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1、oPeriod 2Learning about Language & Using Languageo8Southeastern adj._ _对应词 _o9cab/kb/ n_o10accent/ksnt/ n_ _ _o答 案 1.usage mand 3.request4.expression5.African6.辨认出;承认;公认7.东方的,东部的 8.东南方的,来自东南的;northwestern9.出租车10.口音,腔调;重音o.短语天地o1_ 扮演一个角色;参与o2_信不信由你o3_讲得通,有意义o4_和相同o5instead of_o6be expected to do_o7ho

2、ld on_o答案1.play a part in2.believe it or not3.make sense4.the same as5.代替,而不是6.期望做某事7.坚持,别挂断(电话)o4This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English.o这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。o信息提取because引导表语从句,who引导定语从句修饰先行词those。o例句仿写人们都尊敬他,那是

3、因为他是个乐于助人的人。oPeople all respect him. _ _ _ he is a person _ _ _ _ _ _ _.o答案1.As I knew2.in which the water was clear3.Believe it or not; no such person4.It is because; who is always ready to help otherso【归纳拓展】ounder the command ofounder ones command由指挥/控制obe in command of 控制obe at ones command 听任某人支

4、配otake command of 控制ohave a (good) command of. 了解/掌握o(2)vt.命令,指挥,支配oThe general commanded his soldiers to fire.o将军命令他的士兵们开火。oThe pirate chief commanded that the prisoners (should) be shot.海盗首领下令将俘虏枪杀。o注意:command后可接that从句,从句中的谓语动词用should动词原形,should可省略。o用适当的介词填空oFor the first time in years, I felt _co

5、mmand of her life.oThe army is _the generals command.oThe police arrived and took command _the situation.oThe money is _his command, which he can spend on anything he likes.o答案inunderofato【归纳拓展】oat sbs requestat the request of sb,应某人之请求oby request (of sb)o应(某人的)请求;经(某人的)要求omake a request for sth要求得到

6、omake a request that 从句o做出请求 o【归纳拓展】orequest sth from/of sb向某人要求某物orequest sb to do sth 要求某人做某事orequestthat从句 (从句中谓语用should do的形式,should可省略)o【句型转换】oThe manager attended their wedding by equest.oThe manager attended their wedding _ _.oThe workers made a request for a pay rise.oThe workers made a requ

7、est that _ _ _ _.oThe workers requested that _ _ _ _.o答案at their requesttheir pay should be raised; their pay should be raisedo【归纳拓展】ogive expression to表达出,反映obeyond/without expression 无法形容,表达不出;毫无表情oexpress v. 表达o n. 快车,速递oadj. 特快的,高速的oan express train 快车oan express letter 快件o【英汉互译】o读完快件之后,他脸上的表情说明

8、他很震惊。o_oThe scene before her is beautiful beyond expression. Her expressions changed, and an expression of joy appeared on her face.o_o答案After reading the express letter, the expression on his face expressed that he was astonished by something.o眼前的景色美得无法形容,她的表情变了,快乐的神情浮现在她的脸上。o【温馨提示】ostraight本身就可以作副

9、词,straightly不是它的副词形式。o【单项填空】oThe smoke rose_upward.oAstraight Bstraighten Cstraighted Dstraightlyo解析此处意为“烟笔直地往上冒”,空缺处缺少一个副词修饰动词rose,故排除B、C两项;straight既可作形容词,又可作副词。故选A项。o答案Ao5especially adv.特别;格外;尤其oI love Italy,especially in summer.o我喜欢意大利,尤其是在夏天。oPeople,especially youngsters,dont seem so polite thes

10、e days.如今人们,尤其是年轻人,好像不那么讲礼貌了。oDo you like chocolate?o你喜欢吃巧克力吗?oNot especially.o不是特别喜欢。o【比较网站】especially与speciallyespecially侧重“不同寻常”specially意为“专门地,特别地,特殊地”,侧重特殊的目的o汉译英o我是专门来问你一个问题的。o_o我特别喜欢在课堂上使用音乐的想法。o_o答案 I am here specially to ask you a question.oI especially like the idea of using music in the c

11、lassroom.o【比较网站】recognize/knowrecognize认出原来认识的事物,短暂性动词,不能与延续性的时间状语连用know延续性动词,可与延续性的时间状语连用o【完成句子】oI _ _the boy several years ago, but now I can hardly _him.oWe all _him _ _ our natural leader.oEven though he has ever done wrong to them, they _him _their friend.o答 案 got to know; recognizerecognize; t

