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1、第一部分第一部分 系统复习系统复习 成绩基石成绩基石九年级九年级第第 18 18 讲讲Unit 3Unit 3Unit 4Unit 4要点梳理要点梳理过关过关.词形转换1The police asked me to describe _exactly_ how it happened.(exact)2We know Lincoln is not only a president but also a great _speaker_(speak)3He answered the teachers question _correctly_.(correct)42017临沭一模Teacher Li

2、gave us some _suggestions_ about how to improve our pronunciation.(suggest)5Can you tell me which _direction_ your room faces?(direct)62017蒙阴一模John thinks people will help him if he asks for help _politely_(polite)7Next,Ill give an _introduction_ to you.(introduce)8Mr.Zhang went to _Africa_ on busin

3、ess last week.(African)9Richard is a _European_ boy.He is very friendly to everyone.(Europe).单项填空10Please dont talk about _B_ problems in public.It will make me shy.Aserious BprivateCcreative Dconvenient11The shop is at the _A_ of Wall Street and Long Road.Acorner Bcourse Cclerk Daddress12When Mary

4、saw me,she didnt say hello to me but went in the opposite _B_Arequest BdirectionCpattern Dsituation13If you behave _C_,others will think you are _Apolite;polite Bpolite;politelyCpolitely;polite Dpolitely;politely14Miss Li seems very happy.Thats because all of Toms answers are _B_.Awrong BcorrectCimp

5、ossible Dunpleasant15I always keep a dictionary _D_ me when I read an English newspaper so that I can look new words up in it.Ainto Bamong Calong Dbeside16Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest flower store?Sure.Go along this street until you _B_ a bookstore.The flower store is next to i

6、t.Alook for Bpass byCset up Dwalk into17It is _C_ to enter other peoples rooms without knocking at the door first.Apolite Bpatient Cimpolite Dactive18One of the most _A_ ways to get around a city is by taxi.Aconvenient BseriousCdifficult Dexpensive19You should say sorry to your father for the mistak

7、e you made,Tom.I dont _D_ to meet his eyes.What if he gets angry with me?Aneed Bhave Crefuse Ddare20The government tried to deal _D_ the problem of homelessness in the city.Aabout Bin Con Dwith21The famous singer will come and sing for us _A_,so I will go to the concert tonight.Ain person Btake care

8、 ofClook after Dall the time22Linda did her best in the physics test,but she _D_ it.Abeat BsucceededCpassed Dfailed23Mr.Lee is really good at telling jokes.This makes him a popular teacher.Youve got the point.Students all like _C_ teachers.Akind BcarefulChumorous Dpolite高频考点高频考点精讲精讲考点考点1 1 suggestsu

9、ggest的用法的用法I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.我建议去水上世界的水城餐厅。 Unit 3 P19【透析】 suggest作动词,意为“建议;提议”,其名词形式为suggestion。其常用句型为:suggest sth.(to sb.),意为“(向某人)建议某事”。如:Ill suggest a new plan to my manager.我要向我的经理建议一项新的计划。suggest (sb.) doing sth.,意为“建议(某人)做某事”。 如:He suggested going swimming this af

10、ternoon.他建议今天下午去游泳。suggestthat从句,当表示“建议做某事”时,从句谓语应使用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”结构,且should可省略。如:I suggested that we solve the problem in another new way.我建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题。 考点考点2 2 辨析辨析turnturn,becomebecome和和getget.his face always turned red when he talked to girls!当他和女孩说话时脸总是会变红! Unit 4 P26turn变成多用于在颜色或性质等方面的

11、变化,强调变化的结果The man turned blue with fear.那个男人吓得脸色发青。become变得;成为通常指身份、职位的变化,强调变化的过程已完成She became an English teacher.她成为了一名英语老师。get变得多用于口语,表示一种变化过程,强调“渐渐变得”,其后常接形容词比较级In winter,the days get shorter.在冬天,白天渐渐变短。考点考点3 3 辨析辨析used to doused to do,be / get used to doingbe / get used to doing,be used to be us

12、ed to dodo与与be used for doingbe used for doingCandy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.坎迪告诉我她过去非常害羞,并用唱歌来应对她的羞涩。 Unit 4 P27如:He used to live in a small village,but now he has been used to living in a big city.他过去住在一个小村庄里,但是现在他习惯住在大城市里。Wood is used to

13、make paper.木材被用来造纸。Knives are used for cutting things.刀可以用来切东西。考点考点4 4 辨析辨析 proud proud与与prideprideI know my parents love me and theyre always proud of me.我知道我父母爱我,并且他们经常为我自豪 Unit 4 P30proud 形容词自豪的;骄傲的 常用短语be proud ofpride名词自豪;骄傲常用短语take pride in如:I am proud of our great country.I take pride in our

14、great country.我为我们伟大的祖国而感到骄傲。 关联语法链接关联语法链接语法:特殊疑问句的宾语从句见P166考点即时考点即时运用运用单项填空1考点32016莒南一模 She used _ on the right in China,so she is not used _ on the left in England at first.Ato drive;to drive Bto drive;driveCto driving;to driving Dto drive;to driving2考点1I suggested him _ up the foolish idea.Agivin

15、g Bgive Cto give Dgave3考点1I want to listen to a new song.Could you give me some advice?I _ Superhero by Deng Chao.It sounds relaxing.Aguess Bsuggest Cpromise DexpectDC B 4考点4Mom,I was the first to reach the top of the mountain.Good job,Jack!Im _ of you.Acareful Bproud Ctired Dafraid5考点32017年沂水一模This

16、 sign is used _ tourists to stay away from the lion in the zoo.Ato warn Bto warningCto make Dto making6考点4Your mother always _ in you,right?Atake pride Btake proudCtakes pride Dtakes proudB A C 7考点2When spring comes,trees begin to _ green.Asound Btaste Ckeep Dturn8语法My grandmother always asks me _.Awhy can she use the iPadBhow can she use the iPadChow she can use the iPadDwhen can she use the iPadD C



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