中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 9B Modules 5-6(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版

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《中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 9B Modules 5-6(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 知识点回顾冲刺 Book 9B Modules 5-6(基础过关+考点透视+典例解析)课件 外研版(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B词汇考查 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词1I get up early in o_ to be on time.2My friends were all invited e_ me, so I felt sad.3Its good to b_ fresh country air instead of city smoke.4He has been ill and isnt f_ enough for work yet.5Dont ask me.Im not an e_

2、.rderxceptreatheitxpert6As a student, we must follow the school _(规章规章)7Its _(清清楚楚的的)that what you said has hurt his feeling.8The village where we lived ten years ago was very _(宁静的宁静的)9Weather has great _(影响影响)on ones feelings.10He often _(造成造成)a lot of trouble for his family.模块模块20 Modules520 Modu

3、les56, Book9B6, Book9Brulesclearpeacefuleffectcauses.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1This is your _(five) time to come to school late, Jenny.Sorry, Miss Yang. I wont next time.2 He went to bed after supper and soon fell _(sleep)3You should _(keep) to the path.4If you want to be thinner and healthier, youd be

4、tter eat _(little) food and take more exercise.模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9Basleepfifthkeepless5You must _(study) hard in order _ (catch) up with others.6You may _(need) a rest very soon.7The little girl fell asleep _ (listen) to the sound of music.8The important rule of our school is

5、 _ (arrive) at school on time.9Can I make just one _ (suggest) on how to deal with the problem?模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9Bstudy to catchneedlisteningarrivingsuggestion10Take care of yourself. You have to think about _ (person) safety.句型过关 . 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词1沿着这条小道走

6、,否则你会迷路。沿着这条小道走,否则你会迷路。_ _ the path, or youll lose the way. 2他太累了,不久就入睡了。他太累了,不久就入睡了。He was so tired that he _ _ soon. 模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BpersonalKeep tofell asleep3为了节省时间,露西乘坐了一辆出租车。为了节省时间,露西乘坐了一辆出租车。Lucy took a taxi _ _ _ save time. 4我们需要找个导游领路。我们需要找个导游领路。We need to find a

7、 guide to _ _ _. 5汤姆太矮了,不能够得如此高。汤姆太矮了,不能够得如此高。Tom is too short to _ _ so high. 模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9Bin order tolead the wayreach out.句型转换句型转换1Can I borrow a pen from you?(改为同义句改为同义句)Can you _ a pen _ me?2Ill write to you. Ill get to Beijing tomorrow. (用用as soon as合并为一个句子合并为一个句

8、子)Ill write to you as soon as _ _ _ Beijing tomorrow. 3She feels a bit cold. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ she feel?模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9Blend toI get / arrive to/ inHow does4Youd better go to the park today. (改为否定句改为否定句)Youd better _ _ to the park today.5I bought a book yesterday. The b

9、ook is very interesting. (改写成定语从句改写成定语从句)The book _ I bought yesterday _ very interesting.模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9Bnot gothat/which is短语集锦 1keep to 沿着沿着走走2go off 离开离开3get lost 迷路迷路4go rock climbing 去攀岩去攀岩5personal safety 个人安全个人安全6climb up 爬上爬上7come on 跟我来跟我来模块模块20 Modules520 Modul

10、es56, Book9B6, Book9B8lead the way 领路;带路领路;带路9be nervous about 对对感到紧张感到紧张10watch out 小心小心11fall asleep 入睡入睡12reach out 伸手去摸伸手去摸13look up 向上看向上看14turn round 转身转身15a bottle of 一瓶一瓶模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B16be careful 小心小心17at least 至少至少18in the sunshine 在阳光下在阳光下19plenty of 大量地大量地20

11、throwinto把把扔进扔进21wake up to sth. 认识到某事认识到某事22save ones life 挽救生命挽救生命23in order to 为了为了模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B24catch up 赶上赶上25look for 寻找寻找26wait a minute 等一会儿等一会儿27get a fever 发烧发烧28nothing serious 没有什么严重的没有什么严重的29be sure about 对对确信确信30stay safe 保持安全保持安全31keep fit 保持健康保持健康32tak

12、e drugs 吸毒吸毒模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B句型在线 1Watch out! 当心!当心!2see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事看见某人正在做某事3Whats happened to sb.?某人发生了什么事?某人发生了什么事?4倒装句:倒装句:There代词动词代词动词5have experience (in) doing sth.在做某事方面有经验在做某事方面有经验6cant stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事忍不住做某事模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6

13、, Book9B考点辨析辨析辨析1cause, reason与与excuse(1) cause意意为为“起起因因”,指指引引起起某某种种结结果果的的必必然然原原因因,常和常和effect连用,表示因果关系。连用,表示因果关系。(2) reason意意为为“理理由由”,指指用用以以解解释释某某些些已已发发生生的的事事情情的理由或借口。的理由或借口。(3) excuse意意为为“借借口口”,指指为为免免受受指指责责和和推推卸卸责责任任而而找找的理由。的理由。模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B考点透视考点透视根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句

