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1、PygmalionUnit 4Section Warmingup; Prereading, Reading & Comprehending Unit 4课堂要点探究课堂要点探究2课堂达标验收课堂达标验收3课后强化作业课后强化作业4课前新知预习课前新知预习1课前新知预习课前新知预习.词汇过关1音意记忆。(1)_(n.)情节;阴谋(2)_(vi.)吹口哨;发出汽笛声;(n.)口哨声; 汽笛声(3)_(n.)皮夹; 钱包(4)_(adj.)光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的(5)_(vt.)把分类;把归类(6)_(n)谈论;言论;评述(vt.& vi)谈论;评论;说起plotwhistlewalletb

2、rilliantclassifyremark(7)_(vt.)谴责;使注定(8)_(n.)身份;地位;职位condemnstatus2形意记忆。(1)adapt (vt.)改编;使适应_ (n.)适应(性);改编本(2)wool (n.)毛线;绒线_ (adj.) 毛纺的;纯毛的(3)uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒服的;不安的;不自在的_ (adv.)不舒服地;不自在地(4)hesitate (vi.) 犹豫;踌躇_(n.)踌躇(5)trouble (n.)麻烦_ (adj.)带来麻烦的;使人心烦的adaptationwool(l)enuncomfortablyhesitati

3、ontroublesome(6)proper (adj.)适当的;恰当的_ (adv.)适当地;恰当地(7)mistake (n.) 错误_ (adj.)(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的properlymistaken.短语自查1(把某人)改变或冒充成_2结识;与相见_3一般来说_4就来说;从角度_5in all directions_6hand over _7a handful of_8in disguise _9in amazement_pass.off as.make ones acquaintancegenerally speakingin terms of朝四面八方交出;移交少数(人

4、或物)伪装(的);假扮(的)震惊;惊讶.语篇理解Choose the best answers according to the text FATEFUL MEETINGS.1This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with _.AProfessor HigginsBColonel PickeringC. Professor Higgins and Colonel PickeringD. a gentleman2. Eliza greets to the gentleman in order to_. A.

5、 ask him to buy some flowers from her B. talk with him C. ask him to teach her D. beg some money from him3. Why Eliza begins to cry? Because _. A. she thinks Professor Higgins will arrest her B. the gentleman doesnt give her any money C. Pickering beats and scolds her D. there is no reason4. Profess

6、or Higgins believes that he can judge a person by _. A. his appearance B. his action C. his conversation D. his manners5. From the text, we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT_. A. he doesnt care about money B. he is an expert in phonetics C. he is proud D. he is greedy答

7、案:15CAACD课堂要点探究课堂要点探究1.adaptation n. 改编(本);适应(性)The TV play is an adaptation of a novel.这部电视剧是由一部小说改编的。The book described the adaptation of desert species to the hot conditions.这本书描绘了沙漠物种对炎热环境的适应。知识拓展(1)make an adaptation to 适应(2)adapt v(使)适应;(使)适合vt. 改编,修改adapt (oneself) to. 适应adapt.for 为改编adapt st

8、h. into.把改编成adapt sth. from.由改编This novel has been adapted for radio.这部小说已被改编成无线电广播节目。Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.成功的企业对于经济转变的适应能力很强。比较网站adapt,adoptadapt v. (使)适应;(使)适合;改编;修改adopt vt. 采用;采纳;收集He found it hard to adapt his way of life to the firm.他发现他的生活方式很难适应公司(的要求)

9、。The manager adopted my idea.经理采纳了我的意见。活学活用(1)完成句子这些式样可以修改,以适应个人不同爱好。These styles can _ _ _ suit individual tastes.许多历史事件被吸收进京剧曲目中。Many historical events are _ _ the Beijing Opera plays.答案:be adapted toadapted into(2)用adopt或adapt完成下列句子All his suggestions have been _.The number of the _ children (领养的

