherspron.其他人hardadj./adv.努力,艰难bedroomn.卧室dictionaryn.字典f

9、rontn.正面aboveprep.在.之上thirtynum.三十picnicn.野餐carryv.携带,搬运basketn.篮,筐Rover罗孚tableclothn.桌布,台布lotpron.许多quiteadj.安静的,平静的papern.纸,试卷insideprep./adv在里面.poemn.诗,诗歌rosen.玫瑰riddlen.谜语presentn.礼物softadj.软的,柔软的woofn.汪汪狗叫声Jane简人名setv.摆放;放置,落下Fred弗雷德人名Heidi海蒂人名teacupn.茶杯UNITUNIT6 6bookstoren.书店ridev.骑,乘坐brokena

10、dj.坏的,破碎的offadv.离开,关上lostadj.迷路的供学习参考ladyn.女士,夫人,小姐straightadv./adj.直的trafficn.交通,车辆luckn幸运,运气.freshadj.新鲜的followv.跟随;明白countv.数fortynum. 四十fiftynum. 五十sixtynum. 六十seventynum.七十eightynum. 八十ninetynum九十.hundrednum.百dreamn./v.做梦noisen.响声,噪音lionn.狮子lonelyadj.孤独的missv.想念;错过forestn.森林coursen.过程;经过country

11、siden. 郊外;乡村feedv.喂养pickv.采摘;选择friendlyadj.友好的quicklyadv.快;迅速mooonom.牟museumn.博物馆halln.会堂,大厅famousadj.著名的paintingn.绘画;绘画作品boringadj.无聊的warn.战争learnv.学习historyn.历史arean.区域;面积giftn.礼物movien. 电影theatren. 电影院;戏院Kung fun.中国功夫pricen. 价格heron.英雄savev.解救;储蓄;节省airportn.飞机场hoteln.旅馆magicadj./n神奇的;魔术的;魔法.fight

12、v./n.与搏斗;打架UNIT 7UNIT 7Mondayn.星期一rainyadj.多雨的Tuesdayn.星期二outsideadv./prep. 在外面Wednesdayn.星期三Thursdayn.星期四snowyadj.下雪的;多雪的skatev.滑冰Nick尼克人名markv.标记calendarn.日历Decembern.十二月bestadj./adv. 最好的Tony托尼人名Fridayn.星期五Christmasn.圣诞节even.前夕;黄昏Sundayn.星期日salen. 出售;卖midnightn.午夜;子夜daten.日期;约会Januaryn.一月Marchn.三月

13、Apriln.四月Junen.六月secondnum.第二Februaryn.二月thirdnum. 第三fourthnum.第四fifthnum.第五Mayn.五月sixthnum.第六Augustn.八月Septembern.九月Novembern.十一月leapn./v.跳;跳跃seventhnum.第七Julyn.七月eighthnum.第八ninthnum.第九tenthnum. 第十Octobern.十月eleventhnum.第十一presentv.介绍;呈现供学习参考internationaladj.国际的nationaladj.国家的;民族的festivaln.节日usual

14、lyadv.通常地;惯常地duringprep.在.期间Mountainn.山;山脉climbv.爬;攀登excitedadj.兴奋的;快乐的beachn.沙滩Anne安人名Australia澳大利亚地名hopev./n.希望yourspron. 你的;你们的UNITUNIT8 8directionn.方向northn./adv.北方southn./adv.南方eastn./adv.东方westn./adv.西方pointv.指;指向countryn.国家NewZealand新西兰地名Grandparentn. 外祖父; 外祖母southeastn./adv.东南U.S = ( UnitedS

15、tates)美国地名soonadv.不久invitev.邀请everyonepron.每个人;所有的人heyint. 嘿;喂Sydney悉尼地名John约翰人名London伦敦地名capitaln. 首都U.K=(United Kingdom) 英国地名Mike迈克人名Washington D.C.华盛顿特区Greg格雷格人名Vancouver温哥华地名languagen. 语言elseadv.除.以外;其他flagn.旗帜palacen.宫殿The Palace Museum故宫lovelyadj.可爱的;美丽的Frenchn.法语Ottawa渥太华地名leafn. 叶子beavern. 海

