商务英语综合教程上册Unit 8 The Cots of Economic Growth

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1、 Unit Eight The Costs of Economic GrowthUnit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthIntroduction The economy has developed greatly in the past years, and peoples life has changed a lot with invention of telephones, automobiles, computers etc. However, the weather is becoming warmer and warmer; the air and wa

2、ter are polluted more and more seriously. Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth Text Exercises Related Technical Terms GrammarUnit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 1 Citizens and scholars are today raising a fundamental question: Is economic growth desirable? Or to put it only slightly less grandly: whe

3、n a society has reached a stage of wealth where all the necessities of life and a high (historical standards) degree of comfort have been assured to the overwhelming number of its citizens, does it thereby reach a stage when the costs of growth begin to exceed its benefits, when its energies should

4、properly be turned in other directions?Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 2 This is not an altogether new question. Even in the nineteenth century, the great philosopher economist John Stuart Mill yearned for the day when mankind would look for “better things” than a continuation of the consta

5、nt “struggle for riches”. Mill wrote: Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 3 I confess I am not charmed with an ideal of life held out by those who think that the normal state of human beings is that of struggling to get on; that the trampling, crushing, elbowing and treading on each others heel

6、s, which form the existing type of social life, are the most desirable lot of humankind, or anything but the disagreeable symptoms of one of the phases of industrial progress.Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 4 Mill actually looked forward to the coming of a “stationary state,” providing, of

7、course, that the population problem (which had worried his predecessors, Malthus and Ricardo) could be handled and a decent standard of life could be guaranteed to the working classes. Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 5 In the United States in the eighth decade of the twentieth century, we h

8、ave achieved a standard of life for the average man that far exceeds anything that Mill had hoped for. In consequence, there are those who argue that the time has now come to reconsider the pivotal role of economic growth in our social life. The argument has many variants, but it is built around two

9、 fundamental themes.Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 6 The first theme stresses the declining benefits of modern growth in the affluent society. Why do we want more goods, the critics ask. Certainly not out of economic necessity. Not even for added material comfort; historically, men have be

10、en content with far less abundance than we now enjoy. Essentially, they answer, we want more goods because a growing society creates the very wants that it in turn supplies. These wants may be created by other consumers in the manner of “keeping up with the Joneses: My neighbor has a new and fancy a

11、utomobile and thus I, too, must have a new and fancy automobile. Or they may be created by theText Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth industrial producers through advertising and other means of public persuasion-if you do not buy such-and-such a product, your personal and social life will be jeopar

12、dized if not ruined. In either case, a kind of self-canceling process of want creation and want-satisfaction is established. If I buy more because my neighbor buys more, and if he buys more because I buy more, then we can both keep on accumulating purchases indefinitely without either being any bett

13、er off than if we had remained content with less in the beginning. Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthText Similarly, in the case of producer-induced demand, business firms advertise to convince the consumers that they need the goods that they would not have missed had the advertising and the a

14、dditional production never occurred.Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 7 Few critics would claim that these are the only motives that make consumers wish additional goods-one may want to buy more records or books, for example, simply because one likes to listen to music or to read-but such motives

15、clearly do enter into many of our purchases and , to this degree, the benefits that accrue from still additional economic growth are far less than they appear in the statistics. As the society becomes ever more affluent, these benefits can be expected continually to decline.Text Unit 8 The Costs of

16、Economic Growth 8 The second theme of this argument, and increasingly the more important theme, has to do with the costs of economic growth. Growth has always had associated costs. At the time of the English Industrial Revolution, there was the tremendous dislocation in the traditional pattern of li

17、fe that the birth of the industrial system involved. Indeed, even the measurement of growth is made difficult by the fact that many of the products that we include in our GNP may actually be nothing but costs of an industrial-urban society. Suppose we lay tracks andText Unit 8 The Costs of Economic

18、Growth set up a commuter train service from the suburbs to the city. Should we consider this act of production an addition to GNP, or should we argue that commuter services are simply a required cost of having an industrial-urban society and would have no value, were our society organized differentl

19、y? Within the category of costs of growth, critics can point to a number of effects that amount to a catalog of the weaknesses of our industrial-urban society. Our air is becoming befouled with chemicals and smog. Our streams and rivers are being polluted with industrial wastes and detergents. We ar

20、e despoiling out natural resource base. Our fields, meadows, and forests are being defaced by highways and billboards.Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 9 The critics of growth emphasize these and other deficiencies arising from the growth process, while ate the same time pointing to the decli

21、ning benefits (at least for the rich countries) that this process brings. They ask: Is it not a paradox that the affluent society should be creating not great works of art, beauty, and culture, but the megalopolis, the freedom and the slum? (912 words)Text Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 1. Citi

