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1、大学英语泛读教程2PPT教学课件-Unit 33Clouds on the HorizonReading: Climate Change: Facing the FutureWords to Know: Climate; key word: wayFurther Reading: Extreme ClimatesU3-p.25Before You Start What is the weather like where you live? Have you ever experienced any extreme weather conditions? What is your ideal t

2、ype of climate? ReadingClimate Change: Facing the FutureDespite skepticism from some quarters, the majority of credible evidence suggests that global warming is a fact. Most scientists believe that if we dont act now to tackle climate change, it will be too late to do so further down the line. Here

3、are some predictions based on data from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other organizations about how weather systems and the environment are going to change.Track 6U3-p.26Temperature Temperatures are expected to rise worldwide over the course of this century. EPA researc

4、h suggests that, by 2100, average global temperatures will have increased by up to 6.5C. This indicates that we will be experiencing heat waves and extreme heat conditions on a more regular basis in the future. Track 6U3-p.26AWind and Rain Though climatologists are less certain about this aspect of

5、climate change, precipitation is also predicted to increase on average, with tropical regions likely to experience the largest rise in rainfall. Likewise, typhoons, hurricanes and possibly even tornadoes are set to become more powerful and wreak worse devastation. Track 6U3-p.26BIce, Snow and Permaf

6、rost Arctic sea ice has been declining at an alarming rate for many years now as has snow in most northerly regions of the world. There are currently no signs of these trends being reversed. In fact, studies suggest that snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere will have decreased by as much as 15% by

7、2100. Also of concern is the thawing of permafrost a kind of permanently frozen soil that constitutes almost a quarter of the landmass north of the equator. This is worrying because permafrost stores huge amounts of carbon, and as it thaws and eventually melts, it could release C02 and methane, both

8、 of which trap heat. This could potentially exacerbate global warming. Track 6U3-p.26CSea Levels A study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has projected a rise in sea levels of up to 59 centimeters by 2100. Other research suggests that this figure is a conservative estimate and

9、 that the average global sea level could shoot up by two meters. Based on this forecast, sea levels will have been rising by an average of two centimeters per year by the end of the century. If all of the above makes for unsettling reading, consider this: Some scientists believe this is just the tip

10、 of the iceberg. Its time to act on climate change before it gets too late. Track 6U3-p.27DU3-p.27Do You Get It?AMultiple MatchingReread the text. The four paragraphs (A-D) in the body of the text refer to possible effects of climate change. Which paragraph includes _ 1. another word for rain?_ 2. t

11、ypes of storms? _ 3. types of gas? _ 4. the center line of the Earth? _ 5. one half of the globe? _ 6. hot weather? BBCCACReading ComprehensionBased on the reading text, choose the most appropriate answer to the following questions.1. What is NOT mentioned as a possible effect of climate change? Det

12、ail a. more rain c. less snow and ice b. stronger windsd. less carbon 2. According to the passage, which of the following phenomenon is not predicted to decrease due to climate change? Detaila. permafrostb. snowc. raind. ice3. What is true of permafrost? Detaila. It consists of gas.b. It is an area

13、of land around the equator.c. It accounts for 25% of land in the Northern Hemisphere.d. It is a frozen goods store.U3-p.28dcc4. What is meant by the word “exacerbate”? Inferencea. make worsec. prevent b. make betterd. help5. What does the writer imply in the first sentence of the text? Inferencea. G

14、lobal warming is incredible.b. Some people dont believe in global warming. c. All the evidence for global warming is true.d. Most people believe science is factual. 6. Which statement is right about the rise of sea level? Detaila. Some research indicated that IPCC had overestimated the rise of sea l

15、evel in the future.b. Some research indicated that IPCC had provided reliable prediction on the rise of sea level.c. Some research predicted that the rise of sea level is faster than IPCC suggested.d. Some research predicted that the rise of sea level is slower than IPCC suggested.U3-p.28abc7. What

16、is suggested by the conclusion of the article? Gista. Things are not as bad as they seem.b. Things will get better.c. Things could be even worse than they seem.d. Icebergs are in danger.U3-p.28cU3-p.29Master Your VocabularyBFind the WordComplete the sentence with a word from the box using an appropr

17、iate tense or form. 1.Theres no way to fix this laptop, Im afraid. Its _ damaged.2.In parts of Africa, elephants can _ destruction when charging through villages.3.I dont know why you are accusing June of spreading gossip. You have no _ for saying that. permanently wreak basis 4.There was disbelief

18、in many _ of the media when the athlete announced his retirement. 5.Haiti is the poorest country in the Western _.6._ poverty is one of the most important tasks of any society.7.Sybil often talks on her cell phone while driving, and I find it really _.8.The regions around the _ are generally hot all

19、 year round. U3-p.29quarters Hemisphere Tackling alarming equatorKey Word: wayThe word way is used to convey different meanings. The following sentences all include different uses of the word way. Choose a word or phrase from the box to replace the words and phrases in italics in the sentences.U3-p.