16、狸NiagaraFalls尼亚加那大瀑布waterfalln.瀑布stripen.条eaglen.鹰statuen.雕像libertyn. 自由StatueofLiberty自由女神像NewYork纽约地名sameadj.一样的;相同的asconj./prep. 和一样;作为big ben大本钟towern.塔Canberra堪培拉kangaroon.袋鼠operan.歌剧院SydneyOperaHouse 悉尼歌剧院Africa非洲地名Singapore新加坡地名South Africa南非地名eachpron./adj.各个;每个比照记忆比照记忆一、一个星期七天1.Monday2.Tues

17、day3.Wednesday4.Thursday5. Friday6. Saturday7. Sunday二、一年十二个月1. January2. February3. March 4. April5. May6. June7. July 8. August 9. September10.October 11.November12. December三、一年四季1. spring2. summer3. autumn4. winter四、容易拼写错的数字1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九3. forty四十4. twelfth第十二5. twentieth第二十四、亲属称呼1. dau

18、ghter (女儿)2. niece ( 女性晚辈)供学习参考3. nephew ( 男性晚辈)4. cousin ( 同辈兄弟姐妹)5. aunt ( 女性长辈)6. uncle ( 男性长辈)语法学习语法学习一动词 beis,am,are的用法:说明身份,年龄,状态等。口诀: 我(I)用am, 你(you)用are, is跟着他(he), 她(she),它(it)。单数名词用 is,复数名词全用 are。变否认,更容易,be 后 not 加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。be 动词的用法:be 动词包括“am, “is, “are三种形式。第一人称单数

19、(I)配合 am 来用。句型解析析:I am+I am a student.I am a boy.第二人称(You)配合 are 使用。句型解析:You are+You are my good friend.You are a good person.第三人称单数(He or She or It)配合 is 使用。句型解析:She(He, It) is +She is a good girl.She is so cute.人称复数 (we /you/they)配合 are 使用。句型解析:We (You, They) are + We are in Class 5,Grade 7.You ar

20、e good students.二 情态动词 Can1can 作 “能、 会解, 否认式是 cannot, 缩写为 cant。“can+动词原形“cant+动词原形:表示某人能做或不能做某事Can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。Can 表示的能力为现在的能力,而不是过去或将来的能力。三 情态动词 Would1Would是 will 的过去式, 可用于各人称, 表示过去时间的意志、愿望和 决心等。如:I told peter that I would go along wit him. 我告诉彼得我要跟他一块去。2would 用来表示现在时间时时, 不管是表达说话人本身的意志或向对方提出请求,

21、均较will 婉转。如:Would you like to have a glass of wine? 你要喝杯酒吗?Would you please tell me the way to the nearestbus-stop?注在日常会话中, I would like to和 I should like to 都可以说,I would like 的简略式为 Id like。如:yes, Id like to.Yes, Id love toYes,verymuch.Sorry,aialreadyhaveanappointment.3Would还可以表示过去习惯发生的动作I found tha

22、t retired persons would often go to the park toplay chess.我发现退休的人经常到公园里下棋。When he had a problem to solve,he would work at ituntil he found an answer.当他有个问题要解决时,他总是想方法一直到找到答案为止。四 “there be句型There be 句型主要用以表达 “某处某时有某人某物 。其根本结构为“There be某物某人 某地某时其中 there 是引导词,没有词义;主语是 be 后面的名词, be 是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be 只用is

23、和 are 两种形式。There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:Be 动词,有三个,am,is 还有 are。 “There be真特别,不留 am 只留俩,那就是 is 还有 are。要用 is 还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。假设是单数或不可数名词用 is,否那么就用 are。如:There is a tree behind the house.There is some water水in the bottle瓶子.There are some pears in the box.五 一般现在时一般现在时:1) 它表示经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。e.g

24、.I go to school on foot.He is very busy now.2)表示主语的特征、性格、能力、爱好等。e.g. He can swim.I work hard.I like watching TV.3)表示客观真理,表示格言或警句中e.g. There are seven days in a week.The moon movesround the earth.其结构按正常语序,即“主语+谓语+其它,有时为了起强调作用,时间状语也可提前.其句式变化可分为两种情况1)表示动作, 一般人称作主语的,变否认句须在动词前加助动词 dont;变一般疑问句须在句首加助动词 do。