14、子。(1)又迟到了,你这次有什么借口?又迟到了,你这次有什么借口?Late again! Whats your _ this time?(2)造成这一事故的原因是什么?造成这一事故的原因是什么?What was the _ of the accident?(3)我想知道你为什么迟到。我想知道你为什么迟到。I want to know the _ why youre late.答案答案 (1)excuse (2)cause(3)reason模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B辨析辨析2die of与与die from(1)die of意意为为“

15、因因而而死死”,强强调调内内因因,如如疾疾病病、饥饥饿饿、悲伤等。悲伤等。(2)die from意意为为“由由于于而而死死”,强强调调外外因因,如如受受伤伤、灾害、事故等。灾害、事故等。模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B考点透视考点透视根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)那位士兵因受伤而死。那位士兵因受伤而死。The soldier _ a wound. (2)他的祖父在他的祖父在1958年死于饥饿。年死于饥饿。His grandfather _ hunger in 1958.答案答案 (1)died from (2)died

16、of模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B辨析辨析3have gone to与与have been to(1)have gone to意意为为“到到某某地地去去了了”,说说话话时时该该人人不不在在现现场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语。场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语。(2)have been to意意为为“曾曾经经去去过过某某地地”,现现在在已已不不在在那那里里了了,后后可可接接次次数数,如如once, twice,three times等等,表表示示“去去过过某地几次某地几次”,也可和,也可和 just,never

17、,ever等连用。等连用。模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B考点透视考点透视根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)王先生不在这儿。他去上海了。王先生不在这儿。他去上海了。Mr Wang isnt here. He _ Shanghai.(2)我从未去过长城。我从未去过长城。I _ never _ the Great Wall.答案答案 (1)has gone to (2)have, been to模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B中考透视 ( )1.2012枣枣庄庄 _ you

18、 dance? We need some more actors for the talent show. A. Need B. ShallC. Must D. Can()2.His grandfather died _ a car accident in 2009.Aof Bwith Cfor Dfrom模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BDD()3.2012重庆重庆 Where is your cousin?He _an English exam now.A. has B. had C. has had D. is having()4.2

19、012毕毕节节 Were you at home at 9:00 last night? I called you but nobody answered. Sorry, I _at that time.A. take a shower B. took a showerC. was taking a shower D. am taking a shower()5.2012绵绵阳阳 I began watching here an hour ago, but now nothing _yet.模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BCDDA. ha

20、ppens B. will happenC. happened D. has happened()6.Why didnt Sally play the violin at the concert last night?She said that her hand hurt, but that was only a(n) _.I saw her play tennis just now.Acause Bexcuse Creason Dexpression 模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BB根据后面的根据后面的yet可知用完成时态。可知用完成

21、时态。()7.You cant sneeze and keep your eyes _ at the same time.Aopen Bopens Copened Dopening ()8.Tom _ the USA.He _ back in two months.Ahas gone to; comes Bhas gone to; will be Chas been to; comes Dhas been to; will be 模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BAB考查结构考查结构keep sth.adj.,形容词作宾语的补足语;,形容词

22、作宾语的补足语; open 既是动词既是动词(开开)又是形容词又是形容词(开着的开着的)。()9.Lets discuss it after the meeting, _?Awill you Bdont weCwont you Dshall we ( )10.2012黄黄冈冈 _I do the laundry first?No, you _. You can do your homework first.A. Must; mustnt B. Can; mustntC. Must; neednt D. May; neednt模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B

23、6, Book9BDCLets的反意疑问句是的反意疑问句是shall we。. 2012随州随州 任务型阅读任务型阅读Children know that summer is probably the most fun of all seasons. However, experts say that it is also the most dangerous, especially for children aged 14 and under. In its first study of childrens safety in US, the National Safe Kids Campa

24、ign (NSKC) found that nearly half of the injuryrelated (与与受受伤伤相相关的关的) deaths among children happen in summer.Experts are also surprised by the studys result. They always know summer is a dangerous season for children. During the summer, children are out of school and spend more time outdoors. They a

25、re more likely to get into an accident. 模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B “While we encourage children to be active and spend time outdoors, they need to understand the importance of safety.” said Everett Koop, an expert of the NSKC.To help children stay safe, the NSKC started a “Make it

26、a Safe Kids Summer” campaign (运运动动) during National Safe Kids Week, from May 5 to May 12.Here are some important summer safety tips from the NSKC:Always wear your seat belt.Make sure there is an adult around when you decide to go swimming.模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BWear a life jacke

27、t(救救生生衣衣)when on a boat doing water sports.Obey all traffic laws.根据短文内容回答下列问题。根据短文内容回答下列问题。1Why is summer the most dangerous season of the year in the US?_2How long did the “Make it a Safe Kids Summer” campaign last?模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9B Nearly half of the injuryrelated deaths among children happen in summer._3How many summer safety tips does the NSKC provide?_4Whats the purpose of writing this passage?_模块模块20 Modules520 Modules56, Book9B6, Book9BAbout a week, from May 5 to May 12.Four.To tell children to take care of themselves.



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