10、孩子)has risen in the past year.This TV series is _ from one of Lao Shes famous novels.答案:adoptedadoptedadapted2grant v. 同意,准许,允许;承认,同意The bank finally granted a 400 loan to me./The bank finally granted me a 400 loan.银行终于同意给我贷款400英镑。Are you ready to grant that I was right?你是否愿意承认我是对的?知识拓展take it for g

11、ranted(that.) 认为是理所当然take sb./sth. for granted(因习以为常)对不予重视;(因视为当然而)不把当回事I take it for granted(that)you have read this book.我认为你一定读过这本书。He never praises his wife: he just takes her for granted.他从不夸妻子,只是觉得她做的一切理当如此。活学活用I just took_for granted that hed always be around.AitBthisCas Dseriously答案:A句意:我还想当

12、然地以为他总能随叫随到呢。take it for granted(that.)表示“认为是理所当然的”。3hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇Dont hesitate about that. Do it at once!关于此事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧!I didnt hesitate for a moment about taking the job.我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。知识拓展(1)hesitate to do sth. 做某事犹豫不决(2)hesitation n. 犹豫;踌躇without hesitation 毫不犹豫地Without any hesitation, he

13、jumped into the river to save the drowning child.他毫不犹豫地跳下河去救溺水的孩子。活学活用(1)完成句子He accepted the invitation _ _.(hesitate)他毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。Do you still _ _ _ a new car?(buy)对于买新车一事,你还在犹豫不决吗?答案:without hesitationhesitate about buying(2)We are at your service. Dont_to turn to us if you have any further problem

14、s.Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek 答案:B句意:我们将为你提供服务。如果你有其他问题,尽管来找我们好了。hesitate表示“顾虑;疑虑”。4mistaken adj. (见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的If Im not mistaken, thats the man we saw on the bus.要是我没认错人的话,我们在公共汽车上看见的就是那个男子。知识拓展be mistaken about.对持错误的见解mistake.for.把错认为mistake sb./sth. 误解/误会某人/某事mistake n. 错误by mistake 错误地He is

15、mistaken about happiness.他对幸福持有错误的见解。This time we find that the bees mistake red for dark grey or black.这时我们发现,蜜蜂错把红色当成深灰色或黑色。I hope you will forgive me for opening your letter by mistake.我误拆了您的信,期望您原谅。活学活用完成句子(1)我一定是误解你的意思了。I _ _ _ your meaning.(2)抱歉!我错拿了你的雨伞。Sorry, I took your umbrella _ _.(3)在过去人

16、们把信仰错认为科学。In the old days people _ _ _ _ _ _答案:(1)am mistaken about(2)by mistaken(3)mistook their beliefs for the science5classify vt. 编排;分类;归类The books in the library are classified by subject.图书馆的书是按科目分类的。We can classify these titles into three headings.我们可以将这些题目加以分类成三个主题。The government classified

17、 such people as middle peasants.政府把这样的人归类为中等农民。知识拓展classified adj. 分类的;归类的classification nU分类;分级;C类别;等级图解助记比较网站classify, sort, organize与arrange 这些动词均含“使有条理,安排”之意。(1)classify指按照事物类型、质量或是否相似进行分类。We will classify these subjects under three topics.我们将把这些问题分成三个主题。(2)sort 通常指根据类型或种类分类或整理选择。I sorted the sh

18、oes into pairs.我把鞋一双双整理好。(3)organize 指按计划或需要把人或物安排组织成一个整体。A search party was organized to look for the man trapped in the snow.为了寻找在雪中被困的人,我们成立了一个搜索队。(4)arrange 指按计划、秩序、需要和可能等进行安排。A special show was arranged to admit free the family members of the miners.安排了一个专场来免费招待矿工家属。活学活用(1)用classify的适当形式填空Peopl

19、e who work in libraries spend a lot of time _ books.Only eleven of these accidents were _ as major.The _ of fish is extremely complicated.If you look in the _ part of the telephone book youll find plenty of hotels.答案:classifyingclassifiedclassificationclassified(2)Would you_her novels as serious lit