25、They have lunch at 12:00.They dont have lunchat 12:00.Do they have lunch at 12:00?2 单三人称做主语的, 变否认句须在动词前加助动词doesnt;变一般疑问句须在句首加助动词does。供学习参考Jenny speaks English very well.Jenny doesnt speakEnglish very well.Does Jenny speak English very well?含有 be 动词的要在 be 上做变化.E.g. Danny is a good student.Danny isnt

26、a goodstudent.Is Danny a good student?六英语日期的表示法英语中月份和星期名称都是专有名词,它们的首字母必须大写,并且前面无需用冠词。用英语表示日期,其顺序为月+日+年,日和年之间需用逗号隔开。如:August 2nd,2003(2003 年 8 月 2 日)。也可以用日+月+年来表示。如:10th May,2003(2003 年 5 月 10 日)英语日期前介词的使用:假设指在哪一年或哪一月,那么用介词 in,假设具体到某一天,那么需用介词 on。She was born in 1989She was bornin August.She was born

27、in August 1989.She was bornon 2nd August, 1989.七 时间的表达法(1) 直读式,即直接读出时间数字7: 05seven five 8:16 eight sixteen(2) 过、差式,即几点差几分,几点过几分。 以 30分为分界线1:25 twenty-five past one 2:30 half past two3:43 seventeen to four 4:38 twenty-two to five(3)12 小时制6:00 a.m. 上午 6 点 8:20 p.m. 下午 8 点 20 分(4)24 小时制13:00 13 点钟 22:1

28、5 22 点 15 分(5)15 分可用 quarter4:15 a quarter past four 5:45 a quarter to six(6)时间前通常用 at.at 5 oclock at 7:30 p.m.八want 用法(1)想干什么用 want to do sthThey want to join the sports club. 他们想参加运动俱乐部。(2)第三人称单数作主语,want 要作变化He wants to play basketball.Li Xia wants toplay the piano.(3)变疑问句,否认句要借助助动词do 或 does.Do yo

29、u want to play soccer ball ?Yes , I do . /No , I dont.Does he want to go home by bus ? Yes , he does ./ No , he doesnt冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 1Unit 1 英语单词表英语单词表trip n.trip n. 旅行,旅程silk n.silk n. 丝,丝绸road n.road n.路,公路lead (led led) v.lead (led led) v.带着,指路* Martin n.* Martin n.马丁姓氏note n.n

30、ote n. 便笺,笔记chance n.chance n.时机,运气send (sent sent) v.send (sent sent) v.寄,送news n.news n. 新闻,消息exciting adj.exciting adj.使人冲动的along prep.along prep. 沿着kilometer n.kilometer n. 千米,公里special adj.special adj.特殊的,特别的culture n.culture n. 文化arrive v.arrive v. 到达,抵达* Terra Cotta Warrior* Terra Cotta Warri

31、or 兵马俑leave (left left) v.leave (left left) v.动身,出发,离开* Wild Goose Pagoda* Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔hit (hit hit) v.hit (hit hit) v.击,击中ancient adj.ancient adj. 古代的,古老的* drum n.* drum n. 鼓ring (rang rung) v.ring (rang rung) v.敲( (钟) ),打,按( (铃) ),鸣,响bell n.bell n. 钟,铃enjoy v.enjoy v. 喜欢,享受的乐趣dish n.dish

32、n. 菜肴,盘,碟tour n.& v.tour n.& v.旅游,游行guide n.guide n.导游,向导供学习参考* pit n.* pit n.坑,深坑,陷阱move v.move v. 移动,搬动* sign n.* sign n. 招牌,记号group n.group n.群,组,团体bridge n.bridge n. 桥梁cross v.cross v. 横跨,横穿wide adj.wide adj. 宽的,广泛的* cheese n.* cheese n. 干酪,奶酪another adj. & pron.another adj. & pron.另外的,又一;另一个* a

