高考英语大一轮复习 模块八 Unit 2 The universal language课件 牛津译林版选修8

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1、先熟读背诵精彩句型烂熟于心主体段落常用句型锤炼:动词不定式作结果状语1.He hurried to the airport only to be told that the film star had left. 他匆忙赶到机场,却被告知那位电影明星已经离开了。2.I tore the box,only to discover that some of the parts were missing. 我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。3.They reached the company out of breath,only to learn that they were fired. 他们上气

2、不接下气地赶到公司,结果却得知他们被解雇了。4.He returned home to learn his daughter had just been engaged. 他回家后结果却得知女儿刚刚订婚了。5.He went to swim in the river nearby,never to come back again. 他去附近的河里游泳,结果再也没有回来。6.To enjoy a grander sight,you must climb to a greater height. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。1.我们到达车站,结果却被告知火车已离开了。后临摹仿写妙语佳句信手拈来2.他匆

3、匆忙忙地赶往剧院,结果被告知票已卖完。3.她回到家,才发现家里没有一个人。We got to the station, only to be told that the train had left.He hurried to the theatre, only to be told that the tickets had been sold out.She returned only to find that no one was at home.重点单词识记联想运用会书写一、核心单词1._ vt.& vi. 选派角色;投射(光、影)2._ adj. 民间的,民俗的 n. 人们;亲属(尤指

4、父母)3._ n. 最后期限,截止日期4._ vt.& vi.& aux. 敢于,胆敢castfolkdeadlinedare5._ vt. 逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住6._ n. 黎明,拂晓7._ adj. 破损的,受伤的;中止了的8._ vt. 训斥,责骂9._ vt. 申请,请求;应用,运用10._ vi. 参与,参加11._ n. 希望,愿望 vt. 向往;想要seizedawnbrokenscoldapplyparticipatedesire二、阅读单词1.liberty n. _2.decline n. _ vi.&vt. _3.trend n. _4.seek vt.& vi. _5

5、.scream vi. _ n. _6.department n. _7.stubborn adj. _8.condemn vt. _自由衰落,衰败;减少;下降衰落;下降;婉言谢绝趋势,动向试图,设法;寻找,寻求尖叫,高声喊;呼啸尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音部,司,局,处,系固执的,顽固的判刑,宣判;指责,谴责三、拓展单词1._ adj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的_ v.搅乱,弄乱;干扰_ adj.困扰的2._ n.奴隶身份;奴隶制_ n.奴隶_ n.奴隶贩子3._ n.偏见,成见 vt.使怀有偏见_ adj.有偏见的;偏心的4._ n.歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力_ v.辨别,区分;歧视5._adj.

6、共同的,普遍的,全世界的_ n.宇宙6._ adj.不情愿,不愿意;勉强的,无奈的_ adj.自愿的_ n.乐意7._ vt.强烈要求;需要n.要求;需求_ adj.要求高的,苛求的disturbingdisturbdisturbedslaveryslaveslaverprejudiceprejudiceddiscriminationdiscriminateuniversaluniverseunwillingwillingwillingnessdemanddemanding8._adj.清楚的,显然的_ n.证据;证词9._ adj.仁慈的,慈悲的_ n.宽容,仁慈,怜悯10._ vi.& v

7、t.联合,团结;统一_ adj.联合的,团结的;统一的_ n.联合,团结;统一11._n.失业_ adj.失业的_ n.雇佣_ v.雇佣_ n.雇主_ n.雇员12._ n.作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品);取走_ vt.收集_ n.收集者;收藏家13._ n.倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向_ v.倾向;趋向14._ adj.逐渐的;平缓的_ adv.逐渐地,逐步地evidentevidencemercifulmercyuniteunitedunityunemploymentunemployedemploymentemployemployeremployeecollectioncollectcolle