22、zens and scholars are today raising a fundamental question: Is economic growth desirable? Notes 如如今今,公公民民和和学学者者们们都都提提出出了了一一个个根根本本问问题题:经经济济增增长长是是否可取?否可取? Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 2. to put it only slightly less grandly 用一种通俗的话来说用一种通俗的话来说 Notes Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 3. Mill ac

23、tually looked forward to the coming of a “stationary state,” providing, of course, that the population problem could be handled and a decent standard of life could be guaranteed to the working classes. 这句话中的这句话中的providing 作连词用,含义为:以作连词用,含义为:以为条件,为条件,相当于相当于provided. stationary state稳定状态稳定状态Notes Unit

24、 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 4. The argument has many variants, but it is built around two fundamental themes. 争议的形式各有不同,但都是围绕两个主题的。争议的形式各有不同,但都是围绕两个主题的。 Variants:变体,不同的形式。:变体,不同的形式。 Notes Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 5. out of economic necessity Notes 出自于经济需要出自于经济需要 Unit 8 The Costs of Ec

25、onomic Growth 6. “keeping up with the Jones” Notes 意意为为“赶赶上上琼琼斯斯家家”,指指与与他他人人攀攀比比,非非要要胜胜任任一一筹筹的的行行事事方方式式。Jones Jones 是是非非常常普普通通的的英英文文名名字字,此此处处指指左左邻邻右舍、亲朋同事等。右舍、亲朋同事等。 Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 7. Similarly, in the case of producer-induced demand, business firms advertise to convince the con

26、sumers that they need the goods that they would not have missed had the advertising and the additional production never occurred. Notes To convince the consumers 后带一个以后带一个以that 引导的名词引导的名词从句作宾语。其中包含一个从句作宾语。其中包含一个that 引导的定语从句修饰引导的定语从句修饰the goods.这个定语从句中用的是虚拟语气,这个定语从句中用的是虚拟语气,hadnever occurred是条件句的一种形式

27、,相当于是条件句的一种形式,相当于ifhad never occurred. Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 8. Indeed, even the measurement of growth is made difficult by the fact that many of the products that we include in our GNP may actually be nothing but costs of an industrial-urban society. Notes 名词从句作名词从句作fact的同位语。其中的同位语。其中

28、that we include in our GNP是定语从句修饰是定语从句修饰products. Costs of an industrial-urban society工业城市社会所工业城市社会所 付出的代价。付出的代价。 Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth I. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What is the fundamental question raised by citizens and scholars concerning economic growt

29、h today?2. What did the great economist John Stuart Mill yearn for? What is a “stationary state”?3. What does the first theme stress? According to this idea, why do people want more goods? 4. What is the second theme of the argument? Explain the relation between growth and costs.5. What are the cost

30、s the economics growth in your opinion?Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthII. Word Study. Exercises 1. In English, the prefixes pre and -post are used to form nouns and adjectives e.g. graduate postgraduate. Complete the following table Verb Noun VerbNounwar marital atomic mature datemedic

31、al facelaw Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthExercises KeyVerb Noun Verb Nounwar postwar marital premarital atomic post atomic mature premature date post date medical premedical face post face law pre law Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth2. Fill in the blanks. 1. _ changes have taken place in Chi

32、na in the past ten years.2. The man _ the importance of careful driving to his son, who had just got a driving license.3. Did you get much _ from your holiday? Or did you learn something about Australian culture?4. The Sales Manager wrote a report to the General Manager the inform him the _ sales in

33、 Shanghai branch. decline benefit emphasize exceed accumulate consequence tremendous motive overwhelm desirable Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth5. The village was _ by a terrible flood, and all the houses were destroyed.6. If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the _.7. Mr. Wang don

34、ated so much money to the poor students from the _ of kindness.8. Dust soon _ if the rooms are not swept.9. It is most _ that he should attend the conference.10. They finally won the opponent and the success _ all expectations. Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 1. tremendous 2 emphasized 3 benefit

35、 4 declining 5 overwhelmed 6. consequences 7. motives 8. accumulates 9 desirable 10. exceedKey Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth3. Choose right answers to fill in the blanks.1. The excellent reviews given to the film _ its success. A. lostB. ensuredC. destroyedD. led2. There was a heated

36、 dispute over the _ of the factory. A. ownerB. titleC. ownershipD. power3. The goods must be packed according to the buyers _ or the buyer wont make the payment. A. instructions B. orderC. inspirationD. construction4. If the buyers fail to _ the vessel in time, the sellers shall have the right to cl