33、mazing adj.* amazing adj. 惊奇的,惊人的main adj.main adj.主要的sand n.sand n.沙,沙地* cave n.* cave n. 洞窟,山洞believe v.believe v. 相信* Marco Polo* Marco Polo马可. . 波罗* camel n.* camel n. 骆驼sir n.sir n. 先生,老师safe adj.safe adj. 平安的fall (fell fallen)v.fall (fell fallen)v.落下,跌倒* onto prep.* onto prep. 到.上面* yay int.*

34、yay int.哇( (因快乐而欢呼) )diary n.diary n. 日记,日志last adj.last adj. 最后的,上一个* clothing n.* clothing n.衣物* nest n. (* nest n. (鸟的) )窝,巢few adj.few adj. 少数的,很少的* building n.* building n.建筑物hold v.hold v. 举行,拿着Olympics n.Olympics n. 奥林匹克竞赛,奥运会thousand num.thousand num. 千instrument n.instrument n. 乐器,仪器* somed

35、ay adv.* someday adv.将来有一天guess whatguess what 猜猜看,你猜怎么着learn aboutlearn about 学习,了解How far is itHow far is itfromto?fromto? 从到多远?climb upclimb up 爬上,攀登No photos!No photos! 禁止拍照go for a walkgo for a walk 散步take a picturetake a picture 照相take a tourtake a tour 参观,旅游be famous asbe famous as 作为而知名on on

36、es way toon ones way to某人在去的路上fall offfall off 跌落,下降,减少,离开all rightall right 可以的,好的a fewa few 一些,几个thousands ofthousands of 数以千计的,许多的冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 2Unit 2 英语单词表英语单词表project n.project n. 课题,方案interest n.interest n.兴趣still adj. adv.still adj. adv.不动的,静止的;还,仍旧anywhere adv.anywhere adv.任何地方,无论何处jo

37、ke n. & v. (joke n. & v. (开) )玩笑* Italy n.* Italy n.意大利age n.age n.年龄* goods n.* goods n. 商品,物品Europe n.Europe n.欧洲Asia n.Asia n.亚洲journey n.journey n. 旅行,旅程king n.king n. 国王coal n.coal n. 煤discover v.discover v. 发现,了解invent v.invent v. 创造,创造other adj.other adj. 别的,其它的describe v.describe v. 描写,描述bui

38、ld (built built) v.build (built built) v.修建,建造ago adv.ago adv.前,以前army n.army n.军队,陆军* clay n.* clay n. 黏土* soldier n.* soldier n.战士,士兵important adj.important adj. 重要的tool n.tool n. 工具,用具* desert n.* desert n. 沙漠,荒漠more adj. & pron.more adj. & pron. many, muchmany, much 的比较级更多,较多* Lily n.* Lily n.莉莉

39、女名realize v.realize v. 认识,实现rich adj.rich adj. 丰富,富有的western adj.western adj. 西方的,西式的violin n.violin n.小提琴* dancer n.* dancer n. 跳舞的人online adj.online adj. 在线的,联网的especially adv.especially adv. 尤其,特别treasure n.treasure n. 宝物,财富end n.end n.最后,末端product n.product n. 产品,结果worth adj.worth adj. 值得( (做某事)

40、 ),有价值的* hand-made adj.* hand-made adj.手工的taste v.taste v. 尝起来,品尝,体验* Dora n.* Dora n. 多拉( (人名) )* Monica n.* Monica n. 莫尼卡( (人名) )true adj.true adj. 真实的,真正的,正确的* supper n.* supper n. 晚餐供学习参考* Paul n.* Paul n. 保罗( (男名) )once adv.once adv.从前,一度,一次* blog n.* blog n. 博客( (网络电子日记) )experience v.&n.exper

41、ience v.&n. 体验,经历,经验aliveadj.aliveadj. 活着的,有活力的own adj.own adj.自己的should v. auxshould v. aux 应该,将要anyone pron.anyone pron.任何人无论谁suggestion n.suggestion n. 建议* yum int.* yum int. 好吃,味道或气味非常好places of interestplaces of interest 名胜古迹talk abouttalk about 谈论make a jokemake a joke 开玩笑,讲笑话work onwork on 从事