8、ctortendencytendgradualgradually会积累1.“增加”“减少”面面观增加:rise,increase,accumulate,go up减少:fall,decrease,decline,go down2.多方“搜寻”动词seek 寻找,探寻explore 探索,探究track 跟踪;追踪hunt 寻找;猎取3.各种“大喊大叫”scream v. 因恐惧、快乐等尖叫cry v. 因恐惧、痛苦等喊叫shout v. 高声喊叫yell v. 因外界刺激尖叫call v. 大声说话或喊叫4.“指责,谴责”系列动词scold 责骂,斥责criticize 批评,指责blame

9、指责,责备accuse 谴责,指控condemn 谴责,判刑5.“er”结尾的名词一览composer 作曲者 customer 顾客designer 设计者explorer 探险者foreigner 外国人traveller 旅行者prisoner 犯人6.“清楚,明显”形容词全接触evident 显然的obvious 极为明显的apparent 显而易见的clear 清楚明白的7.“cy”结尾名词荟萃tendency 趋势frequency 频率currency 货币;通货emergency 紧急情况agency 代理机构accuracy 准确性会应用用所给词的适当形式填空1.They a

10、sked her to be _ (mercy) to the prisoners.2.The workers demanded the same wage and the same treatment! There must be no _ (discriminate).3.He made _ progress in his study and _ he became a popular student.(gradual)4.The _ news _ his normal life and caused _.(disturb)5.George is a famous _ who _ coin

11、s and stamps.His private _ is classic.(collect)mercifuldiscriminationgradualgraduallydisturbingdisturbeddisturbancecollectorcollectscollection6.Teaching is a _ profession,so the headmaster usually _ that every teacher should try their best to do it.(demand)7.There is an increasing _ that more and mo

12、re famous people _ to send their children to study abroad.(tendency)8.An increase in crime is one of the results of _,so the government and the _ should pay more attention to the _.(employ)9.They were searching for _ of his crime,and found it was _ that he had murdered the president._ he was sentenc

13、ed to death.(evident)10.There are a huge number of unknown planets in the _,so these puzzles are very _.But we believe we can make them clear one day.(universe)demandingdemandstendencytendunemploymentemployersemploymentevidenceevidentEvidentlyuniverseuniversal.核心短语识记联想运用会书写1._被处以某种刑罚2._ (向女方)求婚3._ 相

14、爱,坠入爱河4._ 初次见面;乍一看5._ 突然兴起,迅速出现6._ 破裂,解散;破碎7._ 依赖,依靠8._ 举起,张贴,提供食宿be condemned to sthask for sbs hand in marriagefall in loveat first sightspring upbreak updepend onput up9._ 申请10._ 分裂,分解11.participate in _12.have a tendency for _13.take on _14.break ones promise _15.serve as _16.try out _17.go craz

15、y _18.find out _e close to _20.get together _apply forsplit up参加;参与有一种倾向呈现;雇用;承担违背诺言起作用;用作实验;试用变得疯狂,发疯发现,查明,弄清接近,靠近相聚,在一起会积累1.sight短语荟萃at first sight初次见面;乍一看at the sight of 看到out of sight 看不到in/within sight 在视野内come into sight 出现on sight 一看到,一看见2.“v.for”短语集锦apply for 申请long for 渴望hope for 希望得到wish f

16、or 希望得到prepare for 为作准备3.“v.as”短语小结serve as 用作act as 作为用function as 起作用work as 以身份工作 4.“goadj.”短语一览go mad 发疯go hungry 挨饿go bad 变质go wrong (机器等)发生故障go crazy 变得疯狂,发疯go deaf 变聋会应用选用上表左栏短语填空1.I didnt know why a sudden surprise _ in my mind.2.They agreed to _ two foreigners _ for the summer holiday.3.All

17、 students should be encouraged to _ sports to build their body up.4.It is known to all that all living things _ the sun for their growth.5.Things became worse and worse,so I would _ if this went on.6.I was told that my cousin _ ten years in prison.7.When he went back from abroad,he found that his ho

18、metown _ a new look.8._,there is nothing special about the watch,but in fact it is a mobile phone.sprung upputupparticipate independ ongo crazywas condemned totook onAt first sight.经典句式分析背诵仿写句型公式1:“否定词比较级”表示最高级意义。教材原句 Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a mo