20、29_ 1. We have a long way to go in the fight to halt climate change._ 2. To my way of thinking, climate change is an undeniable fact. _ 3. Environmental agencies need to do way more to make the public aware of the important issues. _ 4. Everyone would be forced to recycle, if I had my way._ 5. This

21、particular species of monkey lives way out in the jungle. _ 6. The conference on C02 emissions is under way as we speak._ 7. Most nations have come a long way in their thinking on global warming._ 8. It is up to large corporations to lead the way in behaving responsibly. gacehbdfPhrasal VerbsThe fol

22、lowing phrasal verbs are related to weather. Choose one to complete the sentences using an appropriate. 1.Its been scorching hot for weeks, but thankfully it has started to _ now.2.Why dont you _ a little? Youve been so miserable lately.3.The weatherman said a cold front will be _ soon.4.My computer

23、 has _ again. The cursor has stopped moving. 5.I hope Mark bring his umbrella with him. Its _ outside.6.Theresas face _ when she heard the bad news. U3-p.30cool downbrighten uprolling infrozen uppouring downclouded overVocabulary Helper Weather Idioms The subject of weather is rich in idioms. Youve

24、probably heard the expression raining cats and dogs, meaning raining heavily. How about the following idioms? Choose the right definition. 1. If someone is under the weather, they are: a. caught outside without an umbrella. b. feeling unwell. c. unhappy about the climate. d. happy about the weather.

25、2. If someone is a fair-weather friend, they are: a. always loyal. b. friendly and cheerful. c. a friend only when things are good. d. friends from childhood.U3-p.30bc3. If something is a breeze, it is: a. easy. c. interesting. b. difficult.d. fast.4. If someone says they will be somewhere or do som

26、ething come rain or shine, they mean: a. only in good weather.c. depending on the weather. b. on time.d. whatever the circumstances.5. If someone has their head in the clouds, they are: a. not paying attention. b. in bad mood. c. having trouble seeing something. d. having a headache.U3-p.30adaU3-p.3

27、1TranslationCI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Most scientists believe that if we dont act now to tackle climate change, it will be too late to do so further down the line.2. Likewise, typhoons, hurricanes and possibly even tornadoes are set to become more powerful and wreak worse

28、 devastation.3. Arctic sea ice has been declining at an alarming rate for many years now as has snow in most northerly regions of the world.4. Permafrost is a kind of permanently frozen soil that constitutes almost a quarter of the landmass north of the equator.5. Other research suggests that this f

29、igure is a conservative estimate and that the average global sea level could shoot up by two meters.II. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 大部分可靠的证据表明,全球变暖是一个事实。2. 数据表明,未来人类可能会经历更加频繁的热浪和极端炎热的天气。3. 气候学家预测,热带地区的平均降雨量将会增加。4. 汽油的燃耗和其他温室气体的排放都会加剧全球变暖。5. 如果这些预测都让人感到心神不宁,那么更糟糕的状况就是:它们只是冰山一角而已

30、。U3-p.31Keys:English to Chinese:1.大部分科学家认为,如果现在我们不采取应对气候变化的措施,那么将来就晚了。2.同样,台风、飓风、甚至可能是龙卷风都将会变得更加厉害,从而加深灾难的严重性。3.北冰洋的冰多年来一直以一种惊人的速度在减少,世界上大部分北部地区的雪量也同样如此。4.永冻土是一种长期冻结的土壤,它构成了赤道以北将近四分之一的大陆。5. 其他研究表明,这一数字是个保守估计,地球的平均海平面可能会激增两米。U3-p.31Keys:Chinese to English:1. The majority of credible evidence suggests

31、 that global warming is a fact. 2. The statistics show that human beings will be experiencing heat waves and extreme heat conditions on a more regular basis in the future.3. It is predicted by climatologists that the average precipitation in the tropical regions will rise.4. The consumption of gasol

32、ine and other greenhouse gases emission will exacerbate global warming.5. If all those predictions are unsettling, the worse is that they are only the tip of the iceberg.U3-p.31U3-p.31Reading OverviewDWhich of the potential problems mentioned in the article on pages 25 to 26 do you believe might aff