20、erature or as mere entertainment?Aclassify BsortCorganize Darrange答案:A句意:你认为她的小说属于文学类呢, 还是属于通俗读物类?classify sb./sth. as sth.表示“划分;界定”。6remark n. 谈论;言论;评述vt. & vi. 谈论;评论;说起常用表达:make a remark/remarks on/about 就发表意见;对评头品足make no remark 什么也不说;不加评论remark that 评论remark on/upon 谈论/评论He made a number of rude

21、 remarks about the food here.关于这里的食物他做了许多无礼的评论。A local newspaper remarked that car accidents were on the decrease due to the forceful law.一家地方报纸评论说由于强有力的法律措施,车祸在减少。Prof. Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处。知识拓展remarkable adj. 引人注目的;不寻常的;非凡的pass remarks ab

22、out/at sb. 议论某人活学活用(1)It was his _ made at the conference that left me wondering about his real purpose.Amarks BremarksCsymbols Dsigns答案:B句意:是他在会议上的评论才使得我想知道他的真实目的。remark“言论,评述”;mark“记号”;symbol“象征”;sign“迹象”。由句意可知选B。(2)He remarked_Jane that he had not heard from Sally for a long time.Aon BoverCTo Dfo

23、r答案:C句意:他对简说已经好久没收到萨莉的信了。remark to sb表示“向说起”。7betray vt. 出卖;背叛;显露出(本来面目)In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust.他未能归还那笔钱从而辜负了我们的信任。His voice betrayed the worry he was trying to hide.他的声音掩盖不了他内心的担忧。His accent at once betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner.他的口音立即显现出他是一个外国人的事实。知识拓展betra

24、ysth./sb.to. 向出卖/背叛某事/某人betrayn.(to be)/that 无意中显示;暴露betray ones country to the enemy 卖国;做卖国贼betray state secrets 泄露国家机密betray a secret to sb. 向某人泄露秘密betray ones trust 辜负某人的信任betray oneself 暴露本来面目;原形毕露betrayal n. 背叛;出卖a betrayal of my principles 对我的原则的背弃行为an act of betrayal 背叛的行为注意:betray的用法和意思与give

25、 away相近。如:He gave away the state secrets to the enemy.他向敌人泄露了国家机密。His accent gave him away.他的口音把他暴露了。活学活用完成句子(1)He _ _ _ (背叛祖国) to the enemy.(2)That man is capable of _ _ _ (出卖朋友)(3)I dont want to _ _ all my secrets(泄露)(用give的相关词组)答案:(1)betrayed his country(2)betraying his friends(3)give away8condem

26、n vt. 判刑;判处(某人某种刑罚);声讨; 谴责;迫使接受困境The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。As an old person, one is often condemned to live alone.老年人常出于无奈而独自生活。知识拓展(1)condemn sb./sth. for sth.由于某事而谴责某人或某事condemn sb. to do sth.某人注定要做某事condemn sb.s behaviour谴责某人的举动be condemned to被

27、宣告condemn sb. to death判某人死刑(2)condemnation n. 定罪;谴责;指责conditional condemnation 缓刑social condemnation 社会谴责(3)condemnable adj. 该罚的;接受责备的condemned adj. 已被定罪的;已被定罪者使用的;受谴责的比较网站condemn, scold, blame与accuse这些动词均含有“责备,非难”之意。(1)condemn正式用词,表示谴责,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上的谴责。We condemn cruelty and cruel people.我们谴责残

28、忍行为和残忍的人。(2)scold普通用词,多指上级对下级、长辈对后辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴、言词激烈的数落。Did you scold her for breaking it?她把那件东西打破了, 你骂她了吗?(3)blame普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难、归咎于,不含用语言责骂之意。She blamed him for the failure of their marriage/blamed the failure of their marriage on him.她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他。(4)accuse语气比blame强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。Man often ac