42、于,努力改善或完成at the age ofat the age of在岁时be new tobe new to 对.陌生try ones besttry ones best 尽力a long time agoa long time ago很久以前well donewell done做得好a little bita little bit一点点m m akefromakefrom 用制作think aboutthink about 考虑cant wait to docant wait to do 迫不及待要做某事play musicplay music 演奏音乐I hope so.I hope

43、so.我希望如此take part intake part in 参加,参与get backget back 回来冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 3Unit 3 英语单词表英语单词表life n.life n.生活term n.term n.学期start v.start v. 开始,出发finish v.finish v.完成,结束twice adv.twice adv. 两次,两倍win (won won) v.win (won won) v. 赢得,获胜* yeah int. (* yeah int. (口语) )是,对social adj.social adj.社会的* sho

44、p n.* shop n. 手工艺课myself pron.myself pron. 我自己* Edmonton* Edmonton 埃德蒙顿( (加拿大城市) )middle adj.middle adj. 中等的* Greenwood Middle School* Greenwood Middle School 格林伍德中学grade n.grade n.年级* wood n.* wood n.木头,木材print v.print v. 印图案于,印刷guitar n.guitar n. 吉它fair n.fair n. 展览会* worm n.* worm n.蠕虫* silk worm

45、* silk worm蚕difference n.difference n.差异,差异village n.village n. 村庄,乡村* education* education n.n. 教育yourselfyourself pron.pron. 你自己drop v.drop v. 放弃,停止possible adj.possible adj.可能的never adv.never adv. 从来没有,决不future n.future n. 未来* Jason Glen* Jason Glen杰森. . 格伦( (人名) )* Riverside High School* Riversi

46、de High School河畔中学terrible adj.terrible adj.可怕的,非常严重的happen v.happen v.发生lose (lost lost) v.lose (lost lost) v.失去,失败fire n.fire n.火,火灾raise v.raise v. 筹募( (钱财) )prize n.prize n. 奖品,奖赏video n.video n. 录像,视频piece n.piece n. 张,片visitor n.visitor n.参观者teach (taught taught) v.teach (taught taught) v.教,讲授

47、quite adv.quite adv. 非常,十分nervous adj.nervous adj. 紧张的,不安的comfortable fortable adj.舒服的* relaxed adj.* relaxed adj.轻松的,放松的helpful adj.helpful adj.有用的,有帮助的HowHow isgoing?isgoing?怎么样?sports meetsports meet运动会twice a week /yeartwice a week /year 一周/ / 一年两次long /high jumplong /high jump 跳远/ / 跳高be good a

48、tbe good at擅长social studiessocial studies 社会科学by oneselfby oneself独立地,单独on ones ownon ones own单独,单独make a differencemake a difference 有作用,有影响give upgive up放弃drop out of schooldrop out of school退学,辍学in the futurein the future将来come up withcome up with想出,提出( (主意、答案等) )car washcar wash 洗车( (筹款) )cookie

49、 salecookie sale 卖饼干( (筹款) )win first prizewin first prize赢得一等奖be interested inbe interested in对感兴趣供学习参考a piece ofa piece of 一片/ / 张.different kinds ofdifferent kinds of不同种类的movemove fromtofromto 从移动到冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 4Unit 4 英语单词表英语单词表activityactivity n.n.活动* Steven* Steven 史蒂文( (男名) )volleyballv

50、olleyballn.n.排球,排球运动practicepractice n. & v.n. & v. 练习chesschessn.n.国际象棋club n.club n. 俱乐部,社团* volunteer v. n.* volunteer v. n.自愿帮助,志愿者* bingo n.* bingo n. 宾戈游戏both adj. pron.both adj. pron.二者( (的) )nothing n. &pron.nothing n. &pron. 无事,无物join v.join v.参加improve v.improve v. 提高,改善* thinking* thinkin

51、gadj.adj.思想的,理性的skillskilln.n. 技能,技巧challengechallenge v. & n.v. & n. 挑战meetingmeetingn.n. 聚会,会议actact v. & n.v. & n.行动,扮演usefuluseful adj.adj.有用的,有益的rolerole n.n. 职能,角色teamteamn.n. 队,组shapeshapen.n. 样子,形状levellevel n.n. 水平,标准,质量poolpool n.n. 水池,水塘* type* type n.n. 类型,种类* following* followingadj.adj

