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1、Lets review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. We will clap as we spell the word.destroylocalmirrorpurchaseadvertisementeconomyblindjudgmentannualmarriagepathstealwarnmaterialinjureaccidentshakemonitorspoilExercisesExercisesdestroy n. 破坏;毁坏e.g. Our ma

2、in task was to destroy the enemys airport. 我们的主要任务是摧毁敌人的机场。我们的主要任务是摧毁敌人的机场。建造大坝会破坏动植物的生存环境。建造大坝会破坏动植物的生存环境。 The building of large dams can destroy the environment for animals and plants.ExercisesExerciseslocal adj. 当地的;地方性的e.g. Ive signed up to take a course at the local college. 我已经报名在一所地方学院学一门课程。我

3、已经报名在一所地方学院学一门课程。全国新闻节目之后就是本地新闻和天气预全国新闻节目之后就是本地新闻和天气预报节目。报节目。 Following the national news we have the local news and weather. mirrorv. match or express the qualities, features, or feelings of someone or something 反映反映 e.g. This newspaper mirrors public opinions. 这家报纸反映公众舆论。这家报纸反映公众舆论。n. a piece of s

4、pecial flat glass that you can look at and see yourself in 镜子镜子 e.g. In the bathroom she put on some makeup while looking in the mirror. 在卫生间她对着镜子化了化妆。在卫生间她对着镜子化了化妆。ExercisesExercisesExercises mirror2. 他给太太和女儿都画了像,然后对他给太太和女儿都画了像,然后对 着镜子给自己也画了一张。着镜子给自己也画了一张。 He painted his wife, his daughter, and, wi

5、th the help of a mirror, himself. 1. 艺术反映社会,还是影响社会?艺术反映社会,还是影响社会? Does art mirror society, or shape it?ExercisesExercises purchase2. 他们刚刚在乡下买了一幢新房子。他们刚刚在乡下买了一幢新房子。 Theyve just purchased a new house in the country. 1. 购买这件商品你打算以什么方式付账呢?购买这件商品你打算以什么方式付账呢? How do you wish to pay for your purchase?Exerc

6、isesExercisesadvertisement n. 广告e.g. This advertisement is full of exaggeration. 这个广告满是夸张的言辞。这个广告满是夸张的言辞。我刚在报纸上看到你们的招聘广告,我刚在报纸上看到你们的招聘广告,我想应聘。我想应聘。 Ive just seen your advertisement for jobs in the newspaper and I would like to apply.ExercisesExercises economy2. 新总裁决定在公司里实行节俭。新总裁决定在公司里实行节俭。 The new p

7、resident has decided to practice economy in the company. 1. 加入世贸组织给中国的经济带来了哪加入世贸组织给中国的经济带来了哪 些好处?些好处? What did Chinas economy benefit from entering the WTO?ExercisesExercisesblind2. 爱情有时是盲目的。爱情有时是盲目的。 Love is sometimes blind. 1. 具有视觉和听觉能力的机器会给盲人的生活提供方便。具有视觉和听觉能力的机器会给盲人的生活提供方便。 Machines that can see

8、and hear will make life easier for the blind.3. 他的一只眼被弄瞎了。他的一只眼被弄瞎了。 He was blinded in one eye.ExercisesExercises judgment2. 车祸的主要原因几乎总是和驾驶员的驾车技术或临场判断有关。车祸的主要原因几乎总是和驾驶员的驾车技术或临场判断有关。 The main cause of a road accident almost always has something to do with the drivers driving skills or judgments. 1. 你

9、必须独立思考,不要依赖别人的看法或意见。你必须独立思考,不要依赖别人的看法或意见。 You must think by yourself; do not depend on others opinions or judgments.ExercisesExercisesannual2. 今年的大学年鉴已经出版了。今年的大学年鉴已经出版了。 The University Annual for this year has been published. 1. 人们应该把年收入的一部分存起来以备将来退休之用。人们应该把年收入的一部分存起来以备将来退休之用。 People should save a c

10、ertain part of their annual income for their future retirement.ExercisesExercisesmarriage n. 结婚;婚姻e.g. Love is the most important part of marriage. 爱情是婚姻最重要的组成部分。爱情是婚姻最重要的组成部分。有人说婚姻是爱情的坟墓。有人说婚姻是爱情的坟墓。 Some say marriage is the graveyard of love.ExercisesExercisespath n. 小径;小道e.g. The path to freedom

11、is not completely smooth. 通往自由的道路并不平坦。通往自由的道路并不平坦。两幢房子是分开的,中间有一条小道。两幢房子是分开的,中间有一条小道。 The two houses stand apart and there is a path between them.ExercisesExercisessteal v. 偷窃e.g. He was forced to steal for the debt. 由于欠债,他被迫偷东西。由于欠债,他被迫偷东西。小偷正要偷钱时被抓住了。小偷正要偷钱时被抓住了。 The thief was caught when he was tr