29、cuses nature for his own misfortunes.人类常把自己的不幸归咎于天。活学活用(1)完成句子The criminal _ _ _ _ (被判处死刑)His illness _ _ _ _ _(使他卧床) all the time.答案:was condemned to deathcondemned him to be in bed(2)He was_to spend the rest of the football season on the bench.Acondemned BscoldedCblamed Daccused答案:A句意:他无可奈何地只得在这个足

30、球赛季剩下的时间里作替补队员。condemn sb. to sth. 表示“迫使接受困境(或不愉快的状况)”。9acquaintance n相识;熟人;了解He was my closest acquaintance.他是我的老相识。常用搭配:make ones acquaintance结识;与相识make the acquaintance of sb.have some acquaintance with熟悉/了解have a little acquaintance with sb./sth.稍微了解have no acquaintance with不熟悉/了解Im pleased to m

31、ake your acquaintance.我非常高兴结识你。I have some acquaintance with the language.我懂得这门语言。I had little acquaintance with modern poetry.我对现代诗所知甚少。特别提示:acquaintance用作不可数名词,表“熟悉,认识”,有时在其前加不定冠词,表某种程度的熟悉与了解,与with连用;用作可数名词时,表“熟悉的人”。知识拓展acquaint vt.使熟悉;了解acquaint sb. with 使某人了解be acquainted withbe familiar with对熟悉

32、He quickly acquainted himself with the facts of the case.他很快熟悉了案情。活学活用(1)完成句子我懂一点儿俄语。I _ _ _ _ _ _.请把这件事的情况告诉我。Please _ me with the facts _ the case.答案:(1)had a little acquaintance with Russianacquaint; of(2)We have been acquainted _ each other for a long time.Aover BforCby Dwith答案:Dbe acquainted wi

33、th.“熟悉”。句意:我们互相认识很长时间了。10superior adj. 优秀的;较高的;上级的n. 上级;长官This handbag is made of superior leather.这只手提包由上等皮革制成。Hes my immediate superior.他是我的顶头上司。特别提示:superior adj. 优秀的;较高的隐含着比较意义,没有比较等级。在与另一事物进行比较时,与之搭配的介词要用to,不能用than。知识拓展be superior to.比优越(更好、强)be inferior to.低于;不如;在之下be senior to.比年长(资深)be junio

34、r to.比年轻(资浅)This model is technically superior to its competitors.这一款式在技术上超过了与之竞争的产品。He is senior to me.他比我年长。活学活用Do you know the new type computer will come into the market soon?Really? It is said to be _ to any other model. I cant wait to buy one.Asuperior BinferiorCprior Djunior答案:A句意:“你知道这种新型计算机

35、不久就进入市场吗?”“真的吗?据说它比其他机型更好,我迫不及待要买一台。”be superior to.表示“比优越(更好,更强)”,符合题意。be inferior to.“不如”;be prior to“在之前”;be junior to.“比年轻”。根据题意选A项。1.bring sb./sth. to life 使更有趣;使更生动The new teacher really brought French to life for us.新来的老师给我们把法语教得生动活泼。Flowers can bring a dull room back to life.鲜花可使沉闷的房间恢复生气。知识

36、拓展(1)come to life 变得活跃;动起来;醒过来(2)come around/round 恢复知觉;苏醒(3)come to oneself/ones senses 苏醒活学活用(1)Lets invite Tedhe knows how to bring a party to_.Aconcern BinterestClife Dcuriosity答案:C句意:我们邀请特德吧有他到就会热闹了。bring sb./sth. to life表示“使更有趣; 使更生动”。(2)He was down at the mouth all evening, but as soon as his

37、 girl friend came in he_life.Afell into Bcame toCgot into Dchanged into答案:B句意:他一晚上都垂头丧气,但他的女朋友一来,他就活跃起来了。come to life 表示“变得更有趣(或使人兴奋);变得活跃”。2take.for.把看作;误认为I wont tell her the secretwhat do you take me for?我不会把这秘密告诉她的你把我当什么人了?Even the expert took the painting for a genuine of Van Gogh.连专家都误认为这幅画是梵高