19、re awesome setting!想象一下在紫禁城上演这出歌剧吧不可能有比这更棒的场景了!句型仿写 As far as Im concerned,nothing is _.就我个人而言,身体健康最重要。more important than health句型公式2:before引导时间状语从句,意为“还没来得及就;趁;之后才”等。教材原句 Unfortunately,Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene,and it had to be completed by one of his form

20、er students,Franco Alfano.不幸的是,普契尼还没写完最后一幕就因心脏病去世了,这一幕不得不由他以前的一名学生法兰高阿法奴完成。句型仿写 Youd better write down her phone number _.趁你还没忘你最好把她的电话号码记下来。before you forget it句型公式3:wherever引导让步状语从句,意为“无论去(在)哪里”。此时,相当于no matter where。教 材 原 句 Wherever the Beatles went, there was a phenomenon called Beatlemaniathous

21、ands of fans would surround them,screaming and going crazy trying to see them.无论甲壳虫乐队到哪儿,总有一种被称为“披头士狂热”的现象成千上万的粉丝聚集在他们周围,尖叫着、疯狂地试图见他们一面。句型仿写 I expect you to do what you can with what you have,_.我希望你无论在哪里,都要用现在所拥有的做好你能做到的事情。wherever you are.语段改错回顾修正热诵根据课文内容,对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,错误涉及一个单词的增加、

22、删除或修改。Last night Turandot performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing.Turandot is the story of stubborn and cruel Chinese princess,named Turandot,which lives in Beijings Forbidden City.She says any potential husband must solve three riddles or he will be condemned to dead.The story begins when a prin

23、ce is killed for failing to solve the riddles.Short afterwards,Calaf sees Turandot and falls in love with her.Meanwhile,ayoung slave of Calafs father,Liu,loves Calaf.Calaf answers the riddles without some mistake,but Turandot is unwilling to get married.Calaf says that if she can guess his name in s

24、unrise,she doesnt have to marry him.Turandot threatens and terrifies Liu; Liu kills himself.In the end of the prince and princess unite in marriage and the whole city celebrates their happy.The production combined the very best of Western and Chinese talents in music,staging and directing.核 心 词 汇1.c

25、ast (cast,cast) vt.& vi.选派角色;投射(光、影);向投以(视线、笑容)n.全体演员cast down使沮丧/失望cast light on/upon 弄清楚,使人明白cast a shadow on 在投下阴影cast a glance/look at/toward 朝瞧了瞧cast sb as 选派某人演角色The kid was cast _ because he was scolded by his mother.那个孩子因为被他妈妈斥责而感到沮丧。Here are the research findings that cast new light _ the o

26、rigin of our universe.这就是对宇宙起源有新认识的研究发现。His parents unhappy marriage cast a shadow and left a big scar _ Tonys faith toward marriage.父母的不幸婚姻给托尼投下了阴影,在他对婚姻信心中留下了伤疤。downonon2.condemn vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责be condemned to sth被处以某种刑罚;使某 人被迫接受困境condemn sb to death 判处某人死刑condemn sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事而谴责某人cond

27、emn.as. 指责为be condemned to do sth 注定做某事Those who cannot answer all three riddles, however, will be condemned _ death.(教材原句)然而,那些不能答对三个谜语的人们将被处死。toThe judge condemned the drunk driver _ (stay)in prison for six months.法官判这个酒驾司机六个月拘役。Their lack of qualifications condemned them _ a lifetime of boring,us

28、ually poorlypaid work.没有学历使他们一辈子都得从事枯燥乏味而且通常报酬很低的工作。to stayto3.dare vt.& vi.& aux.敢于,胆敢(1)dare用作实义动词时,有人称、数和时态的变化。常见搭配:dare to do sth“敢于做某事”。 在否定句和疑问句中,to可以省略。(2)dare用作情态动词时,通常用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,没有人称和数的变化,后面跟动词原形,其否定式为dare not。I dare say为习惯说法,意为“我想, 我敢说”。This means that few men would dare _ (ask)for her