12、ying to steal the money. ExercisesExerciseswarn v. 警告;提醒e.g. I warn you not to go out alone after midnight. 我警告你不要在深夜独自外出。我警告你不要在深夜独自外出。狗露出牙齿时表示警告,摇摇尾巴狗露出牙齿时表示警告,摇摇尾巴则表示欢迎。则表示欢迎。 Dogs show their teeth to warn, wag their tails to welcome. materialn.【1】 cloth (衣服)料子(衣服)料子 e.g. This material washes eas

13、ily. 这种布料便于清洗。这种布料便于清洗。 【2】 anything from which something is or can be made; a natural or man-made substance 材料;原料;素材材料;原料;素材 e.g. What kind of material is the furniture made of? 那件家具是用哪种材料做成的?那件家具是用哪种材料做成的? adj. of or having an effect on real or solid matter or substance, not spirit 物质的物质的 e.g. The

14、 earthquake caused a great deal of material damage to the family. 地震给这个家庭造成了严重的物质损失。地震给这个家庭造成了严重的物质损失。 It wont do any good to satisfy the children with only material things. 一味满足孩子的物质需求是没有好处的。一味满足孩子的物质需求是没有好处的。ExercisesExercisesinjure n. 伤害;使受伤e.g. I hope I didnt injure her feelings. 我希望自己没有伤害到她的感情。

15、我希望自己没有伤害到她的感情。那个受伤的人直到今天早上才恢复了知觉。那个受伤的人直到今天早上才恢复了知觉。 The injured man didnt recover consciousness until this morning. ExercisesExercisesaccident n. 事故;意外的事e.g. Three people died in the traffic accident. 有有3 3个人在这场车祸中丧生。个人在这场车祸中丧生。他断定让那只动物走失绝不是个意外。他断定让那只动物走失绝不是个意外。 He concluded that letting that anim

16、al off was no accident. ExercisesExercises shake2. 在有些地方摇头表示赞同。在有些地方摇头表示赞同。 1. 一到会场,经理就同在座的每个人一一握手。一到会场,经理就同在座的每个人一一握手。 On arriving at the meeting, the manager shook hands with everyone present. A shake of the head in some places means Yes. monitorv. (of a person or machine) watch or listen to (some

17、thing) carefully over a certain period of time for a special purpose 监控监控 e.g. How do scientists monitor water to predict earthquakes? 科学家是如何通过监控水(的变化)来预测地震的?科学家是如何通过监控水(的变化)来预测地震的?n.【1】 a pupil chosen to help the teacher in various ways(学校的)班长(学校的)班长 e.g. As a monitor, you should set a good example

18、 for the rest of the class. 身为班长,你应该给班里其他人树立一个好的榜样。身为班长,你应该给班里其他人树立一个好的榜样。 【2】 a television set used in a television studio to see the picture that a television camera is receiving 监视器监视器 e.g. The monitor of this old computer only has a black-and-white display. 这台旧电脑的显示器只能显示黑白两色。这台旧电脑的显示器只能显示黑白两色。Ex

19、ercisesExercisesExercises monitor2. 自从她当选为班长后,她比以前学习更努力了。自从她当选为班长后,她比以前学习更努力了。 After she was elected the monitor of the class, she studied even harder than before. 1. 这是用来监测病人心跳的。这是用来监测病人心跳的。 This is used to monitor the patients heartbeats. 3. 借助银行监视器留下的记录,警察很快找到了劫匪。借助银行监视器留下的记录,警察很快找到了劫匪。 With the

20、record made by the monitor in the bank, the police soon found the robbers. spoilv.【1】 destroy the value, quality, or pleasure of; ruin 糟蹋;损坏糟蹋;损坏 e.g. The bad news has spoiled my day. 这个坏消息让我一整天都没有好心情这个坏消息让我一整天都没有好心情 【2】 make (esp. a child) selfish by too much generosity or giving too much attention

21、 or praise 宠坏;溺爱宠坏;溺爱 e.g. Grandparents tend to spoil their grandchildren. 爷爷奶奶容易宠坏孙辈。爷爷奶奶容易宠坏孙辈。ExercisesExercisesExercises spoil2. 这个小女孩被宠坏了。她要什么,爸爸妈妈就给她什么。这个小女孩被宠坏了。她要什么,爸爸妈妈就给她什么。 The little girl is terribly spoiled; her parents give her everything she asks for. 1. 这场暴风雨破坏了我们在海边度假的兴致。这场暴风雨破坏了我们在海边度假的兴致。 The storm spoiled our holiday on the beach.GREAT JOB!



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