38、的真迹。知识拓展take.to be/as 把看作;误认为mistake.for.误将认作They just take me as a child.他们把我当作一个孩子对待。活学活用(1)I was _ for a detective by the family next door.Aregarded BtakenCconsidered Dmisunderstood答案:B 句意:隔壁那家人误认为我是一名侦探。take.for.“误认为”,符合题意。regard“认为;当作”,常与as连用;consider“考虑; 思考”;misunderstand“误解;误会”。(2)She took wh

39、at he said_a compliment.Ato be BonCas Dfor答案:C句意:她把他的话看作是恭维话。take sth.(as sth.)|take sth.(to do sth.)表示“领会;理解;考虑”。例如:What did you take his comments to mean?你明白他的评论是什么意思吗?3pass. off as.(把某人)改变或冒充成She passed herself off as an experienced actress.她冒充有经验的演员。He passed his secretary off as his wife.他让秘书冒充

40、他的妻子。知识拓展pass away去世pass by通过;经过;未影响pass for/as(错误地)被看作pass out昏过去;失去知觉pass down(世代)相传pass on转交;递给;传给pass.on to.把传递给pass over忽略;避免提及或考虑pass up放弃;拒绝pass off进行到最后;(以某种方式)发生并完成pass through经过;路过活学活用填入适当的介副词He escaped by passing himself _ as a guard.His mother passed _ last year because of cancer.I passe

41、d _ your house.The good tradition has been passed _ from generation to generation.She passed _ a difficult period after her marriage failed.答案:offawaybydownthrough4in terms of 就来说;从角度He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.他经常用充满爱的语言谈论他的女朋友。It was a bad year for films, in terms of both

42、quantity and quality.今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好。The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.就薪金而言,这个工作倒是挺不错的,但它也有不利之处。知识拓展come to terms with 达成协议;和好;接受;适应be on good/bad terms 关系良好/不好in the long/short term就长远/短期而言in ones terms在某人看来on equal terms 在平等的条件下In their terms, cutting governm

43、ent spending is the most important thing.在他们看来,缩减政府开支是最重要的事情。活学活用(1)完成句子就钱而论,他们很富有。_ _ _ _,theyre quite rich.他多年来一直与父亲关系不好。He had been _ _ _ _ his father for years.答案:In terms of moneyon bad terms with(2)_ achievement, last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing,

44、grade.AIn terms of BIn case ofCAs a result of DIn face of答案:Ain terms of意为“就而言”,全句意为“就成效而言,上周的WTO部长级会议虽然没有失败,只是收效甚微”。in case of“假使,防备”;as a result of“由于,因为”;in face of“在面前,纵然,不顾”。这三者均不合题意。5generally speaking一般来说Generally speaking, women live longer than men.一般来说,女人比男人长寿。知识拓展(1)在某些结构中,如果主语和逻辑主语不一致,在非

45、谓语动词前不带逻辑主语是因为其逻辑主语是泛指的人称。类似结构除了generally speaking还有exactly speaking/strictly speaking/to be honest/to tell you the truth等。Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.从你的话看,他应当能成功。Taking everything into consideration, you should leave.考虑到各种因素,你最好离开。(2)当句子含有先行主语it或there时,有时作状语的分词短语可以与先行主语不一致。Havin

46、g so little time, there was not much that I could do.由于时间很少,我能做的事很有限。Being French, its surprising that shes such a terrible cook.她是法国人,做饭却做得那么糟,这真是令人感到惊讶。(3)当分词已转化为介词或连词时,也无需考虑主语一致问题。Considering the distance, he arrived every quickly.考虑到路程,他来的算是很快的。(considering为介词,意为“考虑到”)Supposing she doesnt come,

47、what shall we do?假如她不来,我们怎么办?(supposing为连词,意为“假如”)Given their inexperience, theyve done a good job.考虑到他们没有经验,这工作已做得很不错了。(given为介词,意为“考虑到”)(4)当分词暗含的逻辑主语为表示泛指意义的one或you时,也无需考虑主语的一致性问题。In doing such work, patience is needed.做这种工作需要耐心。(When one does such work, patience is needed.)活学活用(1)_, each universi