29、 hand in marriage.(教材原句)这意味着几乎没人敢向她求婚。_ you speak to your teacher like that!你怎么敢那样跟你老师讲话!She dare not _ (tell)her parents that she has failed the maths test.她不敢告诉父母数学考试不及格。I _ she is quite an experienced athlete.我敢说她是一个相当有经验的运动员。to askHow daretelldare say4.demand vt.强烈要求;需要n.要求;需求(1)be in (great) de

30、mand (迫切)需求meet/satisfy ones demands 满足某人的需求(2)demand to do sth 要求做某事demand that.(should) do sth 要求做某事Bicycle sharing is quite popular; it is _ in this city.共享单车很受欢迎,在这座城市的需求量很大。The manager promised that they would try to _.经理许诺他们会尽力满足顾客的需求。Its demanded that the problem he referred to _ (discuss)in

31、no time.要求立刻讨论他提到的问题。in great demandmeet/satisfy their customers demands (should) be discussed5.decline n.衰落,衰败;减少;下降vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝(1)fall/go into decline陷入衰退in decline/on the decline 在衰退中,走下坡路(2)decline to do sth 拒绝做某事Now he is crazy about pop music,so his interest in computer games is _ declin

32、e.Now he is crazy about pop music,so his interest in computer games is _ the decline.现在他痴迷于流行音乐,因此他对电脑游戏的兴趣在下降。The star declined _ (discuss)his plans with the newspaper reporter.这位影星谢绝与新闻记者讨论他的计划。inonto discuss6.seek (sought,sought) vt.& vi.试图,设法;寻找,寻求seek (for) sth/sb from从寻找某物/某人seek after 追求;追寻se

33、ek to do sth 试图做某事seek ones fortune 找出路;碰运气seek out 搜寻出;找出In the early 1950s,a record company owner from Memphis,Tennessee,Sam Philips,sought _ (bring)rock music to white audiences.(教材原句)在20世纪50年代初期,田纳西州孟菲斯的一家唱片公司老板萨姆菲利普斯试图让白人观众接受摇滚乐。In the early 1920s,thousands of people went to Australia _.在20世纪20

34、年代初,成千上万的人涌入澳大利亚寻求发财的机会。We are all _happiness while few of us know what is happiness.我们都在追求幸福,但我们当中几乎没有人知道幸福是什么。名师指津表示“寻找”的短语还有:look for,search for,hunt for等。to bringto seek their fortuneseeking after7.fall in love (with sb)爱上(某人),相爱,坠入爱河(1)fall in love with“突然爱上”,表示动作,是短暂性动词短语,不与表示一段时间的状语连用(2)be in

35、 love with“爱/喜欢”,表示状态,是延续性动词短语,可与表示一段时间的状语连用In the film,a beautiful girl _ a beast.在这部影片中,美女爱上了野兽。Annie was so attractive that Jimmy _ her the first time he saw her.Now they _ each other for 3 years.安妮如此迷人以至于吉米第一次见她就爱上了她。现在他们已经相爱三年了。fell in love withfell in love withhave been in love with8.break up

36、破裂;破碎,打碎;解散,驱散;拆开,分开;分手;结束;放假一词多义写出下列句中break up的含义After the endofterm examination all the schools begin to break up._He lost his job and his marriage broke up._If you do not understand her in this matter,you might easily break up with her._They broke up the partnership because of the disagreement._A

37、s the meeting broke up, the participants were divided into smaller groupstwos and threes._ There are plans to break the company up into several smaller independent companies._放假破裂分手结束(关系等)解散;结束拆开,分开重 点 句 型1.Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a more awesome

38、setting!想象一下在紫禁城上演这出歌剧吧不可能有比这更棒的场景了!句中could not be a more.为“否定词比较级”结构,表示最高级意义。表示最高级含义的主要有:(1)否定词比较级(than.),通常译为“没有比更;没有像一样”。常用的否定词有no,not,never,nothing,nobody,hardly等。thanbettersuchotherallany(4)can/couldnever/notenough/too.“再也不过分;越越”。Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course.You _ with that.做