33、ect humans the most? Why? Explain in your own words in a couple of sentences. _Thinking CapEA. Check your sentences to make sure youre using the singular and plural forms of verbs correctly. Mistakes are particularly common with adverbs of quantity. Example: Q: What do you like about the weather in

34、your country? A: There is many things that I enjoy about my countrys climate. This is incorrect as many is a countable adverb, so the plural are is required.U3-p.31B. Read each question carefully and answer with at least two sentences. Remember, there is no single right answer. Just give your point

35、of view and try to explain it. 1. How does climate affect your mood? 2. Does the weather ever cause natural disasters or damage where you live? How do people confront these problems? 3. Which measures do you think will be most effective in dealing with global warming and climate change?U3-p.31U3-p.3

36、2Further ReadingExtreme ClimatesWhile some of us are lucky enough to live in temperate parts of the globe where the climate is comfortable, a considerable portion of the worlds population has to brave seriously challenging weather conditions.Track 7Track 7Water, Water Everywhere There are several co

37、ntenders for the wettest location on the planet. Parts of India see over 12 meters of rain a year. The town of Cherrapunji holds the world record for most rainfall in a year (26.5 meters between 1860 and 1861). It also takes the prize for the dampest single month (an incredible 9.3 meters in July 18

38、61). A sign outside the town still fetes it as the worlds rainiest town. However, over the last decade or so, Cherrapunji has been drying up. The town suffers from frequent water shortages, with locals having to trek miles to get their hands on drinking water. The problem is cited as evidence of cli

39、mate change by some. However, others feel that deforestation is to blame, with studies showing that air that travels over dense forest produces significantly more moisture than air over land that is stripped of vegetation. Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between deforestation and Cherrapu

40、njis poor irrigation, as topsoil is washed away when there is no forest cover. A vicious circle is thus created as topsoil is essential for plant growth. U3-p.33Track 7Dry as a Bone?In stark contrast, the port city of Arica on the north-eastern coast of Chile is known as the driest place on earth. A

41、s with Cherrapunji, though, this description doesnt really tell the whole story. Measured in terms of rainfall (a minuscule 0.76 mm a year), Arica is worthy of the title, but the city actually enjoys thick cloud cover and humidity levels similar to equatorial regions. U3-p.33Track 7Something in the

42、AirSpeaking of humidity take a guess at which country is home to the worlds dampest air. Its a safe bet that Canada wasnt on the tip of your tongue. Thats probably because humidity is usually equated with heat. However, the Arctic Ocean has recorded the highest levels of moisture of any region on ea

43、rth. So given its proximity to the North Pole, Grise Fiord on Canadas Ellesmere Island, can technically be called the most humid permanent settlement. Its also one of the coldest.U3-p.33U3-p.34Based on the reading text, choose the most appropriate answer to the following questions. 1. What is NOT tr

44、ue of Cherrapunji? Detail a. It is in India. b. It is rich in essential soils. c. It has suffered environmental damage. d. It has become drier over the years.2. In what way is Arica similar to Cherrapunji? Detail a. It is rainy. b. The weather has changed in both places. c. They both have tropical c

45、limates. d. Both places have reputations that are not completely accurate.3. What is meant by “the title” in the second main paragraph? Detail a. Arica c. stark contrast b. northern Chiled. worlds driest city bddReading ComprehensionAU3-p.344.All the following are the factors of changing the worlds

46、rainiest town Cherrapunji EXCEPT_. Detail a. water shortage b. deforestation c. poor irrigation d. global warming5. According to the last paragraph, the most humid settlement in the world is not in_. Detail a. Canada b. North Pole c. Grise Flord d. Ellesmere IslandbbThinking CapBA. Auxiliary verbs o

47、ften cause confusion for English learners, so its important to check that youre using the right ones and not putting them in where theyre not needed. Look at the sentences below. What is wrong with them? Rewrite them so they are correct. I think I could tolerate weather in a tropical region, even th

48、ough there has a lot of humidity. _ _ Many people in Asian countries are use umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun. _ _U3-p.35I think I could tolerate weather in a tropical region, even though there is a lot of humidityPeople in many Asian countries use umbrellas to protect themselves from th

49、e sun.B. Read each question carefully and answer with at least two sentences. Remember, there is no single right answer. Just give your point of view and try to explain it. 1. Which kind of climate would you find the most difficult to adapt to? Why? 2. Why do humans live in places with extreme weather conditions? 3. What might have caused the deforestation in Cherrapunji? Why might it have happened?U3-p.35



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