52、.接着的,下述的whichwhichadj. &pron.adj. &pron.哪( (那) )一个circlecirclev. n.v. n.圈出,圆addaddv.v. 加,增加,添加scorescore n.n. 得分relaxrelax v.v. 放松,休息freefree adj.adj.空闲的,自由的mindmindn.n. 头脑,思想activeactive adj.adj.积极的,活泼的* quietly* quietlyadv.adv. 安静地,平静地mustmustv. auxv. aux必须,应当withoutwithout prep.prep. 没有,不用boredbo

53、redadj.adj.无聊的,无趣的exampleexamplen.n. 例如,范例hurryhurry n. & v.n. & v.赶紧,匆忙somewheresomewhereadv.adv. 在某处* actually* actually adv.adv. 确实,真实地* cooking* cooking n.n. 烹调* surf* surfv.v. 冲浪InternetInternetn.n. 因特网,互联网houseworkhouseworkn.n.家务劳动phonephonen. v.n. v.,打* bookworm* bookwormn.n. 书迷,书虫anythingany

54、thing pron.pron. 任何事物,某事* grocery* grocery n.n. 杂货expensiveexpensive adj.adj.昂贵的* yummy* yummyadj.adj.好吃的,美味的everybodyeverybodypron.pron. 每人,人人come overcome over过来,来访do well indo well in在方面做得好make friendsmake friends 交朋友at the same timeat the same time同时enjoy doingenjoy doing 享受,喜欢.stay in shapestay

55、 in shape保持体型add upadd up把加起来in ones free timein ones free time 在某人的闲暇时间play an instrumentplay an instrument弹奏乐器go on a tripgo on a trip 旅游,游玩for examplefor example 例如have lunchhave lunch 吃午饭in a hurry to doin a hurry to do 匆忙做surf the Internetsurf the Internet 网上冲浪,浏览因特网helphelpwithwith 帮助做I would

56、loveI would love我想on the phoneon the phone 在通have a great /good weekendhave a great /good weekend 周末玩得愉快take a bustake a bus 乘公共汽车ItsIts awayaway from from从到.有多长时间( (或多远距离) )冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 5Unit 5 英语单词表英语单词表foreign adj.foreign adj.外国的could v.auxcould v.aux 能,可能* loudly adv.* loudly adv.高声地,大声地,

57、吵闹地understand (-understood-understood)understand (-understood-understood) v.v. 懂得,理解cartoon n.cartoon n. 动画片,漫画Canadian adj. n.Canadian adj. n. 加拿大( (人) )的,加拿大人AliciaAlicia艾丽西娅( (女名) )Russia n.Russia n.俄罗斯reply n.&v.reply n.&v. 答复,答复competition petition n. 比赛,竞赛proud adj.proud adj. 自豪的,引以为荣的such adj

58、.such adj. 那么的,这样的供学习参考letter n.letter n.字母exactly adv.exactly adv. 确切地,精确地fact n.fact n. 事实,真实的事物sentence n.sentence n. 句子quick adj.quick adj. 快的,迅速的* fox n.* fox n.狐狸lazy adj.lazy adj.懒惰的* forwards (=forward) adv.* forwards (=forward) adv.向前* backwards (=backward) adv.* backwards (=backward) adv.

59、向后,倒* therein adv.* therein adv.在那里,在其中even adv.even adv.甚至,还,其实dig (dug dug)dig (dug dug)v.v. 挖,掘* Teresa* Teresa 特里萨( (人名) )* Hong Kong* Hong Kong香港* storybook* storybook n.n.故事书magazinemagazinen.n.杂志newspapernewspapern.n.报纸mistakemistake n.n.错误sillysillyadj.adj. 愚蠢的,傻的* Susan* Susan 苏珊( (女名) )oop

60、s int.oops int.哎哟,啊呀( (摔倒或出小错时用) )articlearticlen.n.文章* opportunity* opportunityn.n.时机knowledgeknowledgen.n.知识,学问communicatecommunicatev.v. 交流connectconnect v.v. 连接,联结*pal*pal n.n.伙伴,朋友* Jessica* Jessica 杰西卡( (男名) )introduceintroduce v.v. 介绍have a good talkhave a good talk谈得很好Good for you!Good for y