12、o berecognize; aso1believe it or not 信不信由你(常用作插入语,也叫独立成分)oBelieve it or not, he went to that city on foot alone.o信不信由你,我曾独自步行去那个城市。o【归纳拓展】o类似的插入语还有:oto tell (you) the truth(跟你)说实话ogenerally speaking 一般说来ojudging from 根据判断oto be exact 准确地说o【完成句子】oThe naughty boy enjoys reading, _ _ _ _.o信不信由你,这个淘气的男孩

13、喜欢读书。o_ _ _ _ _, I dont know him.o说实话,我不认识他。o_ _,it is easy to learn English.o一般说来,学英语很容易。o答案believe it or notTo tell you the truthGenerally speakingo2play a part/role(in)在中起作用;在中担任角色oShe plays an active part in local politics.o她积极参与地方政治活动。oThe media play an important role in changing peoples opinio

14、ns.媒体在转变舆论方面发挥着重要作用。oZhou Dongyu played the part of Jing Qiu in the film Under the Hawthorn Tree.o周冬雨在电影山楂树之恋中扮演静秋。o【一目了然】o注意:play a role/part in是由动词名词介词构成的动词短语,这类短语有两个重要考点:用名词作主语,用于被动句;用名词作先行词,用于定语 从 句 。 类 似 短 语 有 : make use of, pay attention to等。o【单项填空】oThe part that China _in the international af

15、fairs _in international society.oAplays; is widely praised Bplays; is wide praisedoCtakes; widely praised Dtakes; wide praisedo解析句意:中国在国际事务中起的作用得到国际社会的广泛赞誉。o答案AoWhat do you think _an important part in their lives?oFolk music.oAplays Bto play Cmaking Dactso解析play a part in,固定短语,动词不能更换。句中do you think为

16、插入语,不影响谓语动词。o答案Ao1As we know, British English is a little different from American English.众所周知,英式英语与美式英语有所不同。o该句中as引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中充当know的宾语,as指代整个主句的内容。oas引导非限制性定语从句,其先行词往往是整个主句,常译为“正像一样,正如一样。”常见的表达方式有:as is well known众所周知;as often happens这种情况经常发生;as is often the case情况常常这样;as is supposed如所预料的;as h

17、as been pointed out如所指出的;as has been said before如前所述;as we all know众所周知;as I can remember 正如我所记得的;as we expect 正如我们所预料的那样。oAs we have pointed out, few people are total winners or losers.o正如我们已指出的,很少有人是完全的胜者或完全的败者。(as作pointed out的宾语,指代整个句子的内容。)oAs is known to all, China is a developing country.o众所周知,

18、中国是一个发展中国家。o(as作is known to all的主语,指代整个句子。)o【单项填空】o_I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.oAWhen BAfter CAs DSinceo解析as引导非限制性定语从句,作explained的宾语,指代后面整个句子。o答案Co2This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excell

19、ent English.这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。o此句为主从复合句,because引导表语从句,who引导定语从句,修饰先行词those,并在从句中充当主语。because从句中谓语为be expected to do sth,意为:被期望做某事。oPeople usually dislike those who are always late.o人们通常不喜欢那些总是迟到的人。oHe wasnt expected to help us that day.o那天并没指望他来帮我们。o【完成句子】oThey talked about the clas

20、smates _ _ at school.o他们谈论他们记得学校里的同学。oWe all _ _ _(期望他赢)the game.o答案 who they remembered expect him to wino3So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA.因此,美国东南部山区的人同美国西北部地区的人所说的方言几乎是一样的。o本句出现the same.as结构,意为“和一样”,the same修

21、饰dialect, as为关系代词,引导定语从句people in the northwestern USA(speak with)。o当先行词前出现such, so, as, the same等词时,定语从句往往由as引导。oYou must show my parents the same respect as you show me.o你必须像尊重我一样尊重我的父母。oSuch things as Mr. White said are usually untrue.o怀特先生讲的事情通常都不是真的。o【比较网站】the same.as./the same.that.异同the same.

22、as.as指同类事物,不是指同一个事物此两结构中的as与that皆为关系代词the same.that.that指同一个事物oThis is the same train that I rode on yesterday.o这是我昨天坐过的那列火车。oThis is the same train as I rode on yesterday.o这列火车和我昨天坐过的那列一样。o【单项填空】oMrs. Black took her children to _place _she visited two years ago.oAthe same;thatoBthe same; asoCthe same;whereoDas the same; aso解析考查定语从句。先行词是place,关系词在从句中作宾语,故用that。o答案AoThey are faced with the same kinds of challenges and problems in life _you are.oAthat Bas oCwhich Dwhato解析句意:他们在生活中面临着跟你一样的挑战和问题。the same.as.“与一样/相同的”。o答案B



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