37、aim compensation for their losses. A. disperse B. dispelC. dispenseD. dispatch5. The company _ its customers a new catalogue every half year. A. formulates B. requiresC. forwardsD. dispatchExercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth6. The committee will _ a report after a full investigation. A. pr

38、esentB. preserve C. presideD. press7. The teacher was so impatient that the students always answered his questions _. A. carelessly B. freelyC. bravelyD. cautiously8. Under the _ he felt unable to accept the job. A. rules B. circumstances C. occasionD. convention9. The customs _ require that the lab

39、el should be visible from the outside. A. regulations B. practiceC. operationsD. documents10. The manufactures wont take the _ for damage caused by misuses. A. duty B. responsibilityC. reliabilityD. reputationExercises 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. A 10.B Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Gr

40、owth. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 收货人要提取货物,必须向船长或其代理出示他的提单。收货人要提取货物,必须向船长或其代理出示他的提单。2. 像征收进口关税一样,各国对其进口的某些类型的商品进行数像征收进口关税一样,各国对其进口的某些类型的商品进行数量上的限制,从而保护国产商品。量上的限制,从而保护国产商品。3. 国际贸易和国内贸易不同,通常比国内贸易难做。国际贸易和国内贸易不同,通常比国内贸易难做。4. 最重要的是提单,它能证明对商品的所有权。最重要的是提单,它能证明对商品的所有权。5. 进口商要求自己的银行向出口

41、商国家的通知行或代理行开出信进口商要求自己的银行向出口商国家的通知行或代理行开出信用证。用证。6. 货物应在汇票到期之前运到其海外目的地。货物应在汇票到期之前运到其海外目的地。7. 商业发票是最常用的和最重要的出口单证之一。商业发票是最常用的和最重要的出口单证之一。8. 如果进口商收到的单证有差错,将导致征收重税或处以罚金。如果进口商收到的单证有差错,将导致征收重税或处以罚金。 Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 1.To take possession of the goods, the consignee must show his

42、or her copy of the bill to the captain of the vessel or his representative 2.As well as charging import duties, countries often restrict the numbers of certain types of goods coming in so that their home products are protected. 3.International trade is different and generally more difficult than tra

43、de at home. 4.The most important is the bill of lading, which proves ownership. Exercises KeyUnit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 5.The importer requests his own bank to send a letter of credit to an advising or corresponding bank in the exporters country. 6.The goods should arrive at their overseas

44、destination before the bill matures. 7.THE commercial invoice is one of the most common and important export documents. 8.If the documents received by the importer have mistake, it may lead to excessive duties or fines and penalties.Exercises KeyUnit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthV. Translate the fo

45、llowing sentences in the text into Chinese. 1. Even in the nineteenth century, the great philosopher economist John Stuart Mill yearned for the day when mankind would look for “better things” than a continuation of the constant “struggle for riches”. 2. In consequence, there are those who argue that

46、 the time has now come to reconsider the pivotal role of economic growth in our social life. 3. Not even for added material comfort; historically, men have been content with far less abundance than we now enjoy. Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 4. Similarly, in the case of producer-indu

47、ced demand, business firms advertise to convince the consumers that they need the goods that they would not have missed had the advertising and the additional production never occurred. 5. Indeed, even the measurement of growth is made difficult by the fact that many of the products that we include

48、in our GNP may actually be nothing but costs of an industrial-urban society. Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthKey Exercises 1. 早在早在19世纪的时候,伟大的哲学家,经济学家约翰世纪的时候,伟大的哲学家,经济学家约翰斯图亚特斯图亚特穆勒就向往穆勒就向往 有一天人类所追求的是更加美好的东西而不是不停争夺财富。有一天人类所追求的是更加美好的东西而不是不停争夺财富。2. 结果,有人提出争议,要重新考虑经济增长在社会生活中的至关重要的结果,有人提出争议,

49、要重新考虑经济增长在社会生活中的至关重要的 作用的时间已经到来。作用的时间已经到来。3. 甚至不是为物质方面的舒适,甚至不是为物质方面的舒适, 从历史上看,从历史上看, 和我们现在富裕的生活相和我们现在富裕的生活相 比,人们生活得并不富足但很知足。比,人们生活得并不富足但很知足。4. 同样,在生产商诱导需求的情况下,公司会利用广告宣传来说服消费者同样,在生产商诱导需求的情况下,公司会利用广告宣传来说服消费者 购买这些商品,说他们恰恰需要。如果没有这些广告也没有增加生产的购买这些商品,说他们恰恰需要。如果没有这些广告也没有增加生产的 话,原本这些消费者是从来就没惦记着要买这些商品的。话,原本这些