61、ou! 干得好,好样的be proudbe proud ofof为感到骄傲in factin fact事实上dig indig in开始认真工作,钻研look uplook up 查阅,查找enjoy oneselfenjoy oneself玩得痛快,尽情享受in /after classin /after class课上/ / 下be afraid to dobe afraid to do 害怕做make a mistake /mistakesmake a mistake /mistakes 犯( (一个) )错误laugh atlaugh at 嘲笑,取笑right nowright no

62、w 现在,目前a doora doortoto 通向的门communicatecommunicate withwith 与交流ask forask for 寻求帮助,要求得到help(to)help(to) do do 帮助做connectconnect withwith 把和.联系起来play chessplay chess下象棋try to dotry to do 努力做.look forwardlook forward toto 期待冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 6Unit 6 英语单词表英语单词表strangestrange adj.adj. 奇怪的,奇特的,不熟悉的noti

63、ce v. n.notice v. n.注意到,看到;布告,启事* wild adj.* wild adj.怪异的,荒唐的,野生的wake (woke woken) v.wake (woke woken) v. 醒* surprised adj.* surprised adj.感到惊讶的become (became become) v.become (became become) v. 变得,成为dark adj. & n.dark adj. & n.黑暗( (的) )* ski v.* ski v.滑雪* snowball n.* snowball n.雪球research n. & v.r

64、esearch n. & v.研究,调查website n.website n. 网站hill n.hill n.山丘,小山ice n.ice n. 冰* snowman n.* snowman n.雪人clear adj.clear adj. 晴朗的,明亮的,清澈的temperature n.temperature n. 温度pie n.pie n. 馅饼* clap v. & n.* clap v. & n.拍手,鼓掌* happily adv.* happily adv.幸福地,满足地* maple n.* maple n. 枫树* syrup n.* syrup n.糖浆* goose

65、 (pl. geese) n. (* goose (pl. geese) n. (加拿大) )雁,鹅* honk n.* honk n. 鹅( (雁) )声,汽车喇叭声cloud n.cloud n. 云wet adj.wet adj. 湿的* surfing n.* surfing n.冲浪运动* mate n.* mate n. 朋友,伙伴* Aaron* Aaron艾伦( (女名) )reach v.reach v. 到达,到达degree n.degree n.度数,度sea n.sea n. 海洋,海* surfboard n.* surfboard n.冲浪板popular adj

66、.popular adj. 流行的,普及的* surfer* surfern.n.冲浪者everywhereeverywhereadv.adv.到处,处处strawberrystrawberry n.n.草莓wake upwake up醒来go awaygo away消失go swimming /skiing /skatinggo swimming /skiing /skating去游泳/ / 滑雪/ / 滑冰have snowball fightshave snowball fights 打雪仗Good /Great work!Good /Great work! 做得好wait forwai

67、t for等待供学习参考do some researchdo some research 做研究getgettogethertogether 召集It is a great season forIt is a great season for 这是的好季节。Its ones turnIts ones turntoto 轮到某人做.play catchplay catch 玩传( (接) )球游戏maple syrupmaple syrup 枫糖浆have a picnichave a picnic早餐Gday mates!Gday mates! 朋友们好be differentbe diffe

68、rent fromfrom 与不同ride the wavesride the waves冲浪冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 7Unit 7 英语单词表英语单词表truth n.truth n.真相,真实decide v.decide v. 决定,做出判断change v. & n.change v. & n. 改变habit n.habit n. 习惯,行为usual adj.usual adj. 通常的health n.health n. 健康,健康状态* saying n.* saying n. 俗语,谚语awful adj.awful adj. 可怕的remember v.re

69、member v.记得,记起information n.information n.信息keep (-kept-kept) v.keep (-kept-kept) v.保持;保存brain n.brain n. 脑,头脑* ping-pong n.* ping-pong n.乒乓球success n.success n. 成功,胜利* event n.* event n.竞赛工程,大事throw (-thew-thrown) v.throw (-thew-thrown) v.投,掷,扔winner n.winner n. 获胜者,优胜者* teammate n.* teammate n. 队友