39、完饭后我必须关上煤气吗?当然,在用煤气方面越小心越好。can never be too careful2.Unfortunately,Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene,and it had to be completed by one of his former students,Franco Alfano.不幸的是,普契尼还没写完最后一幕就因心脏病去世了,这一幕不得不由他以前的学生法兰高阿法奴完成。(1)句中before引导时间状语从句,表示“还没来得及就”。 before引导时间状语从句时

40、主要表达下列不同的意思:(1)在之前(2)还没来得及就(强调从句动作发生之前,主句动作已经发生)(3)之后才(说明主句的动作持续时间比较长而从句的动作才开始)(4)(不久)就(5)以免(6)趁You should be a pupil _ you become a teacher.要当老师,先做学生。The boy was so tired that he fell asleep _ his mother could take off his clothes.这个小男孩太累了,他妈妈没有来得及脱下他的衣服,他就睡着了。I must write it down _.趁着还没忘,我必须把它记下来。

41、beforebeforebefore I forget it(2)含before 的常用句式有:(1)It wont be一段时间before. 用不了多久就会(2)It will be一段时间before. 要过多久之后才(3)It wasnt一段时间before. 没过多久就(4)It was一段时间before. 过了多久才_ I can afford time to pick up my son.要过两个小时,我才能抽出时间接我儿子。_ you get the answer.不久之后你就能得到答复。It will be two hours beforeIt wont be long b

42、efore当 堂 达 标.单词拼写1.We should _ (抓住) every opportunity to develop the economy.2.The man cleared his _ (嗓子) and continued to speak aloud.3.The past 30 years has _ (见证) great changes in Shenzhen.4.He is as _ (顽固的) as a donkey,and he cant change his mind.5.We are often _ (责备) when we make mistakes at ho

43、me,school and work.6.Several firms were _ (联合) to form one company to get rid of the crisis.seizethroatwitnessedstubbornscoldedunited7.The fans _ (尖叫) with excitement when they saw Lee Minho.8.His silence indicated that he was _ (不情愿) to undertake the work.9.The article _ (谴责) those officials who do

44、 one thing and say another.10.Though she is only 26,she is in charge of the personnel _ (部门).screamedunwillingcondemneddepartment.单句语法填空1.When she found he had lied,she decided to break _ with him.2.Those who do not learn from the past are condemned _ (repeat) it.3.The police demanded that he _ (giv

45、e) them the names.4.She declined _ (have) lunch with her friend,saying that she wasnt feeling well.5.We seek _ (help) every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge.6.The results of this research can be applied _ new developments in technology.upto repeat(should) givet

46、o haveto helpto7.The _ (mercy) king saved the young officer from death.8._ first sight,the house seems old,but in fact its quite new.9.Boris has brains.In fact,I believe he has a _ (high) IQ than anyone else in the class.10.We encourage students to participate fully _ the running of the college.merc

47、ifulAthigherin.单句改错1.It wont be long before we will know the result of the experiment._2.The employees demand that their salaries will be raised._3.She told me they had fallen in love for over five years._4.This section of the market has slowly declined about importance._5.The little boy doesnt dare

48、 to go out in the darkness._去掉willwillshould或去掉willfallenbeenaboutin去掉to.句型转换1.Autumn is best for reading in four seasons.Autumn is better for reading _ _ _ _.2.The population of Japanese is on the decline.The population of Japanese is _ _.There is _ _ _ population in Japanese.3.Dont worry,and you w

49、ill see your grandparents soon.Dont worry,and _ _ _ _ _ you see your grandparents soon.than any other seasonin declinea decline inIt wont be long before4.Any attempt to set back the wheel of history is sure to fail.Any attempt to set back the wheel of history _ _ _ fail.5.The information offered by the old man may help clarify the mystery.The information offered by the old man may help _ _ _/_ _ _.is condemned tocast lightonupon the mystery



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