48、ty has its own special fields.AGeneral speaking BSpeaking generalCGenerally speaking DGeneral spoken答案:C句意为“一般来说,每所大学都有自己的专长”。generally speaking“一般来说”,故C项符合题意。(2)_, the pay isnt attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.AGenerally speaking BOn the contraryCIn particular DTo be ho

49、nest答案:D句意:说实话,尽管这份工作很有意思,但是薪水并不够吸引人。to be honest“说实话”,符合题意。generally speaking“一 般 来 说 ”; on the contrary“相 反 ”; in particular“尤其”。1.Will that be of any use to you?这点儿钱对你有用吗?of any use相当于useful,在句中作表语。“of名词”是一个常用结构,这种结构可在句中作表语、后置定语和补语。该结构的常见类型:be of表示“年龄(age)、大小(size)、颜色(color)、重量(weight)、 高 度 (heig

50、ht)、 价 格 (price)、 意 见 (opinion)、 形 状(shape)、种类(kind)和方法(way)等”的名词:这些名词没有相应的形容词形式,因此不能用“be形容词”来代替“beofn.”,用在这些名词前的限定词常是a,an,the,the same,my,your等,of表示“具有”,有时可省去。We are of the same age.我们同岁。be of抽象名词(value,importance,use,help等);主要用于说明主语的性质。常用于名词前的修饰语有great,little,some,any,no,not,much等。这一结构相当于“be抽象名词所对

51、应的形容词”,of不能省。The advice are of great help/very helpful to them.这个建议对他们来说是很有帮助的。活学活用完成句子(1)这两栋楼高度一样,而且是一年建造的。The two building _ _ _ _ _ and were built in the same year.(2)这项新发明对于人类必定大有用处。The new discovery is bound to _ _ _ _ to mankind.答案:(1)are of the same height(2)be of great use2What if I was?如果我是

52、又怎样呢?what if.意为“如果将会怎样”,相当于what would happen if.。What if your plan fails?如果你的计划失败,该怎么办呢?What if she finds out that you have lost her book?倘使她发现你弄丢了她的书,怎么办?What if you join us for lunch?跟我们一起吃午饭怎么样!注意:若表示的是将来的情况,what if后的句子常用一般现在时。What if we fail in this exam?要是我们在这次的考试中没及格怎么办?知识拓展what意为“什么”,用在口语中,表示

53、没听见或没听懂;意为“要什么”时表示听到对方的话并询问要什么;表示惊讶或愤怒时,意为“竟有这种事,真的吗”。I asked her to marry me.我向她求婚了。You what?你说什么?if only“要是就好了”,引导感叹句,要用虚拟语气。If only I had taken his advice.要是我听从他的建议就好了。how come表示惊讶,“怎么会”。How come they left you alone here?他们怎么会把你一个人留在这里呢?why not do sth.表示建议,“为什么不做”。Why not try again?为什么不再试试呢?what

54、for?“为何目的,为何理由”。I need to see a doctor.我得去看医生。What for?看什么病?what about.用来提出建议或引出话题,意为“怎么样”,后面跟名词或动名词形式。What about having a game of chess?下盘棋怎么样?活学活用(1)汉译英要是我们在下次的考试中不及格怎么办?_(2)I need to advertise for a roommate for next term._? Mary is interested.AWhy bother BWhy notCSo what DWhat for答案:(1)What if w

55、e fail in the next exam?(2)A考查情景交际。句意:下学期我需要登广告找一个室友。费那劲干吗?玛丽感兴趣。A项为“别费劲了,没必要”,符合句意。B项为“为什么不呢”;C项为“那又怎么样”;D项为“为什么”。根据Mary is interested.可知选A项。3But, sir, (proudly) once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.不过,先生,(高傲地)