70、* Ben* Ben 本( (男名) )* Tim* Tim蒂姆( (男名) )* outdoor adv.* outdoor adv.在户外weight n.weight n. 重量* couch n.* couch n. 睡椅,长沙发椅air n.air n. 空气,天空lucky adj.lucky adj.幸运的,侥幸的side n.side n. 边,侧边* Dena Morin* Dena Morin迪娜. . 莫林* nation n.* nation n. 国家,民族* hunt v.* hunt v.打猎,搜索spend (-spent-spent) v.spend (-sp

71、ent-spent) v.用( (钱) ),花( (钱) )natural adj.natural adj.自然的,天然的* pow-pow n.* pow-pow n. 帕瓦( (北美原住民族一种歌舞庆典) )step n.step n. 步骤,脚步* towards* towards prep.prep.向,朝向* brush* brush v. n.v. n. 刷,刷子tooth (pl. teeth)tooth (pl. teeth)n.n.牙齿* organized* organized adj.adj.做事有条理的,有组织的messmessn.n. 杂乱,肮脏developdeve

72、lop v.v. 开展,使形成,培育to tell you the truthto tell you the truth说实话as usualas usual 像往常一样have a dreamhave a dream做梦stay healthystay healthy保持健康get some exerciseget some exercise 锻炼get in the wayget in the way阻碍,挡道used toused to 过去常常( (用于过去持续或经常发生的事) )worryworryaboutabout 担忧notnotanyany more more不再put on

73、 weightput on weight体重增加,长胖couch potatocouch potato 沙发土豆( (整日呆在沙发上看电视的人) )get outget out 出去in the sunin the sun在阳光下on ones sideon ones side站在某人一边,支持某人go fishing /huntinggo fishing /hunting 去钓鱼/ / 捕猎First NationsFirst Nations第一民族( (加拿大土著民族) )at that timeat that time 那时make a firemake a fire生火get upge

74、t up 起床spenddoingspenddoing 花费.(.(时间) )做make ones bedmake ones bed 整理床铺lead the way tolead the way to引领,带路a few timesa few times 几次冀教版七年级下冀教版七年级下 Unit 8Unit 8 英语单词表英语单词表finalfinaladj.adj.最后的,最终的examexamn.n.考试,检查tennistennis n.n. 网球* rights* rightsn.n.权益,权利carecare n. v.n. v. 照料,保护,小心;关心,照料petpet n.n

75、.宠物* puppy* puppy n.n.小狗,幼犬* rocket* rocketn.n.火箭( (文中指狗名) )alonealone adj. & adv.adj. & adv. 单独( (的) )field n.field n.旷野,地方,领域* luckily* luckily adv.adv.幸运地,有好运地baseballbaseball n.n.棒球* snack* snack n.n.点心,小吃poppopn.n.汽水ifif conj.conj. 如果,假假设供学习参考ever adv.ever adv. 曾经,究竟,到底* root* rootn. & v.n. & v

76、. 加油* toot* tootn.n.嘟嘟( (喇叭声) )shameshamen.n.羞愧,惭愧noonnoonn.n.中午hamburgerhamburgern.n.汉堡包naturenature n.n.大自然wishwish v. & n.v. & n. 希望GermanyGermanyn.n.德国universityuniversityn.n.大学organizeorganize v.v. 组织campcampn.n.露营,营地shareshare v.v.享,合用take an examtake an exam 参加考试play basketball /tennis /volle

77、yballplay basketball /tennis /volleyball打篮球/ / 打网球/ / 打排球take care oftake care of照顾,照料move awaymove away搬走,离开leaveleavealonealone 不管,撇下(一个人) )walk the dogwalk the dog 带狗散步,遛狗play againstplay against 与比赛taketakeoutout 带.出去rootrootforfor 为.加油,为打气at noonat noon 在中午have a partyhave a party 举办聚会take lessons /classestake lessons /classes 上课keepkeep doingdoing继续做summer campsummer camp夏令营shareshare withwith 与.分享



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