50、消费者是从来就没惦记着要买这些商品的。5. 实际上,甚至对于经济增长的衡量都是很难的,因为事实上许多我们计实际上,甚至对于经济增长的衡量都是很难的,因为事实上许多我们计 入国民生产总值的产品仅仅是工业城市社会所付出的代价。入国民生产总值的产品仅仅是工业城市社会所付出的代价。Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth VI. Write a summary of the text in about 120 words.Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth VII. Write a one-paragraph com

51、position entitled “International Marketing Research and Management”. Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth VIII. Discuss with your partner the reasons why marketing and marketing research are necessary in business activities.Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 1. economic growth Th

52、e rate at which the national income of a country increases. It is usu. measured by calculating the gross national product (G.N.P), esp. per head of the population, of the country concerned. But other measures are also used such as: the increase of capital investment; increase of output per worker em

53、ployed; improvement in the general standard of living, esp. as reflected by an increase in real wages; and the growth of population. Related Technical Terms Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthRelated Technical Terms 经经济济增增长长 一一个个国国家家国国民民收收入入的的增增长长率率。通通常常是是按按有有关关 国国家家的的国国民民生生产产总总值值(尤尤其其是是按按人人口口平平均均计计

54、算算)来来衡衡量量。如如:资资本本投投资资的的增增长长,每每个个就就业业工工人人生生产产量量的的增增长长,一一般般生生 活活 水水 平平 的的 提提 高高 , 尤尤 其其 是是 实实 际际 工工 资资 的的 增增 长长 。Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthRelated Technical Terms Opp. economic stagnation.经经 济济 停停 滞滞 。Sustainable growth, a condition when the real per capita income and the real gross national

55、product of a country are increasing, giving higher employment and a better standard of living for most people. 持续增长,是一个国家的实际人均收入和实际国民生产总持续增长,是一个国家的实际人均收入和实际国民生产总值都有所增长,并能为人民提供较高的就业率和较高的生值都有所增长,并能为人民提供较高的就业率和较高的生活水平。活水平。Unit 8 The Costs of Economic GrowthUnit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth 2. necessi

56、ty necessities are those goods on which poorer people spend a larger proportion of their incomes than richer people. A necessity is contrasted with a luxury, which is a good or service whose consumption rises more than in proportion to income. Related Technical Terms Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Gro

57、wth 3. consumer A person whose wants are satisfied by producers; a person who consumes (uses or uses up) the products and services that he buys, and who does not resell them. 消消费费者者 由由生生产产者者满满足足其其需需要要的的人人。消消费费他他购购买买的的产产品和劳务,且不再转售出去的人。品和劳务,且不再转售出去的人。Related Technical Terms Unit 8 The Costs of Economi

58、c Growth Grammar Past Participle 1. Complete the following sentences. Model: _ (如果给他这次机会如果给他这次机会), he wouldnt hesitate to do the same thing again. Given the opportunity(如果给他这次机会如果给他这次机会), he wouldnt hesitate to do the same thing again. 1. _(由于受他父亲的影响由于受他父亲的影响), he gave up the study of music and bega

59、n to study medicine. 2. _(在几个当地人的陪同下在几个当地人的陪同下), Mr. Lee set off the village where the couple lived. 3. _(他伪装成一个商人他伪装成一个商人), he went to the enemy-occupied area. 4. The wedding_(全世界大约七亿观众观看的全世界大约七亿观众观看的) was glittering. 5.The musical group_ (完全有音乐学院的老师和学生组成完全有音乐学院的老师和学生组成) is headed by an associated

60、professor.Grammar Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth1. Influenced by his father2. Accompanied by some local people3. Disguised as a merchant4. watched by some 700million television viewers around the world5. composed entirely of teachers and students from Shanghai Music ConservatoryKey Gr

61、ammar Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth2.Rewrite the following sentences according to the model given below. Model:A fortress is the most vulnerable when attacked from within. (表表时间).A fortress is the most vulnerable when it is attacked from within.1.Viewed from the distance, the pond is

62、 like a mirror set on a green carpet. _, the pond is like a mirror set on a green carpet.2. Exhausted by the journey, we soon fell asleep. _, we soon fell asleep.Grammar Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth3. Compared with advanced units , we still have along way to go. _, we still have alo

63、ng way to go.4. Threatened by shell explosions, Bethune refused to move to a safer place. _, Bethune refused to move to a safer place.5. She decided to learn to walk, aided by crutches. She decided to learn to walk, _.Grammar Exercises Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth1. When it is viewed from the distance2. Because we were exhausted by the journey3. If we are compared with advanced units4. Although he was threatened by shell explosions,5. she was aided by crutchesKey Grammar Exercises



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