56、要是一旦有人教她把英语说好了,她可以在三个月后就可以冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园聚会了。句中once educated是省略结构,完整形式为once the girl was educated。once的主要用法如下:once作副词时,意为“一次,一度,曾经”。常见的与once搭配的词组有:all at once突然at once马上;立刻once in a while偶尔;间或once or twice一两次once upon a time从前once again再一次once可作连接词,引导条件状语从句,意为“一旦就”,once引导状语从句可以采用省略形式。由once,if,as,unl

57、ess,when,though,although等引导的状语从句,如果主句主语和从句主语一致,且从句中谓语动词是bev.ed或v.ing形式,或从句中主谓结构为It is(was)adj.时,其从句结构可省略为以上连词加v.ed,v.ing或adj.。Once the time is set, it cannot be changed.Once set, the time cannot be changed.时间一旦被设定就不能更改。When I was waiting for a bus, I met Tom.When waiting for a bus, I met Tom.我在等汽车时碰

58、到了汤姆。Though he was young, he knew a lot of English.Though young, he knew a lot of English.尽管年龄很小,但他知道很多英语。活学活用(1)(2014天津4)_ you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.AUnless BAlthoughCBefore DOnce答案:D 考查连词。句意:一旦你用健康的方式吃饭,体重控制就容易多了。 unless“除非”;although“虽然”;before“在之前

59、”;once“一旦”。由句意可知选D项。(2)(全国高考)Though_to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.Asurprising Bwas surprisedCsurprised Dbeing surprised答案:C考查非谓语动词。所选词的逻辑主语是the professor,所以答案为C项surprised“惊讶的”。surprising“令人惊讶的”,通常用来修饰事物。此处Though surprised to see us也可看作是状语从句的省略,相当于Though he was surprised to see us。课

60、堂达标验收课堂达标验收.单词拼写1 He made a quick _ (适 应 ) to the new environment.2The _ (说明书) is not easily understandable.3He recommended me a _ (经典的) book on Buddhism.4Mr. Black was still _ (犹豫) over whether to leave or not.5I had the good _ (运气) to be chosen for a trip abroad.6She knew that society would _ (谴责)

61、 her for abandoning her children.7He warned his friend not to _ (泄露) the secret to anyone else.8We cant judge a person on such short _ (认识)9The little girl feels _ (不自在的) with strangers.10Her _ (评论) on the employment question led to a heated discussion.答案:1.adaptation2.caption3.classic4.hesitating5

62、fortune6.condemn7.betray8.acquaintance9.uncomfortable10.remarks.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空1_, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.2The woman in the park turned out to be a police officer _.3The birds flew _ when I shouted loudly under the big tree.4Its a mistake to think of Florida only _ its tourist attractions.5S

63、he put _ sweets on the chair by the bed.6This store sells products which _ brand names.7She would not have escaped the danger, _ for my help.8He spoke so fast that it was difficult to _.9When did you _ his brother?10Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to _ coins.答案:1.In general2.in disguise3

64、.in all directions4.in terms of5.a handful of6.are passed off as7.if not8make notes 9.make the acquaintance of 10.be made into.课文概述阅读课文,完成下列表格。(每空一词) Introduction PlotCharactersOn a1._ night, outside a theatre, the main characters of the play appeared.Eliza DoolittleA2._ girl has a strong accent. Sh

65、e tried to sell her flowers to the passersby. She 3._ Higgins for the policeman. Finally she became the centre of a bet made by Higgins and Colonel Pickering.Professor HigginsAn expert in4._ likes to listen to peoples language and studies it. He believes that a persons 5._ in society depends on the

66、6._ of his/her English. He boasted that he could transform a poor person into an7._ class one by changing his (her)language, so he 8._ a bet with Colonel Pickering to train a flower girl.Colonel PickeringAn officer in the army, studies many Indian9._. He was quite interested in what Higgins said, and made a bet with him. Later they became 10._ with each other.答案:1.rainy2.flower3.took4.phonetics5.position6.quality7.upper8.made9.dialects10.friends



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